I am here and very excited at your opportunity! The place where you stayed last year seemed so nice. Have fun planning!
Thank you Piper! :goodvibes It is a really nice resort and I have already contacted them to ask for the same unit, it possible. It was perfect!
Wooooo! Hoooooo! I am beyond excited that you're going back to Florida!
YEA LISA!! Thanks for being such a great cheerleader! :cheer2:
So excited for you Judy that you and the family are going back to Florida and going back to GKTW.
KATHY! So happy to see you, Thanks for being excited for us!! :flower3:
Aaaaaaa, Judy!!!! So excited for you guys!!! What a blessing!!!!
Jennie!!! That picture of you was va va voom!! You should post it so everybody know you could be a celebrity yourself! Thanks for being excited for us, I still can't believe it! :yay:
:woohoo: Joining in and I made page 1!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:

Thanks for the invite! :hug:

So great that you guys are getting a return trip, and of course sacrificing of yourselves while you are there volunteering at GKTW!!! I would expect nothing less from such big GIVERS!!!! :goodvibes
MARV!!! you know I couldn't forget you , my friend! I know you are a busy man and probably wouldn't see it otherwise. :lovestruc

We are beyond thrilled to go back to volunteer at GKTW. It was one of the first things the children asked if we could do when we told them about the trip. NOw if we can just get it al coordinated we have less time than last year to coordinate it all. Shifts fill up fast!
Yay!!! That was so nice of Pete's brother! What a blessing! I am so happy for your family and am thrilled that I get to follow you along in life's newest adventure. :goodvibes
It WAS kind of him Erica, I am so happy everything fell in to place so we could go! Thank you for being here. Praying all is well at your house. :hug:
So happy for you :goodvibes
Christi, so happy you are here, Thank you! Praying you are feeling better and getting back to a routine. :hug:
WOW! Judy that is awesome! Your family must be excited beyond description:banana::banana:

thanks for the heads up.
Mary Ellen, I could never forget you! Thanks for joining in! Now if I was just a DVC member like you!! :woohoo: That is SO exciting!!
Fantastic news. I hope Lisa is feeling better today.
Thanks for letting me know you are here! :goodvibes Lia is getting better each day, PTL!
That's fantastic news Judy! Can't wait to hear more about it ;)
Patti, so happy you are here! We are so incredibly excited. :banana:
Yay for another trip to Fl. Hope Lisa ia feeling better.

In full potty training mode here hoping and praying Annabelle will get it.

Always praying!!!
Racehl, I know you are exceptionally busy, I really appreciate your signing in! I am happy you are here, but I DON'T envy you potty training! I hope it goes well and you are sharing how easy it was soon! lIsa IS better, Thank you for your prayers! :goodvibes
Thanks for the heads up.

Congrats!!!! What a wonderful blessing just as you needed it.

Jill in CO
I couldn't forget you, always glad to see you sign in. :goodvibes We are considering KSC again, although David was concerned it might have been affected by the sequestration. I need to check it out.
Hopefully you are able to get in a park!
ERIN! Thank you for joining us, I am eager to see just what I can work out. I am so excited YOU will be back in at Disney in a very short time, you must be SO excited!!
So glad I decided to check in today :cool1:

Thanks for PMing to let me know.

Yeah for another trip. I am so happy for all of you.
Michelle, I have missed you, I am glad you checked in as well! :goodvibes You know I had to let you know! :love: I am still so surprised and excited, it is hard to believe!

:dance3::dance3: Great news!!! :dance3::dance3:

Oh and I am here!!
YEA MICHELE!!! I knew you would be happy for us, Thank you! And please keep sharing all that is going on! I can't wait to read all about it.
Oh Judy Im so happy to hear that! The only thing that would make me happier is if it was during the time we were planning on being there so I could finally meet you in person. I'm so glad this news perked you all up. You so deserve it.
KRYSTAL!! I so wish you would be there as well, that would be the best...someday we will meet, I am sure of it! I KNEW you would be thrilled for has been such a HUGE lift to our spirits! I KNOW you understand! :goodvibes
Woohoo!! Another trip in the making. Thanks so much for the heads up! I'm so happy ya'll get to return soon!!

We won't be able to meet up with you during your dates this tim;, but hopefully we can meet up before your trip as I'll be in your neck of the woods.
Michelle, really happy to see you here. :goodvibes I STILL can't believe how things are falling in to place! It is amazing!

I know how hard it is to meet up anyway, so this takes the pressure off of you! :thumbsup2 When are you all coming through, I hope we can plan a time to see you that works with both our schedules.

So happy for you!

Will be following along even if I don't post much!

Thanks for letting me know you are here Debbie just happy to know you are reading. :goodvibes
Yea!!! I'm so excited for you! The planning is half the fun! Ruth
Thank you Ruth, I agree with you, I love to plan/dream! I said I didn't have enough time before we left, I like to have everything planned out as much as I can. THRILLED you are here!
Oh my gosh, my PM box has exploded again...I am not starting out well, am I . :worried:

I do want to share, the children know about the trip. Pete and I decided to tell them Sunday night at dinner, instead of keeping it a was amazing how the news perked everybody up and the ideas have been flowing! It is also very exciting for me to NOT have to keep things a secret and I can bounce ideas off of them...and they have been searching the Internet for fun/interesting activities...It is just a happy, happy time! :yay::dance3::yay:
that is so cool. I wanna go back to Florida :(

I couldn't forget you, always glad to see you sign in. :goodvibes We are considering KSC again, although David was concerned it might have been affected by the sequestration. I need to check it out.

Contact your Congressperson's office to see about getting free tickets. I've heard you may need to keep on them but they have a certain amounts of tickets to give to their constituents.

Jill in CO
Judy!!!! We just got back from our niece's wedding in CA and I saw your new report!! Soooo excited for you all!!!!
This is great news! Thanks for the PM, it made my awful day at work simply vanish from my mind when I read your awesome news. NOW- get planning!
I'm here! I'm so excited for you. You guys are going to have so much fun! I love researching to find things to do on vacation. Can't wait to live vicariously as this adventure takes shape!!
Isn't it just great how the Lord sends us things just at the right time? I'm praying for good health for everyone for the next 86 days and a wonderful trip.
Thank you so much for the PM to let me know about this thread. I have been worried. I was without power for 22 hours from Monday morning until Tuesday morning due to a sudden storm with 70 mph winds. When I logged on I couldn't find your TR.
I am so happy that you get to go to Florida again.:cool1: My soon to be (step)nieces were just talking about GKTW yesterday. They went about 8 years ago with their half-brother on his MAW trip. They are 18 & 20 now and just loved it there. We were planning my soon to sister-in-law's bridal shower and naturally the talk soon turned to Disney!

ERIN! Thank you for joining us, I am eager to see just what I can work out. I am so excited YOU will be back in at Disney in a very short time, you must be SO excited!!

Michelle, I have missed you, I am glad you checked in as well! :goodvibes You know I had to let you know! :love: I am still so surprised and excited, it is hard to believe!

YEA MICHELE!!! I knew you would be happy for us, Thank you! And please keep sharing all that is going on! I can't wait to read all about it.

KRYSTAL!! I so wish you would be there as well, that would be the best...someday we will meet, I am sure of it! I KNEW you would be thrilled for has been such a HUGE lift to our spirits! I KNOW you understand! :goodvibes

Well, I have this great article that the local paper did about Loren.

Here is the latest picture of the house. At least now there are no more looters or squatters. To me this is the picture of progress. They are starting part pf the rebuild. They are going to remove the upper floor still because there was a building flaw and frankly it was a bit burned too. They are waiting on the trusses to do that part. Now I have the arduous task of picking out all of the things I want.

Judy!!!! We just got back from our niece's wedding in CA and I saw your new report!! Soooo excited for you all!!!!

Was it beautiful? I wish the weather had been better for you.
Hi! Thank you for inviting me! I will try to do a better job of following along and posting! CONGRATULATIONS on your new trip...Could not have come at a better time for you all! Can't wait to see all the fun!!!
WOW!! Judy how exciting!!! What a awesome blessing! :banana: That's great that the kids can be involved in some of the planning and help mold and shape the trip.

Sorry you dad can't join, I wish things were different.... but it is good to know that you have an amazing hope! :)
that is so cool. I wanna go back to Florida :(
I hope you get to very soon Emma!!
Contact your Congressperson's office to see about getting free tickets. I've heard you may need to keep on them but they have a certain amounts of tickets to give to their constituents.

Jill in CO
Oh Jill, that is a great idea, I didn't even know about that! Thanks for sharing. :goodvibes
Judy!!!! We just got back from our niece's wedding in CA and I saw your new report!! Soooo excited for you all!!!!
Welcome back!!! I hope you had a great time, that your home is okay and that we see pics soon!
This is great news! Thanks for the PM, it made my awful day at work simply vanish from my mind when I read your awesome news. NOW- get planning!
Thanks Deborah! :goodvibes Thanks for your supportive PMs! Glad I could make your day a little brighter, we are beyond excited!! :banana::banana::banana:
I'm am beyond excited for you!!! You guys so deserve this trip!! I'm glad that it's helped perk Lisa up for having to miss out on her performance. You guys are going to have a great time! Good luck getting some time to volunteer at GKTW!!

Yay for another trip to Fl. Hope Lisa ia feeling better.

In full potty training mode here hoping and praying Annabelle will get it.

Always praying!!!

Good luck with the potty training!! I've been through it twice in the last couple years and am getting ready to start #3 on his training (he's starting to ask to use the potty). (Just waiting until we get back from my parent's house on July 7.) The first one was a little harder than the 2nd but I'm sure Annabelle will get it because it was my girl who was easier than my boy!! Good luck!!


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