Judy, I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you. I am with David. Thank God you weren't going at highway speeds. I pray everything works out well. The videos were amazing! The girls are so talented.

Thoughts and prayers to all!
Oh, Judy, SO sorry to hear about your accident. What a jerk that guy was! I hope you are able to get it all sorted out and your van will be able to be fixed soon without cost to you. That is the last thing you needed on top of everything else. Praying for you now and that tomorrow's appointment will go well. Maybe the new Doc can give you something if you are feeling discomfort from the accident tomorrow. (((HUGS)))
Oh no! I'm glad that no one was injured. Hope they are able to see through the lies this guy is spreading. I really hate when people don't fess up to what they did. I thought my accident in May was all settled in June well yeah let's just say I'm still dealing with it!! His insurance actually closed the case and says it's 50/50 where as my insurance is saying no it's not closed and it's 100% his fault! His insurance company is also not returning calls to my insurance company so I don't know what our next steps are going to be. I may say forget it and just sue the guy myself for the $700 we're out. Just not right in so many ways.

Hope your able to find a car for Pete soon. Also hope your able to find out why your vehicle is now making a weird noise and get it fixed.
That is terrible Judy, I am so sorry about the accident. I know this adds another level of stress and worry you didn't need and added more of a time drain on you. Praying your appointment goes well today, you like the new doctor and they can answer any questions you may have.
So sorry for your accident. With all you have on your plate you do not need that. I am praying it will get sorted out and thankful no one was hurt.
I'm so sorry about your accident. That is the last thing you all needed. Sort of reminds me of the time my DH and I were rear ended. The lady told me to "deal with it". She got lucky a cop happened to drive by at that time and stopped. Otherwise, I was about to let her have it!

I hope the damage is only cosmetic and repairs aren't substantial.
Judy so sorry to hear about your run-in with the jerk...literally! Many prayers and I hope the truth will out. I hope you are feeling okay today!

Kaity and I are at my folks. Go to Disney next week! Can't believe it's almost here!!!!
I received a lovely card today from a very sweet young man. I think you know exactly who I am talking about.....yep, it was from David. Hope that you are getting some rest and enjoying your evening.
Judy: I have this for you before I comment....


Life has been its normal busy self and add a few sick folks to the mix and a Mom who doesn't feel well and there you are. I am sorry and hope that you will all please understand. I have already lost too many friends because I can't always keep up here.

I'm so sorry... truly.

Oh well, I need a tune up and I am sure they will have some wonderful tests they want me to have.

If those tests were limited to 'which picture doesn't belong' then maybe we'd want to go more often!! ;) I go so infrequently that they have to put a new patient file together for me each time!! :upsidedow

Thanks for sharing! How proud you must be when you see them performing. I'm sure people tell you all the time that your girls are performers beyond their years. Just spectacular!!

Brenda: How is your foot/ankle?

It is only in a brace now and full weight bearing. Thanks for asking. :)

I love your kind heart, always thinking of others. :hug:

AFTER he denied hitting me, he called his boss (their vehicle) and told me the boss said they would pay for it and didn't want to wait on the State Highway Patrol. I insisted I was not leaving the scene, that never goes well. Neither did this. David put it all in perspective as he hugged me. "At least we weren't going 60 mies an hour when he hit us." I agree. Praise God.

A little extra prayer for me today would be nice. Thank you. Forgive me, I really can't think right now.

I'm so sorry that this happened. Argh!! Maybe the boss will pay for it. :crazy2: If your insurance company obtains any of the contact information for the business that the guy worked for (the car should be insured through the company right?) have your insurance company send him a demand letter since by his own statement he said his company would pay.

I love the 'look on the bright side' that David shared!
Judy I was so sorry to hear about your accident hope that you and David are both doing okay after it. I am with you I try to avoid the doctor as much as I possibly can. Thanks for asking how everything is going there is good and bad, my dad was home for about a week and then ended up back in the hospital because he didn't recognize anyone and didn't remember he had kids or anything like that. It was just a UTI luckily they got that cleared up and got him on some meds that actually help with this horrible pain he gets in his jaw. The bad part is now he has some other kind of infection and his WBC keeps going up but they can't figure out what kind of infection it is or where it is. So frustrating. So it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since he went back and no telling when he will get out. On the good side my mom has been here all week from Ohio and will be here for a few more day so I am spending some time with her. I will check back this weekend and I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayer.

Thoughts and prayers to everyone else that needs them too.

Popping in to say hello. Been thinking about you all and praying things are starting to turn around.

I hope everything is working out with the other driver's insurance. What happens when the driver denies they hit you and the police don't charge them?

How did you make out at the doctor's for yourself? If I remember correctly your appointment was either yesterday or will be today? I hope you liked the new doctor.

JJ has been 9 days without full body tics! Yesterday he started up with his hand clenching on him and not being able to open it. He it from everyone by holding his other hand over it. He went for a neurology check up yesterday and she said this was the best JJ has looked in a while. She was very happy with his responses. There are only two things which have been different lately. He is doing relaxation techniques at least 3 times a day and recording it in his notebook, and he found out that the boy who bullied him this summer moved out of state.
Judy, just popping in to say we are thinking of you and hope you had a good appointment yesterday at the doctor. Please take care of yourself! You do so much for everyone else, and I know it must take quite a toll on your own body. Praying you are feeling better soon.

Fantastic news about JJ! I am so, so glad to hear he has been doing so well this past week and a half!

Benjamin gets back from outdoor ed today. I am anxious to see him and hear how it all went, who he roomed with, if he had fun, etc. It was so quiet in the house with him gone these past 3 days. I have to work this morning so a friend is picking him up for me when the bus gets back to the school and I will go get him this afternoon after the other kids get out of school. I missed my boy!
Judy, just dropping by to let you know youve been on my heart and in my prayers this morning. Hope things are starting to look up.
So sorry to hear about your accident, but happy you are both ok. We had someone rear end us recently as he tried to beat the red light and then had to stop quickly. Luckily the bumper took the hit and our car was ok. He was a very nice kid (unlike yours) and I hope he learned something. Hope the doctor visit went well.
So sorry bout your accident hope it gets sorted soon and glad you are ok at least even if the bumper isn't


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