Not happy with our guide!


<font color=blue>DIS Veteran/DVC member<br><font c
May 21, 2000
Ok, I have a question for all of you established DVC'ers...have you ever been dissatified with your guide. My DH dealt with all of the initial dealings with our guide and didn't seem to have a problem with her. However when I was planning a trip down to Orlando and thought I could stop off and finally tour the properties we had bought into...I was not greeted with much enthusiasm from our guide. Essentially, she agreed to meet with us at the Boardwalk and show us the model rooms....and basically that was all she wound up doing. We toured the other properties on our own and found our encounters with all the CM's very good....everyone else seemed to go our of their way to answer any questions we had and show us rooms etc. I am guessing that since we had already closed the deal, that our guide did not feel "obligated" to do much.

There have been a few other instances where I have not been impressed with our guide, is it kosher to ask for a different guide at this point....and if so how would we go about doing this??
I'm not sure what the point of getting a new guide at this point would be. I think the guide's job is to guide you around the properties, answer questions and "guide" you through the process. I liked our guide very much, but never felt it was his job to become my lifelong buddy. It was his job to help in the process as we made our decision. By the way, our guide also showed us only through the models at BWV. He had pix of the rest. Apparently that's the extent of it. No one I know is getting toured all over all the properties. We wanted a peek at OKW and took ourselves over there and luckily a room had just been cleaned and not moved into, so we got to take a look around.

Your guide has finished the job, the decision's made and she's made her commission, what more do you expect? I imagine she's supposed to help other new prospects. And frankly, what incentive is there for another guide to take over?
You are the one who is buying into DVC and if you are uncomfortable with your guide than it is your choice to change your guide. You can change guides at any time, just call MS. We know of several DVC members that have done this and had no problem with the process. We have had the same guide since our initial purchase in '93, Byron, and he has always been there to answer questions and show us property. On one occassion we wanted to show our family the different models at OKW and he arranged it for us, although he was not available to show it in person. He was already scheduled to work in the parks that day. Your guide can provide assistance in many ways and it is improtant to have one that gives you confidance in their abilities.
You can certainly change your guide but mikemom is correct in that you can really substitute "guide" for "salesperson". They are there to provide you with information to make your initial purchase and for any add-ons that you might want to purchase through DVC. That's really it.

As far as I know, they only show the models. If you go to the other resorts and you happen to hit a convenient time someone may let you take a peek at the other rooms. The guides/salespeople can't leave their posts to take anyone on such a tour.

I'm not sure what else you might want from your guide. If you expect to be doing purchases in the future and you feel uncomfortable then change guides. However, if you don't expect to make any purchases soon there really is no need to have any contact with your guide.

Sort of like when you buy a've shaken hands with your salesperson and will now be dealing with the folks in the Service Dept.
Not to pile on, but I too think that your dissatisfaction is unfounded. I'm sure that we all would love for our guide to fawn over us in this kind of a situation, but I just don't think that was a realistic expectation (especially given the way sales have apparently been going and the fact that VWL, where you already bought, is the only on site resort they can sell right now). I am very glad that you were able to see the resorts through your self tours and that the CM's at the resorts were very helpful and accomodating. Sounds like you are a happy new DVC member; don't let this get in the way of the enjoyment you had on your first trip home. I don't think there is any need to change your guide at this point, but if it will make you more comfortable and happier, go for it!!!
OK just to set the record straight...I didn't expect our guide to fawn over us at any time...but as stated above she DID receive a comission from the sale and the sale required little upfront effort on her part as we bought sight unseen. I certainly didn't pose the question in order to start a debate, therefore I will not argue my reasoning for asking. Thanks for all your view points though
MaddieMom I didn't mean to belittle your feelings about the guide. I think I would have expected a little enthusiasm or excitement from the person as well. (Unfortunately, not all CMs have personalities that click with us.) I was disappointed the first time I stopped by the BWV sales office a few years back. I thought telling them I was a member would excite them, instead it seemed like they didn't want me taking up the space to look at the models. Kind of turned me off from BWV at that time. (I've since stayed there and appreciate it as an option to OKW.)

I just wanted to let you know that the guide isn't really crucial after the sale. My original guide was wonderful and back then guides did send Christmas cards, etc. DVC no longer does this. She has since moved on to another part of the Disney Co. The guide I had for my last add-on was also fine. But, at this point, I couldn't tell you if she's still there. I imagine I have a "new" assigned guide if I should call to purchase again.
MaddieMom, I understand exactly what you mean. I'm not expectiing anything from my guide either but I did expect a little bit of enthusiasm. We bought over the phone. We were there in April for the first time as DVC members. We took the time to drop in to the DVC office to meet our guide. She wasn't in a meeting but still took awhile before she came out to meet us. /That did turn me off alittle. But...I did put a name with a face so I guess it was worth it. I don't know, DVC purchase was a big thing for us; I guess I too, wanted just a little enthusiasm. It didn't put a damper on my trip though. We had the greatest time and I think the Boardwalk is incredible!!!
Guides, Guides, Guides ;)

My first guide was wonderful! She would call me up anytime there was about to be a point increase, and she even called me up after my very first visit to OKW, just to see how I liked the place....she was great, but then she left. :(

So....I called DVC to get a new guide, and they just gave me pot luck, whomever was available at the time. I did not click with this new person...and well, I deal with my guide a lot, and I want someone I'm comfortable with. So, another friend of mine, said his guide was great, so I asked to be switched to him.....and 6 contracts later, I'll bet he is glad I did <g>.

I deal with my guide, and I would never settle for someone I didn't click with. Go for, call The sales office and ask for a new guide. I did it, and have never regretted it! And, I feel very comfortable calling my DVC rep with questions, and ordering new points! Just because the initial sale is complete, doesn't mean that you have stopped buying long as there are points to sell, I guess I will always be a potential buyer;)
I had issues with my guide with regard to our VB purchase; we ended up canceling and purchasing a BWV resale instead. He is still listed as our guide. I will be asking for a new guide at some point because, if for any reason I need to have contact with a guide, I do not want it to be him.
Guess what? The guides are to SELL, not kiss up to you. And, they DO NOT get commission like normal real estate people do. Guess you assumed wrong.
Actually, there has been a lot of discussion about this, and the "guides' do receive a commission (or at least many do). Calling someone a guide rather than a salesperson is semantics - they are there to sell you a product.

And I understand that guides are not there to 'kiss up to you', but I think this person wanted a little enthusiasm. Besides, a good salesperson would know that being helpful would increase the possibilities of referrals or an add-on. So, it's not unreasonable.

After plunking down 20 or 30 grand, I would like to think I would be treated with enthusiasm.
I agree that a good saleperson/guide would be enthusiastic and friendly to never know when you've hit a Darla who'll be calling regularly for more points. :smooth:

Reminds me of the story of the Cadillac salesman who didn't want to deal with the guy who came into the showroom in dusty work clothes. The salesperson who finally waited on him was able to sell a fleet of Cadillacs to this construction company owner who wanted to reward his employees. You never know who the big purchaser will be based solely on looks.
I would just like to say that you are dead solid correct!!!....I also bought sight unseen, and my guide had no problem selling it to me sight doing this you displayed a level of faith and respect in disney, AND the person on the other end of the phone who sold it to you!!!!....should this person fawn over you when you want to eventually tour what you have already bought?....ya damn right they should!!!!...they should show you the same respect you showed them when you bought in...when some call them "salespeople"...they are corect. And as sales people they should understand the philosophy of "word of mouth." angry customer always has twice as many friends as a satisfied customer....My experience was a very good one, but your description struck a nerve with me....I believe if you feel like you were not given an adequate tour of the properties, then you have a beef, especially since you bought site unseen!
I think the posts here are all appropriate in one way or another. However, if one bought from a guide sight unseen, it is very reasonable to expect the guide to show them around and make sure they understand the system completely. To expect them to show you OKW and BW which are sold out is inappropriate. Since you are uncomfortable, I'd say either contact your guide and tell them what you want and/or go for another one that you are more comfortable with.
I can't believe all the people that feel a guide has no obligation after the sale to continue to give you good service. The guide should be looking for referrals and add ons from past buyers. Not only that, but they are still cast members and should be treating guests the same way every other cast member is expected to ttreat a guest. Isn't that one of the reasons we are all going back to Disney. How would everyone feel if after we purchased our admission no cast member would talk to you because they already have sold you your ticket. That may be a little extreme, but give me a break. They are there to serve us.
We purchased in 1997....never heard from our guide after the purchase. We've received the letters from DVC about the point increases, OKW point availability, BWV selling out etc., and when we wanted to add on, we contacted her. She has NEVER phoned us about anything, and all the letters we've received have been ones that have been sent to every member. She's never asked us how we like DVC, or asked for a referral. She was nice, but personally, we didn't care if our add on's were with her or not..any DVC rep would have be just fine with us. I seem to recall she told us back in 1997 that she did not make any commission..but have no idea if that is correct or not.

However, when you by sight unseen, I think your guide should make you feel welcome when you stop by to introduce yourself and take a tour. One of the things that attracted us to DVC was the no hassle presentation and the fact that the people we were dealing with acted professional and made us feel welcome..and not trapped, like we have felt on numerous other time share presenations.

I have a question for those of you who purchased DVC on-site. When you asked to see the other DVC resorts, did they offer to transport you there on the DVC vans, or did they tell you to go and see the resorts on your own? When we purchased in 1997, BWV and OKW were being sold. We stopped in at the BWV, went through the tour and then they took us over to OKW. After our tour there they tood us back to our resort. Just curious how they do this today with only VWL available, but the sales office is at the BW??
I'm Maddiemom's sister and went on the trip as well. We bought in together at VWL. We were so excited to see the DVC properties. Everyone,including the guard at the entrance, was very nice at Wilderness Lodge. In fact, all the castmembers we ran into were so helpful. Some took pictures for us (without being asked to ). The only exception to this were some of the people working
for DVC(including our "guide"). As soon as the found out we already bought in, they were indifferent to our questions(for things as simple as getting directions to the villas). The DVC castmembers at the WLV itself were wonderful and very helpful with information. It makes me sad to see how people have become accepting of poor service (you can see this everywhere not just at WDW) and indifferent to the lack of manners from others.



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