~Nothing ever goes right but who cares!?~ TR Completed!!

figment fan21

Can't wait to be a Disney Bride!
Oct 17, 2007
Welcome to the “Nothing ever goes right but who cares!” Report. I’m writing this for a couple of reasons, one I love my friends on the DIS and promised my November 2008 buddies a report of some kind, and two my DBF (Adam) and I got engaged on our trip.:lovestruc I am so excited about the engagement but I don’t even know where to begin as far as planning a wedding is concerned. I should also mention the DF and I bought a house together and are still in the process of unpacking remodeling, so as far as a wedding is concerned we are not planning on anything until atleast 2010. So that being said lets get into the report…
I was so excited for this vacation, I had everything planned and couldn’t wait to get on the plane. The day before we left was Nov. 1st and I had a hair appointment scheduled for 10 that morning so I could have my hair colored. **side note** I had a feeling that the then DBF was up to something due to some weird behavior the few days leading up to the vacation so it was very very important to me to look my best! Anyway I went in to see my hairdresser who I’ve been seeing for 5 years and was telling her all about how excited I was for my trip. I have a hard time sitting still and was bobbing my head around to the tune of the mickey mouse club:rolleyes1 when the hair dye started to drip down my head. No biggie I thought, it happens all the time it’ll come off with that dye remover stuff later. **another side not** please notice the title of this report. So DBF came to pick me up after my hair was all done and my hair dresser said “oh honey come here let me get that dye off of your forehead!You don’t want to look like that in pictures!” She came at me with a face cloth full of dye remover and started to scrub my head. This had been done many times before to me but it especially stung this time. I didn’t think too much about it and we left the salon. On the drive home DBF looked over at me and said “ummm I think you should take a look at your forehead it doesn’t look too good!” I pulled down the visor mirror and to my horror the dye remover had burned the skin right off of my forehead!!! :scared1: I cried for a good 20 mins. How could this have happened? I’d gone to the same hairdresser and used the same products for 5 years and this time I end up looking like a burn victim?? Ok Ok, I wasn’t going to let this small little inconvenience completely ruin this trip that I’d been planning for over a year. So like a good girl I sucked it up and finished packing.
The next morning we woke up at 5am and packed up the car and left for the airport. We got to the airport and DBF was insisting that he carry the carry-on backpack. So I let him have it, heck what did I want to carry it for anyway? We went over to the café and had some Dunkin for breakfast before heading through security. We finished breakfast and headed over to security. We got the the front of the line and we took off our shoes and put everything including the backpack onto the xray machine. I was waiting for the attendent to wave me through the metal detector when I heard in the nastiest voice “Huh, looks like someone is getting a nice engagement ring on their vacation.” ……. :eek: I was completely stunned. I couldn’t move. I looked back at DBF who looked like he was either going to beat the man or cry and I just said “oh my god”. We both walked through the metal detector and over to our gate without saying a word. I didn’t know what to do. I grabbed my cell phone and ran to the bathroom crying. I called and woke my mother and told her what happened. She told me to stop crying and to go be with Adam. She said he was upset enough and I would make it worse if he saw me this upset. So I washed my face and walked over to security and expained what happened to a manger who looked like she could give a flying elephants butt and then returned to my seat at the gate next to Adam. I hugged him and told him that the guy was a jerk and not to worry about it. I told him I still didn’t know what it looked like or how he was going to ask so to just forget it even happened. I also made him laugh alittle when I said “honestly, did you think you could as me of all people to marry you without something going wrong?? HELLOOOO look at my forehead! I’m bad luck!” He said he was ok (I knew he still wasn’t) and we boarded the plane.
During the flight I got his mind off of what had happened, we played hang man, and tic tac toe, and talked about what we were going to do once we got to the hotel. Once we got off of the plane we had honestly forgotten (as much as we could) about the terrible event at security. We walked over to the ME podium and got right on the bus headed for the AKV, no wait at all! I was so excited I was bouncing up and down in my seat. We were the last to be dropped off and I couldn’t believe the resort. What a beautiful place. We walked into the lobby and our mouths hit the floor! **side not** AKV is a HUGE upgrade from our 2007 trip when we stayed at ASSp. Here are some pictures…




We went to our room and I couldn’t believe the sights! We had a savannah view room! I was so excited.


After we got settled into our room we went on alittle exploration of the hotel. It was magnificent. We hung out by the pool and then headed back to the room. Our luggage had arrived from ME so we got ready for our ADR at Boma that night. We went alittle early but they seated us within a few mins. What an awesome dinner we had! It was yummy! I was worried DBF wouldn’t like it but he was a good sport and tried alittle of everything and he thought it was great. After dinner we went back up to the room and got into bed. We put on the TV and watched the TOP7 with stacey (DBF likes her lol) and fell asleep.

This looks like a good place to stop for right now… but one more things you as readers should know. This isn’t your average trip report. Once the trip report is over I’m going to be needing your help! My family is , for lack of a better term, pretty immature. My sisters are too young and my mother is to into herself lately to help me with anything that has to do with a wedding. I was talking to my boss at work the other day about throwing an engagement party and she was appauled that I was throwing one for myself. But again nothing in my life goes as planned which is not always a bad thing so I’m going to need the help and advice of you guys to help with all things wedding once the trip report part is over… everyone game?
Oh Katie, hon, I'm here and now I'm going back to read it!

hugs to you!:flower3: :hug:

Alright- so I went and read it- omg- I knew the secret was spilled, but dang, reading how it happened (again)- I was furious all over again! Stupid, stupid people.:sad2:

And you know what? A wedding-( planning one)-- is so much fun. :lovestruc
Yes, you must remind yourself that if it can go wrong, it most probably will- it's Murphy's Law after all (WHO THE HECK WAS MURPHY AND WHY WAS HE SO FREAKIN COOL THAT HE GOT A LAW???) ;)
but -it will be your wedding and even the smallest detail that goes horribly wrong- that seems ginormous at the time, will all fade into the background when it's all over with.

As long as you sign the document- and you say "I do" that's all that matters.

Can't wait to go on this journey with ya'!

Congratulations on your engagement! I was so shocked at what that security agent said - plus the manager didn't even seem to care :mad: I am so anxious to read how your fiance proposed and I'm hoping it was still magical for the both of you!

You have a whole bunch of friends here on the Boards who will help you in any way we can for your upcoming wedding :grouphug:
Awwwww, stupid TSA! No liquids over 3 oz AND they ruin surprises! Sorry that happened to you! LOL the dye remover! Hilarious (in a totally sypathetic way of course)!

TR sounds good, keep it coming!
welcome Jo and Heaven! Thanks for coming!:grouphug:

Murphy's law is definatly something i've learned to live by! :laughing: Wait until my next installment... you'll see the pictures from Chef mickey's... the burn is pretty hott if you ask me! :rolleyes1

I can't wait to start planning my wedding. We haven't even picked a date yet but its just so exciting. I think after the holidays are over and we've finished the upstairs bathroom i'm going to throw that engagement party. What do you girls think? The end of Janurary? February? What do you even do at an engagement party?:confused3 Can you tell i'm going to need your help?
welcome sleeping becca!!

Yes i now hate the TSA. I used to be one of those people who defended them, saying "they are just doing their jobs and keeping us safe" well No More!! They stink and i don't like them and i don't care who knows it!
Day two!
I was up very very very early… try 5:30am early! I stayed in bed however and tried to go back to sleep. It didn’t work so I ran through what we were going to do that day in my head. After the whole thirty seconds that took I decided to get up. I knew DBF was going to want coffee so I started it and went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. I came out of the bathroom to the whole room smelling like Disney made coffee… yes disney coffee has a distinct smell! I got dressed for the day did my hair and poured myself a cup. By this timei had made enough noise to wake DBF who made a B line straight for the coffee. I took my cup and went outside and sat on our lovely balcony. And these are some of the things I saw…




Once Adam was out of the shower and dressed he joined me outside and asked what we were doing today.

I told him we were heading to Chef Mickey’s for breakfast!! I checked the time and decided we should head to the MK bus. I went to grab the backpack and he took it out of my hands and said “can you wait for me outside? I’ll only be a second and I’ll carry the backpack.” I said ok and left the room… I totally didn’t go far and kept my ear to the door and heard the in room safe being opened… he was locking up the ring.. I wasn’t getting it today! Darn!
We made our way over to the buses, the lobby again made my mouth drop and the music made me feel like I was in africa. We got on the bus to the MK and then walked over to the CR. I realized that the expected travel time from AKV to the MK was definatly over shot because we arrived at chef mickey’s half an hour early! I checked us in anyway and within 20 mins we were seated. We had an awesome time! We actually sat next to people that were on the same MK bus from the AKV, it was kind of funny. We got pictures with everyone and the food was awesome… I’m a fan of goofy’s breakfast surprise, it was kind of like a breakfast pizza on steroids! Here are some of our pictures…Notice the lovely burn… bruns are very in fashion right now just so you know!







After Chef Mickey’s we headed over to MK. We decided to take the scenic monorail route as opposed to the walk. I love the monorail. Adam laughs at me everytime I saw please stand clear of the doors in spanish. We finally got to MK and it wasn’t crowded at all!

We rode everything we wanted to ride with little to no wait at all! Space mountain only had a 10 min wait! The only thing we needed a fast pass for was splash mountain and we got the fast pass, rode BTMRR, and then it was time for splash. We got on and were in the back of the log. It is one of my all time favorite rides so I was very excited as always and sang along with the songs. We got to the big drop and started going up and up and up. We were just about to go down and I threw my hands up, not knowing that Adam wanted to do a cute “kiss” picture and I punched him square in the mouth. :headache: Again Bad luck. So we got off the ride cracking up laughing and headed to the photo station. It was hilarioius, the picture caught us right after impact so you see adam holding his face and me (still with my arms up) looking at him like “Moron!”
After MK we decided to head over to HS for alittle while. During our 2007 trip RnRC was under rehab so we didn’t get to ride it. I had ridden it before but DBF has never been on it. We decided to hit that first. We walked over and there was a 20 min wait. I figured we’d get a fast pass and just go do another ride. We got our fast pass and as we were leaving a nice guy and his son asked if we wanted theirs. Of course we said yes and got right on. He loved it! Then once we got off the ride the first time it was time for the second fast pass we got to be used so we rode it again! How cool is that? After the second time we headed over to Muppet Vision and the backlot tour. We walked by TSM and I couldn’t believe the line and the fact that all of the fast passes were gone. We spend the rest of the day there and then headed back to resort.
After a long day at the parks we headed over to Victoria falls (the lounge at AKV) and got some african wines to taste and sat by the fire pit inside the lobby. It was so relaxing and I just loved sitting there with him. It was warm and the wine was fantastic . We went outside to the lookout point and checked out some of the animals before heading up to bed.

Next up day three and the engagement!:woohoo:
great trip report! my husband and I DJ weddings and parties, and I have done wedding coordinating before...so ask away!! just remember that no one really sees all the little things that seem so important - they just remember a lovely couple and a lovely time! so don't sweat the petty things! :thumbsup2
great trip report! my husband and I DJ weddings and parties, and I have done wedding coordinating before...so ask away!! just remember that no one really sees all the little things that seem so important - they just remember a lovely couple and a lovely time! so don't sweat the petty things! :thumbsup2

thanks a bunch kmores! I hope you don't mind if i completely take advantage and use you! :woohoo: I'm so glad i have the DIS. Like i said my mom isn't into the whole wedding thing, my sisters are young and don't get it and DF's parents eloped after a short engagement. So TIA to everyone. I don't care what the correct etiquette is for all these little events leading up to the wedding, we're going to do it what ever way we like it! :banana:
so i went back to work today atfer the thanksgiving/wisdom teeth removal break and was miserable. :sad2: not only did my mouth still hurt but there is no countdown to check anymore. Everday i'd get in and open the place and jump on the Dis to check my ticker and maybe leave a comment on the Nov 08 thread. Sadly thats no more. I guess once we got home the engagement excitement overcasted the fact that we didn't have anything to look forward to anymore.
I guess i'm going to have to get started on my next installment so that i can relive it some more. DF and I really need to pick a date for the wedding so i can start a new countdown. :lovestruc
Hurry up, we want to hear about the engagement:)
Perhaps a combo Valentine's Day/engagement party?
I am so anxious to read when you finally do get the ring! He is definitely keeping us on our toes :rotfl2:
Not to be too much of a tease but DF is going to home depot tonight after dinner to get stuff for some electrical jobs he'll be doing this weekend so i'll have the computer all to myself... my next installment will be up for your reading pleasure by the end of tonight.:banana: :cloud9: I can't wait to relive this part!:goodvibes

I'm going to go get some laundry done:laundy: then its off to food shopping followed by cooking. talk soon girls!

Perhaps a combo Valentine's Day/engagement party?

Yes! I've already called my friend and oldest younger sister and they have been enlisted to atleast help with the preperations. I figure it can be an engagement/house warming party. I'm not expecting gifts or anything like that... just an excuse to party and show off my new bobble! :thumbsup2 February will give us enough time to finish home renovations and is within the three month engagement party period... did anyone know that there is even proper etiquette for an engagement party!?:confused3 I hope none of you mid or are offended that we are pretty much throwing etiquette out the window!
What a great start!!

Congratulations on your engagement!! :lovestruc I can't wait to hear how it finally happens.

As for wedding planning, there are so many great websites now a days to help with all the details. We used www.theknot.com. I live in MA and we were getting married in Ogunquit Maine where my family is from. This site helped my mom and I keep so many things organized like guest lists, get ideas etc.

Best wishes with it all
I was just jumping onto another board, but the title caught my eye...now I want to hear the whole story...staying tuned in: :happytv:
Day Three

So Tuesday Nov. 4th started off like the day before with me waking up very very very early. The only difference this time was that I grabbed my cell phone and went out to the balconey. My Best friend Kristen, who is also my co-worker, was covering my shift at work so I knew she’d be up at work by 6:30 so I called the office. She answered the phone with a tone in her voice like “Who the Heck is calling the MRI center at this hour!?” I said hello and gave her the full update from the airport fiasco and I thought she was going to have a heart attack. She was so excited for me. Then it registered to her that I was up at 6:30 on my vacation and she quickly scolded me for not sleeping in. I chatted with her about the day before and what our plans were for the rest of the day and then her first patient of the morning came in and said good-bye… not before she made me promise to call her as soon as I was asked.

I went back into the room and put on the weather channel because while I was on the phone I noticed it was pretty nippy outside. According to the obnoxiously perky weather girl it was going to be in the high 70’s low 80’s by noon. Perfect. So I turned it off and made my way to the shower. I put on a jean skirt, my new pink tank top, with my little black zip up sweatshirt… I figured hey my legs would be cold in the morning but it was supposed to be in the 80’s later. Adam got up shortly after and got dressed for the 80’s too. **Side not this all becomes relevent soon I promise** We didn’t have and ADR for breakfast so we headed down to the mara QS for something to eat. We sat at the table and he asked what we were doing for today. I told him we had an ADR at Le Cellier at 1:55 for lunch and then I had booked a carriage ride at FW. He seemed pretty excited because we had both wanted to head over to FW and WL to check it out. After breakfast we headed over to our favorite park EPCOT.

Finally after 3 MK and 2 AK buses an EPCOT bus came rolling in. It was a full one! We of course let the families with little ones on first and then made our way on…. We found two seats next to each other and squeezed in. When I sat down I felt something odd, at first I thought it was the backpack but when I looked down the backpack was on the floor under Adam’s legs… it was something in adam’s cargo shorts pocket… is was hard, square, and small… I was going to throw up he had the ring in his pocket. My initial reaction was “OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!” :scared1: My next reaction, as is my reaction everytime something freaks me out, was I need a bathroom!!! The bus ride to EPCOT was crazy long. When we finally arrived we went through bag check and went in. He asked me what I wanted to do first and my response was “Bathroom” not a sentence a statement. After my bathroom break we headed over to SE because it was being renovated last time we were there.

I loved the new upgrades! It was fun seeing how you can make your future. After that we headed over to Soarin to get a fast pass, then over to TT which had only a 15 min wait. TT is one of our favorites.

I stared at his pocket the entire time waiting in line. It was in there! Good Lord when was he going to ask me!!! ARG!!!:mad: After TT I again needed another bathroom. Everytime I looked at his pocket or thought about it I needed to find a bathroom. We headed over to the living seas and did Nemo and Friends and found a new favorite thing… the cuddle fish… Don’t know why but I liked it. (random i know) Anyway after watching the dolphins for a good half an hour we headed back to the land for soarin. Soarin is cool but honestly people don’t see what the big deal is?? After soarin I started thinking again and needed to hit another bathroom… by this third bathroom break Adam knew something was wrong… he thought it was something we ate and I let him think that! HA!

We started to get hungry but it was only 12:30. Another hour and twenty mins before our Le Cellier ADR. So we decided to walk to countries clockwise and end up in canada last and hopefully be there close enough to our ADR to be seated. We enjoyed the coutries and were happy to discover that the food and wine festival was still going on and stopped at a few countries to try some food. However we were extremely cold! :cold: Going from building to building we didn’t notice that the sun NEVER came out but once we started walking to countries we noticed… big time. I was so cold that my legs were turning purple. So although we were trying to use up time walking the countries we ended up power walking through them and ended up at le cellier at 1:00. I was so cold that we just decided to go and see if we could be seated early. The hostess said most likely no but we could still check in and sit inside to wait and they would try and get us in ASAP. I was happy with that it was warm in there! We got our buzzer, sat down… and vioala! Within 5 mins they were able to seat us! SWEET! We had never been to Le Cellier and I could now see why it was so hard to get in there! What a small place! We had a very nice waiter and he sat us and brought us out favorite canadian beer labatt blue and took our order. I got the filet mignon and Adam got the New york Strip (men!) I started to wonder in my head if we he was going to ask me while we were here. It seemed romantic enough… uh oh… had to go to the bathroom again! Well the food came quickly and it was deliciouse! I licked the plate clean! After desert, the check, and no ring I started to get anxiouse… what was the hold up??

After le cellier we decided it was just too cold and we went back to AKV to change into some warm clothes before heading over to FW for the carriage ride… Oh MY! The carriage ride!! He was totally going to monopolize on my idea of a carriage ride and ask me then!! I knew it! Ok so I’m sure by now you’re all on the edge of your seat so I’ll make this quick. We headed back to AKV I changed, he wouldn’t change infront of me, made me leave the room (I’m guessing the ring switched to his pants from his shorts), got the bus to MK, from there got on the ferry boat to FW, and fast foreward to docking at WL. We got off and I was loving FW. It reminded me of going camping in North Conway NH. We were pretty early for our carriage ride we walked around a bit and went over to check out the little ponies. So cute! After the ponies we headed over to the big barn and saw the draft horses getting all dolled up for the carriage ride. We walked back over to Crockett’s Tavern and went up to the service window and ordered some wine. I knew it was coming… and I needed another bathroom break. After the bathroom I went back over and sat in a rocking chair next to adam and waited for our carriage to arrive. It drove up and we hopped in. It was so much fun! My heart was pounding though… the anticipation was killing me!!! We went down this little road for about 15 mins and all of a sudden the driver started to turn around to head back… What?? No ring?? Huh! Jerk! I started thinking maybe it wasn’t going to happen until the fireworks at EPCOT and started to relax… when all of a sudden adam said “I think you should put your wine down.” My words… “I don’t wanna…” He laughed and took it from me anyway. He grabbed my right hand and started to say something when I said “Um, if you’re doing what I think you’re doing you’ve grabbed the wrong hand.” He laughed and switched hands and said “Katie, you told me last year when we were here that it was always your dream to get engaged in disney. You made my dream come true when you trusted me enough to buy the house with me. I would like to prove to you that you can always trust me and that my love isn’t going anywhere.” (cue the tears) He reached in his pocket and pulled out the box I’d been staring at all day and said “Will you marry me?” I cried and cried and cried… it was beautiful and exactly what I always imagined it would be. I didn’t move, just cried. After what seemed like an eternity he said “Um is that a yes and would you like to put it on?” I laughed and said yes and he put the ring on. As soon as the ring was on the driver said “Oh look!” and pointed to our right and there was a family of deer running through the woods right next to us. It was amazing! The driver also noticed I was crying and said “Ok either he just spilled your wine or he asked you to marry him, which was it?” I showed the ring and just laughed. Sadly i was so overwhelmed that i didn't get any pictures of the carriage or us on it... and i'm kicking myself in the you know what! That would've been an awesome engagement photo!:headache:

After the carriage ride we went over to the bathroom for my last bathroom break and then over to the WL to check it out. What an awesome resort! Loved it!



While we were there we went outside and started texting friends and family. I called Kristen and she was so excited for me… my entire work place knew in a matter of 30 seconds. We explored alittle more at WL before heading back to EPCOT. We rode TT one more time and then got an awesome spot for Illuminations. Those fireworks are my favorite. It was an awesome way to end the day… sitting on the ground in his arms watching fireworks. We waited for the crowds to die down and headed over to the bus back t AKV. We stopped at the bar and had a celebratory drink of this awesome african beer and then headed back to the room. It is probably the happiest day in my life so far and writing it now I’m crying and still not believing it really happened. So I’m going to go give him a huge hug, tell him I love him, and head to bed. :love: :lovestruc :cloud9:

next, first day engaged and AK
What a great start!!

Congratulations on your engagement!! :lovestruc I can't wait to hear how it finally happens.

As for wedding planning, there are so many great websites now a days to help with all the details. We used www.theknot.com. I live in MA and we were getting married in Ogunquit Maine where my family is from. This site helped my mom and I keep so many things organized like guest lists, get ideas etc.

Best wishes with it all

Welcome to you too! What part of MA are you in!? Adam and I grew up on the North Shore and just moved to Seabrook NH in Sept. I did get on theknot today and was looking at some idea's for engagement parties. I'm excited to throw one as well as plan the wedding!


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