November trip thread

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The 8 am rope drop wasn't bad at all crowd wise. And it is possible to make the opening show by catching the MK boat at the fort. There's just not a lot of time to spare. The boat was arrived at the dock at 730 am on the dot.
Disney springs was great this afternoon. Another beautiful weather day. I could get used to the snowbird life. We had lunch at the homecoming kitchen and I highly recommend it. It was so good. We also picked up some cupcakes at sprinkles and they were delicious also. We were at the pool tonight and the water was nice and warm. 3 more full days left.
Love that morning picture of Adventureland, G719. It's so empty! Bama Ed
We check in 2 weeks today.... Time to get the TT fully ready for the trip. Cleaning it up... (not that there is much to do. It's only been on one trip and that was in August.... to the Fort!) Loading the non-freezable stuff.

The excitement mounts. Kids have a countdown which is 2 days earlier. They are counting down to the departure day.
Arrived today around 1:30 and site was ready. Requested loop 1700 and got it, we are in site 1712. We have now stayed in all but the new (2100) full hook up loops and 1700 is our favorite. This will we our loop of choice for all future stays. As I was unpacking and putting stuff away, I asked DS where his hang up shirts were.....I knew by the look on his face I wasn't going to like the answer. Off to Walmart we went. We rode the cart around, went to the barns and saw some deer. I would love to see the blacksmith working, but have never timed it right. Tomorrow we are going to Epcot for Food and Wine and to do the Behind the Seeds tour at the Land.
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It has been an exciting day today. I am not even sure how to begin. This trip started different. Since the last time we went to Disney we sold our house in the suburbs and moved to a condo in the city. It has been great from a commuting perspective but we can no longer pick up the rig the night before and load everything up and then leave bright and early the next day. This meant driving to the storage place this morning and heading out from there. Thankfully we dropped two baskets of clothes last week. However with all the dog stuff and two dogs and the extra stuff we needed. It was difficult to load the car. This is how we made it work.


The plan was to try and leave the storage facility by 10 am with a drop dead of 11. We got there at 9 and at 10:25 we were on our way. We thought it would take about an hour and a half to fill water, tires, clean the window, hook up the car and we were right. The original plan was to just drive to Valdosta. Mostly i had no idea what time we would actually be on the road and if we had problems figured Valdosta was safe stop. the only thing was we got there at 3 pm and seriously too much daylight to not keep driving. Especially knowing there is a UF home football game tomorrow at noon. We would have been stuck in that traffic. We thought we could make it to Ocala. So i quickly called up Ocala Sun (where we like to stay in Ocala) and they had plenty of sites. I cancelled the other place and we pressed on.

It was a good choice we got in at 5:15, 6 hours and 50 minutes. We were quite pleased. Things seemed to be going our way, or were they?

Not so fast, something always has to go wrong. We get in our spot and go to level and the controller is dead. We look at some fuses and did not have the right size. We went to walmart picked up fuses and dinner. We were very hangry. The rig issues did not help. Stopped at Bob Evans for dinner. Then after struggling we disconnected and reconnected the cable to the controller and that worked. Finally able to get the slides open and put things away.

This is probably lots more to this story but i am tired. The good thing is we now only have a 2 hour or less drive to Disney instead of 4 hours.


best I can do for now
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Glad you made it close with only a little drama. 2 hours closer is always good. Have a safe trip in today.

Not that I am trolling for sympathy, but thought you all would understand my frustration. I had two incidents of people not being nice (don't think it was intentional). Last night while walking the dogs, and being hangry, someone saw Mallory and said, "Awe, that is terrible."

Then this morning on our walk a man said to me, "They said our dog needed a cart but I put him out of his misery instead."

Not going to judge what others do, it is not easy taking care of Mallory, but really seemed like he was making a statement that I should put her down.

I don't think she looks miserable, what do you think?

Ugh still having issues with photos. It will go up soon. I can out smart photobucket!
Yesterday was another perfect day, weather wise. Got up early, made coffee to go and went for a cart ride. Love the early mornings here. Ate. Quick breakfast and headed to Epcot. Had FP for Soaring, then off to Food and Wine. Park was busy, but not too bad. Didn't wait more than 5 minutes at any food kiosks. Ate our way around the world and then headed back to Imagination and The Land. We did the Behind the Seeds tour. That wa very neat, and I recommend it. We headed pal to camp to make dinner and then DS and I headed off the HS for the Star Wars fireworks and the extra magic hours. We rode Star Tours, Toy Storia Mania and Rocking Rollercoaster. Closed the park. I think I am getting too old for 12 hour days out and about, lol. Being annual pass holders, we usually only do a few hours at a park, I thought I wasn't going to make it back last night, longest bus ride ever.

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Also, just want to let you all know the ice machines have all been switched over to credit card only. Also suggest taking a buddy with you, machines dispense enought ice for two bags, and it's almost impossible for one person to do it alone.
Our original site was 501 but we did not want that. Lots of barking from yeti. Waiting for our new site in 800 loop, the only bad thing the lane we chose for overflow. Camper broke down at the end then the next one the toad has a dead battery, we are third and there is a bumper pull behind us. We got no where to go. We disconnected our toad so that if or when we get the chance can back up. Right now we sit!
Bummer on the mechanical issues you have been having. Didn't I see in a post from awhile back you had battery troubles? Hoping things get better for you, have a great time.
garneska, Your dogs are beautiful and they have wonderful parents.

People need to keep comments to themselves. I guess he couldn't see how happy Mallory looked.


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