October 19th Cruisers again and again... Part 2

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Hi guys, had a very stressful day today at work so I didn't get a chance to get on the Disboards.

Barb and Sally - continued hugs. Glad to see you posting.

Barb - I enjoyed the slide show you sent, I am sure that has helped you a little bit.

Stacey - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :cool1: :rotfl2:

I am exhausted, we got home at 10:00 last night and I was back at work this morning at 6:00am. Still a lot to do tonight, and then our plane takes off at 6:00am tomorrow. I just need to get my mind off of work and be happy that I am going to Disneyland!!!
Hi guys! Sorry to be gone for so long. I didn't even get a chance to read the board until now. Since I was gone, we had a school dance in which everyone wore their costumes and I went as a nerd. Had the school halloween party, trick or treating, serveral other things at school and a wedding last sat. I've been so tired at night, I haven't gotten on the computer. At least things are quieting down now.

Barb, I'm so glad to see you posting. Just remember, we are a family and will be there when we need each other! I know this must be a hard time for you, BUT you are a strong woman and I know you will get through this rough time. Keep on posting and remember WE LOVE YA!!!

Sandy, glad to hear that you will be getting a new computer! If I lived near by, I would have gone to the store for you and beleive me, you wouldn't have waited this long! LOL!!!

Stacy, congrats!!! I knew you would pass. Way to go! I hope your babies feel better soon!

Sally, I loveded your getting drunk then cook post!

Denine, I told you before, Garry and I will come to the party. The Ohio State Michigan game is that day and doesn't start until 3:30PM , SO hope for a short game. No one wants to be on the road for the end of that game. Oh and by the way, we didn't get our invite until wed. So give people some time is what I think.

It took us 2 hours to vote as well on tuesday. We will be going absentee next year. On tuesday I took my mom to the animal shelter to get 2 kittens, but ended up getting 3! One 8mo. one 6mo. and one 5yrs. They are all sooo cute and love the kids too!

Oh yeah, the Big Guy lost his bottom two front teeth last week.

Well, there is soooooooo much more, but I don't have the time to post. I'll post within the next day and fill you guys in more.

Oh yeah, my dad is having surgery again tomorrow on the other leg. I'll Let Denine post more for me.

Julie- so glad to see you post!!!

Thanks for all the kuddos!! I am SO excited that I passed my test. Two down, two more to go. I am taking a small break...I deserve it!!! I am going to catch up on pricing baby clothes for our garage sale next summer (trying to get ahead) and work on getting caught up on Joey and Tyler's pics.

Glad you are finally getting a new computer mom...it's about time!!
Well Barb and I are off to spend the day taking a Disney Class....we are going to do 20 pages today.....hopefully. I will do l0 and she will do l0 so we can copy each others at home.

I went to Archivers yesterday and worked on some Christmas cards and started a calendar for my granddaughter of her kids. I love making calendars....I came home and worked on it some more and have 4 pages finished. What takes the most time is rubbing the dates on each square

Sandy, glad you are getting your computer taken care of finally.

Have a great weekend everyone
Julie, you don't know how relieved I am that you posted. I have a big sign hanging in my kitchen to call you and check up on you. I tried once but couldn't get through. I want to see a pic of you as a nerd. How funny! And....the big guy lost 2 teeth. How cute! I MISSED YOU!

We got the new computer but are having some problems hooking this one up for some unknown reason. I think we have decided to have a geek come out like Heidi did. This thing has so many gadgets and gismos. It took us 3 days to actually be able to take it home. So much paperwork and then the store was out of the model we selected. At least we got one and the top of the line in the store.

Sally, a Disney class??? How fun!

Hugs to all of you.

Heard from Heidi. The crowds are pretty bad but she seems to be managing ok. She didn't like Haunted Mansion because it is decorated for Nightmare before Christmas (or whatever the correct name is, I never saw it).
Sandy: I called Julie and she was posting her message as I talked to her. I haven't heard from her about how her dad's surgery went. They are hoping to save the leg. They were going to clean out all the yucky stuff.

Sandy: So glad you got your new computer!

Stacey: Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I now have 4 people at my wine party. Me, Jerry, Julie and Garry. I haven't heard from anyone else. I think the hostess has set my party up to fail by sending the invitations out so late. Jerry's mom will come IF his brother comes and he doesn't know yet.

We bought a new printer. THe one they sent us as a replacement for the last one went sour. I hope this one lasts.

Heidi: Enjoy Disneyland!

Actually made it to church yesterday. We haven't been since Easter for one reason or another. We are really going to make an effort to go every week.

Went to friends to play cards last night. Actually got home beofre 2 AM instead of 3 AM.

Today is going to be a lazy day.

I have been working on Christmas shopping. I don't have mcuh left to do. I would love to be done by the end of the month.

Still don't know when I am getting my injection. I called on Friday and they didn't know when he would be doing them. He likes to do a bunch at one time. Hopefully they should know by Tuesday.

The other nurse didn't want to give up her day next Friday, so I am off for 2 weeks.

That's about it for now.
Denine, I was thinking the same thing about your wine party. I don't think she sent out the invitations early enough. I think it sounds fun. I've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping, too. Sure hope you get your injection soon.

We have a guy here measurning for new windows. I hate that he has to see the house all messed up. We are babysitting Heidi's dog so we have extra stuff around. Then we have taken everything out of our trailer so we can get the new one this Friday. So that stuff is in every room. Then we have all this new computer stuff all over until we get someone out here to set it all up. I am EMBARRASSED!!!!!!!
Sandy: I would be embarrassed too. But, it isn't dirty, just messy. Sometimes you can't help it.

Found out this morning that my uncle died. I feel bad for my dad. He has now lost both brothers and his parents and he is only in his 60's. Plus, my uncle had MS, like my dad, but a much worse type. I doubt we will go to the funeral as it is in Virginia.

I am not going to cancel my party. If there aren't many people, it is the hostesses fault, not mine.
Hugs your way Denine. Sorry about your uncle. I feel sorry for your dad, also. Bless his heart. I am sure it is hard to see so many of his family pass.
Thanks Sandy. He was my favorite uncle.

Jerry made the ressies for our next trip. We are going April 24 through May 3rd.

Kaleigh has a sore throat. Her cough is worse. She never completely got over the last cold. She was still coughing. She feels fine, but tomorrow may be another story.

I finished my Christmas shopping for Jerry. I love the internet!
Hello everyone

I am feeling much better. The church is remaining strong and Ted will be getting help. I miss him so much. He is a wonderful Pastor.

Had to change my reservations for April because I had our last trip planned during the time we have to pick Tiffany up from ORU. Our new dates are April 20 to May 2nd. Same time you will be there Denine!

Sandy-Glad the computer trama is over. Any more gray hair because of it?

We leave a week from Friday. I have a lot to get done before we leave. I am going to be working hard this weekend to finish shopping, Christmas cards, mailing stuff to Tiffany and other things I need to finish. I am having a Thanksgiving Dinner for my Missionettes on Sunday night. I am making the turkey they are bringing the side dishes and we are baking pies together at the church. I really love my girls they have the sweetest hearts.

Had fun scrapbooking on Saturday. Made some very cute pages, can't wait to get back to Disney to get pictures!
Hi guys, just got back from spending time with Stacey and babies. They are getting better but still have a cough and running nose. Denine, I can sympathize with Kaleigh getting sick.

Barb, would you like me to bring some apples on Saturday?? I would be happy to. I can't believe everything that you are tackling over next weekend. You deserve to go to Hawaii after all that!! Glad that the church is handling everything ok. Once the press goes away things will get better faster. I remember all the press over Columbine and it never really goes away until they leave.

Heidi, don't want to forget to tell you that I got our pie crusts for Saturday. They come in a package of two so you and I can just share mine.
Barb: I am glad you are starting to heal. You sound like your old self again.

Hey, we will have to hook up in WDW in April!

I just sent flowers to my aunt. There will be a memorial service on Saturday but my dad doesn't know where. They are not going due to my dad's MS. My uncle will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery January 8th. That could be interesting to see. Tough to get to Virginia at that time though. He has already been cremated.

So, how many people will show up at my door Saturday without calling? They have until Wednesday. Jerry's brother is not coming, but we only know because Jerry talked to his mom. So, she is not coming either. Not ONE person has called. I guess that means more wine for us Julie!

Kaleighis inthe living room singing "A dream is a wish your heart makes". It is so cute. We bought the Twice Charmed CD on the ship and lisitened to that for days in the car.

We got a magnet in the mail today from DCL. You should see my fridge! You would think we liked Disney or something.

Until tomorrow.
1800 Posts for Me!

Denine- Lets do hook up for sure that would be fun. I have never hooked up with any of our Disney Family in Disney. :banana:
Hey, I actually got a phone call this morning. My next door neighbors are coming, so that makes 6 people!

Jerry went shopping with Kaleigh last night. Do you know how much stuff you can get done in an hour with no one around? It is amazing!

Kaleigh seems to be OK today. She still has a cough, but no more sore throat. Keep your fingers crossed.

Just trying to decide what to make for dessert fot Thanksgiving. It will just be Jerry's mom and us.

I keep forgetting to post this, I am not the cruise director.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! party: :bday: :cake: :rainbow:

Her birthday was Friday.
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY Julie!!!!!

We had a wonderful time in DL and DCA. Definitely different than WDW. It was extremely crowded on Friday and Saturday and we made great use of fast passes. Sunday wasn't very crowded and didn't really need fast passes. Our favorite ride was Space Mountain, much better than WDW version. We rode it 12 times in 3 days. Indiana Jones was my second favorite at DL and we rode that quite a bit as well. We found out the reason why they were so busy on Saturday is because that was the day they were filming the DL Christmas parade special so they had Ryan Seacrest and a bunch of Disney Radio stars performing. They ran the parade 5 times to make sure they had the perfect segment!!! We also heard hannah montana sing and she did it 3 times over!!! It was funny, but annoying how busy it was. On Sunday we were exiting from Space Mountain and they handed us Dream Fast Passes, part of the year of a million dreams promotions. It was so cool since not many people get these special passes!!!!

Okay I just wanted to check in, work is busy today....but I will be back!!!
I might have a diet for all of you. I started it yesterday and I am not kidding. I lost 3.4 pounds. It is a three day diet. You can do it longer if you want. I don't think I could. I would entertain the thought of doing it 3 times a week and watching what I eat the other 4. Honestly it is soooooo easy. It is a thermogenic diet. Lots of cinnamon, vinegar and peppery things. I am going to do more research on it hopefully today. I have Noah because he has has the "backdoor trots" so I am actually just sneaking on.
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