October 19th Cruisers again and again...

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Hi, everyone. The new year has brought the same as the old - lot's of hectic stuff at work.

OK, Julie - tomorrow is a full moon. You know what to do!!! Good luck. I hope to hear from Garry tomorrow evening that you have finally birthed that baby!!

Bonnie - did you and Glenn have a nice visit for New Year's? You've been very quiet. If I recall correctly, this is your last week before returning to work. Take it easy while you can.

Sandy - Stay warm!! We had sunny weather in the mid 70s this weekend but tomorrow is only going to get to the 40s and they are talking flurries and wintry mix by Friday. We went tailgating on Saturday and it was actually hot out in the sun. I know I wouldnt' be able to handle 1 above!! Take me with you to St. Thomas. please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please!!!!!

Howdy! Just doing my normal nightly checking in! Nothing to report! Same old thing!

It's pretty cold here tonight. Garry actually got the night off so at least he won't get sick being out in the cold all night.

Well, take care and see you later today!
Fighting with the short term disability company that feels I should have been able to return to work on Monday. Right now I am using my own vacation time.

Saw the surgeon yesterday...he needs to document why I cannot return to work yet. Of course I found out not only was the appendix perforated but it was also gangrenous (sp.?). I still have a bit of an "egg" above the incision which causes a lot of discomfort. I have a hard time wearing clothes comfortably. I am exhausted...went to bed at 7:30 last night and woke up at 8:30 this morning. Not like me at all.

Nothing new here except I will finally get to the post office today to mail my gift exchange...so sorry for holding everyone up! Mine is still wrapped in the brown wrapping under the tree.

Julie! Have that baby already!!!!
My sweet, adorable, wonderful baby is back to a more normal state today. As soon as Jerry got home yesterday, she belonged to him. I just put her down for a nap and she screamed. Luckily, her blanket came out of thr dryer just a couple of minutes later. I took it to her and she calmed down. Hopefully, she will sleeep for a little while. I know she is teething again. I started giving her tylenol yesterday afternoon. I gave her more this morning.

Sandy: I never did have my strong drink, did you? Here's to a better day. Yes, 1 above is colder, but when you get that cold, it doesn't really matter.

Sue: Sorry, no pity for your weather.

Darren: I really needed a pick-me-up yesterday and you provided it. Thank you for the surprise in the mail. It is really great!

Julie: I still say do some jumping jacks! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Bonnie: Sorry to hear you are having some troubles. I hope you get everything straightened out and also start to feel normal again.
Hi guys, from frozen Colorado. It is going to warm all the way up to 30. Can't wait. Sorry everyone. Sounds like we sent it your way. Denine, you are so right. Actual temp doesn't matter when it gets that cold. Cold is cold!

Denine, no I never had that drink. Sure needed it. Noah and Graci's parents wanted us to watch them till 6:45 OR drop them by the dentist office. I chose option B. I just had a heck of a day. You and I need to go out and buy calgon, I guess, and when they ACTUALLY sleep good we could take a nice relaxing hot bath. It is so hard for me to see your sweet wonderful adorable baby act up.

Susan and Krista, don't think that we will fly to St Thomas for a couple of free nights. OMG, the price of airfare is outrageous for FREE nights. You would definitely have to stay a week or so to make up for the airfare. I just heard on Regis and Kelly today that St. Thomas has an all inclusive resort. Something I would love to do. Both Stacey and Heidi have done that in Mexico.

Julie, guess I have to agree with Denine. Jumping Jacks! :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Bonnie, sorry about the insurance problems. Good luck. Would hate to see you use your vacation! Wow, gangreen. That sounds horrible! Glad you made it home from Florida! I remember our phone conversation down there about your back hurting. If you only knew!!!!

Darren, you are certainly a love! Thanks!

Susan, your tailgate must have been fun in the 70's. Better than cold! I have never been to a tailgate but I bet they are a blast!

Will probably check in later.
Sandy, you need to move to the Springs.....it is now 52 degrees on the computer at l2:06.

Barb will be home tomorrow...they are spending the night with Patti in New Mexico.
Sally.....This storm was a crazy one that is for sure. I was watching the weather and saw that the Spgs was warmer than us. But.......you do get the storms that we don't get sometimes. But......I do love the view in the Spgs. What to do, what to do. Ah heck, it is too much work to move. Guess I will stay put and enjoy the Spgs when we are camping in the summer. Thanks tho!

Let me be the first one to welcome Barb home. Can't wait for your trip report.

I am posting from Patty's computer. Decided it must be having withdraws since she never posts from here. I was in a panick when I saw that the other thread was closed and I had no idea where to find the new one. I did a little digging and WAA LAA there it was...Phew!!

Had an absolute ball at Disney!! The Beach Club Villa's are sosososo beautiful. I am so glad we decided to join DVC last year. I want more points!!!

Dropped Jaymee off at school in Texas yesterday:(
Wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be, since I will get to see her again soon.

We walked over 100 miles while we were there. Other then being tired it was a great time. I will give more details after I get back to work on Monday. We are leaving on the last leg of our journey tomorrow. Only 9 hours to go. I was reunited with my puppies today. That was the best part of the trip home.

I left 2 new bottles of Aveda shampoo and conditioner at a nasty dirty $#%$ Days inn. I am UNDERPLEASED! But other then that it has been a wonderful trip.



I almost forgot! Sorry it is so late in the day Sally! I hope you had a great day!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Thank heavens for Julie!

I mailed the Christmas exchange today...it should arrive by Friday...When do we open????
Thanks Julie and Bonnie....had a very nice birthday.....Patti sent flowers yesterday and Crissy gave me flowers today. Dick took me out to lunch and Crissy took me out to dinner and bought me a cake from Fargo's. Love their chocolate cake!!

Went to the scrapbook store and found out at the end of the month Disney is coming out with a lot of new stickers and she is having a Disney party....also M & M's are coming out with paper, stickers and she is also having a M & M party....yeah, I am going to two parties!!

The Mole starts tonight....wonder if it will be any good....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SALLY!!! Glad to hear you had a nice birthday.

Sandy - I took your advice and read the hilarious trip report - the entire thing!! That has kept me busy when logged on. I didn't mean to neglect my DIS family but that trip report is very addictive. I agree, she should write a book. I laughed and cried!! She sure does love her family ('cept for you know who but she doesn't matter becasue she is not a blood relative!). Everyone should go read it.

Since I have been reading for the last 2 hours, I need to head to bed now.

Love to all
Thanks Sue......where is this report?

Going to bed myself....it is midnight...I was scrapbooking and time gets away from me.

Good Night All......
Here's the link for the trip report:
funny trip report Remember: it is addictive!!

No post from the sleepless Julie last night. Wonder if....

Have a great Thursday everyone.
Sorry Susan! I warned you how addictive that trip report is. You laugh outloud and yes, you do cry. Love you, mean it. I am happy that Heidi found it. Careful Sally, you too might get addicted.

Happy Birthday LATE Sally. Sounds like you had a good flowery day full of food. We love Fargos. Too bad Denver doesn't have one. Never had dessert there. We watched the Mole last night. I think it will be good. Corbin cracks me up and I love Tracey Gold. Dennis Rodman I thought would be annoying but so far you never hear a peep from him.

Hmmmm, no Julie. MAYBE! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Barb, glad that you had a good time. Can't wait to hear from you. Probably too late but tell Patty/Patti hi.

Well, Denine. Another day of a sleepless baby for me. Wish me luck.
Did I hear Fargos? Mom, please please please lets take a trip to the Springs to go to Fargos!!! Now I am going to be craving that place. I haven't been there in 5 months and I will have to wait atleast another 5 months before I can go there again. Yummy pizza, please mom?

I suggest that everyone reads the trip report that I found. It will definitely make you laugh out loud and even cry!!! It leaves a smile on your face after reading the whole thing. But I have to agree it is VERY addicting.

Hey mom what about Fargos?
I am here. I had my doctors appointment this morning. You would have thought Kaleigh was the one being examined and poked. She cried her eyes out and clung to my legs when I was sitting on the exam table. They drew 3 tubes of blood. He is doing a CBC to check for anemia, a thyroid test, some chemistries to check my blood sugar, and a hair loss study because my hair has been getting thinner as well. The hair loss could be because of my throid, if that is the problem.

Happy belated birthday Sally, it sounds like you had a good day!

Barb: Welcome Home! Points are addictive. We always want more!

Sandy: A nice hot bath in the jacuzzi tub with a glass of wine sounds good. I'd probably fall asleep though. Now, about getting these babies to sleep. Kaleigh refused a nap yesterday afternoon, but did sleep in the morning. She is sleeping now. I really need a nap this afternoon. Kaleigh was very restless last night and kept wimpering on and off. Of course, Jerry didn't hear any if it. I however, heard all of it and didn't get much sleep.

Maybe Julie is having that baby. She usually has her doc appointments on Wednesday. So maybe she went in after. I guess we will find out soon enough.
I talked to Barb this morning at Patti's and she said Patti and her have not received their gift exchange yet. Has everyone else? I have received and sent my gift. When do we open them?
Thanks a lot Sally. YOU created a monster in Heidi. She does love Fargos. Hey maybe we can drive down on a weekend and meet Barb and Sally at Fargos and take care of that craving. Just a thought. Love you mean it, Heidi! ;)

Denine, it will be interesting to see if the dr. finds anything. Sounds like it all points to that thyroid! Let us know. A nice hot bath in a jacuzzi sounds wonderful but........I don't have a jacuzzi. I haven't been sleeping well myself so I am exhausted and my patience level is nil.

I was taking black cohosh for night sweats but I think it was giving me headaches that would keep me awake so I reduced the mg. My headaches seems better. I am going to make an eye appt too. I know my eyes are getting bad and maybe that is the reason for the headaches. I don't want to wear glasses but might have to. I have had glasses since the girls were a few months old but never wear them. I just can't get used to them. I feel like a horse when I wear them. It feels like the sidewalk is higher than what it is so it looks like I am prancing. The eye dr. explained to me why but can't remember. Something with my crazy eyes.

Graci is chanting sausage, sausage so I guess I better go feed the starving child.
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Julie delivered Brooke Marie at 9:44am this morning! She is 8 lbs. 4 oz., 20" long, and of course cute as a button!! Both mom and baby are doing fine!

More details (and hopefully pictures) later!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
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