~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

How great that your heavy lifting and eating went good.

I'm so sorry to hear V had a rough day at school. It's great that you helped her figure things out.

It great to hear that Allison had a great day at school. She is so brave to follow her heart and don't listen to family members who tell her it's not a wise career choice for her.

Wow that great that Matt is now playing hockey for money :woohoo:

I hope your Target day goes fast. Good luck today :hug:
Congratulations to Matt! My husband and I met in Alaska and lived there for 10 years...both of our girls were born there, and one of my sisters (with her family) and my brother still live there. I know my sister and her husband go to hockey games (my brother-in-laws sister plays on a very popular women's team up there) so I'll tell my sister to watch for Matt!

So sorry V had a rough day at school yesterday...she's blessed to have two loving parents that she can talk to about things and hopefully things will be better today.

Allison's smile says it all! What a beautiful, joy-filled smile! Good for her for following her dreams and doing what she wants to do. She's so talented with makeup and photography -- I have no doubt she will be very successful at this pursuit and will really enjoy it. Life is too short to spend 8-10 hours per day in a job/career that makes you miserable. Good for her!

I should have reintroduced corn/rice yesterday but my joints were still giving me a lot of trouble so I decided to wait another day or two.

The MRIs this morning went ok...I couldn't find my current Xanax prescription (I take it for flying -- I need to find it before my trip next week!) so I took a dose from an older prescription but I think they were expired...they really didn't work at all besides making me feel a bit groggy. I didn't feel relaxed. We thought the MRIs would take 45 minutes...it ended up being longer and after the first MRI, I asked for Mark to be allowed to come in the room and sit with me, just to rub my foot or leg or something to give me something else to focus on. I was too far into the machine for him to hold my hand. I started shaking a bit from anxiety and at the end I was practically yelling at them to get me out of that machine NOW. I feel bad...but the MRI technician said he's seen much worse. He asked if he could redo one of the views and that it would take six minutes but by then I was shaking and tearing up and Mark told him I had reached my limit and it wouldn't be a good idea. If the images aren't clear enough on that one view I can go back another time and re-do just that one view. But I had reached my limit. The technician said the report would be to my doctor within about 24-36 hours, and he gave us the images on a CD to send to my brother-in-law in Alaska. He's a neuroradiologist and always looks at all of the x-rays and images we have done in the family, just for a second opinion. So we shall see.

Good for you for exercising!! I haven't had physical therapy this week and I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but it seems like my muscle weakness in my arms and legs has flared up again. *Sigh* Someday we'll have all of these health problems figured out!

Have a great day!
whewww finally catching up and checking in . So excited to hear about about your trip!

I have black heels (and two other colors) from Hush Puppies for work that I can handle for 8 hours on my feet. I actually found them fairly cheap on amazon. If she decides she needs something else.

Keep up the good work!
Reading along and enjoying every minute!

Your 1st day looks like a good mix of relaxing and Dis meets. Thanks for the info on SoG; that is so interesting how it came about.

Love the hot fudge sundaes at Ghiradelli; I think they opened one up at the Riverwalk here in San Antonio but I am pretending I didn't see that billboard; I don't want to be tempted. I want it to remain a WDW treat:) Even though a trip to WDW doesn't look too promising any time soon.

So happy for Allison; glad she is doing something her heart desires; that is so important. I am going to see how long 3 inch heels will last with her:)

Hope V gets everything straightened out at school; it is her Senior year and you want it to be memorable in a good way.

Hope your Target day goes by quick; can't wait to see another update!

Always hugs, always prayers.
We actually really enjoyed Disney Springs when we were there this summer. We aren't shoppers so we seldom went when it was Downtown Disney, but since we had a car this time, we thought, why not and headed there one afternoon. We liked the different food options and we just enjoyed walking around. We'll definitely head there again next time we are in Disney.

This year we had 218 trick-or-treaters! We get more and more each year. My mom actually hands out the candy while DH and I go trick-or-treating with our boys. She enjoys checking out everyone's costumes.

I'm glad Allison enjoyed her first day of school. Hopefully your first day back at Target went well.
:rotfl::rotfl:Your chipotle bowl sounds great! Do you like the hot sauce?! Oh my word!! It's so delicious.

Sorry V had a hard day, I hope she doing better. :hug:

A just radiates happiness and beauty. Happy to hear her first day went well and I'm glad she stood strong against those less supportive of her career choice. This life is too short to worry about others opinions or second guess what's in your heart.

Super congratulations to Matt! That is awesome!!

Oh boy! A long Target day - just try not to spend your paycheck before you earn it! :rotfl:

Off to watch the Cubs make history! Have a lovely night!
Yay for Allison! It's awesome when your kids know exactly what they want to do when they "grow up" It's one less worry.

That's awesome about Matt! I love hockey!

Well... It's taken her a long time to decide that this is what she wanted to do... And at this point - I feel like she is still a little undecided, and she is more doing this because it's a huge interest to her... She says she may go off to "real college" after this... We'll see? Whatever the case may be, I am very proud of her for doing what she wants to do, and not what others want her to do. :lovestruc

Yes - we are very proud of Matt! We are also hoping to make it to a few of his games this year. ::yes::

It's good that Allison is following her dream. She looks very happy.

She is very happy and enjoying school very much so far. :lovesruc

So exciting, Allison starting out on the path toward pursuing her dream. Other people should mind their own business--if this is what will make her happy (and it sure looks like it does!!) then that is most important!!

Sorry V had a rough day yesterday :( I do not miss high school and all of the drama and emotion and stress that comes along with being that age. She's so lucky to have parents she can turn to for help sorting things out.

BOY do I know what you mean on this one!!!! When Rob worked at Target, we almost never saw each other during November and December. With him there all the time and me working at Hallmark all the time, retail nearly killed us during the holidays!!! Of course, the paychecks help us get to Disney World, so I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly :)

Hahaha... That is what a lot of us have said to her, and I think having that support around her has been good... After all - it is her life, she has to live it. ::yes::

Thank you :lovestruc V's issue was more technically related than peer related... However, it was just starting to wear her down - thankfully her technical issues have been resolved and she is back to making headway on her projects. It helps to have a dad who is incredibly smart when it comes to IT. LOL

I am very thankful - during this time of year - that I only work at Target one day per week... However - I have done my retail holiday "time", so I know exactly how draining it can be. However, I do love working there this time of year - it's so much fun! That part I dislike is January and February - it's just a lull and so boring. LOL

How great that your heavy lifting and eating went good.

I'm so sorry to hear V had a rough day at school. It's great that you helped her figure things out.

It great to hear that Allison had a great day at school. She is so brave to follow her heart and don't listen to family members who tell her it's not a wise career choice for her.

Wow that great that Matt is now playing hockey for money

I hope your Target day goes fast. Good luck today

Thanks Lillian!! :) Everyone here is having a great week, so far. :lovestruc And my day at Target didn't go fast - but it went well, so that's good. LOL :)

How did it go at the shop - were you able to get your back door not to cooperate? :scratchin

Congratulations to Matt! My husband and I met in Alaska and lived there for 10 years...both of our girls were born there, and one of my sisters (with her family) and my brother still live there. I know my sister and her husband go to hockey games (my brother-in-laws sister plays on a very popular women's team up there) so I'll tell my sister to watch for Matt!

So sorry V had a rough day at school yesterday...she's blessed to have two loving parents that she can talk to about things and hopefully things will be better today.

Allison's smile says it all! What a beautiful, joy-filled smile! Good for her for following her dreams and doing what she wants to do. She's so talented with makeup and photography -- I have no doubt she will be very successful at this pursuit and will really enjoy it. Life is too short to spend 8-10 hours per day in a job/career that makes you miserable. Good for her!

I should have reintroduced corn/rice yesterday but my joints were still giving me a lot of trouble so I decided to wait another day or two.

The MRIs this morning went ok...I couldn't find my current Xanax prescription (I take it for flying -- I need to find it before my trip next week!) so I took a dose from an older prescription but I think they were expired...they really didn't work at all besides making me feel a bit groggy. I didn't feel relaxed. We thought the MRIs would take 45 minutes...it ended up being longer and after the first MRI, I asked for Mark to be allowed to come in the room and sit with me, just to rub my foot or leg or something to give me something else to focus on. I was too far into the machine for him to hold my hand. I started shaking a bit from anxiety and at the end I was practically yelling at them to get me out of that machine NOW. I feel bad...but the MRI technician said he's seen much worse. He asked if he could redo one of the views and that it would take six minutes but by then I was shaking and tearing up and Mark told him I had reached my limit and it wouldn't be a good idea. If the images aren't clear enough on that one view I can go back another time and re-do just that one view. But I had reached my limit. The technician said the report would be to my doctor within about 24-36 hours, and he gave us the images on a CD to send to my brother-in-law in Alaska. He's a neuroradiologist and always looks at all of the x-rays and images we have done in the family, just for a second opinion. So we shall see.

Good for you for exercising!! I haven't had physical therapy this week and I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but it seems like my muscle weakness in my arms and legs has flared up again. *Sigh* Someday we'll have all of these health problems figured out!

Have a great day!

Yes - definitely watch for Matt!!! That would be so cool! It's so much fun watching him play - I know Josh misses not having him so close on Friday nights... We are hoping to make it to a few of his games this year - with a bit of strategic planning. ::yes::

Yes - things went much better yesterday - she was having some technical difficulties with a project - so it was more of needing Dad's help and not mine - LOL Thankfully, she is back in business and can move forward with the rest of her projects - as they build on eachother. ::yes::

Exactly my thoughts... So far, she seems to be very happy with her decision. Her "kit" came yesterday - so it was better than Christmas for her! :woohoo: It was so fun to see all of the pictures she was sending to me.

Take your time and do the best you can with reintro... And especially if you are having pain now, I would take it slowly. ::yes::

I hope your MRI results give you answers... I can totally feel your pain with the MRI machine - I won't go into the whole story, but I had an MRI when I was in my 20's and I didn't realize until that point how incredibly claustrophobic I am... So please know I understand. :hug: From then on, every time I've had to have an MRI (which thankfully hasn't been often) - they've had to put me in an "open MRI" machine - which I still have issues with. Maybe next time you can ask for and try that? Sending you lots of pixie dust for answers. :hug:

I hope you have a good day at Target!

Thanks! It wasn't terrible - I loved seeing all of the new Christmas items coming out!

Just wanted to pop in and say have a great day!

Thank you -same to you! :lovestruc

whewww finally catching up and checking in . So excited to hear about about your trip!

I have black heels (and two other colors) from Hush Puppies for work that I can handle for 8 hours on my feet. I actually found them fairly cheap on amazon. If she decides she needs something else.

Keep up the good work!

Hi!!! So happy to see you here and following along! :lovestruc

Thanks for the recommendation! I will have her check them out. :lovestruc She's already ditched the black heels, LOL Thankfully she never wore them out of the house - so she was able to return them... She is still hunting for something more fashionable/comfortable. :)

Thanks - yesterday was a tough day - today will be much better! ::yes::

Reading along and enjoying every minute!

Your 1st day looks like a good mix of relaxing and Dis meets. Thanks for the info on SoG; that is so interesting how it came about.

Love the hot fudge sundaes at Ghiradelli; I think they opened one up at the Riverwalk here in San Antonio but I am pretending I didn't see that billboard; I don't want to be tempted. I want it to remain a WDW treat:) Even though a trip to WDW doesn't look too promising any time soon.

So happy for Allison; glad she is doing something her heart desires; that is so important. I am going to see how long 3 inch heels will last with her:)

Hope V gets everything straightened out at school; it is her Senior year and you want it to be memorable in a good way.

Hope your Target day goes by quick; can't wait to see another update!

Always hugs, always prayers.

Thanks Carol - Yes, SoG has a really interesting history - at least I find it interesting... ::yes::

Ha!!! I agree - they are sooooo good, they should only be allowed in one's diet when in Disney - LOL... Hopefully you are able to get there soon to try one out.

Hehehe... They didn't last long - she never wore them out of the house, and she returned them yesterday. She is still on the hunt for something stylish and comfy. ::yes:: She had such an exciting day yesterday - as her kit was delivered to the school - so it was just like Christmas for her! :lovestruc

Yes - V's issues are all figured out - she was having technical difficulties - it took Josh less than 3 minutes to get everything back in working order... I'd been trying to help her for a week... :scratchin Just happy to have things working again. ::yes::

Thanks! I am hoping to do an update this morning... Josh just informed me that he received an email about maintenance our internet provider is doing this morning - so we are to expect intermittent outages... :( Hopefully I can get an update done before we lose internet.

Sending hugs!!! :lovestruc

We actually really enjoyed Disney Springs when we were there this summer. We aren't shoppers so we seldom went when it was Downtown Disney, but since we had a car this time, we thought, why not and headed there one afternoon. We liked the different food options and we just enjoyed walking around. We'll definitely head there again next time we are in Disney.

This year we had 218 trick-or-treaters! We get more and more each year. My mom actually hands out the candy while DH and I go trick-or-treating with our boys. She enjoys checking out everyone's costumes.

I'm glad Allison enjoyed her first day of school. Hopefully your first day back at Target went well.

I definitely enjoyed it too - much more the second time around... It's a lot to take in at first and I never did get my directional bearings... LOL We didn't try any food or restaurants while we were there - we were too full on both days. LOL I am hoping to have more time there on another trip someday. ::yes::

YIKES!!! That is crazy and FUN!!!! I am so jealous! We've never had that many - typically we get about 30+ or so... I was really shocked at how few we had this year... Many of the kids that used to come have grown up or moved away though - so until younger people move to town, I guess it will continue to be like this...

She is enjoying school very much - she was so excited yesterday, as she received her kit - so it was just like Christmas for her. They are already starting the "hands on" stuff today - I can't wait to hear all about it. Thanks! My first day back at Target was OK - it was fun to see all of the new holiday stuff - they did great this year!

Your chipotle bowl sounds great! Do you like the hot sauce?! Oh my word!! It's so delicious.

Sorry V had a hard day, I hope she doing better. :hug:

A just radiates happiness and beauty. Happy to hear her first day went well and I'm glad she stood strong against those less supportive of her career choice. This life is too short to worry about others opinions or second guess what's in your heart.

Super congratulations to Matt! That is awesome!!

Oh boy! A long Target day - just try not to spend your paycheck before you earn it!

Off to watch the Cubs make history! Have a lovely night!

LOL - I am such a chicken and afraid to try anything more than the "mild" salsa... Maybe one day I'll ask for the green on the side and give it a try. LOL

Yes - she is much better - Josh figured out her technical difficulties and she is back to making headway on all of her projects. :thumbsup2

Yes - exactly!!! She is doing great and enjoying school so far - I hope she continues to do so... You are right - life is too short - and I am so happy to see her doing what she wants to do. :lovestruc

Yes - it's so fun to hear of Matt's success - it's a definite dream come true for him - I cannot wait to see how far he goes!

Hahahha - I've given up on that years ago - LOL They have so many awesome new things out this season!

I tried to stay awake... I woke up in the 10th inning to see that they were tied... Then I woke later and Josh told me they won! I was super happy for them, as most of the nation is. :woohoo: It looked like it was an awesome game! Congrats to all Cubs fans today!


I had an OK day yesterday... It was early and it was long... However - I only had to work an extra 2 hours to get and extra 45 minutes worth of breaks from what I normally get - so that made my day easier. I also got to "throw" the truck yesterday - which, I love doing and I rarely get to do. I didn't think of until now - but it's an incredible work out... Just me and one other person unloading an entire semi trailer in just under an hour... That totally explains why I was sooooo hungry yesterday and eating anything I could get my hands on. LOL

I loved seeing all of the new holiday product coming in - and I CANNOT wait to start decorating for Christmas. I am debating on putting up my village this year... I didn't put it up last year, as it took me sooo long to work up the ambition to take it down the year before (in the end, I had to pay Gus and Allison to take it down in March, LOL)... I feel like I want to put it up this year though... We'll see? :scratchin

As I mentioned above, my eating was terrible yesterday... I was starving all day and eating anything I could get my hands on. I was feeling a little awful about it, until I realized when I was typing above - I had quite the work out yesterday morning and that explains a lot. ::yes::

I picked V up from school yesterday and brought her to her friend's house for youth group... She had a great night and no more issues at school with her computer stuff - which is good. It seems like it's totally resolved.

And Allison had a great 2nd day at school - her kit was delivered, which is a HUGE deal and much like Christmas for her. Today they get to start some of their hands on stuff - I believe she said that they start with shampooing... I wish I could volunteer for that part - LOL... Definitely NOT volunteering for the perm or coloring portions. LOL She will be looking for models for that part of it in the coming months - so if any of you are interested - hit me up. ::yes::

That's about all... I fell asleep watching the Cubs and cheering them on... I woke to see them in the 10th inning, and I woke later to Josh telling me that they won... So happy for all of the Cubs fans out there! :lovestruc

Today - I am working out this morning... I am not sure if I am going to make today a heavy lifting day or a 30DS day? :scratchin Which ever one I don't do today, I will do tomorrow. Working early shifts on Wednesdays really throws off my work out schedule for the week. ::yes::

Then I will work upstairs all day...

I may have to run to town later to pick V up from school and take her to work.

I hope you all have a great day! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

SoG has a really interesting history - at least I find it interesting..
I forgot to mention your picture of the fireplace in the lobby of SoG looked familiar to me. We stayed there twice back in the early 1980's, like maybe 1981 and one other time. Is that fireplace in the original building?

That's about all... I fell asleep watching the Cubs and cheering them on... I woke to see them in the 10th inning, and I woke later to Josh telling me that they won... So happy for all of the Cubs fans out there! :lovestruc
We're big Cubs fans in this house. When the Cubs blew their lead in the 8th inning I couldn't watch anymore. It was killing me. I woke up around midnight when I heard the sound of fireworks going off in the neighborhood. I quickly turned on the TV and saw that they won the World Series! I couldn't believe it. Needless to say, Chicago will be crazy with joy today. :) And hopefully I can see the ticker tape parade whenever it happens since I work in the downtown area. :)
Day 2 Part 1

I was up at 5:05... It was very difficult for me to wake up this morning and I had a terrible headache. I also woke during the night from my headache, I knew it was directly related to being dehydrated and flying - so I drank some water and took some Tylenol.

I sat out on the balcony and did my customary coffee/FB/Dis...


I got ready for the day...

Woke V at 6:30... While she was getting ready, I ran and grabbed us Starbucks... Much of her ability to get out of bed during this trip - with out much fuss - was due to grand promises of Starbucks... Thankfully SoG is the only resort on property with a Starbucks on site. ::yes::


We were out the door at exactly 7:20... We hopped a SoG bus to the TTC... Our original plan was to hop on the monorail to Epcot, however, just as we were getting off of the SoG bus - a bus to Epcot pulled in, so we grabbed that one instead.


We arrived at Epcot, and were the 2nd people in line to enter the park for the day at 8:20am.



The park opened early at 8:45... We stopped for a few PP photos on our way in...



And a few pictures of SSE...



The CMs roped us off right under SSE for a few minutes... and then they made everyone follow the rope back to Norway (I suspect) - because we lost the rope when we turned left to head to Test Track...

We were in the 2nd car to leave the track that day... I still don't love this ride as much as I used to - however - it's the easiest to do with out a FP.


We also had a FP for The Sea with Nemo and Friends - however - it really wasn't necessary to use it at this hour (or any hour)... Since we had it though and had time to use it, we headed that way... Stopping for a Photopass photographer or two and a bio break on the way...



The park was still pretty empty at this point...




This ride was walk on both the FP and Standby... It's a cute ride... One that I had never ridden until I was here with Suzi and Bradey and one that V has never ridden at all. Both of us really like it - as a standard take a break from walking Disney ride. LOL




After - we went on a mission to find Bruce... I was hoping there would be a Photopass photographer there, sadly there wasn't - so we had to stage our own pictures... Clearly - I am NOT the photographer in the family...



Victoria and I decided we were hungry, and even though we had an early lunch ADR at Via Napoli - we decided that we needed something to carry us over until lunch time... We decided to eat at Sunshine Seasons, since it was right there.


Victoria ordered the Breakfast Panini - Eggs, bacon, roast pork, and cheese served with breakfast potatoes - she really liked it. And I ordered the Adult Breakfast platter - Bacon, Eggs, sausage, potatoes and a biscuit - it was good. We split both of these between the two of us & each of us had water to drink - as we were both still dehydrated from yesterday. Both meals were good, and we'd order again.


After breakfast, we hopped on to Living with the Land... A favorite of ours. The line was a bit longer than we would normally wait - however - it moved super quickly and we had time to waste before our FP for Soarin' anyways...

I always love looking at this house on this ride - it is an exact miniature replica of our house. :lovestruc




And my favorite!!! I love fall in WDW!


Next up... Soarin'... Did we like the new version?​

Link to Day 2 Part 2

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Good Morning,
I would love to know how much you spent on starbucks this trip! :rotfl2:

Well for once i see V is smiling in every picture SO FAR, I love the remy magic shot! So cute and one i haven't seen

Fantastic getting all the rides done before the crazy crowds started out!
Yay another update....love it! Great that you did so much in EPCOT so early. I probably won't get my crew up that early later this month but it would be nice. I know the Starbucks at SoG was a HUGE hit for my kids last time as well so it might be motivation but only for that ONE night/day we are there.
I used to love Test Track too but lately I've lost interest in it. My new love is Soarin

We avoided Finding Nemo for years, too. I'm glad we tried it because it is really cute.
I am debating on putting up my village this year...
My Mom decided not to put up her village a couple years ago and I was so disappointed, I dragged all the boxes up and put the thing up myself. :) Hers goes across the entire mantle, a whole wall, in their front room, so it's just not the same without it!!! Of course, it became MY job from here on out!! Last year, it was February and she finally took it down without waiting for me :)

I believe she said that they start with shampooing... I wish I could volunteer for that part - LOL.
Oh, totally!! That is the BEST part of getting your hair cut!!!!

Love the start of your Epcot day! I also miss the old Test Track--this one feels so thrown together, just put up some neon and we'll call it a day. I can't wait for your Soarin' review!! I hope I'll like that revamp a lot more!

Living with the Land is one of our favorites, too :) I always think of Ariana's Jim when I see the robot chickens. Now I'll be thinking of your house when we go through that scene, too. I'm really looking forward to our trip (for a million reasons!) because we'll be doing the Behind the Seeds tour where we get to walk through the greenhouses from the ride. Can't wait :)
Glad to hear the crowds were low in the mornings. I think I could get out of bed easier if someone brought me Starbucks too. What a good mom!

Curious to see how you guys liked Soarin'. I will chime in on what we thought after you reveal what you thought.

The tech difficulties don't stop once high school is over. Marissa has called at 2 am in the morning before because she couldn't get her printer to sync. So far, she hasn't had any major issues while in Japan.
I love all your pretty creations! I wish I knew how to sew. I inherited my grandmother's sewing machine but it's a little worn and i don't have a clue as to how to fix it.
Love reading along with your trip report! And I learned something new! I had NO IDEA there are buses to Epcot from the TTC-I thought the monorail was the only option. Were buses running early to TTC because Magic Kingdom was an extra magic hour morning?!

Your trip reports are helping me prepare for our first stay at SOG so thanks!
Sounds like Target was a good day. I used to work at a grocery store and the holiday season was always so busy but fun.
Love the update! Looks like it was a beautiful day. I am so envious of your "rope drop" mornings. My family never functions like that. I think one of these times I'm just going to go to a park on my own and let them catch up to me::yes:: lol
Have a great day!


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