Official 2013 Tower of Terror 10 Miler

Which corral? I'm in G

I am behind u in J. Go getem! And wave to me as i come in.

Getting nervous! But the weather is great! Just what i am used to with a slight breeze! Just hope my legs and feet keep the pace!

Lovin' the atmosphere and the costumes!

C u at the tower!
OMG! I finished!!!!
Not in the time i was hoping for but oh not, i finished! The weather (humidity) did me in but felt good through to the finish. Then i started the cramping but i am so happy i made it through.

My first disney run, my first tower of terror, and my first distance race of this length.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For the words of wisdom, advice and encouragement!
OMG! I finished!!!!
Not in the time i was hoping for but oh not, i finished! The weather (humidity) did me in but felt good through to the finish. Then i started the cramping but i am so happy i made it through.

My first disney run, my first tower of terror, and my first distance race of this length.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For the words of wisdom, advice and encouragement!

Congratulations on finishing! It's a great accomplishment. :cheer2:
Wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all the runners & walkers & run/walkers here!! And thank you again for all of the helpful advice I received along the way as a brand new runner!!

My sister, son and I did the 5K in the morning and had a blast! Then after mostly sitting around the rest of the day, my sister and I ran the 10-miler -- my first race over 10K. And all of this after walking around WDW for 9 days!! Sheesh!

We trained in really hot and humid conditions, so felt prepared for that. Drank a TON of water, slowed when we needed to, and chomped on some chews along the way.

It wasn't a walk in the park (!!) but we finished under our training run times, which surprised me. I was just happy to finish at all!! We stuck around for the bash and mostly did the rides - we're not big photo people. Lol!

All in all, a great experience! Off to MNSSHP tonight, a couple more days in WDW, then thinking about PHM 2014 plans!! Hope all runDISers had great experiences as well -- I'm looking forward to the reports!! :-)
Wahoo another finisher here!!! I must admit I was a little nervous about getting swept and the last two miles I was really hurting but I did it!!! Hope you all had a great race and be proud of your accomplishment! Can't wait to see everyone else wearing their medals today. Congratulations!!!!:cool1:
Well I got swept at my 7th mile. I had 2 bikes on my tail from mile 5 to 7 lol. I can honestly say since I only did half the training I feel good about getting to the 7th mile. One of my bike escorts was talking to me and i told her i will keep walking until you tell me I cant go any futhur. That was about the 6th mile. Then I could see the bus and a golf cart full of people were right behind me. My bike escort said the hard cut is at the 7th mile and that i could get in the cart. I asked her if I had to or if I could walk to it and get on. So. I walked myself on to the bus at the 7th mile.

So I am looking forward to January and the 10k. i will train and really be prepared next time. My gear was great no epic failures, was a little lacking on my hydration, never at any of my chews so i need to do better there too but I failed on my pace so thats my target.

Thank you all for your advice. I will be back to finish it with no bikes on my was great!

Jasmin. ;)
Anyone know if there's still anywhere to get medals engraved today?

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OMG! I finished!!!!
Not in the time i was hoping for but oh not, i finished! The weather (humidity) did me in but felt good through to the finish. Then i started the cramping but i am so happy i made it through.

My first disney run, my first tower of terror, and my first distance race of this length.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For the words of wisdom, advice and encouragement!

That is awesome! Your experience was basically my experience last year. Come back again and do even better :goodvibes

Wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all the runners & walkers & run/walkers here!! And thank you again for all of the helpful advice I received along the way as a brand new runner!!

My sister, son and I did the 5K in the morning and had a blast! Then after mostly sitting around the rest of the day, my sister and I ran the 10-miler -- my first race over 10K. And all of this after walking around WDW for 9 days!! Sheesh!

We trained in really hot and humid conditions, so felt prepared for that. Drank a TON of water, slowed when we needed to, and chomped on some chews along the way.

It wasn't a walk in the park (!!) but we finished under our training run times, which surprised me. I was just happy to finish at all!! We stuck around for the bash and mostly did the rides - we're not big photo people. Lol!

All in all, a great experience! Off to MNSSHP tonight, a couple more days in WDW, then thinking about PHM 2014 plans!! Hope all runDISers had great experiences as well -- I'm looking forward to the reports!! :-)

Congrats! Can't believe you did the 5k and the 10 mile!! :thumbsup2

Have a great time at MNSSHP, we went Friday and it was sooo much fun.

Wahoo another finisher here!!! I must admit I was a little nervous about getting swept and the last two miles I was really hurting but I did it!!! Hope you all had a great race and be proud of your accomplishment! Can't wait to see everyone else wearing their medals today. Congratulations!!!!:cool1:

Great job! :thumbsup2 I'll certainly be wearing my medal today at Epcot.

Well I got swept at my 7th mile. I had 2 bikes on my tail from mile 5 to 7 lol. I can honestly say since I only did half the training I feel good about getting to the 7th mile. One of my bike escorts was talking to me and i told her i will keep walking until you tell me I cant go any futhur. That was about the 6th mile. Then I could see the bus and a golf cart full of people were right behind me. My bike escort said the hard cut is at the 7th mile and that i could get in the cart. I asked her if I had to or if I could walk to it and get on. So. I walked myself on to the bus at the 7th mile.

So I am looking forward to January and the 10k. i will train and really be prepared next time. My gear was great no epic failures, was a little lacking on my hydration, never at any of my chews so i need to do better there too but I failed on my pace so thats my target.

Thank you all for your advice. I will be back to finish it with no bikes on my was great!

Jasmin. ;)

Congrats on making it that far! That is great to hear that you'll be ready for the 10k :thumbsup2
Its over!

Here is a little recap of my experience:

My BF and I ran last year, we finished but had a time of 2 hours and 20 some minutes. It was pretty rough and we did a good bit of walking.

This year...I think we only walked a total of 10 minutes!! I'm so excited about that. I trained really hard all summer (with my dog, thank you Sirius!) and I think it really showed.

Race Pace:

Besides doing a quick walk at the water stops so that we could down our water, we didn't need to stop for a walk break until 6.73 miles in! I couldn't believe it. Even though we'd been training a lot all summer, we never really did more than 2 miles without a short walk break. I guess race hype is real :cool1:

We walked for maybe 5-10 minutes to catch our breath, then we didn't stop again until a short minute walk around 8.5. I also had to walk the last 30 seconds of the costume shop area, then when we came in sight of the finish we sprinted.

I was really hurting around mile 9 so I turned my ipod up full strength and blasted Aerosmith, Foster the People and Mulan (make a man out of you) and finished with the soundtrack from Spirit (the old cartoon about the horse). I definitely get the most running inspiration from movie soundtracks.

We were really trying to finish under 2 hours, and I bet we were real close but we haven't checked yet.


I think the first character was the Snow White queen in hag form. I am glad we got pictures with her at a past MNSSHP so we were able to pass her by.

I got my pictures with the Festival of the Lion King animal dancers, there was no one even around them! So no wait there. They also had some stilt walkers and I should have had a picture with them but I wasn't really thinking.

The order of some of the characters is a bit mixed up...but I remember seeing Jafar, the Big Bad Wolf, Dr. Facilier, Red Queen, Grave Diggers (really wanted a pic with them but the line was kinda long and I didn't wanna break my stride), Jack and Sally (that line was soooo long and I'm not a huge NBC fan) and the hyenas and Scar (also really wanted a picture with them but such a long line). I think I remember Captain Hook as well. There was a sub from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea which was awesome! We took a quick picture of that. Pain and Panic were right near the finish which was awful, I would have liked a picture but no way was I stopping at that point.

The haunted mansion ballroom dancers were sweet, I had to take a picture with them because that is my Halloween costume for the MNSSHP. The wait was only a few minutes and that was when we did our short walk break.

Did I forget any characters others saw?


There needed to be more port o potties at the DHS parking lots. Got in line for the bathroom at 840 and didn't get to go til 930. Found lots of OSU football fans while waiting to begin and we were all nervous about the score of the game together.

I thought the weather was much better this year, either that or I was just in better shape. Last year I was throwing water in my face but thi year I didn't need to.

Last year we had a rough time with everyone walking on the dirt trail and it really threw us off our pace. This year most everyone ran and I was sooo happy.

All in all I am so excited and happy that we did this well. If you woulda told me yesterday morning that I would basically run the entire race, I wouldn't have believed you. At each mile marker I turned to my BF and was like...we just ran so many miles without stopping. It was great.

Villains Bash:

We stopped to rest on a nice grassy hill after we had our pictures taken after finishing the race. We ate and drank and relaxed for about 20 minutes, then we met up with our group.

We ended up seeing Shan Yu with a few minute wait, we knew when he was coming back out so we timed it so we were there when he came out. He is probably the scariest villain I have met...

We also knew when Cruella was due back out from a break so we were waiting for her, had a great interaction with her and she spent a lot of time with my BF's mom who really liked her.

We met Lotso, I don't think many knew he was back there so we walked right up. I told him he was a very bad bear and he confirmed my accusation by messing all my hair up and taking it out of it's ponytail.

Also met Frollo with no wait.

We skipped Gaston because we'd met him at the MK at his tavern. Wish they woulda put a rarer villain in his place.

We waited about 10 minutes for the Snow White queen.

Our group met the stepsisters and their mom while we were running, we skipped meeting them I figured we can catch them at our next MNSSHP.

We waited about 10 minutes for Vader.

I'm not sure if everyone will agree with this...but I think the characters from the race course should have come to the party after the race was over. There were some I'd have loved to have met like Pain and Panic and the hyenas and the grave diggers, but I was really pushing for my goal finishing time and didn't want to take time from the race to meet them.

We didn't do too many rides. We did TSMM with about a 15 minute wait. We could have walked onto ST but we had to hurry back to wait for Shan Yu. Then the crowds really thinned out around 3 and we walked onto TOT and RRC.

We were walking out of the park at about 5 til 4. It was funny to hear all the CMs tell us good morning.

Overall this year's race and party were a great success!! Hope to hear about all of your stories :thumbsup2
I thought the race was better than last year, many more photo ops. I still think the finish can be improved. I did much better this year due to not having an extravagant costume on. I finished in 1:27 and change, just ahead of Jeff Galloway. I felt good throughout, even with the lack of training. Off to Key West next weekend for Southernmost Half.

I kept as hydrated as possible, I felt like I was constantly eating beans and shot bloks (but when I see how many I brought back I hadn't overdone it), I took water, I tried to be polite about my walk breaks, I DID walk breaks for the most part at the 2run:1walk ratio I started my training with. I felt despair at one point then came across the zombie dance party as they were blasting Born This Way and it brought me back to joy. I walked all through the trail and was astonished by people passing me without words *on the right* when I was as far to the right as I felt I could without going off the trail. I loved the clappy things the volunteers at wwos had even though in my normal state of mind I dislike that sort of thing because it hurts my ears.

I loved the "worst electrical parade" sign I saw while on the road. and the "run faster, my arms are getting tired" sign at weos. I didn't like getting stuck for so long at the portapotties (I should have bailed on my line and gone to the corner lines but I was stubborn) that I missed E and F And G was shut as I was a step away from the gate. Started with H (oh I was moved to E at the expo from my 10k results). But I met the coolest woman while waiting and that was fabulous.

If i let myself think "I really did this" I tear up and that was happening along the course (and right now). I cried after the finish. I was so happy but it came out in tears. While running around some part at wwos a spectator was saying that sort of thing ("you are doing this") and it just amazed me that I was.

I didn't see my family until the reunion area and they didn't see me finish (hough they were there as i finished) but that was 100% ok because this is my thing and being solo is cool. They had bought me the necklace, a Cinderella hat, and the $70 half zip hoodie I refused to buy for myself. Go figure that was the one thing that ran small and we had to exchange it lol. They brought me chocolate milk and water and washcloths and my clothes and it was fabulous.

We rode star tours and TOT and wandered and stayed until nearly 4 and were exhausted for our Tusker House reservation for late breakfast this morning. I wore my medal and the first person to comment was the photopass person with Donald Duck for that character meal, and the second to notice was Donald who mimed running. :)

AND I looked at the results and found I finished in 2:15 net time which was simply astonishing to me. This race was the first goal I set for myself in, well, decades, and I still can't totally believe that I worked towards it and accomplished it.

I also learned to remember to turn off the garmin when you cross the finish line. :)
Congratulations to all the runners and finshers!

I know this is a bit premature but has anyone heard yet when next years' Tower of Terror 10 Miler is? My 11 month DVC window is approaching and I have 2 sons-in-law that REALLY want to run this race next year. Tried to book this year's timeframe and they moved the race on me.
Congratulations to all the runners and finshers!

I know this is a bit premature but has anyone heard yet when next years' Tower of Terror 10 Miler is? My 11 month DVC window is approaching and I have 2 sons-in-law that REALLY want to run this race next year. Tried to book this year's timeframe and they moved the race on me.

Next year in the program is the first weekend of October again.

The official race program states Oct. 3-4, 2014.

The ONLY caveat I would offer is that until the race entry opens in the February timeframe is to not borrow points for the reservation. It is all to easy to adjust the schedule a week or two before the entries open on Active. Though I guess if one does borrow points you are still pretty far out should the schedule change.
Next year in the program is the first weekend of October again.

The official race program states Oct. 3-4, 2014.

The ONLY caveat I would offer is that until the race entry opens in the February timeframe is to not borrow points for the reservation. It is all to easy to adjust the schedule a week or two before the entries open on Active. Though I guess if one does borrow points you are still pretty far out should the schedule change.

Thanks so much for the prompt replies. Very helpful. I won't need to borrow points for that trip but one of the SILs needs to know when to rent points for his stay. Now, let's just hope they stick to the schedule.
The official race program states Oct. 3-4, 2014.

Just a caution, last year they had a date the bumped it back two weeks around marathons time. since BWV is home resort and we were more then 7 months out, no problem rebooking, but just note, possibility it can move....
40 years old and last night was my first race ever! It was as much fun as running for 10 miles could possibly be. Was in corral G and finished in 1:56. Stopped 7 times for pics. Was really excited to see so many villains on the course and at the afterparty, after what I read about the race last year (and being disappointed at the Villains bash Friday the 13th). So now it's time to train for the half in January. Do people wear costumes to that one?
We had a great time last night! My only complaint about the race was that my cell phone wouldn't work and I couldn't watch my Gator game! I had gone out and bought the extra battery charger case for my phone so I could watch the game while waiting in for the start, and then listen to the game as I ran. I forgot that my phone never works since I think the airwaves are always overloaded! :crazy2:

Anyways. I think the new corral system was great! It seemed that we were closer to the front than we normally are, even though we were in D. And once the corral in the front went, and we walked up and stopped, it seemed like there was only 30 seconds before the next corral went. And I don't feel that it was as crowded as normal right out of the gate either!

We also noticed that the pathway that was so dark last year didn't seem as dark. And that the costuming path right before the end of the race didn't have blinking/strobe lights this year which was a problem for my friend who has epilepsy. I think runDisney really took into account what people said on their surveys. Yay!

In fact, I think my only real complaint is that the I Did It shirts were long sleeve. Even the race shirts were short sleeve (and that complaint is just slight!!)

As for how we did, absolutely no heel pain. Yay! All week long I had been icing and foam rolling my knee too and I had had absolutely no knee pain since Wednesday. So I thought I was good. And up until mile 3, I was. The pain started to kick in then and by mile 5 it was excruciating. It really felt like someone was kicking me in my knee with every step. In fact, I stopped by a medical tent for the first time ever. And you could tell! I saw some people holding goop on a popsicle stick so I took it and spread it on my knee--thinking it was biofreeze. Nope! It was vasoline!!! UGH!!! so every time I bent to massage my knee my hands got goopy! I stopped at the next medical tent and got the correct thing but it didn't really seem to help! (I think I'm going to take this week and next week off running and hope that it's better. I can't miss much more due to marathon training.)

Oh! And we got an 8minute, 10 second PR!!! Yay!:cheer2:


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