Official Avengers Super Hero Half Marathon Weekend 2014 Thread!

Is it typical for race this size to have such skewed corral sizes? I did the math and the first 6 corrals vary from 829-899 people per corral for a total of 5,200 people. Corral G has 3,399 people and corral H has 3,872 for a total of 7,271 people.

I don't understand the reasoning behind putting over half the race participants in the last two corrals. I would think that corrals of this size would cause a safety concern when the course narrows. Also factoring in run/walkers slowing to walk at different intervals, I can't imagine not continually dodging and tripping over people in the back two corrals.

So do the majority of race participants have a valid complaint with runDisney or is this typical spacing for half marathon? Will RunDisney be organized enough to factor in the extra space needed to stage the back two corrals before the race or will all corrals be staged for the same number of people?
Is it typical for race this size to have such skewed corral sizes? I did the math and the first 6 corrals vary from 829-899 people per corral for a total of 5,200 people. Corral G has 3,399 people and corral H has 3,872 for a total of 7,271 people. I don't understand the reasoning behind putting over half the race participants in the last two corrals. I would think that corrals of this size would cause a safety concern when the course narrows. Also factoring in run/walkers slowing to walk at different intervals, I can't imagine not continually dodging and tripping over people in the back two corrals. So do the majority of race participants have a valid complaint with runDisney or is this typical spacing for half marathon? Will RunDisney be organized enough to factor in the extra space needed to stage the back two corrals before the race or will all corrals be staged for the same number of people?

It is nee for this year. Also I think the realized the size of corrals don't really matter because they were release one corral as the last person of the previous corral crossed the line.
It still seems that a corral of 3.5k people with a 40 minute variation in estimated finish time is a bad plan here. If it was only a 15 min window and that was just the way qualifying went I wouldn't be anywhere near as apprehensive about it.

Second last long run finished! 18k in 2:05. Now for Nachos and Churros :)
I would really like to dress as Captain America. Sparkleskirts has a skirt called "USO Girl" that I would LOVE to get--but it's $75 and realistically, this will probably be the only time I will wear it--or maybe for a 4th of July race? I"m just not sure I can justify spending that kind of money for something I will only wear once or twice...I already have an expensive snow white themed running tutu in my closet that's only been worn once...

I am also doing Captain America but very inexpensively by wearing dark shorts I already own with a Captain America patch put on one leg with Velcro along with a white shirt.

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Is it typical for race this size to have such skewed corral sizes? I did the math and the first 6 corrals vary from 829-899 people per corral for a total of 5,200 people. Corral G has 3,399 people and corral H has 3,872 for a total of 7,271 people.

I don't understand the reasoning behind putting over half the race participants in the last two corrals. I would think that corrals of this size would cause a safety concern when the course narrows. Also factoring in run/walkers slowing to walk at different intervals, I can't imagine not continually dodging and tripping over people in the back two corrals.

So do the majority of race participants have a valid complaint with runDisney or is this typical spacing for half marathon? Will RunDisney be organized enough to factor in the extra space needed to stage the back two corrals before the race or will all corrals be staged for the same number of people?

This is pretty typical of the races at WDW, so it does not surprise me that it is this way in DLR.

They space the latter corrals out a little further than the early ones. They also are counting on (and rightfully so) runners that didn't have a race time to submit or forgot to submit, running faster than the estimated pace range for the corral.

While it does sound counter intuitive, it has been my experience that this method of corrals leads to less course congestion.

As the previous poster said, it is almost as if runDisney sets off a continuous wave of runners (Corral A, wait 2 minutes, Corral B, wait 2 minutes, etc) by the time a corral moves up, its time to go. Unlike the past where they split the corrals into far fewer and larger and put a minimum of 5 minutes between releases.
I'm so frustrated! I've been dealing with ITBS since June. Its been improving and my PT has had me gradually start increasing my mileage. Its been going great...until Saturday. I was scheduled to run 6.5 miles (5.5 was my longest) and as soon as I got to 6 miles the old pain came back and I walked home the last half mile. I emailed the PT but shes out til Wednesday.

I realize the worst case scenario for Avengers is I run as much as I can and walk the rest. But thats not what I want to do! I want to keep training! My plan had me getting up to 9.5 miles the weekend before Avengers. I'm foam rolling and icing and stretching. I've been doing my strength training exercises and I'll continue to do them of course. Im thinking of buying an IT compression band to try to wear during long runs, or maybe trying KT tape to help. Anyone have any experience with these?

It as all going so well and now I'm feeling pretty defeated.
I'm so frustrated! I've been dealing with ITBS since June. Its been improving and my PT has had me gradually start increasing my mileage. Its been going great...until Saturday. I was scheduled to run 6.5 miles (5.5 was my longest) and as soon as I got to 6 miles the old pain came back and I walked home the last half mile. I emailed the PT but shes out til Wednesday.

I realize the worst case scenario for Avengers is I run as much as I can and walk the rest. But thats not what I want to do! I want to keep training! My plan had me getting up to 9.5 miles the weekend before Avengers. I'm foam rolling and icing and stretching. I've been doing my strength training exercises and I'll continue to do them of course. Im thinking of buying an IT compression band to try to wear during long runs, or maybe trying KT tape to help. Anyone have any experience with these?

It as all going so well and now I'm feeling pretty defeated.

I have IT Band issues as well. I haven't used the bands, but find KT tape is pretty useful.

The resolution for me has involved a combination of hard core massage (active release therapy) and active isolated stretching (as directed by my massage therapist) in addition to the foam rolling, strength training, and ice I'd already been doing. The difference after my first ART session was dramatic - for the first time in years I could run more than 12 miles without being in excruciating pain during the run and the next day. I've also become a believer in mid-run visualization recently, again thanks to my massage therapist. When I start to hurt, I feel around my body and look for the tight spot, then imagine it relaxing. The big test will be the marathon this week, but I managed a 15 minute PR at a Half last month, so I'm optimistic.
When are people going to line up to get in Day 1 of the Expo? Just want to get a feel of how early I should be there :-) TIA
When are people going to line up to get in Day 1 of the Expo? Just want to get a feel of how early I should be there :-) TIA

My flight won't get in until 11:20, so I can't get there before 1 or 2....but I am sure there will be folks lining up a couple hours before it opens. (Those NB shoes are a hot ticket item....)
My flight won't get in until 11:20, so I can't get there before 1 or 2....but I am sure there will be folks lining up a couple hours before it opens. (Those NB shoes are a hot ticket item....)

We are getting in the night before and since I get to virtual queue it for the shoes with my bib number :P (once NB updates the site at least!) - I am lining up for the Avengers RunDisney Merch - I missed out on some Dopey stuff because we got there late so I want to be there early!

Does anyone know when the RunDisney merch store at the run - do they even do this at DL? will open?

I got a ToT banner 2 yrs ago but missed out on a Dopey in Jan :confused3
Bib #11999 - cool number huh?

last corral but with over 3400 of us it will take a bit for everyone to cross the start - early start and front of the corral it is :cool1:
We are getting in the night before and since I get to virtual queue it for the shoes with my bib number :P (once NB updates the site at least!) - I am lining up for the Avengers RunDisney Merch - I missed out on some Dopey stuff because we got there late so I want to be there early!

Does anyone know when the RunDisney merch store at the run - do they even do this at DL? will open?

I got a ToT banner 2 yrs ago but missed out on a Dopey in Jan :confused3

The official merch store will open at the same time as the expo. They may have early line-ups beforehand though, so you just never know. If you go early, just ask around. The DL races have been very organized since the first year of Dumbo fiasco. That was a nightmare.
The official merch store will open at the same time as the expo. They may have early line-ups beforehand though, so you just never know. If you go early, just ask around. The DL races have been very organized since the first year of Dumbo fiasco. That was a nightmare.

Thanks! I think I will walk over a couple hours early just in case :-)

I am actually also wondering about if there is a RunDisney Exclusive Merch booth at the run staging area/start/finish area like at WDW? When would that open?
Im thinking of buying an IT compression band to try to wear during long runs, or maybe trying KT tape to help. Anyone have any experience with these?

I haven't used the KT tape for this exact problem but have used it for a knee problem and when I was starting to train after a sever ankle sprain. (Think crutches for two weeks and an air cast for three.) Its amazing. Stays well, is easy to use and helps. I was so skeptical it would work but it did the trick.

So I know people out there might shake their head at me. I need a switch with my training this weekend and went for a hike rather then my long run. I figured climbing up hill and down for about the same amount of miles as my long run would be good enough for one weekend. Maybe I'll regret it later but the views and mental break were worth it!
I have IT Band issues as well. I haven't used the bands, but find KT tape is pretty useful.

The resolution for me has involved a combination of hard core massage (active release therapy) and active isolated stretching (as directed by my massage therapist) in addition to the foam rolling, strength training, and ice I'd already been doing. The difference after my first ART session was dramatic - for the first time in years I could run more than 12 miles without being in excruciating pain during the run and the next day. I've also become a believer in mid-run visualization recently, again thanks to my massage therapist. When I start to hurt, I feel around my body and look for the tight spot, then imagine it relaxing. The big test will be the marathon this week, but I managed a 15 minute PR at a Half last month, so I'm optimistic.

Thanks for the info! How did you find a massage therapist who did ART?
Thanks for the info! How did you find a massage therapist who did ART?

I read about it on Runners World (or maybe and just googled "Active Release Therapy" and Washington, DC" - there's a central certifying group. This is the "Find a Provider" link.

One warning - it is NOT cheap. I think it's worth it given the amount of pain I had been experiencing. He helped when I was dealing with some trapeze-induced whiplash, too.
A couple of links for you, too -

Wharton Active Isolated Stretching video (You Tube)

Matte's book at Amazon - Active Isolated Flexibility

You could just look at the video and do fine. The book has whole body exercises with a list of sequences in the back. I ended up taking pics of the lower back/leg sequence stretches and keeping them on my phone so that I don't have to lug a book around. I've got most of them memorized by now, and down to about a 15-20 minute post-run routine depending on how much strength work I do after. My focus is hip stability thanks to a torn labrum in my left hip, which directly contributes to the IT Band issue.
I've never purchased a cheer squad package before and I have a dumb question - it's making me purchase the package under my name. That just means I need to be the one to pick it up, right? For race day can I give it to whoever I want?


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