"Official" Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party 2015 Thread - Rockin' Around the Cinderella Castle!

We had a great time from 3:45 until 6, then we got in line for the dwarves right at 6. I was shocked that it took us until 8 to get through that line! We ate chicken nuggets and fries in line, and after meeting the dwarves we grabbed cookies and raced to frontierland. We found an OK spot to watch the parade, then my 5-year-old daughter was thrilled to ride Splash Mountain twice. We caught most of the fireworks on our walk to Main Street and headed out shortly after 10 with two tired kids! It was a fun evening, but waiting for the dwarves made us miss out on a lot of other party fun.
We were at MK this past Sunday. We arrived around 12:30 pm and had tickets to MVMCP. We were able to do the following: Dumbo, Small, Small World, HM, POC, SM, Pooh, Philharmagic, C of P, and People Mover. We had dinner reservations at Tony's, watched the day time parade, saw the castle show, Christmas Parade, the character show in front of the castle, fireworks. We did not get any pictures with the characters (we had already done that over at Epcot on Friday), but we did get our pictures in front of the castle and with Santa Claus! We also went one time for cookies and cocoa. IMO, the Christmas Parade with the wooden soldiers was worth the cost of the MVMCP!

TC :cool1:
We were also at the 12/3 party. Worst weather night of our trip and felt downright cold by the end of the night (we were wearing pants and 3/4 length shirts). But we still had a great time!! Here's what what we accomplished:

In the park a little after 4, went right to Sandy Claws. Lined up about 4:20, were 6-8 families back, met him around 5:15.

Grabbed dinner at Pinocchio Village Haus then lined up for Flynn/Rapunzel. About a dozen groups in front of us at 6:15, were done by 7:30. Flynn is awesome. Ask him what's in his satchel. :)

@Cluelyss, you must have been in line for Rapunzel and Flynn pretty close to me and my daughter. Do you remember seeing this crazy dress in line? We were probably the 6th family in line. Unfortunately, her twin brother got really, really, REALLY sick as soon as we were seated for dinner at BOG, so my husband had to take him back to the hotel and they missed the entire party. We made it a girls night out instead. Did you end up going to Minnie's Holiday Dine, too? We went on 11/30 and loved it!!!!

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You were in line right behind us for Sandy Claws! I ended up buying a lightweight hoodie to add an extra layer - the rain definitely made it feel extra chilly.
Hi!!!! :wave2:

Hope the kids got a decent dinner that night! Sorry for the cotton candy bad influence :)
@Cluelyss, you must have been in line for Rapunzel and Flynn pretty close to me and my daughter. Do you remember seeing this crazy dress in line? We were probably the 6th family in line. Unfortunately, her twin brother got really, really, REALLY sick as soon as we were seated for dinner at BOG, so my husband had to take him back to the hotel and they missed the entire party. We made it a girls night out instead. Did you end up going to Minnie's Holiday Dine, too? We went on 11/30 and loved it!!!!

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I do remember her dress :) Sorry your son had to miss the party, but couldn't think of a better girls' night out!!

We did do Minnie's Dine (on 12/4) and loved it!!! Disney sure does Christmas right....I'm going to have a hard time not making this an annual trip!!
Disney sure does Christmas right....I'm going to have a hard time not making this an annual trip!!

We really enjoyed all of the Christmas events. We had already made tentative plans for an October 2016 trip, but I've decided instead to do another trip in November 2016 before our APs expire. As much as I like Food and Wine and MNSSHP, Christmas is just so magical!
I am just back from an amazing trip! We went on 12/10 and had a great night. We got our wristbands immediately at 4pm and headed over to wait for Jack Skellington and ended up as the 4th group in line. Jack came out right about 5 or so and was easily my favorite character I ever met! He spent a good amount of time with every group and was super interactive. I had on custom-made Christmas Ears and he said "Oh! WHERE did you get your festive ear stitches from! (I said a gift because how do you explain Etsy to him??) You know what I asked Sally for for Christmas? I said, 'Sally, I would like ears, can you find me festive ear stitches for Christmas?!' Whoever gave you that gift found the most festive grave to rob for them!" He went on and on and was just amazingly fun.

Right after that, we darted over to where the dwarfs meet to get in line about 5:10-5:15 and it was a good thing we did. We were again the 4th family in line, and funnily enough, everyone in front of us there was in front of us for Jack, so I think we all read the same stuff! It was a great decision to do that because within 20 or so minutes the line was huge. We formed it ourselves and then about 5-10 minutes after we got in line, CMs came by and started putting up the actual lines and said we were perfectly fine where we were, etc. The line then basically exploded in length. I don't even want to imagine how long the people who showed up around 6 waited. We met the dwarfs and got awesome photos, and were done with them by 6:58, so no wasted park time!

After that we sort of wandered around getting cookies and cocoa. The cocoa was a bit too milky or something for my tastes, but my boyfriend loved it. The sugar cookies were soft and enjoyable. We walked on a ton of rides with pretty much no wait - I mean walked directly on the boat from the entrance for the Jingle Cruise. Our plan was to catch the second parade but we accidentally ran into the first one two floats in at Frontierland so we ended up watching the whole thing then, and accidentally again caught the very first two floats during the second parade.

I highly recommend meeting Elf & Reindeer, for anyone else who has yet to go! They were superb. Dancer the reindeer was having showdowns with everyone he met, and does a mean Running Man. Elf was so peppy and adorable! Besides Jack they were the best.

I don't believe our party was sold out, but I'm not sure. The crowds we encountered were super manageable and everyone was polite and having a great time. We were stopped constantly for our wristbands for about the first hour, but after that rarely and I didn't notice anyone after 745pm without wristbands, and I saw many guests being quickly escorted out right as the party started.

If you go to the Emporium to purchase party merchandise, beware that you MUST pay for it in the back of the store where the party merchandise section is. Everything moved smoothly but if you are in a hurry it might be useful to know that you can't leave that area of the store with unpaid party merch (I guess so you don't put it down elsewhere and then non-party-goers buy it). We were next to a family that was not going to the party who tried to shop the party merchandise and they were told firmly but kindly they were not allowed to enter that area. Frontierland had pins and MagicBands as well.
Another Friday night success story - didn't get there until about 5ish (traffic around Tampa was horrific took 3 hours instead of an hour and a half). Missed our first two FPs but made it in time for PP. Walked on IASW and Philharmonic, dinner at BOG (it was fantastic), walked on Haunted Mansion during the first parade (but the line was HUGE as soon as it ended - ok, not really, 20-30 min wait, but compared to no line...). Easy to snag a good spot for the show, fireworks, shopped a bit, then right on Main Street for the 2nd parade. Didn't do quite as much as I had hoped between losing time and we didn't realize how limited my Aunt's mobility really was... but a great first visit for her and a wonderful Christmas surprise for my mom. She kept saying all weekend how she never expected to go to Disney for the night and how it mad our girls' weekend so much more special :)
We were there on Friday and found the crowds quite manageable. They started letting people in about 3:50. We used our Peter Pan and Enchanted Tales with Belle fast passes. Rode Under the Sea, met Ariel, rode Dumbo, got something to eat at Cosmic Rays, watched the castle lighting at 6:15, rode the 7DMT. Based on the advice from a Fantasyland CM friend who was attending the party with us, we waited until later to meet the Dwarfs. We met Cinderella/Prince Charming and Rapunzel/Flynn, then Snow White/Prince and Aurora/Phillip. Watched Wishes from Fantasyland, then joined the line to meet the Dwarfs. In the beginning, it looked like we would have plenty of time to get a good spot for the second parade after the dwarfs, but then the line slowed down. The dwarfs were goofing off a lot and it was taking longer to get them behaving so people could get pictures with them. But some of the antics were quite amusing. We finished with the dwarfs just a few minutes before 10:30 and rushed down the walkway near Sleepy Hollow to find a spot for the parade. We ended up finding a good spot across from the Trading Post. Actually, it appeared to be a great spot when we walked up and stood behind a couple seated at the rope. But as the parade started, that couple decided to stand up so our view wasn't quite as good, but I was still pretty happy with it given how late we were getting to the parade route. After the parade, we headed over to Adventureland. Prince Ali and Abu were just starting a set when we got there, so we met them. Picked up some hot chocolate and cookies. DD wanted to ride the Magic Carpets. Afterwards, we checked and Jasmine and Genie were meeting so we got in line to meet them. It was getting close to midnight and we wanted to sneak in a visit to Mickey so we walked very quickly to Town Square and made it in line to meet Mickey just a minute before they closed the line for the night. All in all it was a great night, and I was very pleased with how much we were able to get done.
Having a BLAST at MVMCP tonight!!! The rain is not ruining it AT ALL!!!View attachment 138477 View attachment 138478

OMG we were in line with you for Minnie, Donald ... Right behind you with the little girl. I think you were with your mom - who was wearing the best hat!!! Wish I knew you were a fellow Diser. I'll look to see if we have any photos. It was nice chatting with you.

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We were also there on cold and rainy 12/3- had a great time and saw a lot, but didn't realize HOW MUCH more there was to see now that I'm reading through this thread. Wish I had known Minnie and Daisy were I. Christmas clothes and Scrooge would have been fun too!

We loved Wishes and the parade. Didn't have to wait long for spots- watched from in front of Crystal Palace (Wishes) and in front of Diamond Horsehoe for second parade.
Well, I feel our first Mvmcp was a success, thanks to the Dis! We got our wristbands in Tomorrowland around 4 and headed straight for Jack. We were about tenth in line at 4:30. My ever patient mom held our spot while I took kiddo on the Barnstormer. By the time we got back, only a few minutes passed until Jack came bounding out. I have to say, I have met a lot of characters, and this was by FAR the best character interaction I've have. He was so fun and playful, just the right amount of macabre humour, and kiddo was stunned that he could talk, so it was a huge success! After that, we got in line for the Dwarves. We were the last ones to join before they roped off the line. We traded off to take kiddo on mine train twice (we had two super fastpasses from a royal screwup at CRT earlier in the day), once in daylight and once at night. We went to grab kiddo his food and he ate in line, which wasn't bad. The dwarves came out around 6:50 and we were done with them by 7:15. I wish we had sat in front of them as the photos weren't that great with us behind them, but there is always another time ;).

Between 7:15 and 8:00, we wandered around trying the treats, riding Pirates, Little Mermaid, and seeing but not lining up for Jack Sparrow. At 8:00, we staked out a spot right at the parade start in Frontierland and hubby and kiddo rode Splash. They just made it back before the parade started (8:14!) so we watched the parade. This was my first Christmas parade and it didn't disappoint!

After that, we wandered into Tomorrowland and rode Buzz. We caught VoicePlay and then watched Wishes from the bridge. I'd never seen the holiday fireworks from inside the park and they were stunning. Finally, we rode Space one last time, watched a bit of the dance party, and headed out down Main Street, which was totally manageable. I wish kiddo hadn't been so tired so we could have gotten a few photos in front of the tree and the castle, but I think we accomplished a lot. The trip back to Wilderness was arduous as we missed our boat and waited a long time for the next one, so it took almost an hour after leaving to get to our room. We left the party around 10. Very fun!
We really enjoyed all of the Christmas events. We had already made tentative plans for an October 2016 trip, but I've decided instead to do another trip in November 2016 before our APs expire. As much as I like Food and Wine and MNSSHP, Christmas is just so magical!
We are currently booked for next October as well, but APs are good thru 11/30/16, so.....????? :) :)
Attended the 12/8 party, which was not sold out to my knowledge. Crowds were so much better versus the Halloween party I attended 12/29!! We arrived a few minutes before 5pm. My daughter wanted to do the Barnstormer which I have never been on - not sure why, she maybe thought it was more than it was but given I knew that is where Jack usually stood I was ok with it. After we rode I walked around that area trying to figure out where he might be, I had forgot my map! I finally realized/saw him and we ran over to get in line. Line did not seem long but we waited almost an hour. That being said it was worth it, she LOVED him and how he talked to her and joked around. After that we grabbed our cookies and cocoa and then headed out into the rest of the park. We were able to do several rides (too cold for Splash Mtn for us, we saw numerous empty boats so I think the feeling was mutual). A note to those going, they offer the healthy alternative to the cookies - you can get apples and apple juice so we grabbed that over near Frontierland. We literally WALKED up to the parade and were able to see the entire thing near the turkey leg cart. We also walked up to the castle shortly before the light show, watched that which was almost immediately followed by the fireworks give or take 5 mins. The line for Mickey was 5 mins as we were leaving the park a little after 10 (my daughter was tired at that point and heck, we had done and seen everything we set out to). So glad we bought the tickets - now we can say we have done both Halloween and Xmas!
Just back from our whirlwind last minute MVMCP trip, we attended the party last night (12/16) and it was fantastic! It was sold out but I would never had know it if I had not seen the signs as we entered the parking lot. However, we were not there for the parades and meet and greets, we go to the hard ticket parties for the low lines on rides and this time did not disappoint! The only real wait we had was for Jungle/Jingle Cruise which we headed to first around 4:30. It was about a 30 min wait. After that almost every ride was walk on with the exception of Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh and The Mine Train-all under 20 mins. We rode Splash 3 times in a row with out a wait, walked right into Haunted Mansion, Pirates and BTMR which makes it sooo worth the money for us. The fireworks were amazing and the christmas ambiance was wonderful. We have been to MVMCP before, but it has been a while. Just a super night all around for my family!


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