Oh, has it Been Raining? No, this is Just Sweat. Sept/Oct 2022 Trip Report! (Updated 9/16!!)

Looks like a fantastic birthday meal! My youngest son will be in DC in the fall - attending college there - and I'm really looking forward to visiting more often. We're only about 4 hours away, but still have only been a few times. I love all the history and museums and they have a great zoo!
It was so good! That is awesome your son is going to college down here, it is such a great place, hopefully you can visit a lot!
Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great celebration. I somehow missed the sick lady on the skyliner post. I would have absolutely lost my mind. I find that the older I get I just don't care about being polite for the sake of being polite when I feel strongly about something (I mean, obviously, I try to be polite in general). So inconsiderate of her. People are ridiculous.
Thank you! It was so much fun!

Haha, yeah, that sick woman was pretty awful. I just don't understand how she thought she could get people sick at the parks, but not on transportation. :confused3
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, been having too much fun with my mom visiting and having less fun being busy at work. :rotfl: Plus I started a youtube channel to compliment my website, which is fun, but a bit time consuming. Anyways, I'm working on the next update, but in the meantime I had to share this with you all, I figured you'd appreciate it..

This is from a local cider place, saw this can at the farmers marker this morning and just had to buy it! (It's actually really good too!) Love the HM nod!

Day 8, Part 5: Back to Epcot!

We last left off heading out of HS. We got to the docks just in time to see a boat leaving (this happened to us a lot this trip!), but didn’t mind since that meant we could get the outdoor seats on the next boat!

Well, the next boat arrives and we wait for everyone to get off, but this group of men sitting on the outdoor bench didn’t move. Apparently they, just like the sick woman on the skyliner, were just riding transportation for fun this day. Grr, we really wanted those outdoor seats!

Anyways, we got on the boat and grab seats in the front, and then opted to hop off at the S&D since it’s always just so hot and stuffy inside those boats.

We walked from there over to Epcot, easily beating the boat which is always nice!

Once in Epcot we headed in the direction of France and over to Greece where I picked up the gyro and a glass of red wine for dinner.

This was good, and a lot of food!

Once I wrapped up eating, we continued our way around WS, not stopping until the Refreshment Outpost where mom got the Spicy Ghiteri. We then swung by Kenya where I grabbed the beef dish.

Food in hand we set off to find a place to eat. We got lucky and ended up passing a table with chairs just as people were getting up to leave, so snagged it!

The beef from Kenya was really good this year, nice and tender. The Ghiteri was good too, especially for a plant based dish (I am 100% a carnivore, plant based dishes rarely do it for me)!

Once I finished the beef, I had mom stay at the table to finish her dish while I ran over to the Alps to grab the Raclette with pears for her.

This was just ok. I’ve never been a fan of the raclettes, the smell just gets to me, but mom liked it.

While we were eating, this family comes over to our table and just stands there hovering over us clearly waiting for us to leave to take our table, which is mildly annoying. Especially since we were clearly still eating and there were about 4-5 other tables around us where people were just sitting and not eating.

And oddly enough, after a few minutes a table next to us cleared out, and the hovering family actually started to complain they didn’t want to sit there, they wanted our particular table. Um, what?!?! So one of the family went to sit at the newly empty table while the rest still just stood over us watching us eat! It was soooooo awkward, what is with people!?!?

While eating I got notice that our VQ for Guardians had come up, so once we wrapped up with our food, we headed that way! It was a bit after 7 at that point.

When we got to Guardians, I went to find a CM to ask about using DAS with the VQ. She was great and let us know that we could certainly use it with the VQ, she would just need to scan us each twice, first to verify it’s our VQ return time, and then a second time to move us over into the LL. It was super quick, and soon we were heading into the LL to ride again!

This time we got Conga as our song, and it funny enough made the ride feel a lot faster! We loved it!

Yes, I'm dancing :rotfl:

After the ride we had the TT DAS from earlier, but we were getting tired and hot and wanted to swim, and since it was already about 8 at that point decided to head back to the YC.

We made it down to the pool by 8:30 and swam until about 9. We then laid out in the chairs to dry off a bit, and had the awesome surprise of having great seats to watch the Epcot fireworks! So we stayed there until the show ended around 9:20, then headed upstairs to shower and watch the new Hocus Pocus movie!

We were about to start the movie, when I started hearing fireworks again from outside our room, so I went out on the balcony and was surprised to see the MK fireworks!

It was really cool, and being a Halloween Party night they had more of the big perimeter ones which were cool to see from our room!

After the impromptu show we headed back inside to watch Hocus Pocus 2 before heading to bed.

Next up: Celebrating 40 with Epcot!
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This time we got Conga as our song, and it funny enough made the ride feel a lot faster! We loved it!
It's nice that you finally got a different song. :)
We were about to start the movie, when I started hearing fireworks again from outside our room, so I went out on the balcony and was surprised to see the MK fireworks!
We have seen the MK fireworks from our YC rooms many times, since we always book SV or GV. What we have never seen is the Epcot fireworks. I think I miss that the most when staying at YC rather than BC.
It's nice that you finally got a different song. :)
Haha, yeah, I'm still trying to get Disco Inferno, that is the only one I haven't had yet. Hopefully we get it this next trip!
We have seen the MK fireworks from our YC rooms many times, since we always book SV or GV. What we have never seen is the Epcot fireworks. I think I miss that the most when staying at YC rather than BC.
I was surprised how well we could see them this year, I feel like usually when we book SV or GV we end up with a big ol tree directly in front of our balcony so we don't see much of anything. I don't think we've ever seen the Epcot fireworks from our room, although perhaps we did back in the 90s when we tended to stay at the BC instead of the YC. I do remember back in the day we could see SE from the room looking out over the bus stop before the villas were built (back when the bus stop was where the villas are).
Ok, I'm seriously dropping the ball on this TR. Sorry everyone! Been crazy busy here, we've being dragged back into the office more now, which is more exhausting than I thought it would be. I have to wake up about 3 hours earlier on in office days, and boy is that taking a toll on me! Plus my social calendar has suddenly become packed, which is not a bad thing, but adds to the exhaustion!

So I will try to get to another TR soon, but in the meantime here's a little RL update!

Lately I've been playing tourist around here (my mom's visit inspired me) so have been visiting more of the museums on the mall. The most recent was the Hirshhorn, which is such a cool museum! We got tickets to the Yayoi Kusama exhibit (still free, but just time based to keep crowds low), and it was so cool! Here are some pictures from it.

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We of course also explored the rest of the museum, which had some just amazing art.



It's a fairly small museum compared to others on the mall, but it has some of the coolest art!

I also made the rather bonehead decision to clean out my closets, all at the same time. This, it turns out, is not a good idea. I have stuff EVERYWHERE now that I'm trying to sort through, and thinking I could get it all done in one weekend was just dumb. I will be digging though all of this stuff for the next month I think! It is kind of amazing how much stuff I've accumulated over there years.

So yeah, it's been a bit busy around here, but at least with some fun stuff and some productive stuff! Now I just need to find a bit of time to write the next update for this TR, hopefully in the next day or so!
That exhibit looks really cool. The last picture reminds me of the exterior of The Land pavilion! Ugh on having to go back into the office more. Seems like a lot of companies are moving in that direction and it's so frustrating because it doesn't seem the decision-makers appreciate how many more hours they are demanding from people as a result.
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, been having too much fun with my mom visiting and having less fun being busy at work. :rotfl: Plus I started a youtube channel to compliment my website, which is fun, but a bit time consuming. Anyways, I'm working on the next update, but in the meantime I had to share this with you all, I figured you'd appreciate it..
The You tube channel sounds fun! I'd love to check it out if you want to share the link.
This is from a local cider place, saw this can at the farmers marker this morning and just had to buy it! (It's actually really good too!) Love the HM nod!
Love that!
And oddly enough, after a few minutes a table next to us cleared out, and the hovering family actually started to complain they didn’t want to sit there, they wanted our particular table. Um, what?!?! So one of the family went to sit at the newly empty table while the rest still just stood over us watching us eat! It was soooooo awkward, what is with people!?!?
Some people are special friends!
This time we got Conga as our song, and it funny enough made the ride feel a lot faster! We loved it!
Love Conga! I've had it twice. I really want Everyone Wants to Rule the World.
We made it down to the pool by 8:30 and swam until about 9. We then laid out in the chairs to dry off a bit, and had the awesome surprise of having great seats to watch the Epcot fireworks! So we stayed there until the show ended around 9:20, then headed upstairs to shower and watch the new Hocus Pocus movie!
So perfect!
We were about to start the movie, when I started hearing fireworks again from outside our room, so I went out on the balcony and was surprised to see the MK fireworks!
Oh ny gosh, your night just keeps getting better!
Lately I've been playing tourist around here (my mom's visit inspired me) so have been visiting more of the museums on the mall. The most recent was the Hirshhorn, which is such a cool museum! We got tickets to the Yayoi Kusama exhibit (still free, but just time based to keep crowds low), and it was so cool! Here are some pictures from it.
I saw the Yayoi Kusama exhibit when it was in Toronto and really enjoyed it. Her work is amazing!
I also made the rather bonehead decision to clean out my closets, all at the same time. This, it turns out, is not a good idea. I have stuff EVERYWHERE now that I'm trying to sort through, and thinking I could get it all done in one weekend was just dumb. I will be digging though all of this stuff for the next month I think! It is kind of amazing how much stuff I've accumulated over there years.
Closets are SO much work. I try to do an one season rule, if I haven't worn a piece during the season then I try it on, decide how I feel about it and try to let it go if possible. Paring down feels good.
This sounds like a huge job! There are too many decisions to make when it comes to the contents of closets. :)
It is such a big job. I'm still nowhere close to being done. I have piles of stuff I'm sorting in my room now with this small path between them to get to my bed. This is a bit overwhelming! :rotfl:
That exhibit looks really cool. The last picture reminds me of the exterior of The Land pavilion! Ugh on having to go back into the office more. Seems like a lot of companies are moving in that direction and it's so frustrating because it doesn't seem the decision-makers appreciate how many more hours they are demanding from people as a result.
It was such a cool exhibit! That entire museum was pretty amazing, lots of super cool art!

Big UGH on going back to the office more. It's so stupid for my team too since nothing we do is collaborative. We are assigned things to review and just do the reviews on our own, there is absolutely no reason for us to physically be sitting next to each other. Plus the office is SO loud, I get nothing done. I used to get 20-25 reviews done a week, the first week back in the office I got a whopping 4 reviews done. :rotfl2:
The You tube channel sounds fun! I'd love to check it out if you want to share the link.
It is a lot of fun, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChTCw-Siyl6rZ1WvJVjUPng

Love that!
It is really cool. I do wonder if they knew it was from the HM or they just googled an image of a tight rope walker and decided to go with that one.
Some people are special friends!
Right? Haha, some people do some really strange things!
Love Conga! I've had it twice. I really want Everyone Wants to Rule the World.
I liked how Conga made the ride seem faster. I'm still on the hunt for Disco Inferno. Hopefully I can get it this next trip!
So perfect!
It was really nice. I have great memories of our trips when I was in high school of watching the fireworks while playing in the pool, but we really haven't done that in many years so it was nice to watch from the pool area again.
Oh ny gosh, your night just keeps getting better!
It was pretty awesome to be able to see the MK fireworks as well!
I saw the Yayoi Kusama exhibit when it was in Toronto and really enjoyed it. Her work is amazing!
I was so impressed, it was such a cool exhibit. Also just her backstory is fascinating. I loved how the Hirshhorn had an entire room dedicated to her life story.
Closets are SO much work. I try to do an one season rule, if I haven't worn a piece during the season then I try it on, decide how I feel about it and try to let it go if possible. Paring down feels good.
They really are. I'm still in the middle of trying to get everything sorted. I love the one season rule, I need to start doing that! I think they last time I cleaned out my closet was maybe 2018? So yeah, it's way overdue!

Day 9, Part 1: Celebrating 40 with Epcot!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

We slept in a bit this morning, not getting up until about 7:30. Once up I quickly booked us a TT LL for 10:40.

After getting ready we made our way over to Epcot around 9:00. It was surprisingly not very crowded this morning, which was extra shocking since it was Epcot’s 40th and a Saturday! Once again I wish I found a place to get a celebrating button for celebrating my 40th with Epcot this year! Annoyed the front desk woman at YC told us they don’t do those buttons anymore.

We stopped at a photopass photographer on the way in. I also booked us a day of DAS for Remy.

We also got some pictures of the 40th display on the Harmonious barges.

After the pictures we made our way over to Belgium to grab the berry waffles and I got the frozen coffee drink with I think baileys in it.

We tried to find a table around Belgium, but they were all taken by people resting (I feel like Disney needs to add more benches around so people don’t hog tables just to rest). We finally found an empty table over in Morocco.

The waffles and the drink were delicious!

After finishing up with our food, it was time for our ride on Remy, so we headed that way.

We scanned into the LL and got in the surprisingly long line, and then waited. And waited, and waited. The line was just inching along. Finally, after about 40 minutes, my mom couldn’t take it anymore, for some reason they made this queue very narrow with a high fence on one side, and it got to be too much for my mom, so we ended up having to leave. It is unfortunate, but I’d rather have a happy, calm, mom than ride Remy again!

After our failed attempt at Remy, we stopped for some quick photopass pictures.

Next we headed to the store at the base of WS to look around a bit. I didn’t see anything I wanted, was hoping some of the 40th merch would be spread around the park, but sadly it was all at Creations and there was no way I was getting into the line for that!

We next headed over to Shimmering Sips, which opened at 10:30 (we confirmed with a few CMs this trip that while the food booths advertise opening at 11, they actually typically open around 10:30, good to know!). There was a short line waiting for the booth to open, it was only about 10:25 at this point, but once they opened it was quick to get our stuff.

Here mom got the berry sour mimosa and I got the mimosa flight.

We found a table nearby where I left mom and I ran over to the refreshment port to grab food.

Here I got the poutine with beef for myself, and the plain poutine for my mom.

I LOVED the steak one! I have had poutine only once before, at Nomad Lounge back in the day, and it was just ok there, but this one was delicious! My moms was good too, but I much preferred the steak one!

After finishing up the poutine, mom stayed at the table while I ran to Earth Eats to get the Impossible meatballs. I had heard great things about these so was excited to try.

These ended up being just ok. Although I’m very particular with my meatballs, my mom makes them from an old family recipe so it’s rare for me to have meatballs that measure up.

Next up: This is Why You’re Not a Car Designer…
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Making a mental note on the early open for Shimmering Sips (hopefully that booth returns this year). I remember that back in the day the pro-tip was that mimosas and prosecco were available in the Festival Center at park open. I really hope that there is a future festival center in that mess of construction in the middle of the park.
Once again I wish I found a place to get a celebrating button for celebrating my 40th with Epcot this year! Annoyed the front desk woman at YC told us they don’t do those buttons anymore.
That would have been nice to have a birthday button. I didn't know that they stopped doing the buttons.
We scanned into the LL and got in the surprisingly long line, and then waited. And waited, and waited. The line was just inching along. Finally, after about 40 minutes, my mom couldn’t take it anymore,
Once again - too long for LL. We got lucky with Remy when we got in line about 15 minutes after early opening when staying at the YC. We got off the ride just as hordes of regular guests were getting to the ride. :)
Here I got the poutine with beef for myself, and the plain poutine for my mom.
I've never had poutine but it does look good. What are the white cubes?
Making a mental note on the early open for Shimmering Sips (hopefully that booth returns this year). I remember that back in the day the pro-tip was that mimosas and prosecco were available in the Festival Center at park open. I really hope that there is a future festival center in that mess of construction in the middle of the park.
Haha, I wish Shimmering Sips would open even earlier! Nothing like starting the park day with a mimosa!

I really hope they bring back a festival center as well, I don't see why they don't use World Showplace as one if they're not bringing back any of the events, at least until all the construction is done. :confused3
That would have been nice to have a birthday button. I didn't know that they stopped doing the buttons.
I think they still do them, I saw plenty of people wearing them. I think the CM at check-in was just incorrect.
Once again - too long for LL. We got lucky with Remy when we got in line about 15 minutes after early opening when staying at the YC. We got off the ride just as hordes of regular guests were getting to the ride. :)
It really was, although we found that Remy got backed up a lot that week. I feel like at least half the rides we went on it was about a 30 minute wait in the LL.
I've never had poutine but it does look good. What are the white cubes?
It was so good! The white cubes I believe are cheese curds.
Hi! I just found this trip report and love it! You have such a fun style! And I love your Mom too. I’ve gone to WDW several times with my Mom too, great memories. Appreciate that you are upbeat, but not afraid to tell the unvarnished truth when warranted. And you guys get A LOT done! Thank you!
Hi! I just found this trip report and love it! You have such a fun style! And I love your Mom too. I’ve gone to WDW several times with my Mom too, great memories. Appreciate that you are upbeat, but not afraid to tell the unvarnished truth when warranted. And you guys get A LOT done! Thank you!
Aw, thank you so much! I'm so happy you're enjoying it!


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