Ohana or Food Court before MVMCP?


DIS Veteran
Jun 28, 2002
Ok, we are arriving on a Sunday before MVMCP, we should be at the resort around 3:00 or so, I cant' decide if we should have some food at the food court before heading to MVMCP, or eat at Ohana at 5:00. I know last year some got in early for the Party, but i would hate to get to the party and they say wait till 7:00.... so should we just eat at Ohana and then head over to the Party and hope they let us in, or eat at food court and hang out there till 6:00....
I know too many questions... lol.. I just hope ya'll don't mind answering some or giving opinions!!! :) I love these boards!!!
We were allowed in early last year. About 5:00. We have an AP so it didn't matter, but for those not wanting to use park hoppers it would. Anyway I would do the food court and relax instead of a big meal and feeling hurried to get to the park. We had gotten PS at LTT but cancelled to enjoy the rides instead and were glad to have the extra park time. Start at the back of the park, have your picture made first, and see the last parade. It was really fun!! Enjoy.
We did Ltt and glad we did. We ate while the park was closed and were done at the opening of the park. First ones in line for the family photo. Great meal great party!


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