OKW for Seniors


DIS Veteran
Jun 26, 2000
I'm trying to talk my Mom (70 years old) into coming down to Florida with us in October and she is saying she is "too old" to come. (She is in excellent shape and health, goes for long walks every day, etc.)

Are there any seniors out there who could tell us why Disney and/or OKW are great for seniors? I want to prove to her that she is NOT too old!

pentex, just tell your mother the best thing about Disney is that there are no set schedules onece you get there. If she decided she was tired you sit down and rest and people watch, or get an ice cream, or popcorn, or muffin from the main street bakery. Dam, I've made my self hungary and home sick for WDW. O'well, I'm sure if you ask your mother in the right way, and show up at her house with a plane ticket I'm sure she would go.

Have a great time.

Scott and Peg

OKW is one of the best places for seniors! She doesn't have to go to the parks like a commando. If she gets tired, she can go "home" and rest and relax by the pool.

Most 70 year-olds around here don't think they are old! Certainly not too old for WDW. If she's never been she may just think of it as a big amusement park. Try to mention the things she might like...touring the beautiful flowers in Epcot, seeing the animals at AK, eating out at great restaurants, whatever. If she's in good health she'll be just fine. If she's a little frail, there are wheelchairs available. Tell her she's going to your Florida home...not just WDW!

My dad loved every minute at OKW. He went even while undergoing chemo in his mid-70's and kept going on his own steam the whole time. He was was looking forward to a trip he had planned for just a week after he passed away.

That's something else to consider...go and enjoy while you can!!!!!
Took my MIL last September and she is 81 years young. She ran faster than me when the thunderstorms started. ;)

When you wish upon a star...DVC will take you far...anything your heart desires....will come your way
My 70 year old mom has been with us on our last 4 trips. My dad pasted away and this is really her only way to get away. She really enjoyed BWV which is where we stayed the first few times. On this last trip (Feb) we stayed at OKW and she LOVED it!! She found it so relaxing. She loved sitting out on the patio. She loved watching my kids swim. She loved the rocking chairs by the water. She had hip surgery, so walking is not a strong point of hers (although she refuses to use a wheelchair when we are there)! Yet she found OKW very easy to get around. She took the boat to DD on day by herself. She was thrilled to know that we will be staying there again instead of BWV.
My 79year young dad and 76year young mother travel two/three times a year from england and they just love WDW.last DEC they went on their own for the first time and stayed at CBR,and loved every minute of it.We are GOING WITH THEM 21st april this year and are really looking foreward to it.Your mom would love OKW
I agree. Personally I think OKW was designed for seniors. :)

I've taken my mom, in a transport chair no less, up until this past December. She was 79 at the time, and if she was able, she'd be happy to climb aboard a jet tomorrow for the magic kingdom.

Aside from that, maybe pick up that UNOFFICIAL guide to WDW. I think that has suggestions for seniors also. Just point out all the things that she might enjoy: shopping, the boat ride to DD, bicycling with the family, the fireworks shows, the stage shows, the FOOD, the people-watching, mini-golf, I'm sure I'm forgetting a zillion other things. She might just be concerned about tiring and holding you back and that all there is to do is ride thrill rides. Before my mom's present illness that began at age 76, she could outlast me easily; I was the one who needed the afternoon rest
My Mom is 76, and if you think I could sneak out to WDW without her, you'd better think again! As far as OKW, her favorite things: the hot tubs, morning coffee on the patio, feeding the ducks, a leisurely stroll to Olivia's and the launch to DD. She does great in the parks, too, but since there is so much walking requires a wheelchair because of a hip replacement. We usually go twice a year, sometimes three, depending if we want a studio or 1 bdrm.

DVC '92 (OKW)

Pentax, take her. She will have the best time. We took my 80yr young grandmother for her first time in Dec(it was also her first time out of the state of WI)and she loved it. She was able to walk the whole time, she did the garden tours at epcot, she even rode dinosaur at AK and loved it. It was wonderful to see her so happy and to see how the magic touches everyone young and old.
There's a young senior in my family who has an arthritic hip, but enjoys being part of the fun at WDW. When we were at OKW recently, we were on the 2nd floor, and he had a little difficulty on the stairs after a long day. If we stay there again, I'd try to get a room on the first floor, or in one of the new buildings at OKW with an elevator. The whirlpool tub in the 1-bedroom also is a hit with him. The home-like atmosphere of OKW also was a plus.

We also were at BW in October and spent a lot of time in the parks. You can rent motorized chairs in the parks -- they're not really wheelchairs, but a chair that kind of looks like a scooter -- and use it all day. That was a great hip reliever on our trip. We have another family member with back trouble, and when the two of them had those motorized chairs, they had a ball riding those things and outlasted those of us on foot!

Although my so-called "senior" is not one for rides, he enjoyed the safari ride at the Animal Kingdom and the It's Tough to be a Bug 3-D show there. He also has enjoyed the other "sit down" type shows in the other parks in previous trips.
Hi Neighbor!!!

We were never able to convince my Dad to go to WDW. Sure wish he had been a little less stubborn about it--he would have had a ball. Even is she never goes to the park, mom would enjoy sitting by the pool or on the balcony watching the boats, ducks and golfers. She is definitely not too old to go!!! It will be a wonderful family memory for all of you. Good luck and have a wonderful time!!

It's nice to see an OKW person posting who lives so close to us!!!

Phil and Mary Jo

WDW--82,83,85,87,89,93,95,96, 97,98,99,00,01

We just got back from a trip to OKW with my inlaws who are both 70 plus. They liked it at OKW becasue they could some and go as they pleased on the buses. My DH and I had coffee and breakfast with them each morning on the porch and then we went our separate ways. My FIL has bad hips and knees and should rent an ECV (those motorized scooter things), but won't. Neither of them will go on any rides that are fast, jerky or have any health warnings. My FIL just enjoys being at the parks sitting on a bench, people watching. Since we had a 2 bedroom, they could come home early from the park and rest or make themselves some supper (mostly soup, sandwiches).
Last year we brought my mom, who is older than my MIL and FIL. She had a blast and had no trouble keeping up with us. She went on everything, even Test Tract (twice) and Dinosaur.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
How about buying your mother one of the WDW for Seniors, have maps ready, print out this discussion for her. Tell her you would love a mother and daughter outing with her (my mother and I do). I have read that many seniors move down to Florida and near WDW because then they can bring their grandchild to WDW. She is not alone at WDW. I remember my grandparents many years ago before they died smiling ear from ear watching my sister and I as we enjoyed WDW. My grandmother had to be in a wheelchair because of feet problems and she would still get up and walk around for us and never letting on how painful it was. She told us that Disney was a magical place where she can walk with her grandchildren and play like a kid. Being so young we believed her and it was so memorable seeing her actually RUN to the Hall of Presidents. I was in shock with my mouth wide open. Tell her give it one shot. If she doesn't like it then she will know. But she will love it. Go for it.!!!!
my mother will be 79 years old this October and guess where we will celebrating it - OKW at WDW, YEA. Since I have brought at DVC my mother has been on most of the trips - she loves it. My father died in 1965, so these are the only vacations she gets. Sometimes I think she would like to go to other places, but when I went to Hilton Head and vero beach she refuses to go so I took friends. It is getting harder for her to get around, but she loves going.
We (the grandkids) took my grandmother (75 at the time) without our parents to WDW and we stayed at BWV. We also went in Oct. a perfect time of year because it was not too hot. She loved every minute of it and was so impressed with things like priority seating. She could not believe how easy it was to get everywhere on the bus, boats, etc. We even went on an illuminations cruise.

The really cool thing....she took her children to DL when it opened, her grandkids when they were children and then her grandkids took her with the great grandkids! Four generations of Magic!


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