OKW Impressions (very long). UPDATE on page 3 with view photo!


Yeah, I'm a guy
Jul 25, 2001
We (me, DW and DDs 16 & 14) recently returned from a two-week trip to WDW from 6/25 – 7/9. Many here know that my family and I are die-hard VWL and BWV fans, but one thing we like about DVC is the chance to sample other resort experiences. We decided to try out Old Key West this trip, and enjoyed the experience quite a bit!

Here are my observations from the DVC portion of the trip. I’ll bypass the park experiences other than to say that I thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful Illuminations Cruise that my family shared with DIS member MickeyBabe and her family. What a treat to meet such a lovely DIS member and her family on a perfectly cool, clear summer evening.

Now, on to the impressions of OKW.

Check in: We stayed the first night off-site as usual since the drive down gets us into Orlando late Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I went over to OKW to check in at about 9:45. The lines at the registration desk were already fairly long and that “lobby area” and Guest Services were packed all day long with people.

After about a 15 minute wait, I checked in with a very nice CM. She pulled up my reservation, and indicated that my room was not ready. I didn’t expect it to be at 10:00 a.m., but wanted to get checked in so we could bypass the front desk later in the day when our room was ready. I did ask her if OKW was using “room ready”, and she said that the rooms were pre-assigned based on requests, but if I wanted to get into a room sooner she would look for another room for me. We stayed with the room they had pre-assigned, especially when she said that it met our requirement for non-smoking and she also indicated that it should be “ready soon”.

I won’t go into the checking back regularly process that we went throughout that day. Bottom line is that our room was ready not available until 4:50 p.m., which is not a big deal to us.

The bigger concern was the room assignment procedure. For my reservation (and it’s the only one I can talk to), they clearly had pre-assigned my room. But then they offered “room ready” if I wanted to get into a room right away. If the rooms are pre-assigned, then that means that if I had accepted a “room ready” accommodation, they would have to “unassign” someone else’s room to give me that (since the resort was fully booked according to the CM).

Clearly, IMHO, we will avoid late check ins at any DVC resort with the current methods of assigning rooms. We don’t really care about what views we get, though we like nice ones. But I would be concerned if we weren’t able to get a non-smoking room due to showing up late in the day.

Room: We stayed in a dedicated 2BR unit. Villa 1722 in Building 17 near the Hospitality House on Miller’s Road. I can certainly now see why people who get used to OKW room sizes might consider other DVC resorts to be more cramped. They are noticeably bigger accommodations, especially in the living room/kitchen area! We have never felt cramped in other DVC resorts we’ve stayed at (VWL & BWV), but I can see where someone who is used to one thing would find smaller room square footages to be noticeable.

DW enjoyed having not only a full sized washer/dryer (unlike the stacked ones in the closets at other WDW DVC resorts) but an entire laundry room complete with room to iron and hang damp clothing. Also, the jacuzzi tub is huge! I’m pretty sure it is slightly larger than the quiet pool we visited a few times! :teeth:

On the other hand, I do think that Disney improved the layout of the master bathrooms when they started building at BWV and then VWL. We like the VWL layout of the main master bathroom sink area being out of the shower/toilet area. Also, the separate entries into the master shower/toilet areas at VWL helps make our vacation mornings run a little smoother for us. At OKW, you go through a secondary sink/jacuzzi tub area to get to the main sink/shower/toilet area. Not a big deal…we just prefer the BWV/VWL layout a little more in that aspect.

Also, we missed our walk-in closets for the master bedroom that we enjoy at VWL & BWV. Again, no big deal as we had plenty of closet/drawer space.

We did enjoy the large balcony with the entry doors from both the living room and main bedroom. In addition to its large size that allows for a round table with four chairs, the balcony had other nice touches…a tile floor and a ceiling fan. Our balcony did not have the slats with Mickey heads cut out, but the one next to us did. I always thought that was a great touch from Disney.

View & room location: We enjoyed a wonderful view from our balcony. The view from our second story villa was of the 6th green of the LBV golf course. Beyond the green was the large pond with fountain, the Peninsular Road bridge and the lighthouse near the pool. It really was a postcard setting. It was close enough to HH to get there with a short walk, and close enough to the Miller Road bus stop as well. All in all, a great location, though if we go back to OKW we would probably request the Turtle Pond area since my DD’s liked that pool.

One note: the first night we noticed that the lights outside seemed to get brighter and then darker, then brighter, darker, etc. We couldn’t figure out what would be doing that. Once I looked outside, it became obvious…..the lighthouse has a beacon that spins around and once we got used to that it was kind of neat.

Room condition: Generally very clean and in good working order. We did find some sticky, sandy substance on the washer/dryer that I cleaned up with a damp towel in a few minutes. And one of the doors on the television cabinet in the living room was off its hinge, but a call to maintenance fixed that within a couple of hours. Otherwise, we found everything to be in good condition with no abnormal wear and tear evident.

And no bed bugs! :)

Noise: I have to chuckle thinking about all the people who describe OKW as this quiet, out-of-the way place. By far, this was the noisiest DVC villa we’ve stayed at! It was no problem for us, but it certainly wasn’t completely quiet.

The biggest thing is that being next to a golf course, and especially the green, we got golf course vehicle traffic very early (6:00 a.m.) each morning. Someone would show up and mow the greens. Then someone else would pull up and move the hole location. Some mornings, the guy cutting the fairways and rough would show up. A couple of times, a vehicle with spray (fertilizer or weed control?) would patrol the area. But very, very active every morning. No big deal, but certainly not quiet.

And of course, the golfers themselves weren’t always quiet either! Though must say that I’m proud of the golfers in that despite the frequent missed putts, we didn’t hear one R-rated word. ;)

On the other hand, building 17 is set back from Miller’s Road enough that we didn’t hear much road noise. The one exception was the laundry “train” that came through at night. The clatter that thing makes is pretty substantial, and on one night it was running at about 10:30 and went back and forth a few times and was pretty noisy.:earseek:

On the whole, though, OKW does live up to its reputation as a serene, peaceful setting. And the landscaping is lush and beautiful. ::yes::

Mousekeeping: No problems with full cleaning or T&T days. Mousekeeping respected our “do not disturb” signs in the morning and were thorough with the cleaning. Yes, I did tip them.

Maintenance: As stated, maintenance was prompt in fixing our one issue as noted above.

Bus service: We found the service to be somewhat spotty, with a few times having waits of less than five minutes, but more than a couple times having waits exceeding 40 minutes for a bus to our destination. Also, on the way back from the parks, Miller’s Road is the next to last stop so we had an extra 10 minutes or so added to every bus trip while riding around the resort. Not a big deal, but on a few nights we would have liked to have skipped the “resort tour”. :rolleyes2

As for the internal bus service, we found that to be pretty much non-existent. If we wanted to go to the Turtle Pond pool, we pretty much had to drive or make the hike there. Getting back to our villa from there was no problem as the bus routes worked in our favor then. Guest Services told us that there is a bus marked “internal” that makes the rounds, but in many waiting periods at the Miller Road bus stop in two weeks, we never saw an internal bus once.

We thought the bus service was adequate in general and slightly better than that of BWV in some of our previous stays there. Going against the grain a bit, but we’ve found the VWL busses to be the most reliable ones at the locations we’ve stayed at.

Boat service: We enjoyed the boat to DTD and used it a couple of times. A lovely slow ride through the canals and a quick stop at the SSR dock. This ran very promptly as advertised.

CM attitudes & “Welcome Homes”: We’ve been fortunate to encounter great CM’s in past trips, and this one was no exception. Everyone was friendly and helpful. We got a “Welcome Home” when checking in, and from the guard shack regardless of who was on duty.

Food: We liked Olivia’s, and thought it was functional though not outstanding. The service was a bit slow, but we are rarely in a hurry so it is not a big deal. The food was good enough for us, though my younger DD is never impressed with any place that doesn’t offer pizza! On the other hand, she did enjoy getting her “smoothies fix” at Goods!

Bottom line, resort impressions: A lovely, first class resort with wonderful landscaping and spacious rooms. We are more of the “hotel experience” type of family, so it won’t replace VWL or BWV as our primary locations to stay. But I would never hesitate to stay at OKW again and am very glad to have “sampled” its friendly hospitality and lovely setting.

Sorry for the length of this. Two weeks is a long time to form opinions!!
Sounds like a great trip!

We stayed at OKW in April and never saw an internal bus either, but could easily walk to the HH to avoid being the first ones on the bus (as the HH is the last stop) and we were the first bus stop upon arriving back at the resort. It is the only thing that stopped me from getting "bus sick" going through the resort with all the twists and turns.

Glad you got a chance to enjoy another resort. I hope we can do the same things over time.
Thanks for the wonderful trip report. We bought at BCV first and, due to a point issue, we had to "settle" for OKW last summer for a family vacation.

Before you know it, we bought at OKW also. We absolutely LOVE the feel of the resort and it's a great summer destination.
Thanks for sharing. I am glad you had a good trip. When we were there is June, we also didn't see any internal resort bus.
Thanks for the complete report. :)

I'm glad you noticed the lighthouse ... there has never been a shipwreck at OKW as a result of that feature! :smooth:

The only place you'll ever see a bus marked "Internal" is at HH. The bus returning from DD will be marked "Internal" as it pulls into that stop and the marquee is changed to "Downtown Disney" before it makes the next stop. Basically, every bus is an internal bus since it will stop at HH before exiting the resort. I agree that building 17 has minmal options to get to HH- it's almost as far to the Miller Road stop as to HH itself, but it is a great location with the green and pond right there.

Glad you had agood stay!
WebmasterDoc said:
The only place you'll ever see a bus marked "Internal" is at HH. The bus returning from DD will be marked "Internal" as it pulls into that stop and the marquee is changed to "Downtown Disney" before it makes the next stop. Basically, every bus is an internal bus since it will stop at HH before exiting the resort. I agree that building 17 has minmal options to get to HH- it's almost as far to the Miller Road stop as to HH itself, but it is a great location with the green and pond right there.

Makes more sense to me now. Thanks for the info Doc.
WebmasterDoc said:
I'm glad you noticed the lighthouse ... there has never been a shipwreck at OKW as a result of that feature! :smooth:

I thought its purpose was to guide the over-indulgent home from PI :earboy2:

Granny - thanks for the great report. I will be checking in for my my first stay at OKW in 11 days. Like you, we will be arriving late Saturday night and staying offsite and then checking in early Sunday. I requested no-smoking, near HH, and on an upper floor for our 1BR.
Doc...thanks for the clarification on the internal bus. They did tell me that the DTD bus is the only one that stops at HH both first and last upon entering the resort. All the other buses stopped at HH last only. So getting to HH is easy, since it is the next stop after Miller Road for all buses. And getting back from there was an easy walk.

The problem was getting from Miller Road to other areas of the resort. We chose to drive, but our only other options would be to walk all the way to, say, the South Point pool or else walk to the Peninsular Road bus stop and catch any bus to South Point or Turtle Pond.

It wasn't a big deal...just a little bit of a learning curve for a resort newbie! :)
Oh....I did mean to add one thing.

I will DEFINITELY avail myself of bell services if I ever stay at OKW in the summer again! Since we drive to WDW, we tend to bring the kitchen sink and after 10 trips of lugging stuff up two flights (could've been worse, I know) of steps in 90+ degree heat :sunny: , I was pretty much worn out! :crazy:

Another observation (I guess that's two things) :rolleyes: .... if you are looking to park at HH on a Sunday, forget about it! Every spot was taken, and people were parking in the villa lots directly across from HH. If someone came back to their villa in that area in their car that day, they would have had to park on Miller's Road somewhere.

Even the 15 minute parking slots were taken by people for much, much more than 15 minutes. Between the pool and Sunday check-ins, it was really jammed.

The rest of the week it was no problem at all.
I enjoyed reading your story. I'm glad you had such a nice stay.

Bobbi :flower:
WOW! Thanx for the great report, Granny. My fingers were cramping up just reading it!

I'm happy to read that you enjoyed your trip, as well as OKW.
I would like to try OKW at some point, but I just can't peel myself away from VWL. :drinking:

Great report Granny! ::yes:: Thanks for all the detail, and someday we'll tear ourselves away from VWL and the Epcot resorts.... We've always thought OKW looked beautiful!
Tagrel said:
Great report Granny! ::yes:: Thanks for all the detail, and someday we'll tear ourselves away from VWL and the Epcot resorts.... We've always thought OKW looked beautiful!
Tagrel...if you go, you will need a couple of memory sticks for that camera of yours! It is large and beautfully landscaped. Someone with an eye for photography like you would have a field day there! :)
Thanks Granny! It was great to read your report! Glad you had a great time. When you were describing checkin, I was thinking the exact same thing that you said - if they are full, then does that mean they bump someone?

And I forgot about the golf traffic! We were in Bldg 16 - right behind that same green - and the 2nd br was away from the green but we could still hear all the equipment. And it was always around 6-6:30 am. When we were in Bldg 35 one year which must be before the 6th hole dogleg - it was earlier than that.

We also saw many people come out of their villas late in the day with their golf clubs and start playing golf right on the 6th green! :earseek:

And we always use the BWV walkin closet for hanging up the damp clothes, so I've always thought of it as the substitute laundry area. I didn't realize the OKW MB doesn't have the closet!

Thanks for your thorough report. Sounds like DH, the golf nut, would probably get up early every morning just to see all that activity on the course. I'll have to tell him. Thanks!
Simba's Mom said:
Thanks for your thorough report. Sounds like DH, the golf nut, would probably get up early every morning just to see all that activity on the course. I'll have to tell him. Thanks!

LOL MY DH is a clubhouse manager and his brother is the head greenskeeper. DH would sit out on the deck and report on all the equipment, how it was used, how much it cost, how much his brother would love to have one of these or one of those etc etc etc. This happened every day without fail.................I can't remember anything about what he said. But I'm sure if I described all of the scrapbooking tools at AC Moore to him 7 days in a row, he'd forget that too! :rotfl2:
Enjoyed your report. We too love VWL and last time stayed at OKW and enjoyed it. This next trip we'll be at both resorts. Next time we'll try BWV.


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