On this Martin Luther King Day

Dan Murphy

We are family.
Apr 20, 2000

As we go about our daily lives today, and everyday, try and remember the words to one of his most famous and memorable speeches, I Have a Dream. Treat everyone with dignity and in a manner you would like to be treated yourself. It's simple, but it works. Remember his life, his ways.

.....And when this happens, when we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." </center>

Text to complete speech, (not all that long, give it a look, one of the best)
Thanks Dan :D
Its good to remember his words - his life - his dream not only on this day but every day.
Thank you so much for that Dan. I have that one posted on my cubicle wall at work :)

And thanks Bernie for that link. I don't think I had read through that in its entirety before.
Dan, sorry to say this but us caucasians are now the minority no matter where you go. To many people were let into this country. we should all be equal but the bkack community seems to want to be treated superior. Just my two cents, now I am sure to get a flaming from others
Caucasians are not the minority in this country. Even if caucasians were, what does that have to do with the celebration of a man's life? A man whose life and teachings are worthy of being celebrated by an entire nation of people, if not the entire world? You should read some of his speeches, maybe you'll learn something -- something like seeing a person for the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

Just wondering, are you Native American? If not, then someone had to "let you in" this country or let your ancestors in. Why shouldn't others have the same opportunities? What makes "them" so different from you? What makes you worthy of being here and others not?

It makes me sick, that on this day, these attitudes can still be found in this country.
Thank you Dan and Bernie!! :) :) :)

Martin Luther King's practice of nonviolent resistance and powerful, inspiring words were very critical factors in turning public opinon to the side of the civil rights movement. . . a great American!! :) :) :)

Oh, and according to the 2000 census, the racial make-up of our country is as follows:

Whites- 69%



Aisans- 3.6%

American Indians -0.7%

Native Hawaiians- 0.1%

Other- 0.2%

Of course, those are just the facts and everyone is entitled to their opinon no matter how baseless and offensive I think it might be. . :rolleyes:
A wonderful man and a beautiful speech. Words I think we should all try to live by.

You know, that is one of the things I really love about the DIS . . . our skin is all the same through the internet. And that is the way that it should be. We are all the same inside, anyway. I hope someday we can all just see each other as humans. I don't care what color you guys are on the outside. You are all just a part of my DIS family.
Thank you Dan.

Being born in the 60's yet too young to have known his impact in life, the words of MLK Jr. still inspire me. On this, a Holiday in his honor, we can all reflect on what his words and actions have and do teach us.
Thanks Dan...

MLK's speech always.. always makes me cry.. for 2 reasons. I cry in joy that we are getting closer and closer to making his dream come true.. then I cry because some days..it seems we get nowhere closer to his dream of equality.

and Gail T... yup, I want to flame you.. but instead.. a cyberhug {hug} will have to do... another time, another place, another thread.. but I will not spoil a thread that was initiated to spread good will and Dr. King's vision. That is a vision I share..
Thanks for the link Dan DH was just talking about that speech last night and I was fast asleep (I think tylenol pm did me in) before I had a chance to look for it. He wanted to frame a copy for DS's room. We are trying to associate something from all of DS's many nationalities. Poor kid's coming close to being the UN himself with all the family background we dig up. What a great speech.
I wouldn't call him "poor" kid....I'd call him lucky kid....I always loved being a melting pot of just Eastern European and British Isles countries....I think it would be even more interesting to be a melting pot of a lot of different ethnicities. Imagine how much he can learn about all of the different ethnicities that make him up.
This was originally said about Joe Louis, but it certainly applies to Dr. King as well. . .

He was a credit to his race. . . the human race. . :) :) :)


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