One goal at a time...First goal: 10 lbs by June!

Eeyores Butterfly

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May 23, 2008
Well, this seems like the umpteenth attempt at a W.I.S.H. journal, but I'm determined to make it work this time!

Background: I am 26 and a former competitive dancer. At one point, I worked in WDW entertainment, completing two college programs in that department (and another one in rides.) If you want to be healthy, perform in up to 5 parades or shows a day! When I was dancing and performing, I never had to worry about what I ate. I was always on the go and got used to eating out and developed some bad habits. Those habits caught up with me when I decided to get my Master's degree and was no longer as active. I ended up gaining quite a bit of weight. Within 6 months of leaving Disney the weight had piled on and I was experiencing symptoms of diabetes. I was later diagnosed prediabetic and given the diagnosis of full blown type 2 by the time I was 25. This diagnosis is still in debate as my endo says I do not fit the symptoms or onset of any type, but we are working with the type 2 diagnosis for now.

I want to lose weight for several reasons: Control my diabetes, control my IBS, eventually have healthy children, and of course I don't like how I look right now. I have rejoined Weight Watchers although admittedly have struggled to eat on plan. I have recently switched to vegetarian out of concerns about the safety and healthfulness of our food supply as well as a moral objection to how animals are treated on factory farms.

The name of the journal is because instead of looking for one big goal, I am planning to take this one goal at a time and setting mini goals along the way. My first goal is to lose 10 lbs by June when I test for my orange belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Starting Stats:
Weight: 154.2
Height: 4'10"
BMI: 32.2 :(
Clothing Size: 14

I switched from Weight Watchers to Slim4Life. I had done Slim4Life before and found it too restrictive. However, now that I am a vegetarian there are more options. I also remember having so much energy back then because it is very strict in exactly how you get your calories. I feel like I'm definitely much healthier.

I weighed in today and I was 148.8 That's 5.2 pounds gone, 2.2 of which were lost today! (We weigh in pretty close to daily).

I was watching art of the The Voice tonight and was inspired. I love to sing and sing as part of a group at church. I've always wanted to be equity at Disney but felt like I was too fat and had not enough experience and probably not a good enough voice. I thought about auditining for entertainment at Worlds of Fun, but decided to stay in rides because of the same feelings

If I make my goal, I will audition for entertainment next year (it's too late for this year.) I will also seriously consider auditioning for The Voice. I had a friend at work last year ask me if I had considered auditioning for American Idol when we were messing around during a storm and I started singing "My Immortal." I'm pretty sure he was just being nice, but I still remember that. I told him that I wouldn't consider it because there was no chance that somebody like me (short, fat, and ugly) would win. Even thin, I will not be a classic beauty, but I figure that maybe a show like The Voice I might have a chance of at least getting in.

I'm putting this out there so that I can't back down!
Hi Jessi.:goodvibes

Just curious, with the ibs and the diabetes issues, have you looked at gluten as a problem? I know not everyone with these issues also has gluten problems, but some of the stuff does go hand in hand. Just a thought.:goodvibes My blood sugar was ok when my dr. tested it before going gluten free, but I was getting severely dizzy between meals and couldn't go more than an hour or two during the day without eating something or I would feel really yucky. No issues now. And my stomach stuff is clearing up.

I hope the Slim4Life works for you.:goodvibes
I haven't tried to go gluten free. I was tested for celiac however and that came up negative. It might be something to consider.
Ugh, I have caught what we refer to as the school plague. I could tell Friday night I was getting sick and by Saturday was miserable. I ended up missing work Sunday and yesterday. I did not do Taekwondo the last two days and have not been eating on plan because I have not been hungry. I think I have managed to at least maintain my weight, but I will find out when I weigh in tomorrow.


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