Oops I did it again! WHY MUST I YOYO!!!

Hey- I need to be more faithful about posting because I have been making poor food choices again. Already had a handful of peanut m&ms this morning. I am back on the treadmill now every other day which also keeps me on track with water.
I am working a lot and I am always too busy to stop for lunch and then I am STARVED when I get home and then I cave. I need to do more planning to circumvent this problem.
Today I work in Annapolois and then have to be at school by 2:30 for Joey's conference. Gotta get going.
Hi Mary! :wave2:

Oh, I know they're not good for you, but Mmmmmmmmmmm......M&M's! :hyper:

It sounds as though you know what you need to do to get back on track--not eating lunch makes you sooooo hungry by the time you get home and then BANG! Binge City! Oh, I have been there! I bet that with a little planning, you'll find your way around that problem. :D And good for you for getting back on that treadmill--FANTASTIC JOB!:cool1:

I read in your post in my journal about Michael Phelps' caloric intake. During the Olympics, the Today Show had on that restaurant where he eats breakfast nearly everyday, and they showed an example of a "normal" meal for him. HOLY COW!!! :faint: I couldn't believe how much food he ate *just for breakfast*!!! He must have the metabolism of a hummingbird! He's from your area? I thought he exhibited a lot of class and graciousness both in competitions and during interviews. He seems like an awesome guy! :)

I hope you're having a sunny Thursday, Mary! :sunny: :wave2:
Hi Mary,

Great job keeping on track with the treaddie and water. If you don't have time for lunch,(which you need to make time) try having healthy snacks in the car with you for the commute. Bring some cheese and crackers or an apple. That way you may curb the Monster before a binge starts.

Take care,
Thanks Beth- that is good advice. I will definately start bringing something with me on work days. I know it sounds absurd, but I really can't stop for lunch and be home in time to meet the kids off the bus. If I skip lunch I don't have to pay for daycare.

Yes- luvinmydogs- Michael Phelps is from Towson which is about 10 minutes south of my town. His pool is in the same complex where my daughter ice skates. The whole area was a-twitter during the Olympics. Wouldn't it be nice to eat chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, bacon and eggs, cereal, french toast and sausage every morning and still look like that! Oh well I am just not up to the 10 hour workouts 362 days a year.

I am on track so far today.
Bye all!
Originally posted by CheapMom

Yes- luvinmydogs- Michael Phelps is from Towson which is about 10 minutes south of my town... Wouldn't it be nice to eat chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, bacon and eggs, cereal, french toast and sausage every morning and still look like that!

AAAAAAACK!!! Now I'm going to be thinking of chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream all day!!! :eek: :hyper: :faint: MARY!!! :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I'm glad you're having a great OP day, today, and I hope your weekend's just as wonderful! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
I need a 100% OP day to jump start my getting back on track. I am such a sugar addict. I need to get my body back to a low sugar state. Yesterday and today I am doing a kind of low carb / high protein / moderate fat program thing- trying to tell my body to stop begging for sugar. I did pretty well yesterday. I ate 1/2 can salmon plain at 11:00, scrambled egg beaters with hot sauce at 4:00. I had a snack of grapes. Then I did a bad thing at night- I had a spicy chicken burrito from Taco Bell. Overall- that is still not too bad. The grapes and the white flour tortilla were not in the plan but I still think I practiced good moderation.
Today I am low-carbing again and tomorrow I am back to a more balanced diet with portion control- WW points.

Today I will walk 1.5 + on the dreadmill. Drink my water and control my sugar intake.

Good morning! I think I need one of those 100% OP days as well.::yes:: With DH's cousins here all week, we have eaten and eaten and when we were done... eaten some more.:crazy: I know that I for one would love to have Michael Phelp's metabolism.::yes:: :Pinkbounc

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:sunny:

I had a pretty off-plan weekend. I was running around like a nut all weekend. Anyway- it is so much easier to be good during the week. My life is so much more structured M-F.

I am stressing because I haven't seen one of my kitties since yesterday morning. It is all I can think about. I have to go now because I need to call for Lion King tix and I want to get good seats. They open at 10:00

BYE- Mary
I got front row balcony Lion King tix for my birthday!!! Very exciting. I got 4 tix- for me, Bridget, Joey and my mom. My mom and I are splitting the cost of the tickets.

Now I just have to wait until JULY!!!
Hi Mary!

Congratulations on getting such great seats for the Lion King!

I soooooo agree with you about finding it easier to stay OP during the week. Weekends can be such a free-for-all around here and I tend to just grab whatever I can get my hands on. What's worse is if we rent a movie, all I want to do is nibble while I'm watching it--even if I'm not hungry, I just want to munch out of habit. :rolleyes:

I'm hoping you have a great OP day today, and that you find your sweet kitty! :(
Hi Mary,

Congrats on getting the Lion King tix. We saw it, and it wqas amazing.

I will pray that you find your kitty soon.

Have a good evening,
Hi Mary,

Congratulations on the great seats for Lion King! You will have a great time!:bounce:

Any news on your kitty yet? I'll be praying that you find him/ her.:hug:

Take good care of you,
Mary, hope you find the kitty! And congrats on the Lion King tickets. DD's drama teacher said that they will take all the kids who participate in the fall and spring show to see Lion King this spring. Of course I volunteered to chaperone!

Thanks for posting to my journal!
Hi Mary,

Oh you will enjoy Lion King so much! I haven't seen it yet myself but saw "Beauty and the Beast" on Broadway and it was fabulous....I had a ball! I really couldn't imagine (before seeing it) how well the movie would translate on stage.....I loved it!

Are you going to see Lion King on Broadway or is it the touring cast? Just curious.

Were you able to find your kitty?

Jodi :wave:
Hi everyone- you are all so sweet to be sending me prayers about kitty but I am afraid she is a gonner. It is so sad- I have been to the shelters and we are putting up signs... but no luck yet- it has been almost a week so there not much hope.

The Lion King tickets is another problem- Disney Visa is not honoring their advertised price- they say it was a misprint- makes me so mad. Anyway we're going- it is either going to cost more than we planned or seats will be farther back. Not the end of the world. I have seen Lion King at Disney's New Amsterdam Theatre in NY. Disney spent millions restoring that theatre to a grand royal fairytale themed theatre- so gorgeous and the show is terrific. DH and I went but my kids haven't seen it yet.

I had a bad week. I will spare you the boring details but basically work has been a killer, storms damaged our house on Tuesday- we couldn't sleep there until last night, Thomas has been sick and I haven't slept more than a 3 hour stretch for three nights. DH was out of town (lucky guy) the whole week- he just got back- so I had a lot to deal with a lot of problems on my own. I have been eating everything and not excersising.

WAH- I am such a baby- sorry to complain so much. I know I have blessing upon blessing to count. And - you my WISH friends- are definately among those blessings-
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Mary,

You have had so much to deal with lately. I am sorry. I hope the house is repaired soon, and that Thomas is feeling better. Now that DH is home, you get some sleep ok?

Oh Mary :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm so sorry that things haven't been going well for you this past week--gosh, it seems like it was just one thing after another! I'm hoping that your sweet little kitty was found by a kind person and taken to a loving and caring home. Maybe someone will recognize her from your posters and you'll get her back--I really do hope so.

I tend to go right to food when I'm upset (or happy or scared or nervous...:rolleyes: ), so I do understand how you may have felt you've overeaten this past week. Hopefully everything will be under control very soon and you can get back on track. I'm saying a prayer that tomorrow is full of brightness and hope for you! :sunny:

Have a peaceful, restful weekend, Mary. :grouphug:
Okay- I am on my way out the door to Sunday school so this will be quick. I am really determined to live in a fit and healthy way for the next month. I will strictly follow WW flex points allowing myself 25 points each day as long as I am nursing. 20 points each day when Thomas is weaned (hopefully that will happen this month) I will excerise 3-4 times each week.

My house is fine, I realize it sounded worse than it was when I posted but what happened was a huge tree limb fell and pinned some hot electrical wires to our house. It was a fire hazzard, that is why we couldn't sleep there. The only real damage to the house is where the conduit that contains the wires was ripped from the side of the house causing some minor damage to the exterior. It can be repaired fairly easily.

Hi Mary,

I am glad to hear that the house is easily repaired, but you still have insurance headache. :hug: The important thing is that you are all ok and back in your home.

Sounds like you have a great plan for the Month of October. All the goals are obtainable, and I KNOW you can achieve them.

Have a great Sunday,


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