Organization 2010 - January/family room

I want to join. I havent gotten on a good cleaning jag in awile. My problem is that i clean the living room but then I get hooked and move all the funiture. I want to orgizie the living room but I cant take down the tree yet since mom has my bucket. Im excited to get my new baskets for under my coffee table too (which will hold toys and books for guest children). Can we post our room issue and get help?
My room issues: I have a grey vinyl chair that I love the style of and hate the color, how do I change it? Problem 2: I have a ugly green furry rug,it looks like someone flatened the grinch. I love the rug, hate the green. Could I dye it?

Have you tried a slipcover for the chair? They are much nicer than they used to be and will actually stay on.
Have you tried a slipcover for the chair? They are much nicer than they used to be and will actually stay on.

Slipcovers wouldnt work, its the wrong kind of chair for one to fit. I was thinking of reupostlering it. THe rug I think is a cotton/poly blend but its like fur sort of a shag rug. I bought it at target in the college isle like 3 years ago.
My family/living room is complete!! Swept, dusted, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned!!! Jan 1 and my task is complete!!! Yay!

Found on Christmas Tree album too.. I need to complete the page for this year and that book will be current!
Count me in!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to get rid of things & organize, but I am not always that organized with doing it!! :lmao:
I run a bi-annual children's consignment sale so I sell all of the kids unused things to earn some extra money for out Disney trips! This will be a good way to help me organize for the upcoming season of sales!
I will definitely be following along with this thread! :thumbsup2
My family/living room is complete!! Swept, dusted, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned!!! Jan 1 and my task is complete!!! Yay!

Found on Christmas Tree album too.. I need to complete the page for this year and that book will be current!

I'm behind already!

well I thought i'd at least attempt a start on the living room, instead i spent the WHOLE day on the scrap side of the office/guest/scrap room. Tomorrows chore will be the office side of the room a MUCh smaller area. and then i will haul all the xmas boxes to the living room. Tom has to be here to help I can not do our tree alone. Boys were usless today. I want the bulk of everything gone before i go back to work. He can clean out the tree on monday when were all gone, since it usually involves a chainsaw.

While cleaning from xmas I will hopefully have the living room finished no later than the 9th/10th.
so how do you store VHS tapes? I have a huge collection and no space on the tv stand.

Today I:
Did the declutter
Vaccumed and cleaned
Spot cleaned
Orgizined all photos to the drawer in the guest room
took the tree back to the guest room (to await its box)

I have to:
Clean the loveseat cover, blankets and pillow collection
Hang the picture from above the couch that CRASHED!
Today is Declutter day at Casa de la Blink!

I can't stand the mess!!! I'm also going to audit DD's toys. She got a bunch of new stuff for Xmas so the babyish toys need to go!!!
so how do you store VHS tapes? I have a huge collection and no space on the tv stand.

Do you have a cabinet or any wall space were you can store them?
I bought a mission style VHS/DVD cabinet from Sears a few years ago.

Have you weeded out ones that you no longer want?
How many do you have duplicates of or you have a second copy on DVD?
Do you have a cabinet or any wall space were you can store them?
I bought a mission style VHS/DVD cabinet from Sears a few years ago.

Have you weeded out ones that you no longer want?
How many do you have duplicates of or you have a second copy on DVD?

The cabinet this is my main isssue. I dont have the room for one in my tiny living room. Im thinking I might build a box and shove them under my end table. I have gone through them. Im down to what I want. No duplicates cause I donated them all to my daycare.
Well the tree is finally out and the furniture is rearranged. I have vac'd and mopped and gotten rid of christmas. The stairs and the shelf over the window will be the next project on my to do list. I still need to wash the curtians then that room will be done.

Right now I have to find my table so we can get ready for dinner and back to school and new job for me.

Good job cleaning everyone.
de-clutter has commenced. DH needs to work on his stuff on Friday. I went through DD's toys, man she had some serious My Little Pony duplicates from McDonalds!
I took down the Christmas Decor yesterday so I am ready to get a move on cleaning the family room. Thanks for the daily list...I'm a few days behind, but I'm sure I can catch up!


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