Organize Your Scrap Space - 2010 Edition - Week 5 It's All About the Photos

Holy cow, PBF! I cannot believe you have amassed that much stuff in one year. Watch out - if I ever need anything for a scrap emergency and the stores are closed - I'm heading for your house!
NEE - we'd be happy to help out, anytime! :hug:

I'm blessed with a VERY indulgent husband! I love it when he looks up from reading in the living room and smiles at Z2H and I working in the scrap area. He gets that melty, goofy look at us having fun together. Priceless!

joyah - The photos are great - very helpful in visualizing your space! You've got a huge area and can do so much with it (especially in the center of the room) - I agree with Hope. I'll look more closely at the pics and see what dawns on me. Maybe sometime I COULD come up for a weekend (if you could stand me!) and I'd be happy to help move stuff around and help you organize.
Joyah- First, it's good you know what is totally working for you. That is 1/2 the battle! Love that stamp pad box :goodvibes

Less stuff doesn't work for us crafty people. We need to purge stuff we will never use, but that still leaves too much stuff for our space anyway. I'm a big believer in zones. So you have a sewing zone, a scrappy zone, and a laptop zone. Move the stuff into their zones, and you will see how much space you need for it all.

You have tons of vertical space not being used for your stuff! Shelves or cabinets would help get things off the surfaces, and open up more space. Pegboard would work too.

And check out those wire shelves PBF used. They hold 200# each! They could help you move up the walls. Very cool deal...and are on Amazon Prime, so I'm in lurve!!
It looks huge in the pics but sitting in it I feel like I'm being closed in upon. I have vertical space but I'm only 5'1 on a good day so height is hard to deal with plus you can see tall things from the living room downstairs so I have to watch that. Plus they are all log and tongue and groove walls anything you hang will always have the holes wood putty to fill in looks like yuck.

there is abt 32" inbetween the desk and cabinet and the sewing table and futon. Tom will clobber me (kidding) if I encrouch on his corner any more than I am. so the linoleum needs to stay clear.
I like the height of the table the laptop is on as it is easy to type while sitting here. I'm thinking I'd like some type of work area/storage where the longest part of the futon is. Just haven't come up with a design. Dad can and will build it so that's not an issue. The cabinet was my design as is the scrapbox and bookcase as you go into the room. I'm liking the look of the Ikea box unit and trying to see if I could have him add a top and legs to make another work table. It is hard when both boys want to scrap. I'd actually like to pare down on units so I don't feel like I'm being attacked.
Deb I love that box but it's quite heavy when full.
Pam i'd love to have you I'm not sure you could stand us. the roosters start crowing abt 2:30 am in the summer and abt 5 in the winter. Tom's in and out at all hours of the day and night with grooming and plowing. I now know why the boys both sleep like rocks.
Your dad need to make you one of these
I never find good deals like $1 for 3-packs. Someone on the Cricut board just mentioned they found Carts at Walmart for $15, $7.50, etc. Ours are full price.

Christy, I think your room is very workable even with all the stuff. My initial thought, is to definitely get the futon away from the wall. If you keep it in the room, put it so your cabinet and the futon are back to back. If you everything as it is, you could move the boys' desk to where the futon was, but it won't take up all the wall space. But it seems like there is good wall space behind where the futon is now, that would be perfect for a vertical storage option.

I would also look into moving your DH's stuff, to an area where there isn't as much vertical space, because there is good vertical space in that corner. The wall where the boys desk, is that a sloped ceiling there? Because that side might be a better option for his stuff. But that would necessitate a major overhaul. Basically, something like this. Orientation is the same as your sketch, so door in lower right. But I don't know if dimensions would work.


Oh wait I forgot, this is a is Tom's shelf taller than the front wall? If so, you could still flip flop the boys desk, so it basically stays where it is, and Tom's BC.
Hope both bc and his desk are a foot taller than the wall. so I'd have to put it in the corner where the futon and laptop are. The boys need more space. I've thought about having dad make me a new improved desk with a top piece (he's made them for the boys desks) I should take a pic of E's he made the whole thing. and then giving them mine which they could work on from both sides.
so you have my desk where his is......never thought of that. interesting

Deb I'd love one of those.
Hope both bc and his desk are a foot taller than the wall. so I'd have to put it in the corner where the futon and laptop are.

Not necessarily.

I noted that you have some lovely wall hangings (quilts?) on the loft walls. If you had something like that about the same width as the desk and/or bookcase (if you moved them to against the loft 1/2 wall) couldn't the quilt or art hang secured from the back top edge of the desk or bookshelf, over the loft wall and hang over that? I would think that might look pretty nice from below...

Just thinking...
Pam that would work if I could get the guy to claim his bear head mount. It's screws actually poke through to my side. I'll run down and take a pic from below so you can all see.

***maybe not after I went below and looked up***
Pam thank you for the Lovely wall hanging comment it's one of my obsestions (SP) the horse one is actually an old rug the one behind toms is a throw and the other behind the printer is a quilted wall hanging i keep meaning to move to the living room.

here's a couple of pics

this is as you come kiddy corner into the living room from the stairs

this is looking staight on at the loft wall. The window has the ac for the main part of the house so I really don't want to block it and we've tried 2 other windows and don't get the cooling effect we get from that one.
For visual aid, here's the first option, where most stuff stays where it is. But I've moved the boys' desk to under the window, and the Futon to back up to the cabinet. That should still allow for some new vertical storage on the rest of the wall where your desk is. And you could add length to the boys' area and extend it all the way to the wall.


BTW, I love the look of your house. I love all the exposed wood, and the loft overlooking the main room.
thank you for the drawing's Hope it definately helps and it's something I usually do. this room just has me stimied. there are so many pieces. I'm really liking the 1st one the second has potential to. The window above my desk isn't much for light so that's not and issue I use my OTT light all the time.

Thank you for the comments on the house.I love our house (other than the size) we built it ourselves with lots of help from friends and family. We picked out the plan and made a few changes to the kit. If I had to do it over we'd still have a log home but I would have picked a bigger one.
Buffy the sloped wall you see in the first group is actually the ceiling over the living room. In the 2nd group looking up you see a slight slope to the ceiling in the loft. It is a full 8'+ height. Wasn't sure which one you were refering to.
the one looking up. I saw the first pic wrong, it looked like the ceiling for the living room was actually the wall/ceiling for the loft. Makes sense now that there is only a 1/2 wall.
I wasn't sure if the roof was a true peak or a salt box type layout with a full height wall.
joyah -- my thought too was vertical space but i was thinking about stacked shelves like this on top of your desk/counter top


i'm not good at visualizing moving around furniture and such, but i am good at organizing. are your supplies organized? could you take down the hanging above your desk (sitting in chair facing wall) and hang pegboard there? how about the inside of the cabinets? full?

i've been surfing alot this weekend on ideas for my scrap area, too cold here in ohio to do much else. i have seen some rooms where embelishments like buttons, ribbon, bigger than brads type stuff is stored in glass jars by color and then lined up. really cute.

is the 'organizing my space' clippie for anyone or for a specific thread? i have been organizing many spaces since Jan 1 -- master bedroom, basement, utiliy area and crawlspace! some are still in progress but wow! what a great feeling it has been to clear out unused stuff and organize and find things I forgot i have!
salt box that's the word i couldn't come up with!!!!

Standard New England house. I love them because you get the full height you don't get in a cape.

is the 'organizing my space' clippie for anyone or for a specific thread? i have been organizing many spaces since Jan 1 -- master bedroom, basement, utiliy area and crawlspace! some are still in progress but wow! what a great feeling it has been to clear out unused stuff and organize and find things I forgot i have!

you can take the clippie! It's for everyone.
Supplies are in pretty good order Right now desk looks like a bomb was dropped cause I didn't clean after the last scrapbook was done. and I've thrown the pics and date book on top.
In the left side of the cabinet behind me is all paper solids are in cropper hoppers and patterns are in 1" artbins by holiday,season, activity and such. On the right hand side is 2 drawers of stamps (i have an addiction and my BF is a SU rep it's all her fault actually the entire hobby is her fault) I'd been ignoring scrapbooking she dragged mom and I in. the 2 drawers need to be cleaned out as they used to hold my carts for cricut. The Cabinet to the left of my desk holds all the pictures in photo boxes by years and adhesives, popdots and extras like that. I'm liking the idea of a desk topper of some sort. thinking I need a new desk for that though I don't think this one could handle the weight.
keep the ideas coming ladies.
see Buffy now I'm monoploizing the thread
Don't worry about monopolizing, it's more fun playing in other people's rooms than having to deal with our own. :lmao: But if all this talk, gets something to happen in somebody's room, than it's :thumbsup2.

I created two organizing clippies when I did the organizational challenge last year. I was going to make new ones for this year, but haven't gotten around to it yet.




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