Organize Your Scrap Space - 2010 Edition - Week 5 It's All About the Photos

I will after church. Feels good so far! The get rid of pile consists of 7 chairs, 1 box and 4 bags of trash. Boy do I have a lot of outdated catalogs, etc. Yuck! Cleaned off the dresser and shelves. Wait till you see my album collection. They have been scattered all over the house, but gathered in one place they look impressive, if I do say so myself! I would say I even feel inspired to add to the shelf right now. That's a good thing.
Ok, I spent a number of hours getting it all rearranged, and will get a picture up today. Those jetmax cubes are wonderful. I fell off the bandwagon and bought 3 more last week, but for the best of reasons. They had them for $20 at ACM.
A number of bags and boxes are filled and out in the garage for this week's trash. Have to admit it was worth the time. Caroline
Morning ladies
I'm up and at it. Not quite so much energy today but I'm determined to finish as much as I can.

Tom's desk area is DONE!! That is truely the only complete thing in the room but I'm very proud of the way it turned out.

Srap desk is cleaned off. I found one of my display shelves (from craft shows) fits nicely to give me a bit extra height on the desk top. Mom is going to get a new laptop table for the rv that fits a bit better so I will get her old one. that will work perfect for the futon or I can wheel it over to the desk and multitask.

I have piles on the futon to sort, scrap stuff on the cabinet behind the desk to give homes to, and the boys desk and railing to clean off.

I need ideas on memoriblia and how best to store it so I'll use it I have a HUGE pile of that to deal with.

Left in the bedroom are pictures to go in my closet Top shelf out of the way. there are lots of the house build and our life before kids, I'll get to them someday.

Back to work.

Yeah Caroline doesn't it feel good. I don't count that as falling off the wagon cause you used them rightoff they arenot sitting in a pile.
Buffy anyluck being able to store the furniture yet?
Not really but we did go to Ikea and I showed DH the shelving unit I want. And he spotted the drawers and doors. So I'm getting there. Then in the kitchen space we found a great butcher block top island with 2 shelves and 3 drawers. Knock on wood, I'll get them some day.

BAMB has a really cute embellishment holder that I'm sure she altered herself, just looks great, and something like that would fit nicely on your shelves.

I do??? the ones that I covered in paper? I have this one but need to one with the longer drawers. But sadly my Ikea doesn't carry them anymore. Or at least they didn't have them or the displays yesterday. These house my stamps, ink pads, embossing powders etc.


I need a bunch of IKEA stuff, but those cool boxes aren't available for shipping! I have them in a smaller size from when we went to Chicago in October. Hmmm... don't like roadblocks.

Just noticed that. ERGH!! I need those boxes! I don't see why they can't ship them, they are nice and flat.

Ok, I spent a number of hours getting it all rearranged, and will get a picture up today. Those jetmax cubes are wonderful. I fell off the bandwagon and bought 3 more last week, but for the best of reasons. They had them for $20 at ACM.
A number of bags and boxes are filled and out in the garage for this week's trash. Have to admit it was worth the time. Caroline

Way to go Caroline!!!
Don't worry about the ban wagon if you are buying stuff to get organized, especially if it's on sale. Just watch your pennies for your cruise.
Well I got about 1/2 of my disney stuff in my scrap rack bag. I didn't have room for characters or Magic Kingdom but I will eventually. In my bag I have general Disney, MGM, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Pirate and Princess Party, Disney Christmas, resorts, restaurants, and transportation.

So now I have room to redivide my binders of seasonal, holiday, and kids stuff and get those up off the floor. I also moved the linens out of the bottom of the buffet and into the corner cabinet and I'm moving supplies into the bottom drawer but I'm really trying to not stuff everything in there willy nilly. I'm trying to be smart about it.
I'm going to ask DH to take the old plasma tv out today (it's not working and DH just stuck it there. But I have 8- 8th grade bins for the dances in my dining room so I can't do much cleaning today. The dance bins were a huge mess and someone dumped more stuff in the closet last week. I just couldn't take it anymore!!
BAMB - yes, I love that embellishment holder! I probably would have purchased something like that before I bought my MM embellie shelf, but I had never seen it before, and then when I saw that you and others had altered it to match your scrap room....well, it is on the list if ever I need to expand :) I told you guys that I have been lurking for a really long time! I love that butcher block table too.

As soon as I can, I will post a picture of my table. Last night I finished 3 of the 4 Jetmax cubes and loaded them up....I was able to get rid of one unsightly banker's box and unload one nice Ikea box that I can now use to stash stuff...what I do sometimes when I do a quick clean up is just throw stuff in a box with a lid and then take the time later to sort and I can use a pretty green box! Today will be putting together my last cube, getting my Disney papers organized in it, and then maybe sitting down to scrap - yay!
I need ideas on memoriblia and how best to store it so I'll use it I have a HUGE pile of that to deal with.

I have a 7 drawer Iris cart. Mostly, I just have vacation paperwork, so each trip is in a bag, and then the bags are put in the drawers. If I ever got to actually scrapping my pics, I would go through and use stuff in my books.

Other ideas would be those 12x12 Iris storage boxes, or just file folders.

I just remembered, on the Wookiemouse blog, there is a category for memorabilia.
Did you buy that work bench Buffy?

How big is it in person?

I'm in love with IKEA stuff.
Good for all of you. We are getting there. Buffy I :love: that island!

Mommy guilt hit me today so I went to the hunting expo with them. It was a nice relaxing day but NOTHING got done. Alot of the kids events the money is donated to a camp for kids with cancer they even can do chemo at this camp Takumpa (?). so that's the type of thing I don't mind paying for.

Now I'm staring at all the stuff that I DIDN'T get done and thinking I need to get busy.
I need ideas on memoriblia and how best to store it so I'll use it I have a HUGE pile of that to deal with.

My ideas are similar to Hope's.

What I do is, for a vacation, I keep everything in a 2 gallon ziplock bag, and when I'm ready to scrap that trip, I go through the bag at the same time I go through my pictures. I'm a note-taker when I plan my pages, so I'll make my notes like, "MNSSHP intro page, 1 photo, map, wristband,"

For stuff that doesn't get its own ziplock bag, if the memorabilia is smaller than 4x6, I put it directly with the pictures that go with it so it's readily accessible. If it's bigger, I make a notecard reminding myself about it, including where it is at the moment, and put that notecard with the matching pictures.
Hope thank you for the link I've spent the last hour lost over there. WHY my brain never thought three ring binders I have no idea. I think that will work perfect .. Not only do I have trip stuff but special things from the boys. I want to put their report cards in their books and right now those are thrown in a box, they are separated by kiddo. That will be tomorrow after works project IF and only if I find homes for all the stuff on the cabinet behind me. I'm hoping to finish it tonight.
WTG Buffy.

Work was canceled for me don't want the older people on the roads. so I'm HOPING to finish the room today.
I plan on at least getting my areas done and sort through all the paper. I'll give the kids some and the rest is out of here I could NEVER use it all in a year (well maybe) but there are alot that I just pass by and those will be the first to go.
my table is clean!!! Well it was until DS13 came in and spread his homework out.
My short term goal is to keep the table clear. The buffet is covered up again and I have plastic drawers in here that I didn't want but since Ikea is out of the wooden boxes I didn't have much choice.

Now I need to start sorting through things as I still have stuff stashed in 2 1/2 gallon zilpoc bags in the basement. But one thing at a time. I have a clean place to work. I think if I just sort one thing at a time then I'll still be able to clear the table.

New Years Resolution!! Do not just stash stuff in her until it finds a home!! Put it away or throw it away!!!
good job Buffy

I'm not half as far along as I'd like just can't seem to get in the groove today. I ssem to be making more piles than actually cleaning. The desk is covered in pics that were scarttered all over the room (at least they are in one place now:goodvibes)
the end table that was burried has been found cleaned and put next to the boys desk and the games are underneath.
the cabinet behind me is almost done Still have to sort the 2 drawers.
Futon still has 1 pile and the boys scrap desk well I'm thinking about being mean and making them do it. but then it will never happen so I might as well do it.

I'm going to make my self a list and see what I can get done after lunch.

talk to you all later
okay futon is done except flipping the mattress.

Left to do and most of these are small things I should be able to hit at night after all the activities or between work and kid stuff.

Picture sort 1 pile and Larger of the 2 baskets on my desk.
2 drawers in cabinet behind me
sewing basket cleaned out of desk
boys scrap desk
1 tote of memoribilia to sort plus a bit still in our room.

so I will move those couple of things out and take pics for you all in a few mins. since it all has to be sorted it's going out and coming in 1 thing at a time.
Here are the final pictures. and you all deserve some credit to get me through this. I have a few hot spots that I listed above (most I moved).


walking into the room like I said the boys desk is still a mess.

just off the the left of the boys desk so you can see the open space infront of the futon someone could actually stay in this room now.

Toms desk corner

standing with my back to the futon and desk. Yes his bookcase is stuck in the hall he can't decide what to do with it.

I should have taken a pic looking at the open space under the window but you can see it in the corner of the desk picture.

Hope you are all still motivated to get more done.
Your room looks awesome! You should be so proud of yourself that you took on and tackled such a big project! And it looks like you have a little extra space if you wanted to bring in something small at the end of your cabinet, or next to the boys desk by the futon.

:woohoo: Yay, Christy! :woohoo:


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