OT: Guess the date and time that Colson39's (Chris & Beth) baby will be Born!!!

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lol, just so y'all know, the official due date is April 19th, so you can base it off of that. Although my mom keeps on saying she's going to be 2 weeks early, so some of you are right on the money with that...heh.

I'll have to make sure to show her this thread later, she'll get a kick out of it!

As for my official guess, I'm going to say April 11th at 3:30 PM ;)
When my mom was preggers with me she was due on the 11, and I graced everyone with my presence on the 1st. My brother was due the 18, and arrived on the 8th. Ya never know!! Then again, both my girls went right to their due dates. I will say good luck, and get lots of rest now. And take a ton of pictures!!!
Bring a catcher's mit into the delivery room with you just for gits and shiggles.
April 16, 8:15 pm.

Good luck! And my only advice is remember to bring her flowers or something to say, "Thanks, honey" after that sweet baby is born.
Chirs, If you want, I can PM you my phone number in case you get in a jam, I have delivered a few, I am sure you could handle it. :thumbsup2
My heart says: April 2nd, 12:04 AM (my son's birthday...we missed April Fools' Day!)

My sense of humor says: April 5th, 6:07 AM (04-05, 6:07, 2008)

Real guess: ...hmm... April 21st, 3AM.

I loved the suggestion about bring her flowers. Make sure you give her something memorable just for *her* (not your sweet baby). Jewelry is nice. :thumbsup2 And foot massages...lots of foot massages!

Sue in Texas
...the best days are the days when babies come (Gone With the Wind)... :goodvibes
Bring her a 60" plasma. If she doesnt like it, at least ya got something to watch when you're sleeping on the couch.
As we await the birth of a future dis'er...Here is a thread that people can take a guess on when Colson39 and his wife's baby would be born: He stated in his poll thread that baby was due in a couple a of weeks. I'll start:

April 6th at 4:00am

When it's done in the oven and ready to serve to his/her's new parents. :lmao: :cool1: :rotfl2: ... Just hope there is no warming required before final plating :rotfl:

Ok, I'm going to say April 16th at 3:45pm. (btw, that's my birthday, :thumbsup2)
My guess is April 23rd at 2:07... but I should really look to see when the full moon is.

My advice... what got you into this situation will also help get Reilly out :lmao: have fun:banana:
There were too many posts to keep track, so I'm just going to go ahead and guess.

April 3, noon. Nice and easy, plenty of time to grab a coffee in the morning and take a leisurely stroll to the maternity ward. NOT!

Best of luck, here come the happiest and most fun days of your lives! Love 'em while they're little, because it's not long before they grow up.

Typed while sitting on the couch with DD who is sick as we sit and spend the afternoon watching the first season of the Brady Bunch on DVD. The entire season!
ok I say April 25th at 7:37 pm that is when my son was born. He will be turning the big 20 :scared1: boy did that go sooo fast:) Good Luck with your new bundle of joy and enjoy him now look out for the terrible 2s that start at 1 :lmao: which will come oh sooo fast :laughing:
Typed while sitting on the couch with DD who is sick as we sit and spend the afternoon watching the first season of the Brady Bunch on DVD. The entire season!

Oh you don't know how much you just scared me with this...lol
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