OT--I've gone 6 DAYS without....


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Mar 9, 2001
a cigarrette gang! I've got nicotene patches, hard candy and I've nearly chewed the clicker off my Disney fat pen!!LOL I really WANT to do this though. I've been cleaning & dising all day to keep my mind off it. It's hard....real hard. My mother is my "support person" and she's at my aunt's house having dinner tonight, so I thought I'd post here. She was diagnosed with lung cancer last August 10th...had her entire right lung removed & radiation. She's doing fantastic, back to work and everything. Sorry about off topic, mods! Just delete it if you don't want it here. I'm just mainly wanting to share and do something with my hands to keep them occupied!LOL Off to chew on my pen some more now!
Way to go, girl:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I quit 17 years ago from a pack a day habit. I went cold turkey and it was the only way for me. It's so much easier now that you have the patch. It should help a lot with the cravings. Chew on that pen, eat that candy, and certainly post here about your progress. We're all pulling for you.

So sorry to hear about your Mom's health problems, but good to know that she's back to work and getting on with her life. I'm sure she'll be a big help to you. Mom's are great like that.

Good luck, Jenifer! Keep us posted,
Congratulations. That first step is always the hardest.

Also, you might look into a nicotine inhaler if you find the patches aren't helping. A woman that I was working with used one when she quit and swears by it.
Good for you!!! Put your mind to it and you'll do it, and then reward yourself with the hugest WDW trip ever!!
good for you!!!!

keep it up.

I thought you were going to say rewards programs-whew-thought I was going to have to shake you! LOL

congratulations!!! i quit a pack a day habit a little over a year ago. and sometimes the first days are the worst. but it does get easier as time goes on.
if you want really good motivation...figure out how much money you were burning and put that aside for a disney trip. i figured out i was smoking almost $200 a month. i quit and went to disney with the money i saved.
Thanks for the support everyone! AdventurerKat, I thought about getting an inhaler, but I guess I'll try these patches first...it's good to know they've worked for someone. LI Debbie, that's great you quit! I've been smoking 2 packs a day for over 30 years, so I felt I needed some help.LOL Mish19, it just so happens that, if all goes according to plan, I'll be off the patches an a former smoker by our trip in October...and it's the biggest trip we've ever taken! LOL, Mal, not a chance.......I'm REALLY addicted to rewards programs!

Well, I'm off to my real test...work. I'm used to smoking after my boss ticks me off, that happens frequently, so it'll be my toughest challenge.;)
I'm an ex-smoker and I know what you are going through! To quit smoking is the hardest thing in the world to do. You should be very proud of yourself for what seems like just a short time! Don't give up. It will get easier; after about three years I didn't even want a cigarette. I know three years seems like a long time when you are going moment to moment right now.

Just think of all the money you can put into your Disney fund!

Best of luck to you!


6/1997 Off site, 2/2000 Off site, 2/2001 Poly, 10/2001 POFQ, AKL & Magic, 1/2002 ASMo & AKL, 12/2002 CSR & CR
Way to go, Jenifer! My hubby quit at almost 4 packs a day a few years ago and he said the first 2 weeks were the hardest for him. He found that chewing gum helped, too. ( Just regular, not the nicotene kind) LOL, you might need a whole pack of gum after tangling with your boss!

Hang in there! And keep us posted!
Good for you! I quit 7 weeks ago today(I had been smoking since I was 13 years old, 17 years total!!). I was able to quit cold turkey. I bought the gum, and carried it with me everywhere. I always have it with me. But so far haven't used it.

The biggest help for me was just mind over matter. I would think certain things.. If I saw someone smoking, I would think, "boy, I'm glad that's not me!" It also will only take a day or two before you start smelling it on everything. I had to wash everything in my home, and am going to start painting this next week. It is just embarrassing to know that I went out in public smelling like that for so long!!
Lunch time! And I know as soon as I finish I'm going to have a big ol' craving! I guess I'll have to keep eating!LOL Congratulations, dmslush, on 7 weeks! That's wonderful! I started doing that cleaning thing this weekend...mainly to keep myself busy. I've already noticed how bad my closet stinks. Is that my clothes that smell that bad....they're supposed to be clean!:rolleyes:
LOL, there have been a few days that I felt like a cow grazing all day!! But, I can deal with some weight gain, I can work out and drop the pounds.

Oh, I know what you mean about the closet.. I am still embarrassed when I think about how my clothes smelled:o
Well, I'm still a nonsmoker! The worst as been after meals, but I just do something to keep me busy until it passes! My Disney fat pen is demolished...with the clicker chewed off, I kept going until that end was knawed and flattened causing the other end to pop & the ink thingy to fall out. :( :rolleyes: ;)
Congradulations!!! The hardest thing is not cheating. My DH tried quitting several times and he would cheat...and then start back up again. Finally when DD was about 8 months old, he decided to do it cold turkey starting that national smoke-out day. He only smoked on the way to work, a few during the day because they did not allow smoking in work so he had to go up to the roof. When he was home he went into the garage so that the smoke wasn't around the baby. Well, this November will be 8 years.
Think of the money you will now be able to save to go to Disney!!!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I promise you are over the worst part! After you eat, try drinking a glass of ice water. For some reason, ice water helped more than anything.

I also keep this list beside my computer, and I "check" off stages after I go through them. It sounds silly, but it makes me feel like I am actually "doing" something.

20 MINUTES (after you stop smoking)
Blood pressure drops to normal.
Pulse rate drops to normal.
Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal.

Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.
Oxygen level in blood increases to normal.

Chance of heart attack decreases.

Nerve endings start regrowing.
Ability to smell and taste is enhanced.

Circulation improves.
Walking becomes easier.
Lung function increases up to 30%.

Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease.
Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection.
Body's overall energy increases.

Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.

Lung cancer death rate for average smoker (one pack a day) decreases by almost half.
Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting.
Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a smoker's.

Lung cancer death rate similar to that of nonsmokers.
Precancerous cells are replaced.
Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases.

Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker.

Right now, I am at the 1-9 month phase, and can tell a huge difference in my breathing. At about 2 weeks, I felt like I was coughing more (and coughing some nasty crap too:o) and it took about a week for that to pass. Once that was over, I really started feeling good.
Hey jennymouse,
Just want you to know there's one more person here behind you. It's tough, but you're really going great!:Pinkbounc It's been 14 years since I quit, I chewed Twizzlers a lot (yeah, not healthy either ;) but it helped). Keep up the great work, you should be so proud of yourself - we all are!
mazzarafe, I'm not cheating this time either. Last time I said I was going to quit was when I took my DGD to WDW last year. I bought the patches and said the trip would be good since most places are nonsmoking, didn't want to smoke in the room with DGD, etc.

The thing is, I brought cigarrettes with me too.(I know) Well, I got there and did use the patches while in the parks & room at first. I was having a hard time keeping the patches on....no matter where I put them on my body, I would sweat them off.

Once, while on the bus, on the way "home" from Epcot one night I got to jonesing for a cigarrette real bad, felt my arm and realized my patch was gone. Well, when we got to the resort, I saw my patch stuck to the bus steps as I was getting off the bus.:rolleyes: People were behind me so I just stepped over it and kept on going.

By the end of that short trip, I was smoking outside the room, which led to stopping at the smoking areas in the parks. I never smoked in the room with DGD though.

This time, I'm not cheating!

Thanks, dmslush, I'm printing that list out to leave here at work & at home too. I'll do the ice water after eating too. I'm thinking this week will be the worst. And, really, it's not that bad. I'm sure without the patches it would be unbearable though. Like I've said, I smoked at least 2 packs a day (sometimes more) for thirty years. I'm really addicted, but I feel really confident about doing this.

You guys make an excellent support team! I can't fail with you by my side! I'm tearing up now. But thank you so much for your support.
Well, jennymouse, your story has inspired me. I'm getting tired of spending $30.00 a week (or more) on cigarettes. I've got the patches in my spice cabinet (I'm not sure why they're there), and as soon as I finish this carton, I'm joining you.

Best of luck to you!!!
Good for you Disneycub! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Jennymouse, it is toughest in the beginning. My BIL just quit too when the taxes went up a few months back. He did the patch. I know one thing that bothered him was what to do with his hands. He was missing holding the cigarette and getting used to not having one in his normal routine. You said that you are having hard candy, but if you feel like you need to keep your hands busy try a lollipop, that might help that sensation.

My stepdad is doing the patch now too, he was a serious chain smoker! Took him a few weeks not to cheat and have one with the patch on. He would take a puff or two and get rid of it. He's doing better now with it but the twig is finally starting to put on weight.;)

Good luck to everyone who is in the quiting process, I know it is not easy, but you have to be ready to do it to beat the habit. At least you have somewhere that you know you can get some morale support.:) :D :)


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