OT--I've gone 6 DAYS without....

disneycub, Yahhhoooooo! That's fantastic! I really want you to do it! Just think how much easier WDW will be on us when I go in October and you go to DISCON! You can do it, heck, if I can do it anyone can! The patches help so much...I probably couldn't do it without them. I know what you mean by the cost. I smoked generics and still spent over $120 a month on the darn things. I could put that aside and after a year that would pay for a resort stay at WDW!

Okay, now finish that carton up and join me!

I sent you a PM too. PM or email me if you'd like. With all the fantastic support we've got here, we can do it!

mazzarafe, I like the lollipop idea too. I think I'll stop and get some on the way to work this morning.

Mal, thanks for the well wishes!
Jenifer-You've gone from ciggie-butt addict to being an inspiration to others in just a few short days!! BRAVO :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Good for you, Steve. You can do it too
I hope I don't let anyone down! rubbing my patch thinking "gimme a hit, gimmie a hit" LOL....I CAN DO IT!!
LOL, you can do it!!!!!!!!

Just take a deep breath and feel how much better you feel today than you did a week ago! Also, remember, You don't want to smell funky;)
whoo hooo Jenifer!! :) That is great news!! I am so happy for you! I quit 5 years ago and never looked back!!

Steve, wonderful news for you as well!! :) Good Luck to you both!! Oh, and keep us updated as well...I don't mind if it is off topic at all!! LOL :):)
dmslush, I have sucked suckers & mints and chewed gum so much the past few days that my tounge is literally sore!LOL I had to give it a bit of a rest today...shew, weeee.

Still no cigarrettes, though. And I don't even want one, really. I've had some cravings, but nothing unbearable. I think it's helped not being around smoking. I was the last hold out smoker in the office....I went to lunch with work friends today and sat on the nonsmoking side of Cracker Barrell. There's a whole other side of the world out there, gang!LOL Oh, by the way, the food tastes the same on both sides.

My DGD, Skye, has been at her other grandparents house in western Kentucky visiting all week. I can't wait until she gets back and see's me not smoking....she's going to flip! She's been wanting me to quit for a long time.

Thanks for your support everyone. And I'd like to thank the mods for letting me ramble over here and not moving me out....I really appreciate it.

Everyday will get easier!!

To be honest with you, it seemed like a lot of food tasted awful to me after I quit. It took a long time to get used to things again. I think it was because my taste buds were so messed up after smoking for 17 years, that I just didn't know what food was supposed to taste like LOL!

There are still times when I want a smoke, when I am in a crowd of noisy people. If I go out to eat and the rest. is setting full, it makes me nervous. Anytime I encounter a stressfull situation where I want to smoke, I just tell myself that the smoke will not make the situation go away!

When you decide to take the patch off, I would do it on a friday night or sometime when you can stay home away from people for a couple of days. Like I said before, I bought the gum, but didn't use it. I was able to stay home, away from everyone and I think that is why I was able to go it cold turkey. I had a few physical signs.. sweats, shakes, but it was never ever BAD, just uncomfortable. I still carry the gum with me as a "buffer" between me and smokes. If ANYTHING ever gets really bad, I have the gum instead of a smoke.
Jenifer, dana, Steve, and all the rest of you new non-smokers! Congratulations! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc Keep it up! I know you can do it. :D :D :D
dmslush, I definately think I'll take advantage of the "step down" method the patches offer. It goes from 21mg to 14mg to 7mg. I am considering speeding up the process a bit....not staying on step 1 (21mg) for the entire 6wks, maybe go for four weeks instead, then go to step 2. I don't know...I might be feeling a bit too confident. We'll see.

My mother said she still has cravings sometimes...she's been quit for a year. She thinks we'll always have them. She started on the patches, but didn't use them when she got home from the hospital after having to have HER ENTIRE RIGHT LUNG REMOVED.

Oh, and the stress thing will be a test for sure. I think my boss is stearing clear right now.LOL But I did like to have a cig when I was angry. What to do when you're angry to keep from smoking...hmmmm, got to think about that one.:rolleyes:
Do the step down at your own pace. I think you will know if you are ready to have a little less. It seems to me like they have made the steps last longer than they used to?? Maybe a way for them to get more money? LOL, I just don't trust 'em LMAO!

I know, I finally broke down and bought new bed pillows today. Goodness, those others stunk so bad that I wasn't sleeping well anymore. It was like the longer I went without a smoke, the more stinky came out of the pillows. So, I finally bought me some new ones today.
Atta boy, girl!!!:bounce: :bounce:

Congratulations on all your hard work this week!! Keep up the good work.
Wow! A week, girl you are over the worst!! You are home free now!!
I told my DGD a few minutes ago...she said: "YES!" Then made me promise I wouldn't go back...I promised.:D


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