OT: jon and Kate + 8 new house?


Cats don't talk
Aug 24, 2008
I am a fan of the TLC show Jon and Kate plus eight. I started watching a few years ago mainly because they were locally based and their sextuplets are the same age as my DD. They seemed like an average family that many parents could relate to ...well in some ways anyway. I do not have eight kids but love the show none the less. But now that they are no longer on an socioeconomic level even close to mine the show does not have the same appeal. The new home they purchased says it all. I am not saying that they do not deserve such but now they are no longer an "average" family. What do other fans think? I just don't know if I ok watch on a weekly basis anymore. Does anyone else feel that they might loose their fan base now that the show has...how can I put this...brought in the big bucks!
I think its wonderful. I don't begrudge them their success, not one little bit. They were featured by Discovery Channel and America/Canada became fascinated with them. Their day to day lives are anything but ordinary with 8 kids. They came from an average background and because of the success of the show and Kate's books they are now able to afford so many wonderful opportunities and experiences for their children. It truly is the American dream isn't it?
Hey, How do I get my crazy family on TV??? Our hook...mom, dad, son, daughter! Wow, only 2 kids that can still produce the noise of all 8 of thiers, think of that. And I can go just as crazy and blame my husband like Kate...or by sweet as honey if that'll sell.:cutie:

Good for them to be able to move into a new house. Afterall, how many hours a month/week/day do they have cameras following them? Personally I would move and leave the kids at the old house.:lmao:
Just checked out the pics of the house...Hope a house keeper (who does windows) and a lifeguard came with it! And what, no attached garage??? would have been my deal-breaker.:rotfl2:
Where is the house? I heard something about them moving out of PA?
All I can say is WOW!! That house is like a mini-mansion!
Their house is beautiful and they are entitled to great success but I am just saying that their appeal to a lot of their viewers (myself included) was that they were an average (but unique) family that traveled to places that I personally could relate to on a family level...Hershey park, Dutch Wonderland etc. Now with their huge success...and it's wonderful for their family...the show sort of lost credibility for me. Not just because they bought a mini mansion that just kind of threw it over the top as far as the (average) family status goes. And that is what makes of less appealing to watch not the fact that they have benefited financially. It's great that they can offer so much to their children now.
I understand what you mean. I have recently not been watching the show as much. When my Monday nights were free it was my Monday night show. Now that the kids have done most of their "firsts" and are pretty much average kids (when you look at the individually) it is like watching my neighbors...and they are boring! Another thing that I wasn't sure of was how Kate made the comment about them getting "freebies." Yes, it is VERY expensive for a family to travel and it is a marketing thing by the companies offering it, but just not my style to share it with the world. Then again they share their lives with the world...take the benefits and run. Guess maybe how it was worded on the show. Has anyone read the book?
Thanks for that link to the pictures, Mickeyherewecome123! That is a beautiful house, and property! I'm excited to see the new show tonight. :thumbsup2

For me, the house they live in doesn't matter, I am interested in them as people, as a family with a lot of kids. We have 4 kids, so only half as much as them :rotfl: but the "larger family" life always interests me. :)
I think its fantastic! Good for them to be successful with it for their kids sake..Just think of the costs involved in raising the 8 kids and sending them to college if they were just to remain "average"....

The appeal of the show for me is the reality.. the reality of the stress...the craziness they deal with trying to keep 8 children happy and safe..and the interaction with her husband trying to do it. Now, I think if they go and hire 15 nannies and housekeepers..it will certainly make it less interesting...but a bigger house isn't going to change anything...

I mean seriously They had three kids to a bedroom. They needed a bigger house!! :crowded:
I totally understand what you mean. Their show was a favorite of mine, then I started to hear some not so good things about Kate and I would first defend her but the more I heard the more I began to reason that EVERYBODY who's met her or had a run in with her and Jon can't be wrong or simply put jealous. Then when I heard they were buying a new home that was purchased in the million dollar range or more that left a bad taste in my mouth. It't not that I don't think they shouldn't buy a new house, especially if the space is needed; however I do believe they were able to do that due largely to the fact that they're TLC's highest rated show and they got there due to sooo many people tuning in to watch their show and supporting them in their promotion work. So I felt like the reports of how people were being snubbed by Kate or Jon (or both) was almost like a slap in the face to the public.

Oh I'm not talking about hounding them either or taking pictures of them without their permission(that's just wrong) far from it; but if I show up and have to pay to hear you tell basically the same story I've heard on TV during one of your speaking engagements and then PAY to have my picture taken with you and then you're gonna be snarky to your fans then I'm less likely to support you. I wish them and their kids well in their new house but I won't be watching their show anytime soon. I'd much rather watch the Duggers and their 50 million kids. At least I know they earned their money for their huge behind home, and while I know they are probably getting paid as well from TLC I still feel like I have more in common with them. I don't see the Duggers throwing their money in my face and saying look at what we have, I do think there's a greater chance of me shopping at the local second hand store with them then standing in line and PAYING for my kids clothes at the GAP and GYMBOREE unlike Kate.

I understand what you mean. I have recently not been watching the show as much. When my Monday nights were free it was my Monday night show. Now that the kids have done most of their "firsts" and are pretty much average kids (when you look at the individually) it is like watching my neighbors...and they are boring! Another thing that I wasn't sure of was how Kate made the comment about them getting "freebies." Yes, it is VERY expensive for a family to travel and it is a marketing thing by the companies offering it, but just not my style to share it with the world. Then again they share their lives with the world...take the benefits and run. Guess maybe how it was worded on the show. Has anyone read the book?

I read the book. It was a nice easy read, but not what I expected. I thought it would give you somemore insight into their lives. Nope, the book basically stopped at the age of one. It was like a big thank you to all those that helped them.
I read the book. It was a nice easy read, but not what I expected. I thought it would give you somemore insight into their lives. Nope, the book basically stopped at the age of one. It was like a big thank you to all those that helped them.

So not a priority read when you don't have much spare time anyway. Thanks. Between their specials and the show I don't really know what more there would be to "learn" about them or any other helpful tips.:confused3
After reading their book & watching the show, I think it's great that they will have more room for the kids. I love the show & the fact that they now have a much nicer house than me does'nt change my opinion of them.
I've seen this same page before - but I wonder why this is the only place I've seen who knows this info and has pics... Have the Gosselins confirmed this?
It's been all over, now is that their new house, I have no idea, if it is, lucky them. I do know they are moving or have moved, it was in one of the previews for the show. They told the kids at the dinner table. I don't know, I'm w/ whoever said they'd rather watch the Duggars. I'm past Jon and Kate, it was fun at first, but yeah, it's not so much in my interest anymore. My life would be a lot easier too if I could afford a huge house etc, I don't care how many kids you have, $$$ can make it easier.
She has said many times that they are doing the show to give their kids a better life. With 8 kids I would do what I had to do to provide for them. And they are doing it. They are a great family. The kids are well behaved. Well maybe not Maddie. I can't stand that little girl. But good for you kate and jon. Wat a beautiful home.

Heck it's hard enough raising a family of 4. Can you take a family of 10 to Disney world? With the show they are able to do this.

Without meeting someone. Who are you to judge. I'm not trying to be mean at all.
The promo commercial on tlc shows the clips at the new home and that show will air tonight.
Jon and Kate started to lose their appeal to me last year when they went on the ski holiday in Colorado. Kate must have said 5x's in that episode that if they could do that type of vacation with 8 kids, anyone could do it. I was thinking that airfare, a ski chalet, new ski wear all around and spa treatments would be way out of my budget with 2 kids.

I'm like you, OP. They have just totally gone out of my league. I no longer find the show relatable anymore. And, I don't find Jon and Kate to be sympathetic characters anymore.

In the beginning, I felt so bad for Kate struggling with all those babies by herself during the week and working a double every Saturday at the dialysis center to cover the bills. I was just amazed at how well she handled it all. I thought it was great when the TLC special earned them enough money for her to quit her nursing job and for them to buy the bigger house. I even thought it was cool that she got the tummy tuck.

Now? It just seems like they have gone too far. Jon no longer works. Kate acts bored and condescending. The over the top and uber expensive vacations are getting old. The Proctor and Gamble Sunday insert with Kate teaching me how to stretch my budget? Gag me. Now, the new mansion? I'm over it.


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