OT: Potty Training/we started

:sad1: Going to school. Who said anything about going to school? Doesn't he want to be a big boy at home?

Really. We made it through school drop off and now we are at 4 trips. I have given him a sippy cup, so I guess the real test is ahead.

He told the other moms at school that he is going to be "signed up for school now" Of course, he is saying "I got underwear" and showing off his skinny butt -- you remember the move -- turning around and sticking his butt out at people. :rotfl2:
:lmao: Yes, I remember the skinny butt routine!!! My poor little guy's pants haven't fit him since! Congrats on the successful trips!!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:
Woohoo way to go. I'm sure i'll be back on here in a couple years to figure this all out. The daycare Noah goes to requires no diapers by 3 too so that should hopefully be the latest for us. My mom was saying the other day that my brother was only 13 months. She said I kept telling him he stunk and need to go to the potty so he used my potty chair and that was it. Mom says it was the easiest she had. LOL so I guess in a way I trained him. My sister was funny since she kept saying she wanted to see Mickey and my mom told her she could take diapers to Mickey so she was 1yr 10.5 months and she had a total of 1 accident. So my mom and step-dad kept their word and took us both (of course I had to tag along) for her 2nd birthday. My mom also said I was 2.5 and my other brother was right around 3. Of course I asked DMIL how old DH was and she has no clue. That women is useless when it comes to family history stuff sometimes DH and I wonder if she was even there when he grew up. (We know she was but you know what I mean)

Hmm well I've just babbled. Good luck today.
Woohoo way to go. I'm sure i'll be back on here in a couple years to figure this all out. The daycare Noah goes to requires no diapers by 3 too so that should hopefully be the latest for us. My mom was saying the other day that my brother was only 13 months. She said I kept telling him he stunk and need to go to the potty so he used my potty chair and that was it. Mom says it was the easiest she had. LOL so I guess in a way I trained him. My sister was funny since she kept saying she wanted to see Mickey and my mom told her she could take diapers to Mickey so she was 1yr 10.5 months and she had a total of 1 accident. So my mom and step-dad kept their word and took us both (of course I had to tag along) for her 2nd birthday. My mom also said I was 2.5 and my other brother was right around 3. Of course I asked DMIL how old DH was and she has no clue. That women is useless when it comes to family history stuff sometimes DH and I wonder if she was even there when he grew up. (We know she was but you know what I mean)

Hmm well I've just babbled. Good luck today.

I like the babbling. If it doesn't work, I'll need your mom's phone number. Sounds like she is definitely super mom when it comes to potty training!
Its funny you say that my SIL and BIL have taken to calling my mom the baby wisperer. She can take any baby and the baby calms down. Hopefully I have her baby genes as Noah keeps growing.
Way to go to our big boy!!!! :) As for school... NO! One milestone at a time! What is he thinking? LOL

I have a MIL just like yours Jenny!!! Now, I don't even speak to here b/c it's a waste of breathe... than what I research and find out in our family history... she debates me on..even w/ certificates and proof!!!
She has always said how bad DH was as a baby. That he never slept and if it wasn't for her mom and aunt they would have never made it. Well when she was moving she found the begnings of a baby book she had started for him. Its very bare bones though and only went to about 6 months but anyway. In there at 3 months it said he is great and sleeps through the night now. There is no mention anywhere in that book about his bad sleeping habits. She actually said she must have lied in the book so that people would think he was good. Excuse me its a family baby book why would you lie.
I'm joining in on the peeing in the potty woos!! DD is giving me fits!!

She hates being wet, as soon as she goes in the diaper it's Mommy I have eewwies again.
Pull ups, useless. It's those feel ones but I swear she doesn't even notice.
And I can't get underwear in her to save my life.

she knows she has to use the potty all the time to go to school in the fall and she really really wants to go.

Of course training girls is all foreign to me, supposedly they are easier to train, yeah right! My friend said she sat her DD's on one cushion on the couch that was wrapped in plastic and it had a towel on it. They could only sit there.

With my boys we were gradual, pull ups during the day and diapers at night, then underwear during the day and pull ups at night. This is just not working for DD.

Can I just send her to one of you until she's trained??
Go get her a new Princess Toy... tell her if she wants it she must use the big girl potty or it comes to Auntie Nan.. Auntie Nan needs a new toy!!!!
I'm joining in on the peeing in the potty woos!! DD is giving me fits!!

She hates being wet, as soon as she goes in the diaper it's Mommy I have eewwies again.
Pull ups, useless. It's those feel ones but I swear she doesn't even notice.
And I can't get underwear in her to save my life.

she knows she has to use the potty all the time to go to school in the fall and she really really wants to go.

Of course training girls is all foreign to me, supposedly they are easier to train, yeah right! My friend said she sat her DD's on one cushion on the couch that was wrapped in plastic and it had a towel on it. They could only sit there.

With my boys we were gradual, pull ups during the day and diapers at night, then underwear during the day and pull ups at night. This is just not working for DD.

Can I just send her to one of you until she's trained??

Well not me! My DD was a real stinker about it. Until one day, she said out of the blue, okay I'll wear underwear now. THat was it. A few accidents and most of them were due to my inexperience -- too long in the car and didn't ask her to go beforehand.

DS is still doing well. I've got the timer set at 1/2 hour now. I think I may increase it to 1 hour. I have a towel on the sofa -- I need to get something plastic. You all know I threw out my sofa last week right? DUH!
Good idea! Maybe I'll get her that little people princess carriage. I was going to get it for her birthday but I think we need motivation now. She did get her princess potty though. HAHA!! I should mail a pic to pixiedustforever!!!
Well not me! My DD was a real stinker about it. Until one day, she said out of the blue, okay I'll wear underwear now. THat was it. A few accidents and most of them were due to my inexperience -- too long in the car and didn't ask her to go beforehand.

DS is still doing well. I've got the timer set at 1/2 hour now. I think I may increase it to 1 hour. I have a towel on the sofa -- I need to get something plastic. You all know I threw out my sofa last week right? DUH!

do you have any black garbage or contractor bags?? That should fit over the cushion.
I'm hoping DD turns the corner and just does it. I don't think I have the patience anymore. I am going to bring the potty chair down to the kitchen though (no bathroom downstairs), that will at least make the trip shorter.
do you have any black garbage or contractor bags?? That should fit over the cushion.
I'm hoping DD turns the corner and just does it. I don't think I have the patience anymore. I am going to bring the potty chair down to the kitchen though (no bathroom downstairs), that will at least make the trip shorter.

Good idea thanks!

Accident.:confused3 How? He has gone 5 times -- how did he have so much left?
Good idea thanks!

Accident.:confused3 How? He has gone 5 times -- how did he have so much left?

my boys never go all the way at once. I don't know why.

And you did say you gave him a sippy cup. Remember boys bladders are smaller then girls so they fill up faster.
Yes...I think I was being duped. A couple of drops squeezed out but not actually going.
Yep, it's a treat when they dribble and they tell you they potty! WHAT? WHAT? WE came running for a dribble! LOL

I remember those days!!! I have actually potty trained... 7 kids... my 5 and the two I watch! LOL The two I watch, the parents had it good.. I did all the hard work while they were at work!!!
I typed a huge babble on here yesterday and my computer wigged out and nothing. :confused3

Oh well. Good luck! Sounds like things are going better today.

My DD's have been fairly easy. DD#1 was at daycare most of the time and was the first in her group to be potty trained. she showed the 3yo's how to do it.

DD#2 was a little more difficult mostly because i was the only on here with a small infant. so it was hard to just get up and run. it would always be during feeding time. But she was potty trained by her 2nd bday. She still wears pull-ups to bed. and wetting them is a hit and miss type thing. Pretty undies were her weakness.

She started a 2/3 yo preschool class in sept. and there is only 2 girls that are diaper/pull up free in the class of 16.

DD#3, 13 months is showing interest. mostly not wantin to be wet or dirty at all. and if she can she will pull her diaper off. or will lay next to the diapers waitng for someone to change her. So we'll start soon. Save some $$ :yay:

BAMB: I hear you on those pull-ups. I was using the ones with the "cool feel liner" DD actually enjoyed it. :rotfl:

Now if anyone has any advice on thumb sucking that would be great.
Can get messy, but you can try the cheerio trick to do away with the dribbles. Put a few Cheerios in the toilet and let him hit them. You need some "water pressure" to be able to succeed. It takes a while to develop aim, hence why things get messy. :rolleyes1


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