OT - Wall-E


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2007
Yesterday, DH & I went to see Wall-E. Normally, I adore Pixar films...but this one was just plain BORING!!! What you see in the previews are basically the only high spots in the movie. I actually fell asleep for about 20 minutes, and didn't miss a thing!!! IMHO - don't waste your time. Wait till it comes out on DVD - and then - just rent it, don't buy it. Not up to Pixar's regular standards.
We saw it last night and I thought the same thing!! I about dozed off, too.

While I did appreciate the G rating and wish Hollywood would make more G movies, it was very ho-hum IMHO.

The theater was packed -- though I wonder how it will be in a few weeks when word gets out?

I definitely agree with Debbie -- wait and save your hard earned $$ (for your Disney fund) ..... for 4 of us it was about a $75 evening (4 tickets, 1 popcorn, 1 soda, and dinner at California Tortilla afterwards).
well glad you guys posted....I was headed off in a bit to take a road trip an hour south just to go see it! You saved me some $$$$ Thanks! Guess I'll go play in da pool instead!
I saw it today and loved it. I already knew it wasn't fast paced so I expected that. My Son, who is 4, sat thru the whole movie. The detail is wonderful. I liked it better then Kung FU Panda. I think that because there isn't much dialog in this movie it seems slow. It takes twice as long to get the point across through robot noises. Anyhow, I just thought I would chime in with my 2 cents.
I really liked the first half, but the second half was only okay to me and then the ending wrapped up too fast. It had some fun concepts, but it won't be one of my top Pixar movies. And I really wanted it to be!

It was better than Kung Fu Panda, but that's not setting the bar very high, is it? ;)

Sue in Texas
My DH and I saw it Friday and thought it was cute. We both like it. I heard someone say as we were leaving the theater that he believes that Pixar and Disney have made the Romantic Comedy of the year.


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