"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEY VACATION!" Ch.26 NEW! 2/11 pg. 121 "And they lived happily ever&

Ok everyone, I found a picture of myself from the day that UtahMama and I were in AK on the same day.
1. It is on a cd from Walmart
2. I successfully (and painfully) got it on photobucket
3. When I previewed my post, the picture is HUGE, GIANT!!!!!

So how do I make it smaller? I've even posted on the photo boards. So please help, it would be cool to do this before I go back to work! :hourglass
Utah Mama...my 10th anniversay is also August 3rd...my DH and I planned a trip to Hawaii to celebrate but comletely scrapped it when DD8 (also known as stinkerbell) said she wanted to visit her favorite mouse! We figure Hawaii can wait but the kids grow up too fast to miss a chance to take them to DW!
Goofy's Mom- Wow! We have the same anniversary and the same Stinkerbell!
"It's A Small World After All..."

Glendamax- That was my DH who PM'd you, Mr. Utahmama. Didn't want you to think I was computer savvy. Did he attempt to be funny?

He actually did help with alot of the ideas for "UTAHMAMA"S TOP 10 REASON'S YOU ARE ADDICTED TO THE DIS" over on Welocome to DIS. Which has grown to be 35 long and counting and is VERY funny due to the collective input from the DISpeeps!!! Hope you'll all go visit that thread and add your best :rotfl2:
UtahMama said:
Texasmom,FionalovesShrek,TubaChick Thank you your participation! I love to read what y'all are snacking on (I guess it's the pre-DDP diet so I can go hog-wild at the resort with all the appetizers and desserts...So I ask you guys what you're snackin' on and read cookbooks and watch FoodNetwork in my spare time!)
nursemommy4- I just met Twinkiemama the last time I settled in and read a really good TR. Just know her by what I've read and I guess we're kindred spirits. Only related by our last names "mama"!
sneezie- I love you! I hope to run into you!
proudmomof4-uh oh...another Virgo. Only a virgo can truly "get" a virgo.
PrincessLibby- 3 boys. That's what got me started...Then "Sur-prise" Norah came! we are complete now. DH says he'll buy me a puppy if I ever get baby hungry again. Fair enough!
jordan'smomma- some of DH ussed to live in Brigham city , The Baxters (not our name). Love the green of Wa. state.
mumbler- Hey cool, I'm a O.A.R. "UM"! DD is pissy misssy. Or I call her "Onery cow!" (not to her face)

Ok, usually I'm at work ad I don't get time to snack. But I'm reading this at home and so here is what I snack on at home....ok...before I tell the world let me warn you...if you are a believer in healthy eating, you will run screaming so please be warned...last chance...do not read, cover your children's eyes to keep from exposing them......I LOVE to snack on extra butter popcorn and vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese...yes together....oh the heart stopping cholesterol, the sodium....the horrors that anyone would risk their health. Get over it Baby, I'm slicing that fatty wedge o cheese now and the corn is a poppin in the microwave :rolleyes1 Oh...and let us not forget our Diet Pepsi :thumbsup2 Ok, now back to read the introductions :yay:
Drinking lemonade and subscribing.

I have 3 boys and a girl (God Bless her), too. We were at POR the last week of August 2005. We had a great time, I only wish I could write as well as you, maybe I'd do a TR. :thumbsup2
Look how crafty I think I am! I thunk of a cool, cheap autograph book craft for you to do with the kids! The main ingredients are at Michaels Crafts:

Spiral mini scrapbooks. Mine are 6x6 and 6x8 (on sale now for 30%off!)
1- 12x12 piece of Disney scrapbook paper for each book
matching ribbon
matching stickers,die cuts,charms, tags etc.
Mod Podge decoupage sealer I used gloss for the boys ones and Glitter for the girls ones

(Aproximately $7.00 each total to make and 1 hour's time)

See, 41 one days to go and I'm using my time wisely.


Here's my 4 inch stack of Mickey's. We will stick these decoratively all over our resort room door and window (rednecks!) and put them on our stroller and back-packs. And punch holes in them for beautiful earrings and hand them out as advertisement for the DIS. Ok, I promise not to embarass you. I'll only do the first 2 listed.
Suspensfull Cliff Hanger... Guess what our new t-shirts we made from Michael's say? Hint: Each of us will wear them one day, all matchy-matchy!!!

Utahmama, sweetie, I hate to be a downer but I have noticed one itsy bitsy teeny weeny problem with your scrapbook craft....
you have 3 boys and 1 girl
yet you made 2 boy scrapbooks and 2 girl scrapbooks....
could they be for someone else's kids ???? Now who around here has 2 girls and 2 boys????? ;)
or are the kids in question DS 8, DS 6, DD and Utahmama her very own selfie?

I think so. ;)

Poor Mr. Utahmama. :rolleyes:

Ok for the t-shirts on the back they all say

read about it on the disboards.com

and on the front they say either your real names or......

are they lime green?
Glendamax said:
Ok everyone, I found a picture of myself from the day that UtahMama and I were in AK on the same day.
1. It is on a cd from Walmart
2. I successfully (and painfully) got it on photobucket
3. When I previewed my post, the picture is HUGE, GIANT!!!!!

So how do I make it smaller? I've even posted on the photo boards. So please help, it would be cool to do this before I go back to work! :hourglass

You know, I hate how people here are so reluctant to give instructions on this. I tried for a few months before I got this right. Please upload your pics to shutterfly. It's much easier. After that, when you want to reply to a post, click on the mage that looks like a sun with 2 mountains in the toolbar. It will ask you for an image or script..whatever. Go to one of your pics and right click on it. Select properties. Highlight the address and right click to copy. Go ba\ck to your post and insert it in the dialogue. If you need more help, please PM me. I KNOW how you feel! :)
OH CRAP! Your right!!
There's ALWAYS a method to my madness...One for me (Tinker Bell), one for Norah (Rella-Rella), One each for Dallen and Riley, None for Jordan!!! HA!!!
NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! See, Jordan (DS17) will not be caught dead with a home-spun craft item from his mama, with the exception of the HOT hooker princesses he'll have them sign his manly chest with a Sharpee! Double HA!!!! :ssst:
I love you, Twinkie!!! Even Though I SAW the fine print in your very last post!

Up next...Since My Pre-Pre trip report is turning into a Sham, I'll post a picture of our last year's trip...WITH a rented double stroller because Whiner49er said he was going to DIE if he had to walk anymore. Note, this was before the DIS and all the planning and preparation when we'd wander willy-nilly and aimless. This year,I am SUPER MAMA...We'll call this picture "Before DIS"...note the refillabe mugs and the pissy-ness from Stinker Bell. We had JUST rented this stroller and DS7 thought he could ride too..No! He got up right after this picture. Ahhhh....41 more days!
I'll also be there in Sept. for my b'day, But, I'm a Libra, Sept. 24rth, (if my mom would of just had me one day earlier I'ld be in the Virgo club). I, like you will be turning 39, but celebrating my 29th b'day.

I HATE FISH, except for fish sticks w/lots of tarter sauce. DH loves it.
Dite Coke is my drug. If I get cranky kids reply "Mom hasn't had her Dite Coke." and hand deliver one to me. Then I'm all smiles.

You are a great Writer. Is it because you are a Virgo. (missed it by one lousy day!)

Will patiently wait for a next instalment w/dite coke and pretzels, because I need the salt.

Utah Mama, I can't wait to read the rest of your report! My DH is from SLC (and now laments the fact that he lives in Nebraska ;) ) and we go back there a few times a year. Absolutely beautiful. I haven't made it to my first Pioneer Day parade yet, but hopefully soon! Anyway, just wanted you to know I'm excitedly waiting for the next installment!
UtahMama, here's a picture from the day we were both at Animal Kingdom. Hope this comes out right . . . I've been trying to get it smaller, but now I'm too tired. So here it goes . . .

Ok...Since I started my Trip Report Wayyyyy too soon and there's only so much planning, crafts and helpful hints and Life Strategies I can give. These pictures of Me and DD2 (Stinker Bell/ Pissy Missy/"Birth-Control"/Norah No-NO!) will conclude the Pre-PRE trip Report until Late August. Perhaps we can continue SOMEWHERE ELSE(no idea where???)so this isn't too chatty in the long run???
Here's me and Norah who is wearing our matching nerd-family T-shirts! They are a FREE commercial for the DISboards- Just doing my share to promote the DIS (and mountains of laundry and hungry kids) while we're in the World! These pictures were taken today just seconds before DD's first Pissy-Fit of the day. I'd like to give a shout-out to my GoofyDH (the love of my life) who has been the TECHIE for my posts! So, If you haven't already, there's a funny "countdown" on WELCOME to the DIS called "Utahmams Top 10 Reasons You're Addicted to the DIS" It has snowballed into a very funny thread....BUT!!! IF YOU ADD TO IT YOU HAVE TO KEEP THE SEQUENCE OR YOU'LL HAVE TO BUY TWINKIES AND DIET COKE/PEPSI FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS POSTED!!!!! I guess it's time to let this Pre-Pre PRE trip Report wander onto the nether-regions of the TRIP REPORTS pages(2-infinity). I PROMISE I'll be around just as much (but I could quit anytime and dont need a 12 step program) and we'll resurrect it and dust it off in late August which is when the Pre-trip/Trip Report would have been more appropriate.
The Utahmamas will be in the World Sept. 5th-14th !! POR ...40 more days!!!


Your pictures are so cute! Love the shirt! If I were crafty, I'd make one too!
You have a beautiful family, I look forward to the rest of this pre-trip report later in August and for now I'll check out your list on the welcome board. :moped:
You girls are absosmurfly beautiful....
of course you could keep us entertained in the meantime by describing past trips.....


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