"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEY VACATION!" Ch.26 NEW! 2/11 pg. 121 "And they lived happily ever&

UtahMama said:

You and your oldest son look SO MUCH alike!!! This is a great picture!
Great trip report. I just spent three days scrolling through 74 pages. Wow, I can't wait for the rest. Do you have any good pin trading stories?
missj1975 said:
Great trip report. I just spent three days scrolling through 74 pages. Wow, I can't wait for the rest. Do you have any good pin trading stories?
I'm not really mentioning it BUT Riley and Dallen spent approximately 57% of the entire vacation stalking CM's to trade!!!! Oh Geez! They would literally run from one CM to the next! The only bad trade I'm aware of is they both instantly traded their Kim Possible pins!!!! For LAME ones!! I went back to the CM's they had traded with but the KP's were gone like THAT (snap). I betcha they put em in their pockets to put on e-bay.We DO have ONE KP pin, though thanks to Jordan who had the strength and fortitude to keep it!

We had bought a-LOT of pins on e-bay, for less than $2.00 a piece(sometimes less!) almost all were princess pins! Yes they were all "legal"- Disney pins, heavy metal, etc. BUT!!! the backs were the metal wing style. One of them was Aurora with her rare BLUE dress! I kept those and traded with the PIN GUYS at Downtown Disney (they have a rep for scamming people) I felt awesome trading my $2.00 pins for really cool PIN GUY pins! :thumbsup2

I scored several Miss Piggy Pins from them and talked them into breaking up sets...which takes some serious "people skills" and flirting ;) . But I got THE PIG!!!!
UtahMama said:
*Crucial Note: I never, ever wear socks with crocs (on docks…). Except I found it was necessary for comfort on vacation because NO one will ever see me again…unless the world wide web has fashion police! :rolleyes1

Whew......thanks for posting that, cuz I knew I liked you but I was getting worried about that. So are there any other acceptable crocs/socks venues? :confused3

By the way…this ride takes your picture and you can add it to your Photo-Pass card! I guess that’ll be the norm in the future! I’ll still take red-neck photos, just for fun, though.

BTW.......I've noticed this reference to yourself before and I'd like to say that you are NOT a red-neck........not accordin to the definition in my RED-neck of the woods!!!!!!!!!!! Roll Tide :moped:

DH has a slight pissy-fit
and his face is raging mad and

Wait??? you took MY dh on this trip???????? :rotfl:

great installment!!
UtahMama said:
I “acted” like I was yelling at him and having extreme road rage…. (honest, I WAS just pretending!) I did all kinds of arm, chin, and finger gestures!
(Which made Norah laugh because she has a huge sign language vocabulary!)


That is the most hilarious picture of you I've seen yet, I think you were venting some of that pent up frustration from all those locked up fights. ;)

UtahMama said:
For dessert, I chose the Abricotine (an apricot pastry…very bon!) and DH picked the strawberry mousse. And the rest of the Clampets picked chocolate éclairs.
Of course you had Apricots for dessert it is the NAME of the park! Right Jordan? :rotfl:

UtahMama said:
Next, a fateful trip to the Boardwalk Villas to leave some pixie dust to a DIS peep coming in a couple of weeks…and I fainted!!!!!

You fainted??? I'm askin, spill it UMA!!
I just HAVE to laugh.

You're pretty witty.

And pretty pretty.

Great pics.

I could learn a thingie or two thingies.

I think.

Hi UMama,
I loved your latest installment...you are sooo funny. You are a very good writer also! :thumbsup2

I agree with Gmax...you and your oldest DS look so very much alike.

I loved the comments about the robots. :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:
We did not do that...I will add to list for next trip!

Looking forward to hearing about LeCellier (my personal fav.)

TTFN :wave:
For the love of all that's unholy, I am a beaten man. My eyes can only read so much, my brain take in only so much. Yet, here I am. Finally. Naturally, catching up here puts me behind on others. . .but I will. Anyway and how, looking forward to more. Oh, and yeah, you're kinda funny. . .;)
I thought you said you had posted a new chapter? :confused3 What gives?

Let's get going, sister, and move on to the part where you go to BW! :teeth:
Great day at Epcot. The Kim Possible Mission sounds like fun. DD5 likes that show and I think it is funny because DH is Ron and he has a younger sister named Kim.

Can't wait to hear more! :thumbsup2 Love the Hummer picture!
First time posting on your thread Utah-Mama! I'm absolutely loving your TR so far but I'm getting impatient! I'm leaving on Friday so could I have at least one more chapter before I go? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?

Where o where is UMama
Oh where oh where can she be
Is she back at the World
Tricking folks into drinking Beverly???????? :rolleyes1
I think I'm going to start making up chapters to this TR in my head. Since SOMEONE doesn't feel the need to write it.
Okay, and I think I am quoting here (kind of), "What you can't mean me, I only take 2 - 3 days to add an installment, not 2 - 3 weeks like DisUnc." (I am either quoting you or TM - pretty sure it was you though). Today is the 18th and you last posted on the 13th - that is like 5 days. :confused3 So can we expect a chapter today. By the by, what day of this trip are we on. I think it is day 3.
Disneygrl36 said:
Where o where is UMama
Oh where oh where can she be
Is she back at the World
Tricking folks into drinking Beverly???????? :rolleyes1
HA HA!!!

I had churchy stuff the last few nights.


My photos need to be re-sized by my photo-resizer guy!
THAT's the hold up! ;)
Those photo resizer guys are such slackers. They go to work or school, like that's important, while we are home all day slaving over the Dis. Life just is not fair. I really need a raise! Oh wait, I don't get paid do I?


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