"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEYLAND ROADTRIP" The End 4/20 pg. 44 Better Than Cats...

and MeDear, I WORSHIP YOU!


I must go back and review...It couldnt get past the muffin pics...had the same 'issue" went you went past the Sign in Beaver for Wendy's!;)

Those muffins were delish! I'll put one ( a few) in a baggie for you and stick it in my purse next time.

Great, I worship YOU...we cant have that. :hug:

Thank-you for the update!!! :goodvibes However, I somehow have missed one, so I need to go back & find it!! :rolleyes: That's me, so discombobulated lately!

There seems to be so many new things since I went to DL in 1997! (Geez, that has been awhile!) Should probably go back at some point, but then I'd have to visit family I don't particularly want to see. HMMMM...maybe I can sneak a trip & they'd never know I came to California!!! :idea: Yeah...that's the ticket!!!

Can't wait to see pics of the "normal" Jasmine and hear about meeting DLMama! :banana:

Oh, DLMama is soooo sweet! Her kids are just yummy cute!
Disneyland is ever-changing and improving. I've been there probably 100 times in my life. It has subtle changes and dramatic ones every time

This is great trip report

Thank you for sharing

Thank YOU!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :dance3: GAAA!!! Patiently waiting for the next installment. Ok, that's a lie....IMPATIENTLY waiting is the truth!!! LOL

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :cheer2:

Coming right up-ish

awww...my favorite things in smilie form!!!
Still Feb. 26th...Sheesh!

Where were we? Tower-of-Terror-mama-freak-show, Monsters Inc.Blort, Ursula NOT Ariel, blah, blah blah?

First of all, I had arranged a mini-meet with a fellow WISH thread peep, Disneyland Mama (“DLMama”). This meet was discreetly arranged via cell phone IN the Tiki Room, DURRING the show! I sat in the back row all hunched over while balancing the rest of my Dole Whip yumminess on my left knee and with my right shoulder holding the cell phone in an approximate area of my right ear. I may have dropped the phone a couple/few times. I KNOW!

The time had come for us to meet. YAY! I actually talked to her on the cell phone while looking for her and her family. She saw me first, which is awkward. As we’re speaking, she’s all, “I see you! You’re wearing a blue hoodie!!!” or something like that. I finally saw her too and hung up the phone.

She and her family were SO sweet! Her little boy has THE longest eyelashes and was super duper yummy cute! Her little girl had just been Princessified at the Princess Faire. Oh my goodness her hair was all done up gorgeous! That is one stunning little girl, I tell you what! I would like to pre-arrange the marriage of her DS to my DD in 20 or so years. There’d be some sweet looking grandkids! Plus I’d get to spend more time with DLMama!

We didn’t have too long of a visit because they were on their way to see a movie. And we were on our way to have lunch.

I don’t know if any of you do this, but notice the strategic placement of our kids to hide our danger-zones. Ok, my danger zone is much bigger than hers, but I still cracked up at the universal practice of using our kids to hide fat!


I am trying to score a lunch date with DLMama and her DD and me and Norah for May…what do ya say??
We can go somewhere pink and girlie!

After our visit, our family went over to the Pacific Wharf to eat. We ate clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl. With a side order of butter for when the soup was gone to shmear on the bread. OH. MY. GOSH it was sooooo good! Plus, our family of discriminating gourmands sat in a cozy outdoor patio to eat and enjoy our surroundings.

I really enjoy this part of the California Adventure. Maybe because I’m a California girl at heart but California’s diversity is a lot of its charm. Pacific Wharf is inspired by Monterey’s Cannery Row in coastal Northern California. I’ve been to the real Monterey and all over SanFrancisco. Disney’s version is accurate and worth the park ticket alone!

We didn’t do the wine tasting at the “Golden Vine Winery” that is nestled against Grizzly Mountain. I think that will wait till we are on a mommy and daddy only trip. Someday. But know it’s there to stroll the winery on-site! California’s Napa Valley in a nutshell! The buildings are Mission-Style to mimic the missions that dot the coast of California.

Massive Grizzly Peak...

Agriculture buffs (is there any Agriculture buffs?) would like “Bountiful Valley”. There’s hands-on exhibits to educate on irrigation techniques, farm machinery, pest control…you know Ag Nerd stuff. (Twinkie Mama, you'd love this place!)

Luckily, Flik’s Fun Fair is right next door in “a bug’s land”. We weren’t able to enjoy “a bug’s land” (yes, that’s what it’s called! Like Tomorrow land, Fantasy Land, “a bug’s land”…Walt is rolling over in his grave!). NEXT time we will fully take advantage of this little kids area and do “It’s Tough to be a Bug” 3-D show. Every time we were in the area, Norah was either napping in the stroller or had her low-fever again (kept coming back but it wasn’t very bad) so I thought we’d save this and have something to look forward to!

We had waited for the very last Aladdin show at the Hyperion Theater.
We had heard good things and were very excited to finally see the show!
I had forgotten how FUNNY Aladdin is! The Genie is the funniest character!


Well, all was going well. The theater is just amazing! Top notch set and actors. I leaned over to DH and whispered , “Hey, that Jasmine is a little chubby for a Princess…” She really was talented in acting and in singing! But she looked like a pre-pubescent little girl. NO curves, really, Just short and chubby (but adorable in a little girl way) . I wont spoil it, but the Genie changes his “act” to fit current events. Like, he impersonated Arnold Shwartzineger last time we were there when he was running for Governor in California. This time he poked fun at Brittney Spears for shaving her head. Act surprised if you go. His act is ever-changing, so it’s funny to see what he’ll come up with.

We’re videoing the show and snapping pictures like crazed weasels when all of a sudden during the dramatic flying carpet scene where Aladdin and Jasmine are literally flying through the air above the audience on a mattress-sized flying carpet, the WHOLE show abruptly stopped! The curtain went down and the announcer announced, “We’re sorry. We are experiencing technical difficulties blah, blah, blah…”
And there we sat, dumbstruck!

I know I’m supposed to be a grown up and all…but in those situations I just want to stand up and yell, “NO WAY!!!! WHAT A JIP!!!”

So I did!

In my head… loudly! I showed them!

Funny to note the flying Jasmine was the super skinny version with big…"curves” we’re accustomed to! It was the ol’ Jasmine switcheroo! The other Jasmine looked nothing like the little girl Jasmine.

Like I wouldn’t notice! BAH!

Personally, I’d like to see more meaty princesses. I’d appreciate their normalness more, maybe.

Well, since we were in the area, I suggested we go on Tower of Terror again!

Hey! Still a 13 minute wait! Sweet!

Since I got to ride without any scared to death little girls, I did what I normally do on Tower of Terror….I screamed a half second before everyone else! Yup, I’m THAT lady! It’s really funny to me, so I do it. I rode with Dallen this time. So the screaming before everyone else embarrasses him more than a little. (Which is WHY I do anything!)

Ron and Riley were all set to ride with the baby swap pass he had, but they had realized Riley had lost a pin in the Aladdin show. GREAT!

We went back to see if per-chance it’d be there where we sat. I KNOW he had it in the show, because we always count them and make sure all the pin backs are tightly secured. We re-traced our steps and I just gave up and hoped we made some kid happy with a free pin when a CM gave Riley a certificate for a free pin! WHAT??? Wow we should pull the ol’ lost pin scam more often! We thanked him and yet again, Riley had a bucket of pixie dust dumped on top of his head! He’s old enough to appreciate when people go out of their way to do something nice for other people. It sure wasn’t necessary but that nice action of that CM surely made Riley’s day. Again.

Riley quickly redeemed his certificate for a less expensive pin. What a good boy he is!!! I am so glad I haven’t screwed him up yet! (YET!) :sad2:

Next time is the Grand Finale. :banana: :banana: :banana:

(Sid, are you reading??? YOU are the star next time!) :hug:

Ok, I have to make this speech: When I read OTHER people's TR endings, I get all emotional and sad! "I cry at other people's ends"... I really get all sappy at my own ending. I've loved getting to know you all a little better and am VERY thankful you took the time to read/skim and comment. :flower3:

Somehow I missed that you updated 4/2, so I had a thrilling surprise today. Great stuff!
Because she didnt have a 'JUST FOR DISUNC' Legend until recently!!!!!;)
Its like trying to watch a 500 channel cable TV without a TV guide!

Its like going o WDW for the first time without a MAP!

It's like watching LAW & ORDER without the 'Order'!

It's like watching BLUES CLUES without your Handy Dandy Notebook!!

It's like Columbus trying to discover America without a Star guide thingy!!

Its like trying to find a particular 'Wendy's' in UTAH without a Road sign!!

It's like trying to Drive a car with one hand out the window (waving hello to a passerby;) ) the other hand behind your seat grabbing your kids French fries that they dropped on the floor last month!!
Yay!!! Friday night and their is another installment from UtahMama. :dance3: Thanks, another great chapter. Looking forward to the next.
Still Feb. 26th...Sheesh!

She and her family were SO sweet! Her little boy has THE longest eyelashes and was super duper yummy cute! Her little girl had just been Princessified at the Princess Faire. Oh my goodness her hair was all done up gorgeous! That is one stunning little girl, I tell you what! I would like to pre-arrange the marriage of her DS to my DD in 20 or so years. There’d be some sweet looking grandkids! Plus I’d get to spend more time with DLMama!
You know, Evan has a serious thing for blondes! ;)

I don’t know if any of you do this, but notice the strategic placement of our kids to hide our danger-zones. Ok, my danger zone is much bigger than hers, but I still cracked up at the universal practice of using our kids to hide fat!

It's actually a combination of kids and strategically placed arms. You have to angle your arms to give your torso that "V" look. :rotfl2:

I am trying to score a lunch date with DLMama and her DD and me and Norah for May…what do ya say??
We can go somewhere pink and girlie!

Oh, totally! We'd love to have lunch with you and Norah. Perhaps the Ariel's Grotto Princess lunch? :bride: Very pink and very princess!

Awww...poor Jasmine! Hey, she should join the Peeps Thread! :teeth:

I wont spoil it, but the Genie changes his “act” to fit current events. Like, he impersonated Arnold Shwartzineger last time we were there when he was running for Governor in California. This time he poked fun at Brittney Spears for shaving her head. Act surprised if you go. His act is ever-changing, so it’s funny to see what he’ll come up with.
The Genie is one of my favorite parts! Isn't it a really great show??:love:

Funny to note the flying Jasmine was the super skinny version with big…"curves” we’re accustomed to! It was the ol’ Jasmine switcheroo! The other Jasmine looked nothing like the little girl Jasmine.

Like I wouldn’t notice! BAH!

:lmao: You caught that, eh? It took DH like 3 shows before he finally figured it out. :headache: Yeah, I know....I married him for his looks. :lmao:

Next time is the Grand Finale. :banana: :banana: :banana:

What???? Already??? :eek:

Ok, I have to make this speech: When I read OTHER people's TR endings, I get all emotional and sad! "I cry at other people's ends"... I really get all sappy at my own ending. I've loved getting to know you all a little better and am VERY thankful you took the time to read/skim and comment. :flower3:


:hug: You are just too sweet for words!
YAY! I've been dying to go to Ariel's Grotto! I had already drug the males to Akershus Princess dinner...I couldn't do that to them again (even though DH Likes the princesses!) IT's A DATE, sister!!!
Wow, another great installment. :thumbsup2 What a lucky, little boy Riley is. I'm so glad for him. Grand finale. :eek: Are you serious? It just does not seem possible. Let the tears start flowing now.:sad1:
Another great one UMA!!

I would think the same thing if the show was stopped.

Yes if you postion the kids just right it is easy to hide. But I don't think you have to hide to much....:lmao: I do this too.

Can't wait to read more....hope there is lots of pictures too....
Luckily, Flik’s Fun Fair is right next door in “a bug’s land”. We weren’t able to enjoy “a bug’s land” (yes, that’s what it’s called! Like Tomorrow land, Fantasy Land, “a bug’s land”…Walt is rolling over in his grave!). NEXT time we will fully take advantage of this little kids area and do “It’s Tough to be a Bug” 3-D show. Every time we were in the area, Norah was either napping in the stroller or had her low-fever again (kept coming back but it wasn’t very bad) so I thought we’d save this and have something to look forward to!

Make sure you take the kids on Heimlich's Chew Chew train. The dialog is hysterical. "It's like an apple on a schtick, without the schtick!" You gotta try it once, at least.

We had waited for the very last Aladdin show at the Hyperion Theater.
We had heard good things and were very excited to finally see the show!
I had forgotten how FUNNY Aladdin is! The Genie is the funniest character!


Well, all was going well. The theater is just amazing! Top notch set and actors. I leaned over to DH and whispered , “Hey, that Jasmine is a little chubby for a Princess…” She really was talented in acting and in singing! But she looked like a pre-pubescent little girl. NO curves, really, Just short and chubby (but adorable in a little girl way) .

We’re videoing the show and snapping pictures like crazed weasels when all of a sudden during the dramatic flying carpet scene where Aladdin and Jasmine are literally flying through the air above the audience on a mattress-sized flying carpet, the WHOLE show abruptly stopped! The curtain went down and the announcer announced, “We’re sorry. We are experiencing technical difficulties blah, blah, blah…”
And there we sat, dumbstruck!

I know I’m supposed to be a grown up and all…but in those situations I just want to stand up and yell, “NO WAY!!!! WHAT A JIP!!!”

So I did!

In my head… loudly! I showed them!

Funny to note the flying Jasmine was the super skinny version with big…"curves” we’re accustomed to! It was the ol’ Jasmine switcheroo! The other Jasmine looked nothing like the little girl Jasmine.

Like I wouldn’t notice! BAH!

I thought you were going to say chubby Jasmine was up there, and the cable snapped! That's just my own chubby paranoia.
How fun to have met up with DLMama!!! You both are soooo lucky!!! :banana: I'll be in WDW in Nov and am hoping to meet a DISer! And you're right...those two cutie patooties should be betrothed now....they'd make some adorable grandkids!!!! ;)

Obviously Jasmine was chosen for her voice & not her "princess curves". However, I like that she has some meat on her bones! More realistic! :thumbsup2 By switching the Jasmine's are they saying she was too heavy to fly or just that she is afraid of heights?!?

Can't wait to read the rest...however i am starting to get teary-eyed already! :sad1:
Oh I can't believe your TR is almost over!:sad1:
That Riley of yours sure is a lucky lil boy isn't he!!! I am glad that CM helped him out!!
Another great installment UM! How cool that you and DLmama got to meet! :goodvibes And what a lucky boy Riley is! I'm glad he replaced his pin. :) As always, I can't wait to read more! I am just eating it up! And it's yummy too! :rotfl: And calorie-free! ;) Is it time yet????

Ok, I have to make this speech: When I read OTHER people's TR endings, I get all emotional and sad! "I cry at other people's ends"... I really get all sappy at my own ending. I've loved getting to know you all a little better and am VERY thankful you took the time to read/skim and comment. :flower3:


I do this too! The end is always so emotional! Why should we ever have to leave the happiest place on earth anyway?!?!? :guilty: Stomp!
I sat with her in the foyer of the First Aid station when Peter Pan himself leaped in! My little girl smiled and hugged him and I swear, Peter Pan sat with us a good 10 minutes and held her and tried to make her laugh. It was so incredible he took the time out of his busy day and sat with just one feverish girl and her mama. Well, I can say, the Tylenol and Pixie Dust worked and she seemed fine in a short while. Peter got Norah another drink of water, hugged us both and just like *that* he was gone.
No, I didn’t have the camera at that time. THAT picture is in my heart, though!

lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peter is my favorite disney character. i'm so jealous right now! do you think if i fly to disneyland, pretend to be sick and go to the tomorrowland first aid station that he'll eventually come hang out with me, too???? :upsidedow
Still Feb. 26th...Sheesh!

We’re videoing the show and snapping pictures like crazed weasels when all of a sudden during the dramatic flying carpet scene where Aladdin and Jasmine are literally flying through the air above the audience on a mattress-sized flying carpet, the WHOLE show abruptly stopped! The curtain went down and the announcer announced, “We’re sorry. We are experiencing technical difficulties blah, blah, blah…”
And there we sat, dumbstruck!

I know I’m supposed to be a grown up and all…but in those situations I just want to stand up and yell, “NO WAY!!!! WHAT A JIP!!!”

So I did!

In my head… loudly! I showed them!

This happened to us in March at the Wrold with Finding Nemo the Musical. It was about halfway and they came over th loudspeaker and said due to technical difficulties the show was cancelled. We had seen it over Thanksgiving, but we still felt very jipped.
I haven't been to DL in years, and you're really making me want to go.

I enjoyed this episode. I think it's the same Jasmine, only they sprinkled her with pixie dust and made her skinnier and more aerodynamic before she had to fly. ;)

It seems you just started this report, how can you be almost finished? I think you need a dose of the the Time Dilation effect? I'm on part 29 of a trip that wasn't even four whole days! I know you can whip up another twenty or thirty more episodes! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hi UM..I just read the whole tr starting after Easter Dinner today and now its 11:20 pm. My eyes are only open because of the toothpicks.:angel:

Boy what a great trippie and terrific pics. Even DisUnc joined in the party. :cool1:

Gosh if I knew you better, or you knew me, I would send ya a pic of a mom and daughter who were 'kicked" out of DL forever. Perhaps you have seen it already? Someone emailed it to my DH.

Hey, btw, how did the basement redo come out. I remember something about Goofy fixing it up???

Anywho, I am going to bed and sleeping for a week...so tired...as the Easter Bunny woke me up at 6 am.......
Have a Disney Day..:mickeyjum
Love the TR Mama. I LOVE Aladdin too. But talking about your DS losing a pin reminded me of our mishap. We left our camera in the Aladdin show and went to go back to get it, and someone had stolen it!!!! Yes right there in the happiest place on earth! :sad2: We called the Lost and Found for a week to no avail.

Thanks for the report!!! Can't wait to hear more!
Awww....it's coming to an end. I get teary eyed at the end of TR's too. (FYI if you read Twinkiemama's 1st TR be sure to have kleenex nearby). You've gotten to know this family that you don't actually know, but you feel that you do and have shared so much.


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