Our budget in-ground pool - a BnG report


<font color=purple>Why do I open these threads?<br
Jan 2, 2004
It's summa time!!


Wow, that's a big sun.

It's time to Booze 'n Grub. And by grub I mean eat that strawberry garnish.


Bettah. That pic's ok being big.

So did you know that you can bury an above-ground pool? And at a fraction of the cost of an in-ground?

I sound like a commercial.

But you can. Did you know? I didn't know that until this year.

DH and I could never justify the cost of an in-ground pool at our current house. We have a smallish, starter house and always hoped to save up for and build a forever home. But a recent death in the family has now turned this starter house into a forever home. I'm ok with that. Quaint is the new small.

But we really wanted an IGP. I am off during the summers and here alone with two kids. All. Day. Long. You can only watch so much Bubble Guppies and make so much homemade play doh before you want to jab a sparkly princess wand into your eye.

So go outside, right? Um, noooo. It gets so flippin' hot in Georgia you just can't go outside to play on the swing set. Like that idea ended in February. Down here, if you plan to be outside you need to be in, on, or under water. So I started looking at feasible ways to get a nice pool because throwing $30k into a pool wasn't great financial sense at my quaint home.

After learning from a friend that you could bury AGPs (and hello, AGPs are economical), I started researching some options. Some AGPs you can't bury at all. Let me rephrase that. According to many manufacturers, you can't bury any of them. But there are a few that you shouldn't bury. Those are usually the less expensive ones. And by less expensive I still mean several mortgage payments.

But you can bury some types of the stronger AGPs (shhhh) a few feet down and back fill the dirt. You will still have to step up and into the pool, but it isn't majorly blocking any views in your yard, which has to be a major feng shui faux pas. Cuervo. Just to throw another language in there.

So here is an example of a semi-buried AGP. It is 21' round, 52" deep. She had it buried professionally. I don't know what she spent, but I am estimating about $5-6k. A quality pool is about $2-3k, accessories are another $1k, and you can spend $1-2k on install and landscaping. I think she did a nice job landscaping.

Or this one. You can build the deck up to the lip of the pool. This set-up is probably more expensive because of all the decking. Cha-ching.


You can also completely bury AGPs. These pools are much more expensive because you need something sturdy to keep all that earth from stressing the pool structure. You also don't want any erosion.

Here is one that is completely buried. I found this one online so I don't know the cost, but they needed a high-end AGP and added a concrete deck. I'm really diggin' that basketball net though. Whoosh.


Now drawbacks to using an AGP.

1. You normally only get one depth - somewhere between 48-54". In some special cases you can build a deep end. But let's stick to the idea that you can only do one depth because then I'll have to talk about liners and such and I've only had one cup of coffee today.

2. Shape. Your shape is limited too - pretty much just round or oval. Oval or round. If you have your heart set on a kidney, or a stomach, you're outta luck. But there are tons of sizes. 18' round up to 18' x 33' oval. 33' is long, people. That's 5.5 of your man friends laying down head to feet.

Knowing those drawbacks, you still have to realize that burying an AGP is 50-75% savings, depending on the options you choose. So is it worth it?

We decided it was and figured we could afford a nice AGP and DH would bury it as far as he could. He would build up a short deck and that would extend our outdoor living area because we already have a deck.

DH didn't have any specific knowledge on burying a pool. I mean he buried our cat earlier this year (RIP Clarice), but it's not exactly the same. But he does know his way around heavy equipment and has built decks. We figured with that knowledge, help from his handy friends, and several cases of beer, we could make it happen. And by we I mean him. I'll be inside. Haven't you heard how hot it is?

Next up: Kids picking noses and me picking out pools
We just put up an Intex 14x48 Ultra Frame pool last weekend. We don't have room in our yard for a permanent pool (well, if we took down some trees and the playstructure we would but that isn't happening). So when we were putting up the pool I was researching pools and found a website with all things pool. It was funny to me to see people's signatures like we have here on the Dis, but the descriptions were all what size pool you have and what year you put it up or in :rotfl2:. Anyway, I was really surprised at how into above ground pools people get, even the cheap Intex pools! The decks and landscaping were impressive! My daughter's best friend has a sunken/buried AGP in their backyard. It has cement around it. Looks very nice! They have a corner lot. We also live on a corner lot and I measured out our side yard to see if we could put an inground pool in. We can actually fit a small (narrow) one, but the depth would only be 6 ft and I would want at least 8 ft deep. I was looking at the kits you can buy. If you can do it yourself I think you save about 50%. I think your plan to bury an AGP is smart :thumbsup2.
I never really thought of that! DH is dying to have a pool. I want one that looks nice! Can't wait to hear about your adventure doing it...I agree you are really funny!
We had one like the 2nd one pictures at our old house. At ground (12" deck heighth) level at the house and dug into a hill. It was 20' x 40' with a 9 ft deep end and diving board so about 4 ft above ground at the far end. We added more deck over the years and it lasted 20 years before we moved. It was considered an AGP for insurance purposes.
Best money ever spent for my backyard and 4 kids.
You are funny too!:rotfl:
Ive had both and now have AGP The one drawback to IGP is SNAKES. Kinda freaks me out getting in at night and have a snake swim up beside you. :eek:
Our HOA sued a neighbor for trying to put one in. I thought that was nuts. But they said IGP is only kind allowed and they won!

I hate our HOA.
We just put up an Intex 14x48 Ultra Frame pool last weekend. We don't have room in our yard for a permanent pool (well, if we took down some trees and the playstructure we would but that isn't happening). So when we were putting up the pool I was researching pools and found a website with all things pool. It was funny to me to see people's signatures like we have here on the Dis, but the descriptions were all what size pool you have and what year you put it up or in :rotfl2:. Anyway, I was really surprised at how into above ground pools people get, even the cheap Intex pools! The decks and landscaping were impressive! My daughter's best friend has a sunken/buried AGP in their backyard. It has cement around it. Looks very nice! They have a corner lot. We also live on a corner lot and I measured out our side yard to see if we could put an inground pool in. We can actually fit a small (narrow) one, but the depth would only be 6 ft and I would want at least 8 ft deep. I was looking at the kits you can buy. If you can do it yourself I think you save about 50%. I think your plan to bury an AGP is smart :thumbsup2.

Before this we had the little kiddie pool and a larger inflatable one. I'll post a few pics next into the report. The kids love the pools, but they just weren't big enough. Yours sounds much bigger!

so want to do this!!!! By the way you are so funny:rotfl:

I never really thought of that! DH is dying to have a pool. I want one that looks nice! Can't wait to hear about your adventure doing it...I agree you are really funny!

Thanks! You can definitely make a buried AGP nice. It's actually unbelievable how great they can look.

We had one like the 2nd one pictures at our old house. At ground (12" deck heighth) level at the house and dug into a hill. It was 20' x 40' with a 9 ft deep end and diving board so about 4 ft above ground at the far end. We added more deck over the years and it lasted 20 years before we moved. It was considered an AGP for insurance purposes.
Best money ever spent for my backyard and 4 kids.
You are funny too!:rotfl:

Wow, that sounds awesome. Any pics?

Ive had both and now have AGP The one drawback to IGP is SNAKES. Kinda freaks me out getting in at night and have a snake swim up beside you. :eek:

Snakes!! We don't have a major problem with snakes around here. Did you live near woods? I definitely don't want to swim with snakes though. Or frogs. Or bugs. Or Chris Brown. All in the same category for me.

Tell me more! Loving this so far.

Got lots of info coming up!

Our HOA sued a neighbor for trying to put one in. I thought that was nuts. But they said IGP is only kind allowed and they won!

I hate our HOA.

I've read that on other boards. HOAs are a pain in the rear.
Not really interested in an AGP, buried or not, but loved reading your post !:rotfl:
Do you have a blog? If not, you should!
I used to sell pools and hot tubs and I've seen some totally pimped out AGPs buried.

I've also seen some truly redneck-ified ones too.

I love your writing style and love reading your posts! I'll be following along!
So. Flippin'. Funny.

Agree with PP, you need your own blog. I bet you could tell some amazing kid stories from your summer time adventures - LOL.

Had no idea you could do this and I def want to hear more.

Happy pooling!
So here is our backyard. It's pretty awesome if you ask me. And you didn't, but it's my thread. #awesome. It's over an acre and DH takes great care of it.

This is looking from the back deck. Speaking in time-location terms, the garden is 10:00, playset is 11:00 and the trampoline is 12:00.


Again, if the trampoline is 12:00, then 1:00 is prime pool placement. And 1:00 is prime swimming time. Boom. It's in the stars.


Now that you've seen the backyard, let's look at some pools.

Pool budget:

$2k for pool, pump, filter, et al (we'll call that PEA)
$1k for DIY install
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer
$40 for my tequila & mixer. Gotta have something to sip while watching construction. Haven't you seen how hot it is?
$5,140 total


Wait. Don't get confused by those smilies. That's not me laughing and dancing because I'm drinking strawberry margaritas and getting a pool. It's everyone else laughing and dancing because I thought I could buy a PEA for $2k. You think, $2k is a decent chunk of change. It'll buy you 1.5 days at Disney. It'll buy a used car. Well then buy that used car, get a couple cans of that nifty Flex Seal (you can transform a door into a boat!), and fill it with water. Make that your pool.

But I was able to find this pool online. It's a Sharkline Matrix. It is a Hybrid pool and that means it's made with steel and resin. The resin (plastic with a fancy new name) makes it stronger I suppose? In Pooltown, plastic > steel. Ok.

A 24' round is $1,600


Not a bad pool actually. Lots of folks online have it and like this pool. But add in the pump, filter, automatic cleaner, stairs, liner, chemicals, coving, sand, pad (the et al of which I speak), and you are closer to $3k. Time to adjust the budget.

New Pool budget:

$3k for PEA
$1k for DIY install
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer
$40 for my tequila & mixer
$2 for Goody's Powders. Budget adjustment headache.

Ok, so we'll make it work for this. Included in the New Pool Budget are:

Hayward Power-Flo 1HP 2s pump - $299


Pentair SD60 filter - $422


Swimline Unibead Style Portofino Pattern Liner - $360


See how it all starts to add up?

So it's Friday afternoon and DH has approved the expenditure. I have all these things including the pool in my online shopping cart. Free ship. But wait, our taxes come in next week. Let's wait for that to come in since it's such a large expense. Just to be extra careful.

So I wait.

And while I wait, DH gets cold feet.

He starts looking online and realizes how hard it's going to be to do it DIY. Damn Internet. They make it look sooo easy when you just look at the finished product. I mean, how difficult is digging a hole and throwing a pool in? He's worried about how much work it'll be digging and leveling and building and backfilling and what if it takes months of weekend work and I probably wont see much of him during the spring and... Oh sorry. Didn't hear. I was chasing a Goody's with a Red Bull. Dreams of pool are washing away.

In the meantime, we blow up our sad little pool. At our 1:00 prime pool placement. At 1:00. Prime swimming time.


But while he's at work, I get out some spray paint and make a 24' template of where the pool would go.


So later I send DD6 to ask DH to swim (and by swim I mean sit in slimy chest deep water) and to be super sweet. Remind him that you're his first born, the apple of his eye, and that you deserve the world. Lay it on thick, baby. So she did, with bright orange spray paint twinkling in the background.

Of course it worked. I know my DH. Sucker.

But now we need to find some professionals for installation.

New New Pool budget:

$3k for PEA
$2k for pro install (maybe?)
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer. They will still be here. Just not working now.
$40 for my tequila & mixer
$2 for Goody's Powders.
$2 for Red Bull. Cold feet headache.

It's on! Let's get this party started.

Seriously. Go make me a margarita. And grab me a Goody's.

Next up: Online out, brick 'n mortar in.
Not really interested in an AGP, buried or not, but loved reading your post !:rotfl:
Do you have a blog? If not, you should!

I used to sell pools and hot tubs and I've seen some totally pimped out AGPs buried.

I've also seen some truly redneck-ified ones too.

I love your writing style and love reading your posts! I'll be following along!

So. Flippin'. Funny.

Agree with PP, you need your own blog. I bet you could tell some amazing kid stories from your summer time adventures - LOL.

Had no idea you could do this and I def want to hear more.

Happy pooling!

Thanks!! No, I don't blog. If I didn't have a very stressful time-consuming job 10 months of the year, I could find the time. I do enjoy writing. :goodvibes

GAGirlInVA, on a scale of 1 being redneck and 10 being super pimped out, one day it'll be a 15. Right now since we are still in the process and we went waaaay over budget, it's more of a 3.

You'll see what I mean. Cue the fiddle.
So here is our backyard. It's pretty awesome if you ask me. And you didn't, but it's my thread. #awesome. It's over an acre and DH takes great care of it.

This is looking from the back deck. Speaking in time-location terms, the garden is 10:00, playset is 11:00 and the trampoline is 12:00.

Again, if the trampoline is 12:00, then 1:00 is prime pool placement. And 1:00 is prime swimming time. Boom. It's in the stars.

Now that you've seen the backyard, let's look at some pools.

Pool budget:

$2k for pool, pump, filter, et al (we'll call that PEA)
$1k for DIY install
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer
$40 for my tequila & mixer. Gotta have something to sip while watching construction. Haven't you seen how hot it is?
$5,140 total


Wait. Don't get confused by those smilies. That's not me laughing and dancing because I'm drinking strawberry margaritas and getting a pool. It's everyone else laughing and dancing because I thought I could buy a PEA for $2k. You think, $2k is a decent chunk of change. It'll buy you 1.5 days at Disney. It'll buy a used car. Well then buy that used car, get a couple cans of that nifty Flex Seal (you can transform a door into a boat!), and fill it with water. Make that your pool.

But I was able to find this pool online. It's a Sharkline Matrix. It is a Hybrid pool and that means it's made with steel and resin. The resin (plastic with a fancy new name) makes it stronger I suppose? In Pooltown, plastic > steel. Ok.

A 24' round is $1,600

Not a bad pool actually. Lots of folks online have it and like this pool. But add in the pump, filter, automatic cleaner, stairs, liner, chemicals, coving, sand, pad (the et al of which I speak), and you are closer to $3k. Time to adjust the budget.

New Pool budget:

$3k for PEA
$1k for DIY install
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer
$40 for my tequila & mixer
$2 for Goody's Powders. Budget adjustment headache.

Ok, so we'll make it work for this. Included in the New Pool Budget are:

Hayward Power-Flo 1HP 2s pump - $299

Pentair SD60 filter - $422

Swimline Unibead Style Portofino Pattern Liner - $360

See how it all starts to add up?

So it's Friday afternoon and DH has approved the expenditure. I have all these things including the pool in my online shopping cart. Free ship. But wait, our taxes come in next week. Let's wait for that to come in since it's such a large expense. Just to be extra careful.

So I wait.

And while I wait, DH gets cold feet.

He starts looking online and realizes how hard it's going to be to do it DIY. Damn Internet. They make it look sooo easy when you just look at the finished product. I mean, how difficult is digging a hole and throwing a pool in? He's worried about how much work it'll be digging and leveling and building and backfilling and what if it takes months of weekend work and I probably wont see much of him during the spring and... Oh sorry. Didn't hear. I was chasing a Goody's with a Red Bull. Dreams of pool are washing away.

In the meantime, we blow up our sad little pool. At our 1:00 prime pool placement. At 1:00. Prime swimming time.

But while he's at work, I get out some spray paint and make a 24' template of where the pool would go.

So later I send DD6 to ask DH to swim (and by swim I mean sit in slimy chest deep water) and to be super sweet. Remind him that you're his first born, the apple of his eye, and that you deserve the world. Lay it on thick, baby. So she did, with bright orange spray paint twinkling in the background.

Of course it worked. I know my DH. Sucker.

But now we need to find some professionals for installation.

New New Pool budget:

$3k for PEA
$2k for pro install (maybe?)
$2k for a deck
$100 for menfolk's beer. They will still be here. Just not working now.
$40 for my tequila & mixer
$2 for Goody's Powders.
$2 for Red Bull. Cold feet headache.

It's on! Let's get this party started.

Seriously. Go make me a margarita. And grab me a Goody's.

Next up: Online out, brick 'n mortar in.

Don't forget about the water. You are gonna need to arrange for at least one truck load to set the liner when they get that far. Have fun enjoying your new pool. We have a 24 round 52 deep and we really enjoy it. Deck goes right out the back door to the pool.
GAGirlInVA, on a scale of 1 being redneck and 10 being super pimped out, one day it'll be a 15. Right now since we are still in the process and we went waaaay over budget, it's more of a 3.

You'll see what I mean. Cue the fiddle.

I can't wait to follow along.

Hey.. I currently have no shower curtain. Just a liner. Rednecking it up, til I decide how to decorate.

And the liner is clear.

:charac2: <---- fiddle!
Have you heard if this works in a cold climate?

Good luck! I'm looking forward to following your pool install!
Don't forget about the water. You are gonna need to arrange for at least one truck load to set the liner when they get that far. Have fun enjoying your new pool. We have a 24 round 52 deep and we really enjoy it. Deck goes right out the back door to the pool.

Oh yes, even water is expensive! Your pool sounds awesome. :thumbsup2

I can't wait to follow along.

Hey.. I currently have no shower curtain. Just a liner. Rednecking it up, til I decide how to decorate.

And the liner is clear.

:charac2: <---- fiddle!

:rotfl: Well, you are from GA.

Have you heard if this works in a cold climate?

Good luck! I'm looking forward to following your pool install!

I think it would. I know you have to deal with the earth freezing and thawing yearly, but I would imagine that if you had it professionally installed (they may have to put in a slurry?), you'd have no trouble. Worth asking around!
Great report and gorgeous backyard! I love how you "convinced" your DH! :rotfl2: We recently put in a fiberglass pool, thinking that it would be slightly less expensive than a gunite one, but at the end of the day, I think it ended up being the same price. There are some benefits to fiberglass but if I was to do it again, I would have gone with gunite. I'm looking forward to seeing how yours turns out!


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