Our First, Last and only visit to Universal...yuck!

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JLTraveling said:
Okay people.... let's take this off on a little bit of a tangent. Take Universal vs. Disney out of the equation for a minute. Do any of you "scared of the 'thugs', don't approve of the 'clientele', overwhelmed by the 'gangs' of teens, can't believe they were 'tailgating in the parking garage'" people EVER vacation anywhere that's not a theme park? I'm proud to say I've been all over NYC (even...gasp...Harlem), lived in the French Quarter of New Orleans (and walked home alone at 5 am after spending the evening partying with "gutter punks"), roamed Washington DC (even east of the Capitol before gentrification) with a mixed group of guys and girls that I met there at all hours of the night, partied my butt off at Carlos and Charlies in Cozumel, etc, etc, etc. I'm a white bread, prep school educated, college degree holding skinny white girl from central Florida. And I'm FINE. I've met amazing people from all over the globe, I've had more experiences in 29 years than most people have in a lifetime, I'm street smart and capable and independent. I have been in exactly two encounters in my life that I would consider questionable or potentially scary. Neither happened anywhere near a theme park. One was in New Orleans during the Bayou Classic football game, when I was jumped late at night by a couple of guys. What happened? Nothing really. They were drunk, I wasn't, a couple of swift kicks from my steel toed boots and I was out of there without a problem. The other was in Atlanta on New Year's Eve. I was inside Underground, and the peach drop was outside in the courtyard. There was a bit of a stampede, owing to too few, too small doors to the outside. I stepped back and let everyone else run over each other trying to get out, then followed behind them and got outside in plenty of time to see the drop. Oh yeah, I also saw a purse snatching that night. Big friggin deal. All the traveling I've done, all the hanging out in "unsafe areas" with "unsavory people", and I've been part of two very minor incidents. Grow up people!! It's called life. Learn to look around, keep your wits about you, and don't do stupid tourist things like leaving your purse somewhere that you aren't or pulling out a wad of 100 dollar bills. And you'll be FINE anywhere. But "thugs" at the parks? Geez, I wonder what rock these people live under.

Hey, I am with you. I will date myself by saying I partied heartily at Studio 54 in NYC and went to many a concert in my day. I was drinking champagne in the Moulen Rouge at 14. I have travelled all over the world and have learned to be a safe tourist. I just cannot see how City Walk is even the least bit intimidating.

I am just glad my teens and the majority of teens in City Walk are not doing what some of my friends did back in the 70's before going in to see ZZ Top at Asbury Park. The tailgating back then involved way more than a couple of beers :smokin:
I'm with you too, JLTraveling! :thumbsup2 As young adults, my friends and I traveled all over the world, including areas where we were told "they'll cut off your finger to get your ring." So, we didn't wear jewelry, just cheap plastic watches, we were careful and aware of our surroundings, we had a great time, and came home with fingers intact. Did we know were in more danger than we would have been in WDW? Of course, but we had the experience of a lifetime and it was well worth it.

I have been around a lot of "unsavory" looking people in the U.S. as well, and found most of them to be among the nicest folks I've ever met. I can't imagine being bothered by the sight of gang-banger wannabees in a parking lot.
AnaheimGirl said:
we were careful and aware of our surroundings
Thank you! Too many people drop their guard when they're on vacation. Hey, you're in Orlando; it's a good-size city, you just don't check your brains at the gate. Just be aware of what's going on around you.

I worked in Manhattan for many years and it was without a doubt the best overall experience in my life, but I learned to be aware of my surroundings and I've never lost this. I've instilled it into my kids' heads too; stuff like don't mess around in parking lots. Just walk from the store to car. Then, you can make Mom nuts :teeth: It's just common sense. Stuff can happen to you anywhere if you let your guard down.
You know, I read a lot of this thread and I have to say. I have a friend who is a recovering heroin addict, been arrested 37 times, convicted 5 and went to prison for a year, was shot once in a housing project in Chicago and has two tatoos. By all accounts he is a thug, the big news is that when he takes his family to WDW and Universal he looks as American MR. CLEAN AS BILL GATES and you would never know what he really did or was at one time. So, to judge a person by the clothes they wear or the amount of gold on their necks, or even the language they use is just plain ignorant. I'm a third grade school teacher and I swear like a sailor (albeit not around my students) and I smoke cigarettes. Does that make me a bad parent or person??? Now I know why we have such a screwed up society.
MY parents and I visited MGM last summer, but they thought MGM was Universal. Now, I see that it was a good mistake. I was 11 last summer, and by the next time we go to Florida, I will be old enough to take it all in.
milkabum said:
MY parents and I visited MGM last summer, but they thought MGM was Universal. Now, I see that it was a good mistake. I was 11 last summer, and by the next time we go to Florida, I will be old enough to take it all in.

Hey milkabum, you live very, very close to me!!! Welcome to the board!
LuvTony0508 said:
You know, I read a lot of this thread and I have to say. I have a friend who is a recovering heroin addict, been arrested 37 times, convicted 5 and went to prison for a year, was shot once in a housing project in Chicago and has two tatoos. By all accounts he is a thug, the big news is that when he takes his family to WDW and Universal he looks as American MR. CLEAN AS BILL GATES and you would never know what he really did or was at one time. So, to judge a person by the clothes they wear or the amount of gold on their necks, or even the language they use is just plain ignorant. I'm a third grade school teacher and I swear like a sailor (albeit not around my students) and I smoke cigarettes. Does that make me a bad parent or person??? Now I know why we have such a screwed up society.

Very well said....... :cheer2: :yay: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :listen:
rumor has it a large gang will be invading CW this evening around 7 pm

this gang just happens to be a large group of martial artist that are in the area for their national tournament.
a smaller group from the same gang was there on thursday night.... age range from 6-41.

LOL........ anyway I'm in orlando right now for the USSSA nationals.
a few of us were at city wlak last night to see Cars
I know several will be in CW tomorrow. I might be one of those several.
Yep got to look out for those thugs in CW
thelionqueen said:
Sorry, it it looks, acts, walks and most importantly TALKS like a thug, most likely it is a thug. I am sorry for the 1% or so that choose to act, talk, walk and behave like this and are perfect members of society.

Having lived in Tampa and Orlando for almost 10 years (Atlanta now) and going to IOA and US easily over 200 times (yup, I'm a nerd), I can honestly say that I have only seen the clientele issue you have stated 2 times. Once 3 years ago, and I'd say maybe 6 years ago we walked in to the CityWalk area and thought we were in a gangsta rap video. Both times, we left because it seemed to be a problem all throughout the park.

So, although in my opinion it seems HIGHLY unlikely, I'll be honest and say that you may have hit it on a bad day...but that's not the point.

No flames here. I'm truly sorry you didn't have a great time.

I would suggest you plan a little better next time, stay on site, and dont go to IOA until your child is 8 or 9. I honestly believe if you do that, everyone will have a great time.

The other thing about the beer is, I'm 30 and my wife is 27 and we get carded every time we buy. Once we were on a bench over by the Hulk and a security guard asked to see our IDs again! But again, that doesent mean you are wrong, it just seems odd to me.

That's my unbiased response. I'm a HUGE fan of the mouse, but Orlando wouldnt be Orlando without the Mouse, IOA, US, SW, and of course I-4. :Pinkbounc
LuvTony0508 said:
...So, to judge a person by the clothes they wear or the amount of gold on their necks, or even the language they use is just plain ignorant...QUOTE]

No it's not. Apples on a tree = Apple tree. Oranges on a tree = Orange tree. Tattoos, gold chains, vulgar language, loud or obnoxious behavior = Thug. One trait without the others is one thing, but add them all up, and you have yourself a thug! And you can spare us the "it's what's on the inside" line until we come up with the technology to beam our warm hearts and pure thoughts into someone elses' head. :rolleyes: Until then, all I know about you is what you SHOW me.

It would be ignorant NOT to make a logical assessment of a person based on all the outward signs they give (especially if you're visiting a public place with a small child). Our appearance is how we CHOOSE to represent ourselves to the world. Why do people want to look, act, and talk thuggish, but don't want anyone to call them out as a thug? :confused3

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::
georgia4now said:
LuvTony0508 said:
...So, to judge a person by the clothes they wear or the amount of gold on their necks, or even the language they use is just plain ignorant...QUOTE]

No it's not. Apples on a tree = Apple tree. Oranges on a tree = Orange tree. Tattoos, gold chains, vulgar language, loud or obnoxious behavior = Thug. One trait without the others is one thing, but add them all up, and you have yourself a thug! And you can spare us the "it's what's on the inside" line until we come up with the technology to beam our warm hearts and pure thoughts into someone elses' head. :rolleyes: Until then, all I know about you is what you SHOW me.

It would be ignorant NOT to make a logical assessment of a person based on all the outward signs they give (especially if you're visiting a public place with a small child). Our appearance is how we CHOOSE to represent ourselves to the world. Why do people want to look, act, and talk thuggish, but don't want anyone to call them out as a thug? :confused3

You pretty much proved the other poster's point here. Juding someone based on looks IS ignorant. Just because someone wears baggy clothes and gold chains doesn't mean they're a "thug". The way someone dresses is a representation of their style, not their substance. Do you honestly think that if someone is dressed in that way that they're a "gangster", and will shoot up the place and cause trouble?! It's just clothes :rolleyes2:

Like someone else said, look at some of the most famous "thugs" in history - most of them were 30-something year old white men from middle America. A lot of times, based on their outward appearance, no one had any idea that these people were capable of doing such horrible things. And they didn't dress like thugs.

I'm an Italian Jew. Does that make me a cheap loudmouth who eats lots of spaghetti? ( :rotfl: ) No. And yes, I curse. A lot. Not when there are kids around, but I curse way more than I should. And I have been told many, many times that I am one of the most sincere, level-headed, friendly people that other's have met. But I guess since I curse, I'm a thug. Oh no. And my dad has a tattoo. So I guess he is, too. And come to think of it, my brother sometimes wears a chain. He's a thug, too! And... wow, my mom is pretty damn loud. She likes to have a good time, and be heard. She never backs down from a competition. I guess we're just a big ol' family of thugs. Who knew?!

Some of you really just need to get out more. Especially, like another poster said, if you think Universal Studios, a family-friendly theme park in Orlando, is one of the most threatening and scary places you have been.
I see a couple different points that I agree with.

Someone who looks like a "thug" may not be truly dangerous, but if they are using abusive language, I wouldn't want kids to hear that (nor would I want to hear it.)

Someone who is dressed nicely, and quiet/mild mannered could be a serial killer. Of course, none of us would want to be around that person, either. They're much more dangerous in the long run. But if anyone knew how to identify them and steer clear of them, he/she would be a millionaire, so we do the best we can to judge the clues we have about a person.

Often the way people dress offers a clue about their personalities, but sometimes it could be way off base for whatever reason. The way someone talks and acts definitely supercedes that.

If someone goes around spouting insults, the n word, or profanity, I will try to steer clear of them whether they are in FUBU, Abercrombie, Juicy Couture or a toga.
babieemelly said:
georgia4now said:
You pretty much proved the other poster's point here. Juding someone based on looks IS ignorant. Just because someone wears baggy clothes and gold chains doesn't mean they're a "thug". The way someone dresses is a representation of their style, not their substance. Do you honestly think that if someone is dressed in that way that they're a "gangster", and will shoot up the place and cause trouble?! It's just clothes :rolleyes2:

Like someone else said, look at some of the most famous "thugs" in history - most of them were 30-something year old white men from middle America. A lot of times, based on their outward appearance, no one had any idea that these people were capable of doing such horrible things. And they didn't dress like thugs.

I'm an Italian Jew. Does that make me a cheap loudmouth who eats lots of spaghetti? ( :rotfl: ) No. And yes, I curse. A lot. Not when there are kids around, but I curse way more than I should. And I have been told many, many times that I am one of the most sincere, level-headed, friendly people that other's have met. But I guess since I curse, I'm a thug. Oh no. And my dad has a tattoo. So I guess he is, too. And come to think of it, my brother sometimes wears a chain. He's a thug, too! And... wow, my mom is pretty damn loud. She likes to have a good time, and be heard. She never backs down from a competition. I guess we're just a big ol' family of thugs. Who knew?!

Some of you really just need to get out more. Especially, like another poster said, if you think Universal Studios, a family-friendly theme park in Orlando, is one of the most threatening and scary places you have been.

You're missing my point. What you wear does not *make* you anything...I agree with you on that...but it does have an affect on how others form an opinion of you. That's all I'm saying.

I know that it's popular to "not care what others think" and "do your own thing" and all that jazz, but it's funny how much people really DO care when you get right down to it (these posts are proof).

Right, wrong, ignorant or not: Dress and act how you want to be treated. I have guys working for me who are 100% gangsta -- nicest guys in the world, hard-working too, and they tease me constantly about being a bland white guy (all in fun) -- but they are smart enough to change thier persona when they have to be around my clients at a tradeshow or setting up for a meeting. Why? Because they dont want to spend the rest of thier career in a warehouse pushing samples for me!!!

That being said, I wouldnt change my style to go to a theme park for ANYONE and neither should anyone else. Wear what you want. But people's first impressions of you may be less than desirable. It's your choice -- get over it or embrace it!

By the way, I love it how if anyone anywhere has an opinion on anything, they are ignorant! Some people are so open-minded, their brains have fallen out.

How the heck did we get on to this topic anyway? We should be talking about coasters and stuff! :surfweb:
A few of my observations about Universal. Firstly its a great value for money theme park. There is great fun to be had for young and old kids. The water areas in IOA and US exceed WDW water areas - necessary in Florida heat and most welcome.
The waits will be long if its peak season and you arent staying onsite. I do however object to them scrapping fastpasses even though I stay onsite.
I have had a harder time purchasing alcohol at IOA than at WDW and I am in my early 30s !
I noticed more skimpy bikini tops in IOA and US than WDW. That doesnt bother me however. More teens seem to go there basically because ther are more thrill rides. My kids seem to be outgrowing WDW though I never will. I love the characters and parades and castle which US and IOA just cant beat. I think the parks are all good but different and WDW is and always be my favorite. :love:
georgia4now said:
babieemelly said:
You're missing my point. What you wear does not *make* you anything...I agree with you on that...but it does have an affect on how others form an opinion of you. That's all I'm saying.

I know that it's popular to "not care what others think" and "do your own thing" and all that jazz, but it's funny how much people really DO care when you get right down to it (these posts are proof).

Right, wrong, ignorant or not: Dress and act how you want to be treated. I have guys working for me who are 100% gangsta -- nicest guys in the world, hard-working too, and they tease me constantly about being a bland white guy (all in fun) -- but they are smart enough to change thier persona when they have to be around my clients at a tradeshow or setting up for a meeting. Why? Because they dont want to spend the rest of thier career in a warehouse pushing samples for me!!!

That being said, I wouldnt change my style to go to a theme park for ANYONE and neither should anyone else. Wear what you want. But people's first impressions of you may be less than desirable. It's your choice -- get over it or embrace it!

By the way, I love it how if anyone anywhere has an opinion on anything, they are ignorant! Some people are so open-minded, their brains have fallen out.

How the heck did we get on to this topic anyway? We should be talking about coasters and stuff! :surfweb:

Again, I disagree. No, there is nothing wrong with having an opinion. But if your opinion is that people should be treated based on how they are dressed, then yes, that is ignorant. And if your impressions of someone is based on their clothes, something that is bought at a store and worn by thousands of people, yes, that is ignorant.

Dress and act how you want to be treated?! So if you like baggy pants and gold chains, you're assuming this person should automatically be treated like a thug? Where's the class and respect in that? Sounds like ignorance to me.
I can't believe this thread is still going (and that I'm contributing to keeping it going ;) ). I'm sorry that the OP didn't like US/IOA, but think she might have had a better time if she'd planned better. I have three daughters, 9, 7 and 4, and we all enjoy US/IOA as well as WDW. No need for us to pick one or the other, we visit all the parks and enjoy them all. It stands to reason that there will be more teens/young adults at US/IOA because there are more thrill rides there. In many, many, many visits to US/IOA since 1993, I have never felt threatened or worried for my safety or the safety of my children. People can behave inappropriately anywhere. To completely write off the US/IOA parks because of how some patrons dress, speak or act, is ludicrous. I have been fortunate to be around very diverse groups of people, so it's amazing to me to hear the rash conclusions some people come to. It upsets me, because I'm sure those who have had a perceived "bad experience with the thugs" will tell others who may be similarly close-minded and they won't ever give the parks a chance or approach them with an open mind. :(
babieemelly said:
georgia4now said:
But if your opinion is that people should be treated based on how they are dressed, then yes, that is ignorant...So if you like baggy pants and gold chains, you're assuming this person should automatically be treated like a thug? Where's the class and respect in that? Sounds like ignorance to me.

:furious: Assuming that the persona you put out to the world will have absolutely no effect on how you are perceived...that is silly!

I'm not saying that is how people *should* be *treated*, I'm saying that is how they are *likely* to be *thought* of based on the evidence from the original poster. Sheesh. There is a difference! Try to stay in context of the original post!!!

You're debating "right v. wrong" and I AGREE with you. I'm posting my opinion on "reality". You say people should not be treated differently because of how they dress...FINE! This post started with the idea that there was a "package" of dress, behavior, attitude, and crudeness that was characterized as "thug". You're taking one small aspect and beating it to death without seeing how it fits in the big picture. Don't take it so personal!

You'll never change my mind, and I'll never change yours. Not a big deal.

This is my last post on the subject. You get the last word...

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn:

Hey, I just looked at your profile (should have thought about that before)...I didnt know you were 19. Forget about me, I'm an old fat guy. Your positing makes much more sense to me now. I thought I was getting into it with a middle-aged mom somewhere!

Live free and do whatever makes you happy. There will come a time when it's all work and no play.

I sincerely wish you well! :thumbsup2
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