Our October Escape 10/13/11. TR Day 4 Wedding Day Part 5 A Little Fun Time at MK:)

Oh Allie, your ceremony was beautiful! I don't think I knew you did the wine box ceremony, too!

I think your bouquet is fabulous! But I can understand that you were upset about the lack of Mickeys! :worried:

You were truly a beautiful bride. I am so happy you shared all of those wonderful photos! :lovestruc
Oh Allie, your ceremony was beautiful! I don't think I knew you did the wine box ceremony, too!

I think your bouquet is fabulous! But I can understand that you were upset about the lack of Mickeys! :worried:

You were truly a beautiful bride. I am so happy you shared all of those wonderful photos! :lovestruc

Aww, thank you so much! You're too too sweet! The wine box ceremony was our favorite part of the ceremony, and our guests loved it! They'd never heard of it and so it was something cool and unique for them.

I love how we are almost wedding twins! Same colors, SBP, dates so close together, wine box...super cool!

Thanks again Lacey for your kind words! It means a lot! :goodvibes
OMG... Ive just read through and looked at all your photos of the ceremony! Brilliant! :)

Everything looked perfect!

Congratulations on your wedding and best of luck for the future!

* Yay for the wedding day! I was away for the past week so I have to catch up :)
* The stories of kids stopping you and telling you that you look like a princess are so sweet!
* Your bridal party and all the attire, the colors... I love everything! Yours is definitely one of my favorite bridal party outfits I've seen. I love the girls dresses and of course, especially the chucks!
* I have to say that even though I didn't have a Disney wedding, I am still so frustrated with Disney photography. I guess because there are so many people using it they can't guarantee a certain photographer, but to not even tell you who is shooting your wedding until you arrive? That's just messed up.
* But that being said, your pictures did come out really nicely - especially once you edited them! You did a great job!
* And you look absolutely gorgeous! You really do look like a princess.
* The kids in your wedding are just too adorable! The one pic of you and the flower girl is so precious. And I love hearing about her "plans" to marry Andy one day! ;)
* The wine box ceremony sounds really nice. I hadn't heard of this until my wedding was just about happening, but if I'd known earlier I probably would've done it too. Such a great idea!
-Aww your girls are adorable.
-And Ayla’s comment about Andy is just precious! They look like they’re about ready to get married, no?
-Your dad actually DOES look like Maurice!! I’m pretty sure he was the inspiration.
-Awww this is all just so sweet.
-Awww I am sorry your feelings were hurt! I understand though. Big hugs!
-Your ceremony was just soooo pretty, Allie. :goodvibes
OMG... Ive just read through and looked at all your photos of the ceremony! Brilliant! :)

Everything looked perfect!

Congratulations on your wedding and best of luck for the future!


Thank you sweetie! :) I want to go back and do it again!

* Yay for the wedding day! I was away for the past week so I have to catch up :)
* The stories of kids stopping you and telling you that you look like a princess are so sweet!
* Your bridal party and all the attire, the colors... I love everything! Yours is definitely one of my favorite bridal party outfits I've seen. I love the girls dresses and of course, especially the chucks!
* I have to say that even though I didn't have a Disney wedding, I am still so frustrated with Disney photography. I guess because there are so many people using it they can't guarantee a certain photographer, but to not even tell you who is shooting your wedding until you arrive? That's just messed up.
* But that being said, your pictures did come out really nicely - especially once you edited them! You did a great job!
* And you look absolutely gorgeous! You really do look like a princess.
* The kids in your wedding are just too adorable! The one pic of you and the flower girl is so precious. And I love hearing about her "plans" to marry Andy one day! ;)
* The wine box ceremony sounds really nice. I hadn't heard of this until my wedding was just about happening, but if I'd known earlier I probably would've done it too. Such a great idea!

I saw your Tennessee trip pics on FB. Looks like you had so much fun. My hometown is about an hour and a half from Pigeon Forge. Made me homesick!

* It was so cool to hear all the compliments and well wishes. So fun!
* I'm so glad you liked the bridal attire. I wanted something just a little different (and fun!) and I am so happy with everything. It also made the girls feel good to get so many compliments. They said they felt like celebrities! haha!
* I definitely agree about Disney photography. The whole system sucks. It was really hard to make peace with the whole situation. But I am happy with the pics (finally) and I'm so glad that you like them too!
* You're too sweet! Thank you. I have to admit that I felt like I princess. I didn't want to take the dress off! Even though I was melting! haha
* The pic of Ayla and I looking at each other? That is one of my absolute favorite photos of the whole trip! I melt every time I look at it.
* I really hope that they get married one day. They are perfect for each other, and it would be so adorable! But right now, Andy is more interested in sharks and werewolves. Maybe one day...
* I was so glad that we discovered the wine box ceremony. I thought it was rather unique, and something with a lot of meaning.

Thank you for all your kind words, it means a lot!

I think we should just consider ourselves to be wedding twins and forget the "almost" part! ;)

Agreed! Yay for wedding twins!!! :yay:

-Aww your girls are adorable.
-And Ayla’s comment about Andy is just precious! They look like they’re about ready to get married, no?
-Your dad actually DOES look like Maurice!! I’m pretty sure he was the inspiration.
-Awww this is all just so sweet.
-Awww I am sorry your feelings were hurt! I understand though. Big hugs!
-Your ceremony was just soooo pretty, Allie. :goodvibes

* Fingers are definitely crossed that those two grow up and get hitched. And of course, they are going to get married at Disney. It's going to be perfect!
* I definitely think that someone met my dad and said, "He is the perfect model for a disney daddy!" Aww...isn't he the cutest!? I love him.
* I feel pretty silly that he hurt my feelings, but I guess I will just chalk it up to emotions running so high! It's kinda funny too, I guess. He does have a point...
* Thank you sweetie! I thought so, but I'm pretty biased! hehe. It's easy to have a beautiful ceremony at SBP, don't you agree? :thumbsup2
*Again...sorry for the HUGE pictures! Wowza!

We stood around and hugged and visited for a few minutes and then it was time for cake and champagne. We decided in the interest of time to save the toasts for the DP later that night, so Tanis passed around the champagne and cider. We were just going to say thank you and we love you, and after watching the video, it was a little awkward, especially because Joey’s stepmom kept asking over and over if we were doing toasts. “No, we’re doing them tonight.” “So no toasts right now?” “NO...we are doing them tonight...” “So, we aren’t doing a toast?” Grr. On the video you can hear Tanis tell her three or four times, and you could hear that she was getting frustrated. We got everyone their glasses except for poor Noelle, and Martha was going to share her champagne (Mind you, Noelle just turned 18 on this day), and it freaked Tanis out! She was like, “No, no, no!!” Very funny. Anyway, we got Noelle her cider, and we all raised glasses and Joey and I thanked everyone for being there with us, told them we loved them, and we were so happy to share this day with our 16 favorite people, and then it was time for cake.

Tanis gave us a quick tutorial on how to cut and then asked us if we wanted fingers or forks. And I got this weird look on my face, and I remember thinking, obviously forks. I don’t want my guests to eat cake with their fingers! What an odd question! So I said, “forks...” really slowly and dumb-like. And only after we cut the cake and we’re getting ready to feed each other did I realize that she was asking us how we wanted to do that, with fingers or forks! DUH! I felt like a moron! I think part of the reason I was so out of it, was because I wasn’t focused on Tanis at all. The violinist was playing, and he was supposed to play “I See the Light” from Tangled. And he starts playing “A Married Life” from Up. If it were any other song, I don’t think I would’ve been too upset. I could have brushed it off. But “Married Life” was our first dance song. I was really distracted and upset about it. It was all I could focus on. At one point, I’m just staring at him, almost willing him to stop playing that song. And Joey finally asked me if I was ok. Not wanting to mess up the cake part, I snapped out of it, and turned my attention back to Joey. Music is SO important to us (well, me) and I had wrestled with music for months. And all of a sudden, it was all wrong. I am pretty sure Tanis or the violinist figured it out, because he switched mid song to something else. I have no idea if it was “I See the Light” but I didn’t really care, as long as it was something other than my first dance song!

Also, unfortunately, the cake was melting. Tanis warned us about it, and I knew it was a possibility. But I just didn't think it would be THAT hot in the middle of October. But it was unseasonably warm and humid, and the cake was dripping black all over. I was sad! My wedding cake was melting worse than I was! haha. But, after I got the pics back, I just photoshopped where it was melting, and it looks ok now. You can hardly tell! I left one photo of the cake meltdown below so you can see what I'm talking about....

So we fed each other cake, and Joey picked up the biggest piece on the plate for me, and I was struggling with trying to gracefully eat a mouthful of cake when the photographer is like, “Kiss” and that was the most awkward kiss ever. Ok, a lot of you are probably going to yell at me for this, but I HATED that cake. I thought it was dry and I almost didn’t get it swallowed. I did however like the fondant! Haha! The cake server guy was removing all the fondant, and I was like “Hold up! I want that part!!” (I had specifically asked Tanis to put into her notes that I did not want the fondant removed. I guess he missed it). I know a lot of people don’t like it, but I love it. So I ended up eating mostly fondant instead of cake! Haha. On the video, right after the cake kiss, you can hear Joey say to me, “Mmm, that’s good cake.” And you can see me just stare at him like, “Uh, yea. Whatever buddy. Crazy fool.” It’s pretty amusing. So we wandered and visited and ate cake. They had the chairs set up on the lawn outside of SBP, but it was so flippin’ hot (at 10:30 in the morning) that everyone stayed in the shade.


Ever the lady....haha!

Wow, this humongo picture of Andy looks a little creepy! I swear my sweet little nephew is NOT possessed! haha...






I think this is super cool

The cake is melting, and I have a huge mouth apparently



My guest book...



I wonder what mischief these two were getting into!



Wow...that's really classy ladies!


ooh! What a handsome husband I have!

After we were finished with our cake, Tanis led us out towards the water and we had our first dance, and he got the song right, and it was beautiful and fun. I was enjoying dancing, but after a bit, everyone got a little restless and talkative, so we cut it short. Then it was time to dance with my daddy. I knew early on (before I knew who I was going to marry!) that I wanted to dance to “Stand by Me” with my dad. It’s one of his favorite songs, and it will forever remind me of him. And it’s amazing and beautiful. I was glad that we had a violinist for this one, because it’s such a violin heavy song. I didn’t tell Dad what we were dancing to, I wanted it to be a surprise and a gift to him. I had been looking forward to this probably even more than the wedding itself! Haha!! So we take our places and the music starts and we dance. At first, I thought he’d messed up the songs again. I kept waiting and waiting for “Stand by Me.” Straining to hear even an inkling of it. I honestly have no idea if he played my song or not. I could never make it out. I even asked dad if he knew what it was, thinking maybe I was just stressed and not hearing it right. He had no clue and I finally just had to tell him what I was trying to do and why. He said that it was so sweet of me and thanked me for the thought, but he just didn’t hear it. So, we decided to end our dance. It was really disappointing, but I loved dancing with my daddy. I’ve been a dancer all my life and this was only the second time I’d ever danced with him, or seen him dance at all. So that made me extremely happy and was one of the best wedding memories.

So after the dancing, it was time to take family pictures. Joey went to tell the photographer that we wanted off beat, artistic kind of photos, and weren’t really looking for the standard, “let’s all get in a clump, line up symmetrically, and take a cookie cutter, boring photo.” So, what does he do? Lines us up in a symmetrical clump, and starts taking cookie cutter, boring photos. So I’m telling Joey under my breath that I don’t really like the direction we are going, and he speaks up to Joe and very nicely says, “let’s do something a little different and unique.” This doesn’t happen. To top it off, all the guests were talking and cutting up, and not paying attention to Joe at all. It was really upsetting, and taking forever. I didn’t want to miss interesting photo ops around the boardwalk because we were taking photos I didn’t want, so I was starting to freak out a little. Finally, (and I’m not proud to say this), Joey goes over to Tanis and very loudly explains that he is NOT happy with the way it’s going. Drama, drama, drama. Needless to say, I don’t think Joe liked us very much at that point, but he gave up and started just taking candid shots. We had fun, but I don’t think we got a lot of good ones. Then it was time for the staged exit, and to walk back to the Boardwalk Inn. I LOVE my staged exit pictures. They were awesome. And I also love the pics of Joey and I on the way back to BI. Joey apologized to Joe and Tanis, and explained that a lot of our problem was with our guests being so disrespectful, and not really being able to say anything to them. We kinda took it out on Joe instead. And like the guy’s pictures or not, he was really, really nice and we had a blast with him the rest of the week. (He did our DP and MK/Epcot shoot) Both Joe and Tanis said they understood and that people can get a little stressed during these things. Anyway, we took pictures all along the Boardwalk, and even stopped to commandeer a surrey bike for some photo ops. These pics are some of my favorites from the whole wedding week. It was such fun, and a nice preview of the fun we were going to have at our bridal shoot. When we got back to the BI, a few of our guests were still in the lobby. We took a couple of pictures on the big chair, (none of which came out very good) and gave Tanis her gift, she gave us ours, and we gave big hugs. I thought that she would be at our DP that night, but she was taking her family to MNSSHP. It was sad to say goodbye. On our way out to the limo, we met the famous Randy Chapman, and he and Joe chatted for a minute. Then, we crammed in with everyone in the limo and headed back to the hotel.





Annnnd...that's all the pics, folks! Continued below:
More Pictures!!!!

I love Ayla in this pic...definitely being her fabulous self in this one!








One of my favorites!




Joey is rather ridiculous in this one! He does that all the time. So funny!




Ok...so I'm going to continue to photo blast my TR with all the Boardwalk shots as well...Hope that you aren't too bored with all the pictures! I'm having a hard time picking my favorites, so I'm pretty much just posting them all. Hope you don't mind! :)
And now for your viewing pleasure...More pics!!

Noelle took this one. It's one of my favorites







It was so awkward and uncomfortable sitting in that dress!


I love love love this one!!







I love how Joey is most definitely trying to eat my face in this one!






I was playing with the editing and trying for another look with this one:


So, I've been having problems with photobucket...sometimes my pictures are there and sometimes they are not. It's really frustrating, especially since most of my posts are going to be pretty picture heavy from now on! So, if you get here, and there are no photos, please wait and come back later (like the next day), and they should be back! Thanks everyone for being patient and reading along!!! :goodvibes
Grr, I wonder what was up the stepmom’s butt that day! Very odd.
-I totally would have been confused about the fork comment too. Don’t they realize we brides are kind of in a daze?!
-That is really irritating about the music. I am sorry. :hug:
-I can’t really tell the cake was melting. It was a gorgeoussss cake though.
-What flavors did you get? I’m sorry you didn’t like it!
-Your guestbook looks awesome btw.
-I agree: the first dance does get a little awk after a minute or two.
-I’m sorry you and your daddy couldn’t recognize the song. That’s ridic!
-Yeah, I agree about the posed family pictures. I feel like there’s just no way to get around them. Ho hum.
-I still want one of your bridesmaid dresses. Just sayin.
-Oh I looove that picture of the back of your dress. It’s gorgeous.
-Awww your photobooth picture is one of the ones I regret not getting! Bah.
-What is Joey doing with his arm in that staircase picture?!
Yay so many pictures!
* Aww poor melty cake! Though even with the streaks it looks kind of... funky. And you're awesome at photoshop, I couldn't even tell from the first few pictures!
* Sorry the violinist screwed things up. I would be pissed if he was playing my first dance song during the cake too!
* Okay, after reading the next bit I am even more frustrated with your violinist! After you were so excited about the song for your dad, and he screwed it up? Ugh.
* Your staged exit pictures are great! I also really love what you did with the ones where you made them black and white except for the pink bits, that looks really cool.
* And I love the boardwalk pics! Such a great place to take photos :) The one that you said you were playing with editing differently... I really like it! I love that you can see all of the detail in your dress and everything looks super crisp.
I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and reading along. I'm sorry your wedding had it's share of downs, but it looked gorgeous, wonderful and magical, and I wish you the best.
Allie, I am so happy you posted all of those pics! I especially love the one of you sitting on the bench holding up your dress and your crinoline is showing! ;) I love your pictures, even if they aren't exactly what you wanted.

Your cake doesn't look melted in the pictures, so that's good news. And I am sorry you didn't like your cake! That makes me sad, because I loved my cake. I would have eaten an entire layer if I could have. I wish that your experience was the same as mine. :worried:

And I am sorry that you and your dad weren't able to recognize Stand by Me as the song being played. I am sure it was a special moment for the two of you despite the set-back. ;)
Grr, I wonder what was up the stepmom’s butt that day! Very odd.
-I totally would have been confused about the fork comment too. Don’t they realize we brides are kind of in a daze?!
-That is really irritating about the music. I am sorry. :hug:
-I can’t really tell the cake was melting. It was a gorgeoussss cake though.
-What flavors did you get? I’m sorry you didn’t like it!
-Your guestbook looks awesome btw.
-I agree: the first dance does get a little awk after a minute or two.
-I’m sorry you and your daddy couldn’t recognize the song. That’s ridic!
-Yeah, I agree about the posed family pictures. I feel like there’s just no way to get around them. Ho hum.
-I still want one of your bridesmaid dresses. Just sayin.
-Oh I looove that picture of the back of your dress. It’s gorgeous.
-Awww your photobooth picture is one of the ones I regret not getting! Bah.
-What is Joey doing with his arm in that staircase picture?!

*Not sure...she was weird the whole trip. She did just recently start her own wedding planning business, maybe she was just practicing! haha!
*Glad I'm not the only one. I felt like a doofus!
*The music trouble sucked!
*It's cause I have mad photoshop skills, yo. :lmao: I did love the look of the cake! The bottom tier was almond with raspberry mousse and the top was yellow with bavarian cream. I liked the top tier better, but it was still just ho-hum for me. I'm bummed about that
*Aw thanks. It was just a coffee table book, and one day, I just looked at it and said, "that'll work!" haha
*You know how you had those fun pics of Chris and the boys molesting the wildlife? I was kinda hoping for something more with that kind of feel. Like we were a fabulous group of people on a photo shoot or something. I'm difficult I guess!
*I got the dresses on Ebay for like $60. They have them in all sorts of colors too. Get you one girl! They are fab.
*That pic is awesome. Go Noelle!
*Sad that you didn't get the photobooth shot. It was my favorite! But you had gazillions of awesome pics! Anniversary shoot? ;)
*Bwahaha! The photographer told him to be "sexy and mysterious" thats what Joey came up with!

Yay so many pictures!
* Aww poor melty cake! Though even with the streaks it looks kind of... funky. And you're awesome at photoshop, I couldn't even tell from the first few pictures!
* Sorry the violinist screwed things up. I would be pissed if he was playing my first dance song during the cake too!
* Okay, after reading the next bit I am even more frustrated with your violinist! After you were so excited about the song for your dad, and he screwed it up? Ugh.
* Your staged exit pictures are great! I also really love what you did with the ones where you made them black and white except for the pink bits, that looks really cool.
* And I love the boardwalk pics! Such a great place to take photos :) The one that you said you were playing with editing differently... I really like it! I love that you can see all of the detail in your dress and everything looks super crisp.

*Thanks! If it wasn't for the magic of photoshop, I have a feeling I'd be pretty upset!
*Thanks about the music. Joey was pretty much like, "oh, well." He didn't really get why I was upset.
*Yay! I really liked the staged exit pics. They are some of my faves! The black and white pics are fun. Again, photoshop is my friend! haha
*Thanks! I really like that one too. I have a hard time picking which editing I like better on the photos, because you can do such cool stuff with PS. So, I just have 3 or 4 different copies of the same photo. It's a little ridiculous!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and reading along. I'm sorry your wedding had it's share of downs, but it looked gorgeous, wonderful and magical, and I wish you the best.

Aww, thank you so much! It was definitely an up and down experience, but after it was all said and done, I am so glad we got married at Disney, and I still want to go back and do it again! Glad you're still with me! What a sweetie! :)

Allie, I am so happy you posted all of those pics! I especially love the one of you sitting on the bench holding up your dress and your crinoline is showing! ;) I love your pictures, even if they aren't exactly what you wanted.

Your cake doesn't look melted in the pictures, so that's good news. And I am sorry you didn't like your cake! That makes me sad, because I loved my cake. I would have eaten an entire layer if I could have. I wish that your experience was the same as mine. :worried:

And I am sorry that you and your dad weren't able to recognize Stand by Me as the song being played. I am sure it was a special moment for the two of you despite the set-back. ;)

That bench photo is fun, and I'm glad you can't tell how uncomfortable and awkward I was! :lmao: I have come to love my pics, so that's good. Glad you like them!

Gotta love photoshop! Again, a big reason I'm loving my wedding pics now! Yeah, I felt like an odd bird cause I didn't like the cake. I was disappointed. What flavors did you have again?

It was still amazing to dance with my dad and I loved it. Music problems stink though!

Thanks for reading, now I have to go get caught up with your DCL honeymoon! Jealous!!

I really, really love your photos - you all look so happy (and funky)
Congratulations x

Thanks! I wanted something just a little different and a lot of fun. I loved it! Hope all my girls and guests did too!
You were a GORGEOUS bride!!!! I love love love your dress, and you look FABULOUS in it!

Your flowers are so pretty...but what a bummer about the hidden Mickeys...did you tell Tanis about that? Did Disney refund you what you'd paid for the Mickeys?? They should have!!!

Your BM's look great and I love the shoes. You looked like a really fun group. I'm sorry you didn't love your pictures but what you have posted are FABULOUS...so I guess it's really good that you had good base photos to start with and the willingness and skills to enhance them because they sure are wonderful now...

The cake was so cute! What a bummer that you didn't really like it (and that it started to melt!) Oh well, I guess it's a good memory to laugh about later...

Congratulations and thank you for posting all these beautiful pictures!!

You were a GORGEOUS bride!!!! I love love love your dress, and you look FABULOUS in it!

Your flowers are so pretty...but what a bummer about the hidden Mickeys...did you tell Tanis about that? Did Disney refund you what you'd paid for the Mickeys?? They should have!!!

Your BM's look great and I love the shoes. You looked like a really fun group. I'm sorry you didn't love your pictures but what you have posted are FABULOUS...so I guess it's really good that you had good base photos to start with and the willingness and skills to enhance them because they sure are wonderful now...

The cake was so cute! What a bummer that you didn't really like it (and that it started to melt!) Oh well, I guess it's a good memory to laugh about later...

Congratulations and thank you for posting all these beautiful pictures!!


Aww! You're too sweet! Thank you so much! :goodvibes

I didn't tell Tanis about it. I kept thinking about it (and it still bugs me), but for some reason, I just don't want to get into it. There's no point to me anymore. I don't care about the $30. I just wanted Mickeys on my day. And they can't fix that! haha! oh well. It was a beautiful bouquet anyway.

My whole group was a lot of fun! (and a big headache at times, but they're worth it! haha) I'm glad that the "fun" came through in the dresses and shoes. Joey and I wanted to make sure that the ceremony wasnt too "stuffy" cause that's just not us. So, yay!

I'm really loving my photos now, finally. :thumbsup2

It was a beautiful cake! And I don't really like cake anyway, but I was hoping that Disney cake would be...well, magically good or something! hahaha! Oh, well, I enjoyed the heck out of that fondant!

Thanks for reading and your kind words!


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