Out Sourcing by Disney...I Don't Understand Why


<font color=royalblue>PS...I tried asking for wate
Apr 22, 2003
First of all, the thought of arriving at the Polynesian and seeing a sign that says "Welcome to the Polynesian by Sheraton." absolutely gives me the willies. Every time Pete talks about it, I get slightly sick thinking about it. :sick: I know it's just supposition, not something that happening for sure, but still, the thought......(shiver)

But I really don't understand why Disney would want to do this. :confused3

Of course, I understand there would be financial benefit, but it's beyond me that Disney would want to lose so much control. It seems to me that Disney is all about controlling their name, brand, image and properties. Would it really be worth it to them to give that up? Other than the financial side of it, what is the upside to Disney?
Is it really any different that selling McDonald French fries in the parks?
I don't get that either. I can get that any time why would I buy them when I'm on vacation at WDW.
This is the first I have herd of such thing. That is really bad. It would make Disney so generic and IMO hurt what "Disney" is known for. The magic of a Disney resort. That is so so sad.
This is the first I have herd of such thing. That is really bad. It would make Disney so generic and IMO hurt what "Disney" is known for. The magic of a Disney resort. That is so so sad.

Please, I don't want anyone thinking this is something Disney is doing. Pete was just "supposing" on this week's podcast, it isn't like Disney has signed a deal or anything, but with other things that have been going on, Pete was saying he could see this happening (and he wasn't happy about it!) but still it's only guessing and supposition. It might never happen. I HOPE!
I hope Pete doesn't mind me posting this link, but it does support his hypothesis... Here is an article by another Orlando resident who is very involved with the Disney on line community and posts on the DIS very often. It's a hard article to read, it's a hypothesis, but yet it makes very real sense. Disney is a business first and foremost, and with oil over $100 a barrel now vs. when it was written last September, it is now even more realistic. Why is Disney suddenly bringing in all these outside hotels, restaurants, etc.?

On a previous Podcast, Pete mentioned they were phasing out Tradiions Training with incoming Disney CastMembers. So, really is there a loss in the "Disney" experience if these CM's aren't receiving the training to make them a step above the rest?

It is the cast members that make these resorts the "home away from home" they are for us all. The towel animals, the check in that goes smoothly, the guest service rep that takes the time to help with an ADR. But, more so than not the wages just don't demand this caliber of performance anymore. It is hard to point with two fingers and smile continually when you get paid $7 an hour. Though many people will argue, "You work at Disney, you should be happy." More often than not you would think Disney could train and pay to keep quality people more and more. Also, they hire seniors and college students a great deal to help sublet this problem of wage discrepancy.

All in all, I hope that if Outsourcing is true that Sheraton (or whomever) trains and treats their entry level employees better than Disney has in recent years. I was rather shocked at the lack of "smiles" on our recent trip, though to be fair we did meet quite a few lovely CMs, one was our Monorail Captain who was a retiree and veteran who gave our boys their Co-Pilot licenses. Another was a young woman who saw that I was getting the "money" shot of my kids and husband in front of the castle and even though she was a Photopass rep asked if we would like her to take our photo with our camera. Not upselling the Disney experience, but making it so a Mom could be in the picture as well.

Though it's a different "world" when you hear a CM complain that someone is taking too long of a smoke break or that they have a rough shift.


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