Pam's Lifestyle Change Journal


Living life to the full and enjoying every moment
May 20, 2003
Well I haven't started as well as I hoped to. The exercise is going well, I went to the gym on Monday and did 45mins aerobic activity and I'm planning on doing the same tonight after work. The food side of things is not good. If its there in front of me I can't resist and there's been loads of goodies in work this week. Hopefully Friday will see the last of it all so I can have a good week next week. I have cut down on the amount of sweet stuff I've eaten and I'm eating more fruit. I'm also trying to empty the house of tempting things. I think this whole thing will be more of a gradual change than a 'big bang' approach. If I keep updating this journal as well then that should keep me going, so if anyone out there reads this and they notice that I haven't updated it for a while then please send me a message with a gentle reminder, or a 'HEY WHAT'S HAPPENED TO THE DIET?!!'
I didn't get to the gym last night as it was just too hot. It was the hottest day of the year here in England and very nearly the hottest day ever so I think it was probably wise not to exercise. I didn't eat much as I just didn't feel like it, I drank loads of water and sugar free drinks then had a sandwich later on.

I will get into this properly, its just taking its time. I know I have to do it not only for my looks but for my health as well. I'm not only watching the scales I'm watching my Body Mass Index which is currently way over what it should be.

Plans for today is to practise saying 'No Thank You' so that when people in my office offer me cakes & cookies etc. I can refuse them politely.
Well after a really dodgy start, I'm starting to get into this and its working. I've lost 3lbs and I'm exercising, not a lot but its better than nothing. Seeing the scales go down has really given me the incentive to keep going and do better in future. :Pinkbounc
Congratulations on the 3lbs. You are correct....something is better than nothing when it comes to exercise. Stay motivated and you will start exercising more.
Hey, Pam, keep up the good work! It's not easy to exercise and eat right, but you're doing it!!!! How are things going at work with those "no thank you's"? Try to pack yourself a little goodie--a piece of fruit or a diet bar--that's just for you. Maybe that will make resisting temptation that much easier.

Have a good day. . .


P.S. Do they have Skinny Cow ice cream in England? Ooh, yummy
good stuff!:p
Thanks for the messages, they are helping me out loads. If I'm feeling tempted I just log on and there you are encouraging me and the temptation just goes away. Work is getting better, other people are trying to lose some weight as well so the number of goodies coming into the office has dropped dramatically. Unfortunately we don't have Skinny Cow ice cream but I have been eating the Weight Watchers fat free yoghurts, especially the citrus ones. At only 50 cals per pot they are good for a snack. At home I'm trying to keep the motivation going by watching videos of programmes we've taped that are all about Disney World. As soon as I see Main Street or EPCOT etc I just want to be there but I know unless I stick with the plan I won't be as comfortable over there as I want to be. The thought of a 10hr flight with my bum squeezed in an economy seat is not pleasant. My husband (Chris) has said that if I lose the weight then we can upgrade our seats and possibly add a couple of extra days to our trip. So as you can see I have all the best reasons in the world to keep going, I just have to realise that its not going to happen overnight, I will have good and bad days, but in the end I can only benefit by doing this.
I've decided that even if I cannot post during the week, I need to post on a Sunday at least for an update on the week. I'm starting to feel good with this. I haven't lost anything this week but I haven't gained weight either which I'm pleased with. I haven't been really really good but I haven't been really bad either. The good thing is that the exercise has kicked in. I've been to the gym twice this week and managed to do over 50mins aerobic exercise (bike, stepper, rotex, rower, treadmill then back to the bike). The hardest thing about going to the gym is actually getting there, once I'm in there I enjoy it. Rest day today, dogs to be bathed, housework to be done as well as some gardening so its not really a rest day but at least its not a lazy day!
I was wondering how you were doing. . .glad to hear that the exercise component of weight loss has kicked in--sometimes that's the hardest. Congratulations on getting to the gym and doing something great for yourself! Have a good week and check in next Sunday!:)
I am feeling soooo good with this. Yesterday (Monday) DH was feeling very weak and kept suggesting that we go to the shop and get some goodies (or should that be 'baddies' now?). But I was strong and said 'No' so we both managed to get through the day cheat free. I feel that this is a major achievement because it would have been so easy just to go along with him. I'm now keeping my 'Cheat Free' symbol up to date so I (and you) can see how good or bad I'm doing. I also went to the gym yesterday, 55 mins aerobics and 20 mins weights, not bad for someone who needs to lose 80lbs. I even managed to do some jogging, only for a minute at a time but its a start. So thats why I'm feeling particularly smug with myself and ready to tackle another day cheat free.
I had a sneak peek at the scales this morning and they were looking good, but I can't declare anything until Sunday. Went to the gym again yesterday and had another good session, 50 mins 'in the zone'! I work out to a heart monitor and it sets my optimum work out zone based on my fitness level and body stats. So out of a 55 min workout, 50 mins of it were actually worthwhile and doing something for me.

I think that the pink bounce :Pinkbounc looks like me exercising LOL, everything wobbles and moves up and down with a mind of its own!

I felt lighter yesterday so I tried a pair of jeans on that a couple of weeks ago I couldn't breathe in. I got in them reasonably well so I wore them for a couple of hours, then I had dinner (chicken & mushroom with boiled rice). Wearing them for dinner was probably a mistake, by the end of the meal I couldn't wait to get them off. The relief of my stomach and bum escaping the jeans was wonderful. I just lay on the bed laughing at myself and letting it all hangout! Maybe I'll wait a couple of weeks before I try eating in them again.
Pam, you make me LOL! :p You're inspiring me with all your exercise efforts, too. I woke up this morning not sure I wanted to drag myself to the bike and treadmill, but after reading your post, I'm going forward! Thanks!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc (the two of us exercising, hee hee)
I have been sooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaad this weekend but I've had a brilliant time. I lost a pound, which is good but the scales had said 2 lbs earlier in the week, (that will teach me only to weigh in once a week). Anyway, I know I'll show a gain next week because I've eaten and drunk so much this weekend. This weekend was special, even though we didn't plan anything it just turned out that way. We met up with loads of friends whom we haven't seen for months, went on a long bike ride (I'm learning to ride a motorbike), set the time table for doing my bike test and bought a brand new motorbike in anticipation of me passing my test. It was just a really good fun weekend. Needless to say I haven't seen the inside of the gym since last week and I've eaten so much junk food. So its time to get back down to earth and get back into the healthy lifestyle. Does the number in the 'cheat free' logo mean the number of consecutive cheat free days, in which case I need to put it back to zero, or is it just the total number of cheat free days so I can just leave it as it is until I'm good again?:confused:
:( This week has been a really bad week, I'm dreading weighing in tomorrow. DH has been away on a course so I've been left to fend for myself which wasn't good. As I haven't had to do meals for DH I've just snacked for a week. I did manage to get to the gym on Wednesday and had a really good session but the rest of the week has been a right off. I also haven't checked in with the journals either which hasn't helped as it would normally motivate me. I'm feeling a bit down with myself at the moment, I'm going on a week long boating vacation in four weeks time and I don't think that I'm going to be able to get into the clothes I wanted to. I've put my 'cheat free' back to 1 (it doesn't work with zero!). I'm feeling a bit like Eeyore right now, kind of gloomy. So, I'm going for a blast on my motorbike this afternoon to see if I can blow away all these negative thoughts. I'll check in tomorrow after weigh-in to let you know the 'damage'.
Hop on that bike and blow the blues away and then get back on track. You can do it and 4 weeks is plenty of time to make a big difference:D I'll be checking on you :wave:
Pam, you've been singing my song--the Weight Loss Blues:o !
Hang in there, though, you can get back on track. Since getting back from Labor Day vacation, I've been having a hard time of things, too, but we can do this, Pam, we really can! Face the scale bravely (I face mine on Monday morning), and then report back. Let's make the next four weeks a successful time by eating right and exercising regularly (I go on a trip 10/3)--we can both work to be feeling and looking our best! Keep me posted!
Pam {{ hugs }} for you!! You'll be back on track in no time. Did the spin on the bike help you feel better? You can do this and four weeks is plenty of time for a big change. Keep us posted!
Lulu, MeMe & Doreen

Thank you so much for your messages and support it really has helped. I weighed in yesterday and I've gained a pound which was really a relief as I had expected to have put on loads more. I did have a really good ride on Saturday and Sunday and I'm feeling a lot better now thanks to you guys as well. I haven't exercised today mainly because I finshed work really late but also because I've got my motorcycle theory test tomorrow morning so I've been revising all evening. Food has been ok today, not brilliant but not junk either and I've only eaten at meal times. So now I'm feeling better with myself I'm up for the four week challenge, my goal is 5lbs in four weeks plus exercising at the gym at least twice a week. Lulu, are you up for the four week challenge as we both have trips at the same time?

You know I can't get over how much these message boards help me (all you lurkers out there take note!). They give you support and a degree of responsibility and accountability. When I gain weight like yesterday I feel I've not only let myself down but also all those people who are supporting me. This makes me more determined to do better. How many other weight loss groups i.e. WW, Atkins etc offer free support and advice 24hrs a day 365 days a year in any country in the world!? Mmm let me think 1.....? 2.....? 3......? nope, I can't think of any either.

Well I've got to get back to the revising, I'll check in later in the week and let you know how I'm getting on.

Pam :Pinkbounc
I'm with you, girlfriend!:) The four week challenge has begun! Five pounds gone and exercising at least twice a week--I'm gonna do it, and Pam, so are you!

It's so true what you said about these boards--where else can you make new friends and get this kind of support? I think that was one of the problems I had with WW. I loved the program (I should, over the years I gave them enough of my money to pay for my daughter's first year of college!), but to talk to other people going through weight loss only once a week just wasn't enough! On the WISH you can always get a little motivation and some friendly help.

So, Pam, we're doing this. Take it one day at a time.

We're going Onward and Downward!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
Pam, I hope you're still hanging in there. Be good today!:p


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