Panda's News, Sorta, "YARC", Comments welcome please.


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Our beloved WISH has grown by leaps and bounds this year. We must be doing something right, either that or people are just dropping by to see how the asylum is going. With growth there are some concerns that arise.

One of the biggest concerns is that we don't want new people to feel intimidated by our size. Another is that sections like the events and competition WISHers for the most part don't know the WISHers on the main section and visa versa. Also it's hard to have enouth time to post and read everything you would like to since there are so many interesting threads. I'm going to make an effort to get to know some of the WISHers on the main section and I encourage everyone to do the same when you have a chance.

This is like saying that your having to much fun or have to many friends. It's a concern but not a huge problem. Erica and I would much rather have more friends than we can keep up with than be without any at all.

Mel, who's dedication, caring and smarts has helped to make the WISH concept a reality, has organized a cross section of the WISH Team to look at making suggestions for keeping our future growth manageable. She has a comment at the beginning of the weekly thread explaining it so please take a moment to check it out.

The WISH Team is an awesome idea and I'm proud to be part of it.

On a personal note, most everyone knows, that I'm conducting an experiment of one with my own training. I've cut down on miles and added regular stretching, calistetics, pialites and weight training.

That sounds like a full ime job and some days it seems that way. Basicly it's like this. If I had 2 hours I would walk for an hour and a half and then cool off in the pool or relax in the hot tub. Now if I have 2 hours I'll do at the most an hour of walking then do a good calistetics and stretching routine, using some yoga and pilaties exercises for strenthening my core muscles. Then 3 days of the week I'll do some light weights.

So far this plan is reaping huge benefits. Thanks to AmyBeth and Lisa's advice on doing the extra stuff properly. For anyone who doesn't know AmyBeth teaches pilaties and Lisa has a background in body building. So these awesome princesses are a wealth of knowledge. I can talk walking or running all day but I have a lot to learn on becoming more limber and stronger. Thanks AmyBeth, thanks Lisa, you gals are aces.

One of the negitive habits we runners/walkers develop is that we get to where we think we know what's best for us. We don't. We need to continually listen to each other and compare notes.

Some of you who are around my age can remember the changes over the years in what's best for athletes. There was a time when we were advised not to drink any water while we were exercising. I remember going out on combat missions with a couple of canteens of water and a pocket full of salt tablets. The US Army's answer to electrolyte replacement in the late 60s early 70s.

This comment is for the people who are new to exercising and fitness. Don't be shy. Often a new person's insight can see something that we "Vets" are missing. Your comments and observations are valuable.

On this next and last comment I think I speak for most of the long time WISHers. If you are new and want to ask a question but are to shy to do it, on the board, then please don't just be silent, PM anyone on here and ask your question or make your comment. We will be glad to answer your question or listen to your coment.

"YARC" Panda:hippie:


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