Parasailing at WDW!!


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Apr 24, 2006
I went parasailing at WDW and thought it was amazing. Went into it thinking I could chicken out at any time, which made it easy not to. :) It was so fun! Exciting and peaceful. What a view!!

While I was up there I saw some buildings I couldn't place. I was up in the air near the Contemporary facing the direction of the MK...but off to the right were some buildings - I think they were pastel pink but could be wrong - that looked like apartments or Navy housing or something. No idea what those were.

It was a wee bit scary...especially when I was getting jerked around hard and then the boat stopped and the two people went to the back of it and were doing something while folks in the boat were watching. I was convinced something was horribly wrong and I was going to crash to my death. But then the driver went back to the front of the boat and the boat started moving again. :)

When I was done, the adrenaline was pumping! I wanted to run or hit something or whatever. It felt GREAT! I was a little proud of myself, too - for not chickening out.

All in all, best experience I've had at WDW. :)

ETA: If anyone decides to do this (and I really think you should!), bring some tip money. There is a tip jar on the boat. I didn't know that parasailing people got tipped and didn't have tip money. :(
My hubby and son wanted to try that when we were there is September but I overscheduled us. We have a few "park free" days this coming September trip so they will have to try it! :goodvibes I am sorry I cannot answer your question, I honestly have no idea!
My hubby and son wanted to try that when we were there is September but I overscheduled us. We have a few "park free" days this coming September trip so they will have to try it! :goodvibes I am sorry I cannot answer your question, I honestly have no idea!
It takes almost no time. I was staying at the Poly and from the time we left our room until we were back in it was about 75 minutes. That includes the ride to the Contemporary, the walk to the dock, signing papers saying that you know you could die, getting in the boat, everyone taking turns putting on the straps and being in the air (other people are on the boat, too, so you wait through each other - I went last and was glad I did) and all the going back to the room.

You don't get wet, which was upsetting for the other girl on the boat. She told them that last time she did it, the driver dunker in the water and she wanted to get dunked again. They were not about to do it and I had to sit there waiting for her to quit whining and pouting.

It is so amazing just being up that high with only a few straps between you and all that air. Though I wouldn't call it "quiet", it is like wind is the only sound in the world. You're all alone waaaaay up there to look around and take in whatever you want. Like swimming in air. :cloud9:

I just can't say enough good things about it. When your DH/DS get done, give it a shot!!!
What a wonderful description (Though I wouldn't call it "quiet", it is like wind is the only sound in the world. You're all alone waaaaay up there to look around and take in whatever you want. Like swimming in air)! :goodvibes My hubby and so think it sounds awesome! I am such a planner, I have a iteneray (sp.) started and it is now listed on the first "no park" day!
DS15 & I went parasailing from the Contemporary this past August. We did the tandem deluxe. Im glad he was up there w/me as he was able to point out some things I never would have seen on my own
Can someone please post Sammy's website (the guy who runs the parasailing and other activities there)? I thought I had it, but can't find it, and wanted to send it to a friend.


DH and I did this, along with treating our DS28 and DS26 plus their wives/girlfriends on our last family trip (DS31/wife have no desire and opted out). Because we were a large enough group, we had the boat to ourselves and it was one of the best Disney memories for us. While I was nervous up there, some of our group took their cameras while parasailing and got great photos. It took about 2 hours for us to all go so we had a lovely time watching each other and boating around the lake, in addition to our individual parasailing experience.

The Sammy Duvall people were great. We tipped $20 per person as the service and entire experience was above expectations.

I didn't talk to the Duvall group but the literature says there is an "extreme" experience that goes higher than the regular parasailing. Of course, the kids want to do that one next time. Yikes. I'm not sure I'm ready to go any further into the sky but we'll see.
Do you mind if I ask how much this runs? Is it per person or a min. for the boat like fishing excursions? Do you know if they have this in Jan./Feb.? You say you don't get wet, how exactly does that work?
Do you mind if I ask how much this runs? Is it per person or a min. for the boat like fishing excursions? Do you know if they have this in Jan./Feb.? You say you don't get wet, how exactly does that work?

I think it was $85 per person for a single rider or $95 for a tandem ride. We did single rides. To do a tandem, the combined weight couldn't be more than 200-250 lbs (cannot remember exactly). The ride is about 10 minutes once you get up there, not including the time it takes you get up there and be brought down. At first I thought "wow, pretty steep price for 10 minutes" but after being up there, it seemed a lot longer (everyone in our party agreed).

We went in January. We made ressies about a week out. We wore regular park clothes and took the monorail from MK to Contemporary, parasailed, then went back to the park. Some in the group took off their shoes because they were wearing flip-flops. I was in tennies and wore my shoes while parasailing. The back of the boat has a flat area where they set you up. The cables crank you out from a seated position on the back of the boat and then when they bring you back down, you effortlessly glide back onto the back of the boat into a standing position. I'm in my 50's and not athletic so if I say it's easy, it's easy. Nobody got wet at all. It was a nice warm day, we had sweatshirts on but did not freeze.

I'm not sure how many the boat holds. Since we were a group of 8, we did not share a boat with others. 6 of us sailed and the other 2 just went along for the ride. If you are going by yourself or with just one other person, you may be sharing a boat with others. The price is still per person, even if you end up being the only one on the boat.


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