Parks Game: Part 11! "Still Playing After All These Years..."

WOW 11! I can't even believe it. Like Higgs said you can find us (those that he listed ) on Infinity and Beyond (PM us for details). Have a Disney Day,
Here's a Sunday night, multi-part question for ya':

From what years did "The Walt Disney Story" run, where was it seen, and what replaced it?

Just a wild guess here:
The Walt Disney Story ran from 1971-1985 in the City Hall building on Main Street USA, and it was replaced by a restaurant.

Nice try on the guess, but I'm sorry to say that, well, um... none of it is correct ;)

(I guess you were right when you said "wild") :earseek:
It has been a while. Was this the show in the old Cinema on Main Street USA?
Nope, not in the Cinema, (which is, of course, still there)
Wow - someone remembered me and actually cared about my whereabouts - I can't believe that there is someone that I DIDN'T upset and who doesn't hate my guts in this chalk circle. :teeth:

BTW; LOVE the intro sure was (and still is) a source of escapism.

Yep - were all still around over at To Infinity...and Beyond. Please PM any of us for details - we'd love to see you guys there!! Oh and I know where mrsapalm is; but I promised Buzz I wouldn't tell anyone...

Oops...that's right somewhere in this fluff is a Q&A game...I better give an answer ::yes::

The Walt Disney Story ran from 1973 - 1992 and was replaced with Walt Disney World's 25th Anniversary Welcome Center...err...which has since been replaced by yet another area in WDW where you get ripped off; 20 bucks for one lousy picture from a Character Meet & Greet. :rolleyes:

Well, that's quite a return to the PG you have there!!! :teeth:

The WDS did run from 1973-1992, was replaced in 1981 by the EPCOT Preview Center, and later the Disney-MGM STudios Preview Center before it closed in October, 1992. In 1996, it was occupied by the Walt Disney World 25th Anniversary Welcome Center. Like the earlier "preview centers" before it, the building was filled with models and exhibits introducing the Disney Cruise Line and other upcoming projects. The Welcome Center closed in 1997, and the exhibits removed. The building is now sponsored by Kodak, and is now known as a "camera center," where guests can purchase camera (of course), film, and photo souvenirs.

Great job, you're up!!!
Yeah AK (or shall I call you Animal Kingdom?) a girl like me has been around... :teeth:

In honour of one of my very favourite PG players; a question from the days of why I started playing this game in the first place...before the days of just 'looking questions up on the internet' to stump one another, we simply would ask questions from our own personal observations at the parks:

Where in the world would you find a game of chess in a stalemate'?

Thanks Higgs; I have since seen it and have taken a pic of them too! ::yes::
Awww...Madonna...I don't know what to say.....

I would answer this question...but obviously I can't :)
The Gang's all here!!!!

:wave: Higgs, Jas, madonna!!!! Great to see you all again! How are all of you and the other members of the WDWWDS? We have missed you all around here. ::yes::

madonna.... I know I've seen that in Pirates of the Caribbean pirate:

:wave2: Hi Higgs ;)

Oh and Ace.... I never had to search the net for questions... Everything I hadn't seen at WDW personally I learned here in the CC from these guys ;).... They are the best! :teeth: Speaking of the best, where's KimPossible?
Well...I know the answer...just wanted to say hi to's good to be back...


I'll be back once that answer is confirmed...:)
Hey Mbabe!! It's GREAT to see you too! :wave2:

And Kim Possible IS the BEST - isn't she?!? Best damn PG player around in my books ::yes::

MBabe is (as usual) all over this sure is from PoC MB; I took this picture on my recent trip, but there was no Johnny Depp in sight. :(

Your up!!

The chess stalemate was in the queue line for Pirates of the Caribbean (the dungeon). The two skeletons died playing it.

>> Sorry, realized that MickeyBabe had answered it after clicking enter, and it didn't let me delete it. My bad...
Thanks madonna! A recent trip? You lucky girl! ::yes:: And if you find Johnny Depp there, hold on to him and I'll be right over! ;)

I'll continue this game within a game and ask...

Where might you find an abandoned checkers game in a similar state?

This is MickeyMouseTeen2006 on my mom's account, cause the thing wont let me sign out.:mad: grr..... oh well... thanks for the welcome guys!!:teeth: ok i would like to use my AAQ card, if i may,

What is the new ride being constructed at AK, costing about 100 million dollars, built by Vekoma????

Kinda easy..
Dave... No, I believe the ToT lobby has another board game set up.... a question for another day ;)

Keep guessing...


:wave2: Hi MMTeen, I'll pass on your question since I have an open one at the moment :)
Is that checkers game going on in Mickey's Country House?


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