Part 7- Lions, Tigers, sister??


<font color=green>Holy smokes, the DIS is a big pl
Nov 30, 2003
Part 7

April 26, 2005


Ughh is it really 7 am already?! Oh wait, we’re in Disney! Today we’re going to the Animal Kingdom. As my sister beats “that stupid phone” and covers her head with the pillow I realize that the others don’t exactly share my enthusiasm this morning. I tread lightly, but tempers are flaring. Feet are still sore from the night before and some people in my family have difficulty without their 15 hours of beauty sleep.

We still make it down to the bus stop by 8 am however, and catch the bus to Animal Kingdom. The bus makes a slight detour to the Grand Floridian, and then we are on our way. We arrive in AK before it opens, with plenty of time to get through the bag checks, make our usual bathroom trip (we have seen every bathroom in every park…that’s a fact) and get in line to go through the gates. As usual we pick the slowest line. It’s hot and humid today, weather we haven’t seen in what seems like an eternity back home. As soon as they let us into the park we make a beeline for the Safaris, along with 99% of the other guests. We get in line and are in a jeep within half an hour. It is now, as we are sitting waiting for something to cross the road out of our line of vision that I realize we’ll see more than just lions and tigers today. I have a bear sitting right next to me. Her name is Laura, and she’s ready to unleash her fury at being up early for the 3rd straight day at whoever crosses her path. Yeah, I got it first.

We had a great ride on the safaris. We lucked out, and some animal blocked the road for 10 minutes so we had to stop, right next to the elephants. There was even a baby elephant. That was awesome, and we got some great pictures. We continued on our safaris, and after exiting headed for the nearest store. Did some shopping than took a snack break (yup it’s 10 am again), while stepdad went for fast passes for Kali River Rapids. It was then that Laura had her meltdown. It led to me wiping back tears because I was so frustrated. Some of you may understand this. Disney is the place where I’m so happy. I wait so long for trips. This was THE last trip before graduation, and I didn’t (still don’t) know when I’ll get back. I was so upset that Laura had the ability to ruin it for me. Her attitude did start to improve after a bit though, and we headed for the Pangani Forest Trail. The gorilla was hiding, since everyone was ignoring the cast member and talking loudly. Apparently that scares gorillas. We exited the Trail and headed for Pizzafarri for lunch. Lunch was good, but nothing spectacular. We then headed for Kali River Rapids, where we ran into more people from NH. This time, however, we knew them. So mom had someone to sit with while she held our bags for us. This was our first ride on Kali. It was good, but a little too short. We came off damp, but much cooler than we had been before. It was really getting hot.

After Kali stepdad and Allison went off to see It’s Tough to Be a Bug. The rest of us went shopping. We then went and checked out Dinoland USA but no one wanted to ride anything. Considered Kali again, but decided to go back to the hotel. It was just too hot, and we were tired. Besides, whether riding Kali or swimming we’d still be cooling off with water. Right??

Up next- Part 8-And the rain fell


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