Penny has got a contest! Design a New Type of Guest Room - Winners Announced! Page 2


I'm Penny, The Cheese and "Dude.all" King!<br><fon
Nov 12, 2005
Well, I must apologize for the last time I ran a contest (which was an utter failure since not enough people showed up), but this time it wont happen again - since it will be done on DIS.

I've had 2 bird hats since I dont know when, and I've always wanted to give one of them away for free, but never found someone to give it to. So - I decided to make a contest and have the bird hat as a prize. Second place prize? I'm not sure yet, rofl. Third? Pink Beret.

So - this is the contest idea. Design a new type of guest room! No, not a public room, and not an existing guest room type that you place stuff in. A room that players will be able to get and place their stuff in. Simply by putting a written description and having a picture of it.

This is what the judges (judges will be announced soon and PLEASE DO NOT ASK to be one) will be judging you on:

- Creativity (40 points)
- How well thought out the room is (20 points)
- Making it able for people to build rooms with (meaning that dont make it so detailed it becomes like a public room) (20 points)
- Giving it the VMK theme, otherwise known as Disney wise (20 points)

Please include the following:

- Why you think it's a good room to make
- Room name
- A description of the room (examples of these are on room quest cards or on the shopping menu for rooms)
- All exit points (if there are exit points where people can only enter like in the epcot room, please point them out)
- The area of you room (Dont put those green mark spaces, but draw a line that indicates were people can place things down.
- Poster/Picture Space
- Any sounds that you would like to add (optional)
- Your DIS and VMK name

You will not be judged on the following:

- How virtual it looks
- Placing furniture in the room (but you can if you want :))
- Having a character in the room (although this may come in handy by knowing sizes of things)

If you have any questions, please PM or post here.

Send in your answers to me, Renpener, and have it with the name "Design a Guest Room Contest Entry". Note that once you send it in, you may not change it. 1 entry per DIS member. No DIS mules, please.

I will post an example of how the entry should look with an existing room type.

Entries due by the last day of the month. Please post here saying that you did send in your entry after you do so we can confirm it. Thanks!


Green Space - Area for furniture
Blue Space - Area for Posters/Pictures
Red Area - Entrance/Exit

Name: Mark Twain Steamboat
Description: It's a stage, it's a theatre, it's a room with a view, put on a good show for those visiting you. (although VMK has it like this, please note to be a little more detailed so we can get an idea)

I think this is a good idea for a room because... I put the exit in it's place because... I gave the room these sounds because... etc.

DIS NAME - Renpener
VMK NAME - CL_Renpener
And yours was very nice :)

Bumpety Bump Bump.

By the way - To make it cute, I decided that the judges will go under names that all VMK players know of. Get ready for a HOST_Lily, VMK_Red, QA_caffdawg, and yavn to judge you (of course not real) ;)
Bump. 10 days left.

Yes, there are judges, but so far it looks like Shadow is going to win since she's the only one who entered.:rotfl:
So far this is who entered:


All entries due on 30th of April by 12:00 midnight on West Coast time.
I'll explain the concept..

Do you know how there's guest rooms that you can buy? Like the Mad Hatter Tea Party or Mark Twain Steamboat? The concept of the contest is to design a type of guest room that if it existed, players could buy it and start to build in.

So let's say for example... I thought that we needed a room based on Cinderella. I'd make a Cinderella's Bedroom Guest Room. Then, to make it onto the contest guidelines, I'd mark up the spaces of where items and posters could be placed. Then, I'd write up a description that players would see if it was for sale (look at the VMK room shopping section for examples) and write up why you thought it would be a good room and why you put special things to it. Additional comments such as sounds and movements in the room can also be entered.

I did receive your PM, duck
I'll explain the concept..

Do you know how there's guest rooms that you can buy? Like the Mad Hatter Tea Party or Mark Twain Steamboat? The concept of the contest is to design a type of guest room that if it existed, players could buy it and start to build in.

So let's say for example... I thought that we needed a room based on Cinderella. I'd make a Cinderella's Bedroom Guest Room. Then, to make it onto the contest guidelines, I'd mark up the spaces of where items and posters could be placed. Then, I'd write up a description that players would see if it was for sale (look at the VMK room shopping section for examples) and write up why you thought it would be a good room and why you put special things to it. Additional comments such as sounds and movements in the room can also be entered.

I did receive your PM, duck


Green Space - Area for furniture
Blue Space - Area for Posters/Pictures
Red Area - Entrance/Exit

Name: Mark Twain Steamboat
Description: It's a stage, it's a theatre, it's a room with a view, put on a good show for those visiting you. (although VMK has it like this, please note to be a little more detailed so we can get an idea)

I think this is a good idea for a room because... I put the exit in it's place because... I gave the room these sounds because... etc.

DIS NAME - Renpener
VMK NAME - CL_Renpener

Ok, but how is your example a new type of room?
Finally decided. The first 2 places will each recieve bird hats, and the third will receive a pink beret
Well, lol, everyone wins since only 3 people entered. However, only 2 of them will get a bird hat.

Results *may* come in on Monday night. No promises!
This thread is mostly me, rofl.

In the end, 3 people entered, which means everyone won

And the winners are:

But before I start, I'd just like to say how great these all were! I had so much difficulty trying to judge them.

No names posted.

First place (seagull hat): Cave of Wonders Guest Room

I love that idea! I can so imagine that being a room, and probably with the eyes doing the same motions that yours does.

Second Place (seagull hat): Buzz's Astro Blast Place

It makes me want to go on Astro Blasters right now. Good job! Maybe something like this will pop up if we have a toy story month in VMK.

Third Place (pink beret): Splash Beach Guest Room

Well, since there's a public room with this idea, it was a little difficult to judge. Although, I can imagine your idea for having a guest room slightly similar to this. Sharks in the pool, rofl!

All winners please contact me saying when is a good time to get your prize.



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