Periphreal Artery Disease


<font color=peach>I cried like a baby watching the
Jun 26, 2004
My Mom, has had servere foot & leg problems the past few weeks. Very cold and painful to walk on. She had been diagnosed with Periphreal Artery Disease. As of today she still needs to have some test to see if she can have the procedure where they open her leg arteries with a balloon, by going through the groin.

Has anybody here have this procedure? I am just looking to see what she should expect. Her doctor seems to saying its nothing more than "pulling a tooth" (my words not his..but that is his attitude), this will be done in his office.

Mom is now late 70's, suffers from Alzheimers and Emphysema. She is on Oxygen 24x7. Her weight is 130lbs, her Heart rate is fine and so is her Blood pressure (in fact they are text book perfect).

Any Info will be much appreaciated.:goodvibes
I have no experience with this.. but do have this to say. It scares me when doctors minimize any having a tooth pulled..

I am not a doctor, but I did read your Mom's age and condition, why would he not do it in the hospital?? She has Alzheimers and Emphysema, oxygen 24 7.. why take chances is my thought. Also...done under general anesthesia, local?????these are important questions to ask since she is on oxygen, I would think. Again, not a doctor.. just inquisitive when it comes to medical care.

If what you are referring to is called angioplasty, my Mom had that and it was a while back. It was done in a hospital setting and I remember it well. Is he planning on putting in a stent to keep the vein open, I think you need to ask more questions here and be the advocate for your Mom. I did do some reading on the procedure and although they say it is minimally invasive, I would rather at her age and with her condition, see it done in a hospital setting.. this is me though, I never take chances with my health, my children's, or my husband's. I ask lots of questions and I am rather outspoken on treatment and procedures, you have to be because now the insurance companies are running the doctors and our medical needs are being done the cheap way..

From the Mayo Clinic site:

"Angioplasty. In this procedure, a small hollow tube (catheter) is threaded through a blood vessel to the affected artery. There, a small balloon on its tip is inflated to reopen the artery and flatten the blockage into the artery wall, while at the same time stretching the artery open to increase blood flow. In some cases, a mesh framework called a stent is deployed and left in the artery to help keep it open. This is the same procedure doctors use to open heart arteries."

Hugs.. I know you are trying to do the right thing for your Mom.....hope you get answers here with others with more experience and do ask the doctor lots of questions.....he is there to answer these questions and take care of your Mom..


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