Person detained in pipe bomb case

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I bet he was dumb enough to lick the stamps!

I am very glad that they got him. Now that he's in custody it's easy to dismiss him as a nutty crack pot. But what he did was very serious and dangerous and the definition of a terrorist. Not only were his targets in danger, but all the dozens of postal employees that handed the packages were also in danger. I don't think we are "out of the woods" yet as there are probably still some bombs in the postal system.
I bet he was dumb enough to lick the stamps!

I am very glad that they got him. Now that he's in custody it's easy to dismiss him as a nutty crack pot. But what he did was very serious and dangerous and the definition of a terrorist. Not only were his targets in danger, but all the dozens of postal employees that handed the packages were also in danger. I don't think we are "out of the woods" yet as there are probably still some bombs in the postal system.

I've not had lickable stamps in years. Mine have all been pre glued stickers.

Are there still lickable stamps?
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I've not had lickable stamps in years. Mine have all been pre glued stickers.

Are there still lickable stamps?

I don't think so. The last ones I recall were sold by those stamp vending machines in post offices that dispensed them from a wall. I was possible to buy complete coils though. I think those were primarily used by businesses with equipment that only used rolls. However, I haven't seen an operational stamp vending machine in years outside of maybe the ones at airports. They had a habit of not dispensing what the customer paid for.

But today even coils come as a pressure-sensitive sticker. I suppose newer equipment can handle them.

I don't think so. The last ones I recall were sold by those stamp vending machines in post offices that dispensed them from a wall. I was possible to buy complete coils though. I think those were primarily used by businesses with equipment that only used rolls. However, I haven't seen an operational stamp vending machine in years outside of maybe the ones at airports. They had a habit of not dispensing what the customer paid for.

But today even coils come as a pressure-sensitive sticker. I suppose newer equipment can handle them.


Yes, I use the coils at work and they are stickers.
And the sad thing is so many online are posting this is a set up or other conspirarcy theories. Ex it’s “suspicious” he was caught so fast, so he’s a scape goat” Or those stickers are “too new looking” to be authentic from this guy.

It’s a crazy world out there when we stop believing FACTS. I think the FBI did their job and also a good job.
And the sad thing is so many online are posting this is a set up or other conspirarcy theories. Ex it’s “suspicious” he was caught so fast, so he’s a scape goat” Or those stickers are “too new looking” to be authentic from this guy.

It’s a crazy world out there when we stop believing FACTS. I think the FBI did their job and also a good job.

Here I thought the arrest would put an end to the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. Boy was I wrong.
Glad he was caught.
He won’t be seeing the outside world for a long while if/when convicted.
Innocent until proven Guilty.
Clearly imho, a mentally Unstable person.
I never understand people sticking stickers of any types on their cars.

Especially the stupid family stickers.

Off-Topic!! I have a "Salt Life" sticker & my monogram on the back window of our minivan, & I had to beg, plead, & promise favors to get DH to agree & let me put stickers on our brand-new van. LOL!
Glad he was caught.
He won’t be seeing the outside world for a long while if/when convicted.
Innocent until proven Guilty.
Clearly imho, a mentally Unstable person.

Given his DNA all over everything, I'd say it's a fairly safe conclusion that unless he gets off on the insanity plea and ends up in the loony bin, he's guilty.
And the sad thing is so many online are posting this is a set up or other conspirarcy theories. Ex it’s “suspicious” he was caught so fast, so he’s a scape goat” Or those stickers are “too new looking” to be authentic from this guy.

It’s a crazy world out there when we stop believing FACTS. I think the FBI did their job and also a good job.
I read those too. Many said his family is now "set for life" since he was a paid patsy. Good grief! Have people always been this paranoid and dumb?
Off-Topic!! I have a "Salt Life" sticker & my monogram on the back window of our minivan, & I had to beg, plead, & promise favors to get DH to agree & let me put stickers on our brand-new van. LOL!

And to be even more off-topic, what the heck are the "Salt Life" stickers for anyway? I'm thinking beach? My neighbor's daughter has one and she pretty much hates the beach so I think I must be wrong.
Apparently on his twitter where he threatened numerous people, there was also a lot of photos of a certain "news" organization named after an animal....I'll let you guess which one.
Wow, you should probably report that to the FBI.
Anyone who would plan and carry out the stuff that this guy did is an evil person, regardless of his or her political affiliations. I'm glad that this evil guy is behind bars and hopefully will spend many many years in prison.

But I've just got to also add this...
This guy must be a special kind of dumb. I mean, seriously, think about it. Back in 1995, the FBI was able to find & capture the Unibomber and forensics technology has improved in the 23 years since that happened.
And to be even more off-topic, what the heck are the "Salt Life" stickers for anyway? I'm thinking beach? My neighbor's daughter has one and she pretty much hates the beach so I think I must be wrong.

You're right!

"Salt Life" = Beach Life

In the words of the Jimmy Buffett song, "Salty air... it ain't thin - it'll stick right to your skin, & make you feel fine!"

And I LOOVE the beach, so it's perfect for me... not sure about your neighbor's daughter.
Given his DNA all over everything, I'd say it's a fairly safe conclusion that unless he gets off on the insanity plea and ends up in the loony bin, he's guilty.
Totally agree with you! I Re-read my post and can see how u may have interpreted that I thought differently.
Regardless, Everyone is Innocent till proven otherwise..
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