PHM 2015-In Pursuit of Cupcakes While Running in Glass Slippers

Cupcake Friday
(As if just being that it is Friday, is not sweet enough)

A Tale of 2 Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Today we are going to take a look at 2 cupcakes that have a something in common…PEANUT BUTTER! In fact, I love peanut butter that I have been known around my house to just grab a spoon occasionally and scoop out a huge mound to eat. Today’s Cupcake Friday will finish the cupcakes in DHS and move to our last cupcake location in WDW, the Boardwalk Bakery. First up,

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcake
DHS: Starring Rolls Café[

Our last cupcake at Starring Rolls is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcake. The frosting is a huge, gooey mound of fudgy chocolate peanut butter frosting topped with huge curls of milk chocolate!

The cupcake itself is a chocolate cake with 2 treats hidden within. First, the chocolate cake has chocolate chips incorporated into the batter, so you get that added burst of chocolate as you’re eating. I personally LOVE when there are chocolate chips in cake. I love the texture! And yes this cupcake as a filling, another mound of that same fudgy chocolate peanut butter frosting from up above.

“This is undoubtedly the choice for all of you choc-o-holic Disney fans out there. And for those of you who, like me, can’t get enough chocolate and peanut butter — you’re going to LOVE it!”​

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcake
Boardwalk Bakery

This cupcake has bumped the DHS Butterfinger Cupcake out of first place on the Disney Food Blog. And what makes this cupcake so good according to reports is the frosting, so let’s start there… rich, thick, tastes like cookie dough. The peanut butter frosting has the taste and texture of peanut butter cookie dough. For decoration Disney uses those real chocolate sprinkles and a dusting of butterfinger candy.

Underneath this over the top yummy icing is a chocolate cupcake. And inside? You will find more peanut butter frosting!

“Oh Heavens. Now, I know there are some of you who don’t like peanut butter. There are even some of you who don’t like chocolate. And if that’s you — my heart breaks for you! And… can I have your cupcake?”

My Thoughts?
I really am not loving the Peanut Butter Cupcake at Starring rolls, to me it just does not look like a peanut butter cupcake, more like an over the top chocolate cupcake. I think I will stick with something else at DHS! As for the Peanut Butter Chocolate at Boardwalk Bakery, it is now on my must list! It looks like a great balance between chocolate and peanut butter…which is what I like more peanut butter, less chocolate so that the chocolate does not over power the peanut butter flavor.

Your Thoughts?
I like chocolate, but I am loyal to the butterfinger cupcake at DHS. I think I might try that chocolate banana Baymax cupcake though if it's still available!
Um, BOTH please!!!! The ONLY thing I like better than chocolate and caramel is chocolate and PB! I would pick something with PB over anything else, so I would want to try BOTH of these! :rolleyes1

Tammie, I giggled at your "spoonful" of PB comment. I actually had to stop eating PB EVER b/c I would sit down with the jar and a spoon...and there's nothing that makes me gain more weight. I just could never stop at one spoonful, so NO spoonfuls for me. Sigh. I do get powdered PB2 (they take some of the oil/fat out) and put it in my yogurt though! YUM!

See. Obsessed with PB. :rolleyes:
I am one of those who is not a huge chocolate fan, but I do love chocolate and peanut butter together. Hmmm...I may have to try that one at Boardwalk!
Why does PB have to go on a CHOCOLATE cake :scared: You know my angst with chocolate cake. Other than all the chocolate, they both look good.

Training?? What is this training you speak of? I am soooooo undertrained right now its not even the slightest bit funny. Life is just throwing me curve balls left & right these days & strings upon strings of bad luck (don't even ask what little surprise we found out today) & I cant keep up with it all. My running has been quite slim the last few months. Injury is better & I need to get back to running & races to find my sanity...but there is always some little (or now BIG) speed bump trying to get in the way.

Super excited for all the cupcakes doing PHM weekend next month. Promise I will be at the next one...well, at least W&D 2016 (not sure what everyone is doing for C2C 2016) & then my grand plan of Goofy OR Dopey (yes I just said that) 2018. Putting a tentative marathon back on my calendar for late 2016 & I need to get back at this.
I'm with you on the chocolate cake, Debra! The large amount of peanut butter might make it doable for me though. lol
Motivation Monday

Yipee, I get to say next month I am going to Disney World! Actually 36 more days until we take off!

Training has continued to be at a standstill thanks to resting those shins, the weather and schedule. I know excuses, excuses! This is a big week for me…I have my first half marathon. So many emotions and thoughts are running through my head in preparation for this event. I am excited, how crazy! Excited to run 13.1 miles?! I am extremely nervous at the same time. I know that I can do this, I have trained (well up until 2 weeks ago) and the course time requirement is well within my ability…but it is scary to think about putting yourself out there and actually doing it! I have set my goal as finishing under 3 ½ hours or a 16 mm pace. I am not going to push myself hard, but to use this race as a training run…the reason to get out there and run that long distance! I find it so much easier to tackle long distance when the lure of bling at the end!

I worked on costumes this week a little. Amy H and I are going to be Drizella & Anastasia from Cinderella for the PHM. We had planned to go with those costumes for ToT a few years ago and I am so happy that we finally get let out our inner silliness!

I really need to watch Cinderella and look through google pictures so we can have fun with the race make silly faces! I will post pictures when they are completely finished! Here is what I accomplished this weekend…

Our group cupcake outfit for the 5K is coming together quite nicely. I designed a shirt during thanksgiving…shirts are now ordered, artwork and bling are being created and in a few weeks they should arrive, about the same time as our custom cupcake sparkleskirt that we created back in September! I made everyone’s cupcake Mickey Ears this weekend…

I think they turned out pretty cute! I can’t wait until all the pieces are together and we can see the finished look!

I also have worked a little on my packing list, which means trying to figure out what I am going to wear each day of the trip…so I have a few more “themed” shirts to get order and taken care of! As well as 1 more sparkle skirt that I am eyeing!

Things are certainly coming together and that is a lot of motivation to keep on getting those miles in…hopefully the weather will cooperate some that I can get in a few walks during lunch as I have already decided that I am not going to push the shins to run this week…

How is your motivation? How are your preparations coming?
Tammie, hang in there! I know how difficult it is to train and deal with injury at the same time! I'm a bit there myself, but it's less an injury right now and more about how long it takes me to recover after a long run.

Darn head and heard conflict...I cant afford to get really hurt right before like with forcing myself!

I had some severe tenderness/pain (tendonitis) on the top of my left foot after my 9.5 miles last week. It's better now, but I'm modifying my long runs before the race because I don't want the tendonitis to turn into a bad injury. I'm just shortening my long runs a big, I am still going to do 3 more, I think. A 10, an 8, and then an 11 three weeks out. This gives me time to heal up and recover if the 11 pushes my body too much.

For me it's just the way my body reacts. I could not have trained more or better this year to prepare for this, I was 100% on the ball about training and yet STILL am close to injury when I add in miles. It's just how my body reacts, I guess? :confused3 I just want to balance training with not injuring myself before the race. I suspect I could run the half with no issues today if I needed to, but I have to keep that level of training until the race without blowing it by pushing too much! Way to overcomplicate things, right? :lmao:

For the record, I am NOT running tomorrow in -40. So there. Not hard core.

But I saw your attempt this you are still hardcore to me!

You can call it Hard core except for Nicole Team IRC. Okay? :thumbsup2

P.S- your training plan looks great! I can't believe we are so close! It will fly. I hope not too fast because I actually have to have all my work done before I fly out and it's looking iffy right now.....

If I could concentrate on work and not fighting children stuck at home because of polar vortex school days I'd be better.......... :scared1:

Well you people up there need to seriously quit ticking Elsa off!

I will run in the dungeon tomorrow. Not going outside at all tomorrow

At least you have dungeon...

My coworker I'm doing the Glass Slipper with hasn't started training. I don't know how she's going to handle it all.

OH I hate people like that...that can just go out there and do it!

Provided I don't get swept for the Rebel Challenge my training plan is going to look like this starting Jan 19th:

5Ks on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays
Wednesday will be Jan 21st: 0 miles, Jan 28th: 6 miles, Feb 4th: 6 miles, Feb 11th: 6 miles, Feb 18th: 0 miles
45 minutes of cross training on Monday & Fridays
Sundays will be Jan 25th: 0 Miles, Feb 1st: 8 miles, Feb 8th: 12 to 14 miles, Feb 15th: 0 miles

Great plans...sure you wont get swept either!

It's supposed to be in the 20a tomorrow morning when I would normally run. I told my husband under no circumstances was I getting up to run. This SoCal girl does do 20 degrees. If it warms up to high 40s I'll go tomorrow afternoon. I had planned a 5K tomorrow and 5 miles Sat.

I hear you...brrr!

I like chocolate, but I am loyal to the butterfinger cupcake at DHS. I think I might try that chocolate banana Baymax cupcake though if it's still available!

That Baymax does look yummy! We had a chocolate banana cupcake at CBR and it was amazing!

Um, BOTH please!!!! The ONLY thing I like better than chocolate and caramel is chocolate and PB! I would pick something with PB over anything else, so I would want to try BOTH of these! :rolleyes1


Tammie, I giggled at your "spoonful" of PB comment. I actually had to stop eating PB EVER b/c I would sit down with the jar and a spoon...and there's nothing that makes me gain more weight. I just could never stop at one spoonful, so NO spoonfuls for me. Sigh. I do get powdered PB2 (they take some of the oil/fat out) and put it in my yogurt though! YUM!

See. Obsessed with PB. :rolleyes:

ME TOO...I like PB2 but when I get a spoonful of that dry it sticks to my mouth something awful...:rotfl2:

I'll take one of each please!


I am one of those who is not a huge chocolate fan, but I do love chocolate and peanut butter together. Hmmm...I may have to try that one at Boardwalk!

Great plans!

Why does PB have to go on a CHOCOLATE cake :scared: You know my angst with chocolate cake. Other than all the chocolate, they both look good.


Training?? What is this training you speak of? I am soooooo undertrained right now its not even the slightest bit funny. Life is just throwing me curve balls left & right these days & strings upon strings of bad luck (don't even ask what little surprise we found out today) & I cant keep up with it all. My running has been quite slim the last few months. Injury is better & I need to get back to running & races to find my sanity...but there is always some little (or now BIG) speed bump trying to get in the way.

Life is throwing you too many curve balls! It needs to STOP!

Super excited for all the cupcakes doing PHM weekend next month. Promise I will be at the next one...well, at least W&D 2016 (not sure what everyone is doing for C2C 2016) & then my grand plan of Goofy OR Dopey (yes I just said that) 2018. Putting a tentative marathon back on my calendar for late 2016 & I need to get back at this.

I am ONLY DOING the can be goofy and dopey all by yourself!

I'm with you on the chocolate cake, Debra! The large amount of peanut butter might make it doable for me though. lol


No pb for me...not really my thing but I do love the pbj milkshake at 50s prime time...

I really need to 50sPrimeTime again...maybe next trip! They used to have an amazing Boston Cream Pie Cupcake...:love:
You'll do great Tammie, just take it slow! :thumbsup2 I'm with first full is going to be JUST (LOL...that is laughable, btw, using the word JUST) the marathon. I have recovery issues and there is no way I would do that to my body on my first full. Maybe in the future, but that's what I did with my first half for PHM. I did "just" the half and not the challenge, saved the challenge for this year! :goodvibes

Training is going well for me, I had to switch my weeks around because of an upcoming trip in early Feb. to Orlando and b/c I wanted my longest run to be 3 weeks out, not 2, so that I have more time to recover. Still getting the runs in and I have so much more confidence this year than last! It feels great and I'm excited to actually ENJOY the half instead of being in pain and worrying about not finishing!
You've got this, Tammie! I'm sure you'll rock that half!

My preparations are almost zero at this moment. I just got back from being out of state for 3 weeks, so I have to unpack and pack again. I have 1 outfit decided. Geez...I really need to get on it!
Good luck on your half Tammie! I did my first one Dec 20 and it was do-able. Just be sure to have a way to warm up at the end - my core cooled very quickly. And make sure you are getting enough electrolytes. I fueled with plenty of Honey Stingers, but only had water on the course, which crashed me at mile 10. Take some electrolytes, or make sure you know they will have them on the course.

Best of luck! I'll be thinking about you!
I'm with you on the chocolate cake, Debra! The large amount of peanut butter might make it doable for me though. lol

Maybe I can convince my daughter to try one of these when we go in Dec...then I can try a bite, but not have to worry about all the chocolate...she is our chocolate crazed daughter.

No pb for me...not really my thing but I do love the pbj milkshake at 50s prime time...

I have never been to 50's PT, but I always hear about that amazing milkshake. One day I guess I will have to eat there.
Hi ladies! I forget to check disboards sometimes and get behind. :)

Tammie - I would eat both of those cupcakes and love every single minute of it!!! I LOVE chocolate and I LOVE peanut butter! :love:

My training is going pretty good! I actually need to get on the treadmill right now while Tebow is napping. I went for my longest run ever this past Saturday. I misjudged my turn around and ended up going 11.47 instead of 11. I was pretty tired around 10.5 though and just walked the rest of the way. I didn't eat enough that morning before I ran.

I'm sticking with the Galloway finish upright plan for PHM. I should just have 2 more long runs before PHM. :banana::faint:
Motivation Monday

Yipee, I get to say next month I am going to Disney World! Actually 36 more days until we take off!

Our group cupcake outfit for the 5K is coming together quite nicely. I designed a shirt during thanksgiving…shirts are now ordered, artwork and bling are being created and in a few weeks they should arrive, about the same time as our custom cupcake sparkleskirt that we created back in September! I made everyone’s cupcake Mickey Ears this weekend…

I think they turned out pretty cute! I can’t wait until all the pieces are together and we can see the finished look!

I also have worked a little on my packing list, which means trying to figure out what I am going to wear each day of the trip…so I have a few more “themed” shirts to get order and taken care of! As well as 1 more sparkle skirt that I am eyeing!

Things are certainly coming together and that is a lot of motivation to keep on getting those miles in…hopefully the weather will cooperate some that I can get in a few walks during lunch as I have already decided that I am not going to push the shins to run this week…

How is your motivation? How are your preparations coming?

Those cupcake headbands are great!! You did a fantastic job making them.

If you get to the Baymax cupcake, it's skippable. Not my favorite by a longshot.
Cupcake Friday
(As if just being Friday is not sweet enough…)

Strawberry Cupcake & Orange Cream Cupcake
Boardwalk Bakery

One of the places that I love just to sit back at relax at in Disney has to be the Boardwalk. My family and I had the pleasure of staying there during our Christmas trip a few years ago and we all fell in love with the area! It is my dream sometime to stay at the BC or YC or even back to the BW! The atmosphere is just like you would expect at a BW along the Jersey Shore (minus the Jersey Shore characters). The charm of the building and the overall theming is typical Disney magic, along with the added bonus of being able to walk to Epcot and DHS! Here is where I met my most favorite Disney cupcake of all…Christmas Peppermint. Sadly, I won’t find it on this trip. BUT, I have my eyes on a couple of new flavors!

Strawberry Cupcake

BWB used to have a strawberry shortcake cupcake, but from reports it has been replaced by this cupcake. So let’s start as we always do the outside. The frosting is a strawberry and vanilla swirl. According to reports it is very light and tastes more like a mousse…YUM! And one report said that since the frosting was not too sweet, it make a great breakfast treat (I like how they think). The frosting is topped with a big, fresh strawberry and coated with a rim of red sprinkles.

The cupcake is a white cake and the center has strawberry with actual strawberries mixed in. YAY, something in the middle…there is that Disney magic!

Orange Cream Cupcake

I am a fan of orange, especially in baked items! This cupcake starts with the usual marvelously-airy Boardwalk Buttercream that has a slight orange flavor with a few little shavings of orange zest and topped with a piece of chocolate for decoration. I am so not a fan of orange and chocolate.

The cake of the Orange Cream cupcake has just that delicious flavor and texture of an orange muffin and the middle is filled with a delicious orange cream (nice and light and orange-ish).

My Thoughts?
Both of these cupcakes I am very willing to sample! I am a fan of both orange and strawberry…I really like them mixed together in a smoothie! They look to be a nice break from chocolate overload! Not sure if either will actually be in the case as it seems Disney likes to change out cupcakes!

Your Thoughts?
Kate and I will eat these for Bfast after the PHM:) maybe both - I was super hungry last year so bring it on!


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