PlanDisney Panelist Search 2024 Applications Now Open

I applied again. One year I made it to round 2. I didn't prepare my answers ahead of time, though I did read the questions.

I have a friend on the panel. I can't remember exactly how long she's been on it, but it's been many years (at least 5 or so). She cycles on and off - some years they ask her to be active, and some not.
I've applied almost every year and have never made it past round 1. It does suck, but I remind myself that I'm still the expert that my friends go to for advice, even if Disney doesn't see it. That they're missing out on the advice that a multiple trips/year, DVC owner, AP holder can bring. But hey.... nothing that another WDW trip can't fix.
I think the thing to remember in something like this is just HOW MANY applications they're receiving and how slim the odds truly are. There are so many worthy applicants, but in some ways making the panel is like winning the lottery. I'm not saying that to detract from what the panelists have accomplished - because it absolutely takes tons of drive, dedication, talent and passion to make the panel. But there are FAR more driven, dedicated, talented, passionate applicants who would make amazing panelists than there are spots. There's a lot of chance and luck involved here.
Just to play I sent my submission in. without any real planning or prep. lol.. Just curious if i am a good enought without trying lol... just curious what will happen.

That's exactly how I approached Round 1 last year (my first year applying) and I made it to Round 2. Also my nomenclature was pretty bad, looking back. I was trying to save on my word count so I wound up abbreviating and shortening names/terms to make it all fit. It didn't seem to count against me.
I think the thing to remember in something like this is just HOW MANY applications they're receiving and how slim the odds truly are. There are so many worthy applicants, but in some ways making the panel is like winning the lottery. I'm not saying that to detract from what the panelists have accomplished - because it absolutely takes tons of drive, dedication, talent and passion to make the panel. But there are FAR more driven, dedicated, talented, passionate applicants who would make amazing panelists than there are spots. There's a lot of chance and luck involved here.

I think there’s definitely an element of luck, especially to get to Round 2. There are so many applications in Round 1, it’s just human nature to not be able to give equal attention to each application. Also how some people can get to Round 3 and then not past Round 1 the next year?!
Last year there were 25 Panelists selected. 40 round 3 finalists were in a FB group together, we estimated there may have been about 50 total. I would guess 250-500 in round 2 is probably pretty accurate based on how many round 2 applicants are in the main FB groups for the panel.
Yeah the info I had read was from several years ago. Last year the numbers of panelist was high. Here's hoping for a similar year.
I think there’s definitely an element of luck, especially to get to Round 2. There are so many applications in Round 1, it’s just human nature to not be able to give equal attention to each application. Also how some people can get to Round 3 and then not past Round 1 the next year?!
I think your last sentence is what gets me the most. I have been incredibly fortunate the past two year to advance to Round 2. My first year was two years ago. The videos I submitted were both far different from each other. And knowing that others that have made it so far then not even past Round 1 in following years...that is devastating and terrifying all at the same time.
This is why I think that there has be an automated approach. You can't tell me 20,000 applications are read by humans. Even HR for large companies with systems and AI to screen first rounds. Unless somebody here is on the inside and can 100% confirm, disney has a HUGE team of people reading for a week or so. even with short answers. I am guessing you need 5 minutes MIN to skim. I am sure there are some red flags.. or Knock outs. Ex.. Disney Cruise they only want people who sailed all ships etc.. but dont formally say that.
does anyone know of where I can find sample answers. I just curious how bad and good some people write.. google didnt give me anything.

When I see what I wrote I am probably too factual and too the point. I added some "magic" etc.. but they probably want sentences like.. "and there is plenty of space for your little pirate to store their light sabers" iso there is plenty of storage space...

for me it's a bit too much kwim?
I think there’s definitely an element of luck, especially to get to Round 2. There are so many applications in Round 1, it’s just human nature to not be able to give equal attention to each application. Also how some people can get to Round 3 and then not past Round 1 the next year?!

I think it must be super subjective. I know every application is read/reviewed by a human. But they must have a pretty large team of people reading these, and I'm sure what appeals to/stands out to one person might not be as exciting to another. That, plus I've heard that what they're looking for (whatever that is) changes from year to year. Like maybe one year they really need to add some kid-free panelists who can specialize in adults-only trips, and maybe the next year they are short on panelists who are really knowledgeable about mobility/accessibility issues. I wonder if they know they're looking to fill a certain gap, if they start pushing apps through in R1 that look like they might be able to fill that role.
does anyone know of where I can find sample answers. I just curious how bad and good some people write.. google didnt give me anything.

When I see what I wrote I am probably too factual and too the point. I added some "magic" etc.. but they probably want sentences like.. "and there is plenty of space for your little pirate to store their light sabers" iso there is plenty of storage space...

for me it's a bit too much kwim?

There is a facebook group dedicated to the search, that also has a side-group where applicants can share their responses with others. It's a VERY positive space meant to lift others up, not a competitive vibe at all. It can be fun and cathartic to share the process with other people who are going through the process.

I'm not sure that factual would be a bad thing. Honestly who really knows what they're looking for? I made it to Round 2 last year with imperfect nomenclature and what I felt in retrospect were pretty boring, vanilla responses. I tried to add some personality in this year, but that could backfire 😂
This is why I think that there has be an automated approach. You can't tell me 20,000 applications are read by humans. Even HR for large companies with systems and AI to screen first rounds. Unless somebody here is on the inside and can 100% confirm, disney has a HUGE team of people reading for a week or so. even with short answers. I am guessing you need 5 minutes MIN to skim. I am sure there are some red flags.. or Knock outs. Ex.. Disney Cruise they only want people who sailed all ships etc.. but dont formally say that.

I sort of wonder if the "every app read by a human" thing is true as well. I wonder if there is some filter that weeds out apps they know won't be a fit, and then have a team of humans read whatever is left.
does anyone know of where I can find sample answers. I just curious how bad and good some people write.. google didnt give me anything.

When I see what I wrote I am probably too factual and too the point. I added some "magic" etc.. but they probably want sentences like.. "and there is plenty of space for your little pirate to store their light sabers" iso there is plenty of storage space...

for me it's a bit too much kwim?
I struggled with the same thing—trying to balance the fun references with the most important information. I ended up with the more factual/too the point approach given the word count constraints. And I've have been kicking myself ever since. 😂
This is why I think that there has be an automated approach. You can't tell me 20,000 applications are read by humans. Even HR for large companies with systems and AI to screen first rounds. Unless somebody here is on the inside and can 100% confirm, disney has a HUGE team of people reading for a week or so. even with short answers. I am guessing you need 5 minutes MIN to skim. I am sure there are some red flags.. or Knock outs. Ex.. Disney Cruise they only want people who sailed all ships etc.. but dont formally say that.
While I completely see what you are saying, I would make sense if it were broken up into team for the different locations/specialties. That would significantly lower the number the each group would need to review. Feasibly it would not be possible for one person in each speciality to read the responses. I would make more sense with teams. With AI being so new and the panel having been around a while, I think they may have a system down to be able to review these. But that is more than likely why it does take the entire month to push through Round 1.
While I completely see what you are saying, I would make sense if it were broken up into team for the different locations/specialties. That would significantly lower the number the each group would need to review. Feasibly it would not be possible for one person in each speciality to read the responses. I would make more sense with teams. With AI being so new and the panel having been around a while, I think they may have a system down to be able to review these. But that is more than likely why it does take the entire month to push through Round 1.

I'm curious if it will actually take a full month this time to get the R1 results back. If they're saying the entire process will end in September, I feel like it may need to move a bit faster than that. I can't really remember how long it all took last time though (and I've only ever done it once so my frame of reference is limited).
There is a facebook group dedicated to the search, that also has a side-group where applicants can share their responses with others. It's a VERY positive space meant to lift others up, not a competitive vibe at all. It can be fun and cathartic to share the process with other people who are going through the process.

I'm not sure that factual would be a bad thing. Honestly who really knows what they're looking for? I made it to Round 2 last year with imperfect nomenclature and what I felt in retrospect were pretty boring, vanilla responses. I tried to add some personality in this year, but that could backfire 😂
I remember my first year (two years ago), someone talking about nomenclature and double spaces after periods. As someone who grew up learning the double space thing, I PANICKED the entire month that I was automatically out just for that. Needless to say I made it through but definitely changed my spacebar usage! LOL!

Nomenclature I have always double checked because I felt like if it came down to two people, that could be the deciding factor.
I struggled with the same thing—trying to balance the fun references with the most important information. I ended up with the more factual/too the point approach given the word count constraints. And I've have been kicking myself ever since. 😂

This was me last year. I felt like my responses were boring, especially after comparing to others' responses that were wittier or included more Disney references. I did make it to R2 though, so definitely don't count yourself out.
I'm curious if it will actually take a full month this time to get the R1 results back. If they're saying the entire process will end in September, I feel like it may need to move a bit faster than that. I can't really remember how long it all took last time though (and I've only ever done it once so my frame of reference is limited).
Last year we started at the beginning of September for round 1, found out round 2 applicants at the beginning of October (Monday or a Tuesday), then received our video prompts on Thursday, videos were due the following Monday or Tuesday, round three was announced right before Wine and Dine weekend. So end of October. Round three interviews were the first couple of days of November and panelist were informed the first full week of November, with one being surprised at the finish line of the W&D Half.

It is quite possible it will move faster this year. I have a feeling it will with the way they worded the website. That is why I am so much more uneasy than last year.
I remember my first year (two years ago), someone talking about nomenclature and double spaces after periods. As someone who grew up learning the double space thing, I PANICKED the entire month that I was automatically out just for that. Needless to say I made it through but definitely changed my spacebar usage! LOL!

Nomenclature I have always double checked because I felt like if it came down to two people, that could be the deciding factor.

I was a lot more careful about the nomenclature this year. Last year I abbreviated/shortened so many things in R1, and while it didn't keep me from progressing to R2 (and I did much better with the nomenclature in R2), I didn't progress to R3. It had me thinking that when they're deciding who goes to R3, they might be looking at the application as whole, including R1 and R2, which could definitely have hurt me compared to someone who got all the nomenclature right from the get-go.

This year I worked SO hard to get it all right, and I still messed one small detail up, which I'm kicking myself for. It's a really small error in the grand scheme of things, and I nailed the rest of it, so I'm hoping they can overlook it.

Honestly this year the training dates would be very inconvenient for me (though if I somehow by some miracle actually made it, I would get myself there). But if/when the "no" comes this year, it'll definitely take some of the sting out of it for me.
Last year we started at the beginning of September for round 1, found out round 2 applicants at the beginning of October (Monday or a Tuesday), then received our video prompts on Thursday, videos were due the following Monday or Tuesday, round three was announced right before Wine and Dine weekend. So end of October. Round three interviews were the first couple of days of November and panelist were informed the first full week of November, with one being surprised at the finish line of the W&D Half.

It is quite possible it will move faster this year. I have a feeling it will with the way they worded the website. That is why I am so much more uneasy than last year.

Last year I believe R1 opened on September 6th or 7th, and I know for sure that it closed September 13th. I got my R2 email on October 10th. R2 opened on October 14th, closed on October 19th, and I had my R2 "no thanks" email on October 27th. I don't know the specifics of R3 except the R3 applicants were notified on/around Nov. 7th. So all in all it took about 10 weeks. There are only 8 weeks between now and the end of September. They'll need to shorten it a bit somewhere.
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Last year I believe R1 opened on September 6th or 7th, and I know for sure that it closed September 13th. I got my R2 email on October 10th. R2 opened on October 14th, closed on October 19th, and I had my R2 "no thanks" email on October 27th. I don't know the specifics of R3 except the R3 applicants were notified on/around Nov. 7th. So all in all it took about 14 weeks. There are only 8 weeks between now and the end of September.
Yea. The last two year, R1 always fell over my anniversary, which we have spent at the parks, and I ended up writing my response there. R3 I only know about because I kept up with the Facebook group for a hot second and realized that if I had made it through by some miracle, that I would have been at WDW for race weekend. As far as announcements for R3, I recently wanted a vlog for a current panelist and she had talked about how they surprised her at the finish line.

I was calmer last year just because the timeline was expected. Now we are back to being "into the unknown🎶🎵🎶"


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