PLEASE HELP! Sick kid. Cruise leaves tomorrow.

As the mother of a child who has had many stomach viruses, I would head towards port and see what happens. The limo is already paid for, and I would give it as much time as possible. As PP said, most stomach viruses don't last long, and she probably is at the end of it. Though they feel weak initially, they usually snap back pretty quickly once they start eating again. If she is no longer vomiting, she probably isn't contagious any more. If she is vomiting, then you have your answer. Praying for you all, let us know what happens!!:)

Never mind...I see now that you are contagious for a few days to weeks afterward, so canceling is best. Was hoping for the best for you!!!
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong (I also have the Disney insurance for our upcoming cruise), but I believe the pre-existing condition clause is for anything that occurs before your paid in full date. Any condition that occurs between your PIF date and the cruise shouldn't count. Won't help with the flights though....

We actually had this happen with our Disney World trip last year, but no insurance. We took a short cruise on Carnival and my son started vomiting the day we disembarked. We drove to our resort at Disney, but ended up going home early--no Disney for us.

Hope everyone gets better soon!
I posted a similar thread on here about two weeks ago, except it was the flu for us. Luckily, my DS got tamiflu (as did the rest of the family), and was symptom free more than 72 hours before the cruise. I did call DCL when he first came down with the flu, and they told me that as long as he didn't have fever on boarding day, he would be allowed to board. I also did some googling, and found out that cruise lines very rarely deny boarding to sick passengers. They will most likely confine you to your room for the first 24 or 48 hours. It sounds like your little one is on the up-swing. I bet she'll be good to go by tomorrow or the next day. 24 hours of watching Disney movies and eating mickey bars in the room might do her some good. Then you can enjoy the rest of your cruise. --Katie
I guess I am the only one who thinks going to the port with a child with an active virus is extremely irresponsible??? What about the 1000's of other passengers that don't need to be exposed to a virus on day 1 of their dream vacation?

I would call DCL and explain everything. As others have stated, the pre-existing clause is for issues that exist prior to booking the cruise. Worst case is you are reimbursed for the cost of the cruise, which is not that bad. Yes, half of your vacation cost (the land portion and airfare) is lost but that is a chance all of us take on these vacations.

I hope your daughter is better this morning!
When our kids were sick we would give Pedialite(spelling?) and I think we could see them perk up as they drank it, if you find some at your resort.
We started out a couple of vacations like this. It would pass quickly and we spent the rest of the vacation happy and healthy. I would get on the ship.
GraceLuvsWDW said:
I guess I am the only one who thinks going to the port with a child with an active virus is extremely irresponsible??? What about the 1000's of other passengers that don't need to be exposed to a virus on day 1 of their dream vacation?!

No, I said if she is no longer vomiting. When I said, "if she is, you have your answer," I meant that you don't go and expose an entire ship. Sorry if that was not clear.
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(
I would also head to the ship. I agree with previous posters that being quarantined in the room would be better than giving up on the trip. Sending positive thoughts your way.

In reply about whether it's irresponsible or endangering others, I don't think it is, as long as you take reasonable precautions. Be sure both of you have clean hands, don't hug and kids strangers, wipe off things you touch with a disinfecting wash, and go straight to the cabin. It's not like you're going to have her go around salivating on everything, and passing through the terminal does not take that long, especially if you board later in the day.
DCLMOM13 said:
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(

Oh, you poor thing! I didn't see this message when I just suggested you go ahead and go. Deep breaths. Is there anyone you can call for moral support? A friend of family member to talk with? I am glad the desk is trying to help you and am praying for your child. So sorry for your troubles. Hang in there, mom. "This too shall pass."
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(

I am so sorry! I hope she gets to feeling better soon ((((hugs)))))
DCLMOM13 said:
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(

You should probably get her to he hospital if she's been doing this for 72 hours. So sorry this happened on your vacation :(

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I agree! If she's not able to keep anything down, she's more than likely dehydrated and needs IV fluids. This happened to us with our granddaughter several years at WDW albeit she was only 11 months old. Ended up at Celebration Hospital for IV fluids. It, too, was a nightmare. My son and I were both sick with same virus, my DIL and husband didn't get it. We were supposed to leave that day to come home, and I had to change our flights, find us a place to stay and rent a car! It all worked out in the end, and we got a few extra days at Disney! :)

You should probably get her to he hospital if she's been doing this for 72 hours. So sorry this happened on your vacation :(

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Oh no! You really do need to get her to a hospital, she will probably need IV fluids if she can't keep anything down. Poor thing :( sorry this has happened to you.
How old is your daughter? Do you have a Dr at home you can call? If so, they can call in an anti-nausea rx to a local pharmacy and they will deliver to your hotel if staying on property. They make a chewable imodium or even the liquid will work faster than a tablet. Also, if you get an anti nausea med such as Zofran ODT which dissolves in your mouth, she may be able to keep some fluids down. Not sure what you have to drink in the room, but try giving her small sips of Gatorade/sprite/water. Like 1 teaspoonful every few minutes. So sorry this happened!
DCLMOM13 said:
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(

In this case, you are absolutely right. I am so so sorry! I know you feel really alone, but everyone who has read your post is heartbroken for you. Just focus on getting her well, and try to get some rest. Do watch for can happen so quickly. Keep us updated!
We are not going to port. I can't risk giving this to others. Now she is vomiting and diarrhea as well. I'm stuck at the hotel. Front desk is working on it. I have barely slept in 72 hours. She can't keep Imodium down or anything. I don't even know how we are going to transfer her ANYWHERE right now. Not even to a hospital. It's that bad :(. I'm beside myself upset. I'm overtired and crying and feel really alone :(

Poor girl :( I would be getting her to a hospital, they can give her fluids and liquid gravol to help her out. This has been going on too long for her, good luck.
Not sure how old your DD is but it might be time to take her to the hospital. Kids get dehydrated quick. Also they can give her Zofran which is a wonder at the ER. Good luck and I hope she gets better soon. So sorry about the cruise.


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