PLEASE READ ME: (Wizard 101) Titles ~ OP UPDATE 10/2!

Wizard: Mark DragonRider
Dis: Blackfaer
VMK: BlackHatFaer

School: Life
Was expecting balance since that's what I got on the quiz thing, but got Life instead.
I also signed up on the first day, I never got an Email so I inquired and they said based on the DirectX file I sent in my computer would not be a good system to beta test (laptop with a crappy vid card and Vista)
So I tried to register again with Docs brand new computers DirectX file and about 4 days later got my acceptance (yesterday)

So A, you maybe could try sending in the file from another computer??? and then just install it on yours once you get the letter.

You know what, I didnt send them one. I did it from a vista computer. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Thanks, maybe they dont hate me...

Which school?

I'm in myth school. So after the smiths quest begins who do I go get another quest from? I feel there is just nothing like running around the place like a chicken with it's head cut off! Of course last night I was in good company! Everyone was doing it too.:rotfl2:
...WIZARD ~ DIS ~ VMK...
...* Robert IceCaster (Ice) ~ BobRichmond ~ Corianders Toy...
...* _______________(___) ~ Aengus ~ Aengus...
...* Sophia Wintercoin (Myth) ~ Peri ~...
I was (CL_)OutOfMyMind in VMK.

Aengus should choose TooSlowToDance for Wizards.:lmao:

Peri was also Peri in VMK.
...Right now my character is on the smith's quest. I assume some of them are behind locked gates?;)...
All of them, except for the one in the Commons, are behind lock gates at the beginning of the game.

Also most of the books of Knowledge are with the bosses in the different areas. Even though you don't have to beat the boss in every case to get them, you do have to have have entrance to the bosses tower.
...You know what, I didnt send them one. I did it from a vista computer. I wonder if that has anything to do with it...
...Thanks, maybe they dont hate me...YET!...
That might be the reason. Might also had been the reason Chedstro had to "poke" her daughter to get her on. You might try sending a friendly EMail with it attached, as I know they do keep that file on record for troubleshooting assistence.

Give then time Grasshopper and they will learn to "hate" you too.
...after the smiths quest begins who do I go get another quest from?...
If you look on the right margin near the bottom of your game screen there may be a bubble with a NPC picture in it that will, when clicked, prompt you on what to do next. Failing that I would suggest seeing the Headmaster (Merle Ambrose / walled house next to Shopping District tunnel / Commons).
I'm Victoria IceRider from the School of Ice, currently level 5 apprentice
Used to be CL_Talons in VMK :thumbsup2
Kristen Rosepedal (VMK=CloiePooh)
School of Ice.
Currently lvl 8 apprentice
If anyone needs help pm me we can meet up in game
If you look on the right margin near the bottom of your game screen there may be a bubble with a NPC picture in it that will, when clicked, prompt you on what to do next. Failing that I would suggest seeing the Headmaster (Merle Ambrose / walled house next to Shopping District tunnel / Commons).
That was going to be my next move!:) I figured he would know something if anyone did. lol Thanks!
The more I play the more addicted I am becoming.
At first I really didn't care for it (still holding all games against the bar set by VMK I suppose), but now I am finding I really seem to like it.

Will (AliasSpike) and I played for 4.5 hours last night. We were surprised to see it was so late.

I hope that the attraction continues. I am 20k away from level 40 on pirates, so then what do I do? Start another character who can't even teleport to Tortuga? I think not. :D

Small Worlds I like as well, but I was never into the social thing as much as other ppl. The building feature is nice and I love having a little Milo following me around.

But at the end of the day, no matter what game I have turned to for the day, I will am devastated that VMK is truly gone forever.
Aengus, I had the same Vista issue. When I sent my friendly little email, I included the information that I was running Vista just in case that was the issue. The return email expressed delight as they are trying to get more Vista users in for the beta test since we have unique issues and they want to try to find them.
I'm on XP, not Vista. Still no email.

I'm feel as neglected as Aengus. ;)
I finally got approved and started playing. I forget what my name is, but will post. I need help badly. I have NO idea what I'm doing LOL
You know what, I didnt send them one. I did it from a vista computer. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Thanks, maybe they dont hate me...


How could anyone hate you? :) I'm not sre if Vista has anything to do with it. I also have Vista and we were approved today :confused3
How could anyone hate you? :)

Want a list?

I was (CL_)OutOfMyMind in VMK.

Peri was also Peri in VMK.

1) OK, duh! I so knew that. This is what I get for doing these things in the middle of the night!:laughing:

2) Thanks for letting me know about Peri & and for the Alphabetizing!!:)
Quick check-in!


I'll be at Bartleby today at 5pm (PDT). I still need a lot of you on my list. I hope you can make it. I'm not sure of my plans for tonight but, for as long as I am on the game tonight, I will check the tree every 1/2 hour to see if anyone else is there.

Also, I have 2 big things (Grubb & another) I'm stuck on right now and could use some higher level people to help. Right now, I'm Level 19 Journeyman Conjurer and still stuck....LOL!


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