Podcast cruisers....I need your help!


DIS Veteran
Dec 29, 2008
A colleague and I are conducting some research for which EVERYONE going on PCC 2.0 would be PERFECT! Basically - as long as you'll be meeting (a simple conversation will do) just one person on the cruise whom you (1) have communicated with on the Boards and (2) have never met in person before....you're eligible to participate.

We could really use your help...all 700+ of you! Please follow the link below - it shouldn't take very long. :worship:

I've posted the official recruitment message with all necessary info below.

- Dave

(The following message has been approved by Corey Martin, President of DISboards.com)

Hello DISboards members! Have you ever wondered what happens when people who have formed online relationships meet up offline? We are researchers from Western Illinois University who have wondered the same thing. If you are planning to meet up with someone you have met on www.disboards.com sometime in the next six months we hope that you will consider participating in our study.

Participation will occur in two phases. The first phase requires you to click on the link below and complete a short survey. Later, after you meet up with someone from the DISboards offline, we will email you a second survey. Each survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate your help!

If you have any questions concerning this study at any time please contact us at ComResearcher@gmail.com

Please follow this link to the survey: http://OnlinetoOffline.questionpro.com

Thank you,
Dr. Bree McEwan
Dept. of Communication
Western Illinois University

David Zanolla, M. A.
Dept. of Communication
Western Illinois University
We still need at least 75 more participants....please, if you haven't taken the survey yet, it won't take long and you're all PERFECT for it!

- D
We could still REALLY use some more people to fill out the survey. Remember - if you're going to talk with just ONE person on the cruise with whom you have replied/chatted/talked with on the boards....you're perfect for this study.

Please help!
Hi everyone....this is my last appeal; PLEASE take a few minutes to help us out with this survey. It would be greatly appreciated.

- D
I finally filled in the form.

Because i didn't have anybody specific in mind i wasn't going to participate but i just filled in the form because i will meet all kinds of new people i have never met irl so afterwards it must be easy to participate in part II.


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