Podcasts you listen to while running


Earning My Ears
Mar 18, 2015
Hello everyone,

I am still new to this board, so I apologize if I am bringing up something that has been talked about. I recently transitioned from listening to music to podcasts while I run. I never thought I would be able to do that, but it has been pretty nice. I recently finished Serial and I am looking for a new podcast(s) to add to my rotation.

I think I am going to add the DIS Unplugged but was curious if anyone else had some suggestions?

Running related podcasts that I enjoy are RunRunLive, Dirt Dawg's Running Diatribe, Two Gomers Run for their Lives and Running in the Center of the Universe all available on itunes. A couple of older podcasts that still have past episodes available but no new episodes are Running with the Pack and Geeks and Running Shoes. Other podcasts I enjoy are Car Talk and if you listened to Serial you're probably familiar with This American Life. Disney related I like WDW Prep to Go. Hope this helps.
I like the Mickey Miles Podcast. They talk about all the runDisney races as well as some other races. The only negative with this podcast is that, at times, some mics may be louder than others so it can be hard to find a good medium volume wise. I enjoy it though because listening to them talk about runDisney races always motivates me to keep training and not give up.
There's a good selection of Disney/theme park podcasts at micechat.com. I also like the Disney Food Blog podcasts available on their site or iTunes. If you're not easily offended and like comedy, I'd recommend The Black Guy Who Tips, How Was Your Week by Julie Klausner, or the Mike O'Meara Show. (All on iTunes.)
I like the Mickey Miles Podcast. They talk about all the runDisney races as well as some other races. The only negative with this podcast is that, at times, some mics may be louder than others so it can be hard to find a good medium volume wise. I enjoy it though because listening to them talk about runDisney races always motivates me to keep training and not give up.
So I'm not the only one who thinks Mike is hard to hear at times.
So I'm not the only one who thinks Mike is hard to hear at times.

Same here. The times that Mike and Michelle are good to hear the phone in guests are not or vise versa. They do have topics I like listening to.
I love comedy podcasts, although sometimes I think I must look like an idiot while I laugh and run at the same time!

Doug Loves Movies is a personal favorite, as they're usually about 50-60 minutes long and move along nicely. Dead Author's Podcast is great as well. Nerdist can be really good, if you click with the person/s he's interviewing. How Did This Get Made and Comedy Bang Bang are good for longer runs.
For non-Disney podcasts I love This American Life and Fresh Air. They're general interest, and I find This American Life's length to be great for a run (about an hour).
Thank you for all of the great responses everyone! I am excited to get some new podcasts into my rotation!
Not sure that mine have much broad appeal, but I like to use some of my runs to listen to Freakonomics, EconTalk and Planet Money. Think they're all pretty good if there is anyone else out there who might like to hear stories/discussions around economics while they run...

I will note that I listen to these on my more moderate runs than on true training runs; I cannot listen to these and run fast. As I have a tendency to run faster than necessary on maintenance runs, these are great for keeping me in check while allowing me to learn something in the process.
RadioLab is pretty awesome (it's from NPR, I believe). Also - if you followed "Serial", a new podcast from lawyers researching the case called "Undisclosed" just started today and is pretty interesting!

I second anything produced by Freakonomics.
@Keels thanks for the "Undisclosed" recommendation!!

I've listened to "Serial" (which I thought was awesome) and "Mickey Miles" (which I thought was okay). Love all these recommendations!
How Did This Get Made and Comedy Bang Bang are good for longer runs.
Always glad to see another Earwolf fan :)

My favorite Disney podcasts are pretty common ones: WDW Today, Be Our Guest, and WEDWay Radio. I like MouseChat too.
RadioLab is pretty awesome (it's from NPR, I believe). Also - if you followed "Serial", a new podcast from lawyers researching the case called "Undisclosed" just started today and is pretty interesting!

I second anything produced by Freakonomics.

I heard about Undisclosed - I'll have to check that one out!
I listen to ESPN Fantasy Focus Football podcast. As Castle2castle noted, I too do not run as fast listening to a podcast as I do when listening to music. The beats per minute of faster paced songs get me running with a faster cadence.
Wdw Today, Disney Hipsters, Radio Harambe and the Disney Dish with Jim Hill are my absolute favs! Great for long runs!
For non-Disney listeners, I've recently started enjoying TEDTalks converted for radio (NPR I think) on my slower/moderate runs. They're about 53 minutes long with a mix of 3-4 snippets of presentations on a related subject. It's been fun afterward to look up the speakers and watch the entirety of some of their talks.


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