Pop, Pop, Poppity-Pop! A November 2014 trip report

It looks like you all are having so much fun--even if it is the last day. The girls and their cousin are too adorable! I love your pics on 7 dwarfs. You look so happy!
Oh I've spent the rainy afternoon reading your report. Trust me when I say I HATE flying too. I work myself up into such a frenzy that my last flight the flight attendant was worried I was having a panic attack and kept talking to the pilot about me:( Most of us are driving for our 1st trip to WDW. Your report actually made me talk with our TA about BOG. We decided to try for it at dinner. I'm also skipping Chef Mikey's. Oh how I loved the BBB hair. Maybe have to get some Pinterest ideas before I come. I've also told myself I'm going to learn to sew!
We aren't very sensitive to cold after living in Wisconsin for so many years. :) We are much more sensitive to heat.

i can totally relate! even the CM in the picture has a coat! sorry my mind is just BLOWN about these jackets!!!

I know! I want to put that one in a frame just for laughs.

I would!!! I have the picture i put Mike W signature over my face in a frame! it's just funny...

Thank you! Coming from you that means a lot! I think you inspire a lot of people here on the DIS!

awww! thanks!!! always try to have a good time. Your trip is really making am impact on mine!!! I didn't know if you wanted me to specifically name you in my PTR but there are several references to you already in there!!! :hug:

Your report actually made me talk with our TA about BOG.

Your niece is ADORABLE! so sweet all the girls together! and not wanting to leave your girls is just priceless!!! the pictures on IASW are touching! so cute!!!

Holy bananas your SIL is carrying a LOT of bags! i hope her back is OK! LOL
you can totally tell they are Brother and Sister! Fantastic you were able to meet up with family on your last day makes your last day that much more special and MAGICAL!!!
Aww, so cute that Lizzie didn't want to leave her cousins! Such cute pics on IASW.

I love both sets of ride photos, so much joy on everyone's faces!

I know! I thought it was so sweet! She is a darling little girl. She melts everyone's hearts when they meet her.

Adorable picture of the mine ride! I love that they got to enjoy the day with their cousin. It's precious. Can't wait to see what you do next!:flower:

We were so glad we could overlap at least one day!

So much fun to be in Disney with Cousins!

They loved it so much.

It looks like you all are having so much fun--even if it is the last day. The girls and their cousin are too adorable! I love your pics on 7 dwarfs. You look so happy!

We were. It was a perfect last day.

Oh I've spent the rainy afternoon reading your report. Trust me when I say I HATE flying too. I work myself up into such a frenzy that my last flight the flight attendant was worried I was having a panic attack and kept talking to the pilot about me:( Most of us are driving for our 1st trip to WDW. Your report actually made me talk with our TA about BOG. We decided to try for it at dinner. I'm also skipping Chef Mikey's. Oh how I loved the BBB hair. Maybe have to get some Pinterest ideas before I come. I've also told myself I'm going to learn to sew!

I really wish someone would invent floo powder for real... or beaming from one place to another. :)
Yes. Pinterest is full of ideas!! I have way too many pins. If you have seen the pin with the little person sitting at a computer saying "Must pin all the things!" That's me. :rotfl:
And you should learn to sew! It's fun!

i can totally relate! even the CM in the picture has a coat! sorry my mind is just BLOWN about these jackets!!!

Yep. It was crazy.

[/QUOTE]I would!!! I have the picture i put Mike W signature over my face in a frame! it's just funny...

awww! thanks!!! always try to have a good time. Your trip is really making am impact on mine!!! I didn't know if you wanted me to specifically name you in my PTR but there are several references to you already in there!!! :hug:[/QUOTE]

Thanks! That seriously makes me feel so good! I don't mind if you name me.

[/QUOTE]Your niece is ADORABLE! so sweet all the girls together! and not wanting to leave your girls is just priceless!!! the pictures on IASW are touching! so cute!!!

Holy bananas your SIL is carrying a LOT of bags! i hope her back is OK! LOL
you can totally tell they are Brother and Sister! Fantastic you were able to meet up with family on your last day makes your last day that much more special and MAGICAL!!![/QUOTE]

She is such a sweetheart!
I know! That made me laugh becuase that is exactly what I thought when I saw her. I still have no idea what all was in there!
After seeing Daisy we went to meet Minnie.










At this point I took Maddy out because she was getting a bit cranky.

I sat on a bench with her in the stroller next to me and let her have the popcorn bucket. I told her to eat half and save the other half for Abi.



I annoyed her by taking tons of pictures and trying out things on my phone's camera like the fish-eye.



At about this time I checked the popcorn and realized that while she is usually a pretty slow eater, this time she had not been and the whole thing was practically gone already! Little stinker.
I told Abi when she came out that I would get her own later.


While Doug, Melinda, Abigail, and Lizzie were still in the circus area they met Donald.









And then they said hi to Goofy.






I don't know how it usually is in here.
It was a pretty low crowd day and we visited the tent around 10/10:30 but we were pretty much the only people in there.
We had no wait at any of the characters.
And our interactions were great. They spent a lot more time with the girls than they were able to at Chef Mickey's and of course, Daisy wasn't at CM.
So I think in the future we will always go to meet Mickey in town hall and then these guys in here.
Of course, I am not betting we will have this good of luck with being the only ones in there... but maybe if you went first thing when it opened.
Doug had been telling Melinda about how much we loved Be Our Guest but how hard it is to get in.

She said she wished they could try it out.

And then Doug decided he would run over and try to get in line to see if it was possible to get in for lunch again.

I didn't think he would be able to.

Melinda went off to do some things with Lizzie.

And while Doug got in line I took the girls to use our next fast pass to meet Rapunzel.

We didn't get to meet her on our last trip and so she was a must this trip!

And Maddy was in her Rapunzel shirt/dress, Abi had her princess tee shirt on that has Rapunzel on it, and they both were wearing Rapunzel hairclips.

She had a huge line even in the fast pass area but we were back in about 10-15 minutes.

It was a great meet. One of our favorites.

The first thing she said was to Maddy,

"I love your dress! Did Pascal make that for you?"



Then she turned to Abi and said, "Your hair is glowing! You must have magic hair like me!"
Then she touched Abi's hair clip and said, "Oh. Wait. No. It's my hair!"



Then she said that her hair on the clip was much curlier than her hair really is. She said, "If my hair was that curly it would be so hard to braid!"
Then she told them a story about how she went swimming with Merida and braided Merida's hair for her before they got in the water. She said it was the biggest braid ever and looked so funny.



They loved meeting her!


Then we got to meet Cinderella again.
She was the best Cinderella of our trip.
She asked the girls if their curfew was midnight too.
Maddy talked to her about pumpkin her dog (from Princess Palace Pets) and she told Maddy all about Pumpkin. This made Maddy so happy.











She made them feel really special.


how funny popcorn terminator!!
how did she like meeting all the characters? i see is was her fist time in disney???
ohhhhhhhhh i am hoping your getting BOG!!!!

love all the pictures! cute Rapunzel was a hit and Cinderella was the best!!!
Such great character meets! We went in the circus tent to meet everyone at about the same time of day but in September. We waited for about 20 minutes to see Donald and goofy and then had to wait through a break and about 15 minutes to see Minnie and daisy. If say you had some awesome pixie dust there! Of course, i'd wait again because part of the reason it took so long was because there was such great interactions and no rushing.

I'm not surprised maddy's ate all the popcorn. I'm always surprised how hungry we get there. All that walking and rides and magic need fuel! Lol! I thought she was looking a little out of sorts in the last meet picture.
how funny popcorn terminator!!
how did she like meeting all the characters? i see is was her fist time in disney???
ohhhhhhhhh i am hoping your getting BOG!!!!

love all the pictures! cute Rapunzel was a hit and Cinderella was the best!!!

Lizzie was a little apprehensive at first but then once she watched Abi and Maddy with them she started to warm up and pretty soon she was loving it.

Aww sounds like 2 great princess meets! I'm glad they were so memorable :)

They were so fun!

I just hope we get this lucky! :thumbsup2

I hope you do too! I was really surprised but I think it was early enough that a lot of people were probably still going for the main attractions.

Such great character meets! We went in the circus tent to meet everyone at about the same time of day but in September. We waited for about 20 minutes to see Donald and goofy and then had to wait through a break and about 15 minutes to see Minnie and daisy. If say you had some awesome pixie dust there! Of course, i'd wait again because part of the reason it took so long was because there was such great interactions and no rushing.

I'm not surprised maddy's ate all the popcorn. I'm always surprised how hungry we get there. All that walking and rides and magic need fuel! Lol! I thought she was looking a little out of sorts in the last meet picture.

Yeah. I would wait there if I had to. It was a much better meet than Chef Mickey's. So I think it is a good place to do it.
While we were in line for Rapunzel and Cinderella Doug texted me and told me to get back over to Be Our Guest as quickly as we could.

He also texted Melinda to come back over.

So, as soon as we were done with our meet we went straight there.

It turned out that when Doug went to get in line the cast member was turning away people saying there was no way you would get in unless you wanted to wait in line until about 1 and maybe still not get in. They even had the main line area roped off I guess.

We couldn't wait that long but Doug decided to stick around a little bit longer just in case. He just kind of hung out by the rope area and talked to the cast members.

The line started to get smaller faster than they expected and they said to Doug and a few other people go ahead, get in line.

By the time we got over to meet him Melinda and Lizzie were already there (her family were still doing the things the boys wanted to do so it would just be the two of them with us again) and they were partway down the bridge.

The girls were excited to see her again and we all settled in for our wait.






After about 5-10 minutes we were getting a little closer to the end of the bridge.





There was a little Ring around the Rosy going on.



I was worried that the girls would not be happy about such a long wait when they were hungry but they were all having a great time and it didn't bother them a bit.



At about 20 minutes we were here...


And about 5-10 minutes later....
We were getting in!
Woo hoo!



Continued in next post...
We had 2 adult counter service meals left but a few snacks.

So, since Doug had found out that you could get the french onion soup with a snack credit, he said that is what he wanted to get for lunch and that Abi should use one of the snack credits since she wanted the sandwich that I had ordered our last time here.

We got up to the kiosks and ordered and then went to sit down.


This time we sat in the room that we called the Music Box Room.
We were excited that not only did we get to eat here again but that we would have eaten in all 3 rooms.




Abi got the turkey sandwich and fries and a Sprite for her drink.
For her dessert she got an eclair but she was too full for it so Doug ate that.


I got the braised pork that my parents and Doug had ordered on our last lunch and I loved it. It was so good. And I thought it was mashed potatoes with it but someone told me it was actually mashed cauliflower. It was delicious.
I got a Diet coke to drink and the wonderful Master's cupcake for dessert.


Melinda got a sandwich and fries and Lizzie got the tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich.



Huge sandwich! (and, no, she couldn't eat the whole thing.)


Maddy only wanted fries and a Sprite so that's what we got her.
I know. Not a great lunch. Oh well.
We were able to use 2 snack credits for this.


Doug loved his soup!


It was so much fun to eat here again and just hang out together for awhile.


Before we left I walked around the room taking some pictures of my favorite paintings on the walls.




Soon we had full bellies and had rested enough. It was time to get back out to the park.
Goodbye Be Our Guest!
We will miss you.



SCORE!!!! SO happy for you guys and YES everything looked scrumptious!!!! I do LOVE the onion soup! did you try it? DELIGHTFUL! Sorry i was not a fan of the pork.. WAY too much fat on it for me.. BUT the meat i did find was good! So glad you were able to spend more time with your SIL and Lizzie! She just looks adorable! so fun to see pictures of all the girls playing with each other.. the one with Maddy and Lizzie 'talking" looks like they are in DEEP conversation!!!

oh oh and the picture of your SIL with Lizzie on her shoulders + cross body bag + backpack! My back hurts for her!!! HA HA
the picture with Abi alone in BOG her eyes are SO BEAUTIFUL! you have gorgeous girls my friend!!! you will be TROUBLE in a couple of years! Thankfully you have the dis to come to and complain about it like i do HA HA HA HA!!!
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All caught up! How fun to meet up with your family. The girls look thrilled to have their little cousin with them. :)
So awesome that you got to eat at BOG a third time AND got to sit in all three rooms! Looks like a lovely time :)

YES! It was so awesome!

I love the music box room! It's my favorite!

It is a really pretty room.


SCORE!!!! SO happy for you guys and YES everything looked scrumptious!!!! I do LOVE the onion soup! did you try it? DELIGHTFUL! Sorry i was not a fan of the pork.. WAY too much fat on it for me.. BUT the meat i did find was good! So glad you were able to spend more time with your SIL and Lizzie! She just looks adorable! so fun to see pictures of all the girls playing with each other.. the one with Maddy and Lizzie 'talking" looks like they are in DEEP conversation!!!

oh oh and the picture of your SIL with Lizzie on her shoulders + cross body bag + backpack! My back hurts for her!!! HA HA
the picture with Abi alone in BOG her eyes are SO BEAUTIFUL! you have gorgeous girls my friend!!! you will be TROUBLE in a couple of years! Thankfully you have the dis to come to and complain about it like i do HA HA HA HA!!!

We were SO excited! Yes. I am not even a fan of onions and it is good.
I know! She is wonder woman. Always carrying a million things!
Thanks! I think they are beautiful but I know I am biased! :) I am NOT ready for the boys. I already have caught some older boys checking Abi out a few times and it freaks me out.

All caught up! How fun to meet up with your family. The girls look thrilled to have their little cousin with them. :)

They were SO happy to spend time with her!


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