POPpers are back from POP 9/29-10/6 and made GREAT friends!Chat until next trip!! Part 4

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Happy 4th everyone!!!!

I am feeling better today. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and the hives are almost completely gone. Thank goodness. Ryan was in a fishing derby this morning and now we are just kicking back and waiting for fireworks. My brother is going to BBQ (see Lori, we do that here too! :laughing:) Tomorrow we are getting up at the butt crack of dawn and going fishing. We are taking my grandma with us so that should be interesting. She has not gone since my grandpa died, so it will be good for her to go.
Stay safe tonight if you guys drive around. There are lots of crazy people out there!
Morning everyone! We've had a busy morning already and it's sooo hot outside! blahhhh....

Hope you all had a great 4th!! :hug:
Hope everyone had a great 4th ! We had a great but very LONG day ! Today I am at home trying to get laundry done.
Hi peeps.. still here... sorry if I have not been chatty lately.... I thought I had my umbrella and when I check it is really there... but the black rain cloud is persistent and is over me... as soon as the bad weather is gone I promise to bounce back and be my regular 'ole self again...:confused3
Here is my 4th of July Self Portrait ! We had a good time playing with the camera and sparklers after dark !

Morning -

We had a nice 4th....small party with friends, fireworks at the lake.

Grace had her surgery yesterday - What a trooper!!!! She did great! She woke up a few times last night in a lot of pain, but overall pretty good. Let's see, yesterday we watched Aladdin, High School Musical - the concert, Peter Pan, Return of Jafar, Ice Princess and Aristocats, I wonder what today will bring:)

Timmy:grouphug: :love:

Tia - Glad you're better...but wowsa...you sure do know how to start a vacation!
Hi peeps.. still here... sorry if I have not been chatty lately.... I thought I had my umbrella and when I check it is really there... but the black rain cloud is persistent and is over me... as soon as the bad weather is gone I promise to bounce back and be my regular 'ole self again...:confused3
:hug: :hug: Timmy!!! :hug: :hug: Let me know if you need to chat.
Here is my 4th of July Self Portrait ! We had a good time playing with the camera and sparklers after dark !

That is cool!!! the self portrait is pretty accurate too! :rotfl2: ;) :hug: All over the place, zany, and crazy! :dance3:
Morning -

We had a nice 4th....small party with friends, fireworks at the lake.

Grace had her surgery yesterday - What a trooper!!!! She did great! She woke up a few times last night in a lot of pain, but overall pretty good. Let's see, yesterday we watched Aladdin, High School Musical - the concert, Peter Pan, Return of Jafar, Ice Princess and Aristocats, I wonder what today will bring:)

Timmy:grouphug: :love:

Tia - Glad you're better...but wowsa...you sure do know how to start a vacation!
I am glad to hear Grace is doing ok. It's never easy when our babies have to go through something like that!!!
My hands still kill me in the morning. They are swollen and itchy and red. Then I take my meds and they start to feel better. But I still can't wear my wedding ring. AND they were so swollen I have old lady wrinkles on the underside of my fingers. :sad2:

Morning everyone :) Hope you all are having a happy friiiday!!!!
Gotta love the start of the weekend!
:cheer2: Happy Friday to you too!
Good Morning!

Timmy- :flower3:

Chris- I hope Grace gets better soon!

Lori- Cool pic!

Morning! :yay:
So much for doing better.....she's thrown up 3 times today. It's all phlem - gross thick green phlem.

I've called the doctor & I'm waiting for a call back.

she's asleep thank god for right now
Awww Chris - hopefully she will feel better soon ! Let us know what the Dr says !
So much for doing better.....she's thrown up 3 times today. It's all phlem - gross thick green phlem.

I've called the doctor & I'm waiting for a call back.

she's asleep thank god for right now

Yikes!!! That sucks. I hope she gets to feeling better soon!!!
HI ALL!!! Checking in...

Summer so far...






Brother's wedding (that's me and jul):

Jul with a stingray:

Don't know why some pics came out big and some came out little.:confused3 Oh well!

Have a good one!! :hippie:
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